Importance of SQLite in iPhone Application Development - iphone

I am in iPhone Application Development since last few months only..
So, I have working with some applications, and in all of the applications i used to follow the SOAP web service methods to get the data in my applications.
I have heard something on SQLite, but have lots of confusion regarding important of it.
So, if anybody can explain or just give me a hint regarding on SQLite will highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance...

SQLite is a database if you want to have data stored you can use it. You use web service because the data is not stored locally. SQLite allows you to store data locally.

In a nutshell SQLite is a library used to provide local database access to your iPhone app.


I need to make an small app with the the database stored in the app or on the server

Just for the trial purpose i want to make an app for my iphone/iPad which can use a sqlite database locally or on a server. So how should i do this??? How should i get and post the data back and forth. I know its a lot to ask in a single question but if there is any link or tutorial you can provide me with, that would be great.
There are pretty good tutorials available to learn about sqlite & iphone programming,
I suggest these...

objective-c iphone programming : remote connection database iphone

i simply want to make an iphone application with a remote database. For exemple facebook iphone application, they have all access to a huge database. Are they using Mysql ? Because i heard that mysql is not secure through iphone and app store may reject it. Can someone help me figure out whats the best to use.
What all those apps are probably using is a RESTful web service endpoint that is in turn backed by a large database. There are a lot of libraries for creating web services regarding of what application stack you're using.
If you're using MySQL, you'd write a Python/Ruby/Whatever-you-choose backend component which actually connects to a MySQL instance, then reformat the results as a web-service endpoint. SOAP can work if need be, or (in my opinion) a better option would be to write a simple JSON service that your iPhone app can parse. There are lots of JSON/WS iOS libraries that are a google query away.
Apple will not be bothered what database you are use remotely (will be accessed through defined API's).

Export/import/sync iphone data app with Google Docs - where to begin?

I have an app which saves some data on a sqlite DB. Basically, I have some notes (textual data) with other info associated with them (tags, date, etc.).
I would export/import these data to/from a Google Docs account or sync them with it.
Where to begin? Have you some suggestions/links?
Moreover, is there a way to hold these relations between a note with its other attributes? Maybe with xml?
Thank you,
There are few thing I would do
See some tutorials or code for SQLite, Web Service, Google API's
Design Server and Local database to support for the Sync.
Check Google API's and integration with iPhone SDK some tutorial

iphone core data synchronization with ruby on rails

How do you suggest to a noob (in Obj c and ROR haha, I got some apps on both going but not very complex..)
to go about getting my next project to synchronise,
I have an app in the iphone that uses coredata to store the info (using one to many relationship), working,
but I need to sync it to a ROR web app, so the user can send data from iphone to ROR and viceverza, and that if the user is offline (not connected to server,) when goes back again online, the data created or modified can be updated to or from the server,,,
I've checked the objective resource group, but to my dismay, is still a bit difficult (I have it running connected to the server but not stand alone)
what other option can I use?
is there a project that is on to this?? (high hopes!!)
thank you so much!
Try RestKit, it supports integration of Rails, Core Data and Three20, It hase many other features. A nice tutorial can be found here.

Core Data: Is it possible to build a desktop app to create the data model for an iPhone app with Core Data?

I'm currently in the process of deciding whether or not to use Core Data for managing the data in my iphone application.
The application involves putting together a fairly sizeable library of content which needs to be localised and has a fair few relationships. One benefit I thought of using core data would be that I could perhaps build a desktop client for managing the data of the application, then package the resulting file with the iPhone app to use as its content database.
With my fairly limited knowledge of Core Data I wanted to know if this is possible? Are their any best-practices people can point me in the direction of?
This is basically a dupe of this question:
Provide Base Data for Core Data Application?
Short answer is - YES. I've done it, Apple does it. Works well.
Core Data defines the interface for interacting with the database, not the storage itself. You can use XML, Binary, or SQLite as the storage file. If you want a quick-and-dirty solution, you could use a basic SQLite application such as Menial's Bases to create a database. You can then add this to your XCode project for use by the iPhone. If you intend for the desktop client to be used by your iPhone customers, you can can use much of the same Core Data code from your iPhone project.
Core Data is now included starting a SDK 3.0.