getting started with vim scripting with perl - perl

I'd like to create a vim function/command to insert an XSD style timestamp. Currently, I use the following in my vimrc file:
nmap <F5> a<C-R>=strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S-07:00")<CR><Esc>
I'd like to use the Perl code:
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::XSD;
print DateTime->now(formatter => 'DateTime::Format::XSD', time_zone => 'America/Phoenix');
But I don't know where to start. I'm aware that I can define a function that uses Perl. Example:
function PerlTest()
perl << EOF
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::XSD;
print DateTime->now(formatter => 'DateTime::Format::XSD', time_zone => 'America/Phoenix');
But when I changed my vimrc to the following, I didn't get what I expected:
nmap <F5> a<C-R>=PerlTest()<CR><Esc>
Could someone point me in the right direction for implementing this? This is the first time I've tried to write functions in vim. Also, I'm using vim 7.2 compiled with perl support.

First off, you'll want to take a look at :help if_perl for the general information about using Perl from within Vim.
For this specific question, I don't think the same approach of entering insert mode and evaluating an expression is the best option. It doesn't look like the language bindings have a way to return a value like that.
What you can do instead is to have the function get the current line, put the time string at the appropriate place, and set the current line again.
fun! PerlTest()
perl << EOF
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::XSD;
my ($row, $col) = $curwin->Cursor();
my ($line) = $curbuf->Get($row);
substr($line, $col + 1, 0,
DateTime->now(formatter => 'DateTime::Format::XSD',
time_zone => 'America/Phoenix'));
$curbuf->Set($row, $line);
Then your map would simply be nnoremap <F5> :call PerlTest()<CR>.
One issue I've noticed with the above is that it doesn't work well if the line contains characters where 1 byte != 1 column (i.e., tabs, multi-byte characters, etc.). I've played with various ways of trying to fix that, but none of them seem to work very well.
The problem is that there's no easy way to map from Vim's cursor position to a position in the string that represents the cursor's current line.
A different approach, which avoids this problem, is to just use the Perl interface to get the data and then paste the data from Vim.
fun! PerlTest()
let a_reg = getreg('a', '1')
let a_reg_type = getregtype('a')
perl << EOF
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::XSD;
my $date = DateTime->now(formatter => 'DateTime::Format::XSD',
time_zone => 'America/Phoenix');
VIM::Eval("setreg('a', '$date', 'c')");
normal "ap
call setreg('a', a_reg, a_reg_type)
nnoremap <F5> :call PerlTest()<CR>

If you're happy with running an external Perl script you can try this:
:map <F5> :let #a = system("perl")<cr>"ap
this runs the command perl (adjust depending on paths), captures its output in register #a and pastes it at cursor position.


Interpreting & modifying Perl one-liner?

I have the following Perl 'one-liner' script (found it online, so not mine):
perl -lsne '
/$today.* \[([0-9.]+)\]:.+dovecot_(?:login|plain):([^\s]+).* for (.*)/
and $sender{$2}{r}+=scalar (split / /,$3)
and $sender{$2}{i}{$1}=1;
foreach $sender(keys %sender){
printf"Recip=%05d Hosts=%03d Auth=%s\n",
scalar (keys %{$sender{$sender}{i}}),
' -- -today=$(date +%F) /var/log/exim_mainlog | sort
I've been trying to understand its innards, because I would like to modify it to re-use its functionality.
Some questions I got:
What does the flag -lsne does? (From what I know, it's got to be, at least, 3 different flags in one)
Where does $sender gets its value from?
What about that (?:login|plain) segment, are they 'variables'? (I get that's ReGex, I'm just not familiarized with it)
What I'm trying to achieve:
Get the number of emails sent by each user in a SMTP relay periodically (cron job)
If there's an irregular number of emails (say, 500 in a 1-hour timespan), do something (like shutting of the service, or send a notification)
Why I'm trying to achieve this:
Lately, someone has been using my SMTP server to send spam, so I would like to monitor email activity so they stop abusing the SMTP relay resources. (Security-related suggestions are always welcomed, but out of topic for this question. Trying to focus on the script for now)
What I'm NOT trying to achieve:
To get the script done by third-parties. (Just try and point me in the right direction, maybe an example)
So, any suggestions, guidance,and friendly comments are welcomed. I understand this may be an out-of-topic question, yet I've been struggling with this for almost a week and my background with Perl is null.
Thanks in advance.
What does the flag -lsne does? (From what I know, it's got to be, at least, 3 different flags in one)
-l causes lines of input read in to be auto-chomped, and lines of
output printed out to have "\n" auto-appended
-s enables switch
parsing. This is what creates the variable $today, because a
command-line switch of --today=$(date +%F) was passed.
-n surrounds the entire "one-liner" in a while (<>) { ... } loop.
Effectively reading every line from standard input and running the
body of the one liner on that line
-e is the switch that tells
perl to execute the following code from the command line, rather
than running a file containing Perl code
Where does $sender gets its value from?
I suspect you are confusing $sender with %sender. The code uses $sender{$2}{r} without explicitly mentioning %sender. This is a function of Perl called "auto-vivification". Basically, because we used $sender{$2}{r}, perl automatically created a variable %sender, and added a key whose name is whatever is in $2, and set the value of that key in %sender to be a reference to a new hash. It then set that new hash to have a key 'r' and a value of scalar (split / /,$3)
What about that (?:login|plain) segment, are they 'variables'? (I get that's ReGex, I'm just not familiarized with it)
It's saying that this portion of the regular expression will match either 'login' or 'plain'. The ?: at the beginning tells Perl that these parentheses are used only for clustering, not capturing. In other words, the result of this portion of the pattern match will not be stored in the $1, $2, $3, etc variables.
-MO=Deparse is your friend for understanding one-liners (and one liners that wrap into five lines on your terminal):
$ perl -MO=Deparse -lsne '/$today.* \[([0-9.]+)\]:.+dovecot_( ...
BEGIN { $/ = "\n"; $\ = "\n"; }
while ( defined($_ = <ARGV>) ) {
chomp $_;
$sender{$2}{'i'}{$1} = 1 if
/$today.* \[([0-9.]+)\]:.+dovecot_(?:login|plain):([^\s]+).* for (.*)/
and $sender{$2}{'r'} += scalar split(/ /, $3, 0);
sub END {
foreach $sender (keys %sender) {
printf "Recip=%05d Hosts=%03d Auth=%s\n",
scalar keys %{$sender{$sender}{'i'};}, $sender;
-e syntax OK
[newlines and indentation added for clarity]
What does the flag -lsne does? (From what I know, it's got to be, at least, 3 different flags in one)
You can access a summary of the available perl command line options by running '~$ perl -h' in the terminal. Below are filtered out the specific command line options you were asking about.
~$ perl -h|perl -ne 'print if /^\s+(-l|-s|-n|-e)/'
-e program one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile)
-l[octal] enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator
-n assume "while (<>) { ... }" loop around program
-s enable rudimentary parsing for switches after programfile
Two examples of the '-s' command line option in use.
~$ perl -se 'print "Todays date is $today\n"' -- -today=`date +%F`
Todays date is 2016-10-17
~$ perl -se 'print "The sky is $color.\n"' -- -color='blue'
The sky is blue.
For detailed explanations of those command line options read the online documentation below.
Or run the command below from your terminal.
~$ perldoc perlrun
Unrelated to the questions of the OP, I'm aware that this is not a complete answer (added as much as I was able to at the moment), so if this post/answer violates any SO rules, the moderators should remove it. Thx.

Perl - How to output all on one line

I'm new to PERL but have picked it up rather quickly as I work in C.
My question seems simple, but for the life of me I cant find a simple answer. Basically I want to print something on the same line as user input
print "Please Enter Here: ";
my $input = <STDIN>;
chomp $input;
print " - You Entered: $input";
Please Enter Here: 123
- You Entered: 123
This is undesired as I want all of this on one line in the terminal window. At the moment it prints the second string on the line below once the user has pressed the enter key. I guess what i'm going to need to do is something with STDIN like ignore the carriage return or newline but I'm not sure.
Desired Output
Please Enter Here: 123 - You Entered: 123
I don't know why this seems to be a complicated thing to google but I just haven't fathomed it, so any help would be appreciated.
Well, this is interesting...
First, you'd have to turn off terminal echoing, using something like IO::Stty. Once you do that, you could use getc. Note that the getc perldoc page has a sample program that could be used. You can loop until you get a \n character as input.
You can also try Term::ReadKey.
I have never done this myself. I'll have to give it a try, and if I succeed, I'll post the answer.
The Program
Ended up I already had Term::ReadKey installed:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw(say);
use Term::ReadKey;
ReadMode 5; # Super Raw mode
my $string;
print "Please Enter Here: ";
while ( my $char = getc ) {
last if ord( $char ) < 32; # \r? \n? \l?
$string .= $char;
print "$char";
ReadMode 0;
say qq( - You entered "$string".);
I realized that, depending how the terminal is setup, it's hard to know exactly what is returned when you press <RETURN>. Therefore, I punted and look for any ASCII character that's before a space.
One more thing: I didn't handle what happens if the user hit a backspace, or other special characters. Instead, I simply punt which may not be what you want to do.
In the end I did:
It uses the code functions for line up and 45 indent and it works. Thanks for all the help though.

How can I have Perl take input from STDIN one character at a time?

I am somewhat a beginner at Perl (compared to people here). I know enough to be able to write programs to do many things with through the command prompt. At one point, I decided to write a command prompt game that constructed a maze and let me solve it. Besides quality graphics, the only thing that it was missing was the ability for me to use the WASD controls without pressing enter after every move I made in the maze.
To make my game work, I want to be able to have Perl take a single character as input from STDIN, without requiring me to use something to separate my input, like the default \n. How would I accomplish this?
I have tried searching for a simple answer online and in a book that I have, but I didn't seem to find anything. I tried setting $/="", but that seemed to bypass all input. I think that there may be a really simple answer to my question, but I am also afraid that it might be impossible.
Also, does $/="" actually bypass input, or does it take input so quickly that it assumes there isn't any input if I'm not already pressing the key?
IO::Prompt can be used:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Prompt;
my $key = prompt '', -1;
print "\nPressed key: $key\n";
Relevant excerpt from perldoc -v '$/' related to setting $/ = '':
The input record separator, newline by default. This influences Perl's
idea of what a "line" is. Works like awk's RS variable, including
treating empty lines as a terminator if set to the null string (an empty line cannot contain any spaces or tabs).
The shortest way to achieve your goal is to use this special construct:
$/ = \1;
This tells perl to read one character at a time. The next time you read from any stream (not just STDIN)
my $char = <STREAM>;
it will read 1 character per assignment. From perlvar "Setting $/ to a reference to an integer, scalar containing an integer, or scalar that's convertible to an integer will attempt to read records instead of lines, with the maximum record size being the referenced integer number of characters."
If you are using *nix, you will find Curses useful.
It has a getch method that does what you want.
Term::TermKey also looks like a potential solution.
IO::Prompt is no longer maintained but IO::Prompter
has a nice example (quoted from that site):
use IO::Prompter;
# This call has no automatically added options...
my $assent = prompt "Do you wish to take the test?", -yn;
use IO::Prompter [-yesno, -single, -style=>'bold'];
# These three calls all have: -yesno, -single, -style=>'bold' options
my $ready = prompt 'Are you ready to begin?';
my $prev = prompt 'Have you taken this test before?';
my $hints = prompt 'Do you want hints as we go?';
# This call has no automatically added options...
scalar prompt 'Type any key to start...', -single;

terminal: where am I?

Is there a variable or a function, which can tell me the actual position of the cursor?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use 5.012;
use Term::ReadKey;
use Term::Cap;
use POSIX;
my( $col, $row ) = GetTerminalSize();
my $termios = new POSIX::Termios;
my $ospeed = $termios->getospeed;
my $terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap { TERM => undef, OSPEED => $ospeed };
# some movement ...
# at which position (x/y) is the cursor now?
You could use curses instead. It has getcurx() and getcurx(). There is a CPAN module for it (and the libcurses-perl package in Debian or Ubuntu).
I don't think you can determine the cursor position using termcap.
The termutils manual says:
If you plan to use the relative cursor motion commands in an application program, you must know what the starting cursor position is. To do this, you must keep track of the cursor position and update the records each time anything is output to the terminal, including graphic characters.
Some terminals may support querying the position, as CSI 6 n. If supported, the position will be reported as CSI Pl;Pc R. For example
$ echo -e "\e[6n"; xxd
0000000: 1b5b 343b 3152 0a .[4;1R.
This reports the cursor as being at the 1st column of the 4th line (counting from 1).
However, this probably ought not be relied upon, as not very many terminals actually support this.
Printing ESC[6n at ANSI compatible terminals will give you the current cursor position as ESC[n;mR, where n is the row and m is the column
So try reading it with terminal escape characters. Something like that:
perl -e '$/ = "R";' -e 'print "\033[6n";my $x=<STDIN>;my($n, $m)=$x=~m/(\d+)\;(\d+)/;print "Current position: $m, $n\n";'

Is it possible to clear the terminal with Term::ReadKey?

Is there a way to do this with the Term::ReadKey-module?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use 5.012;
use Term::Screen;
say( "Hello!\n" x 5 );
sleep 2;
my $scr = Term::Screen->new();
I don't know why Term::ReadKey would provide such a feature or if it does. But, how about:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings;
*clrscr = $^O eq 'MSWin32'
? sub { system('cls') }
: sub { system('clear') };
print "Hello\n" for 1 .. 5;
sleep 2;
Not sure why you want to use Term::Readkey for clearing the screen. It definitely does not have that capability. Are you trying to use something that's part of the standard Perl installation? You can use Term::Caps which is part of the standard Perl installation. Unfortunately, it requires the Termcaps file to be on the system, and Windows doesn't have that.
use Term::Cap;
# Use eval to catch the error when TERM isn't defined or their is no
# Termcap file on the system.
my $terminal;
eval {$terminal = Term::Cap->Tgetent();};
# Use 'cl' to get the Screen Clearing sequence
if ($#) { #Most likely a Windows Terminal
system('cls'); #We really should be doing the 2 line below
# my $clear = "\e[2J"; #But, it doesn't seem to work.
# print "$clear"; #Curse You! I'll get you yet Bill Gates!
} else { #A Real Computer
my $clear = $terminal->Tputs('cl');
print "$clear";
print "All nice and squeeky clean!\n";
I tried printing the ANSI Escape sequence if it was a Windows Terminal, but it doesn't seem to work.
I hate doing system calls because there is a security risk . What if someone changed the cls command on you?
Term::Readkey does not provide this function directly, but usually the key combination to clear the screen in a Terminal is ^L (Control-L):
Form Feed (Next Page)
So, if you want to build this in to your application using that module, you can do something like this:
use Term::ReadKey;
# Perform a normal read using getc
my $key = ReadKey( 0 );
# If ^L was pressed, clear the screen
if ( ord $key == 12 ) { print "\e[2J" }
The above example uses the raw escape sequence \e[2J which clears the entire screen. You also have the following alternatives:
Clears from cursor until end of screen
Clears from cursor until end of screen
Clears from cursor to beginning of screen
Clears entire screen
Clears from cursor to end of line
Clears from cursor to end of line
Clears from cursor to start of line
Clears entire line
The escape code \e refers to ASCII character number 27:
See VT100 Escape Sequences for more information.
This should even work if you're using Windows, since apparently this works there nowadays.