How do I get Aptana to recognize .jspf files? - eclipse

How do I get Aptana to recognize .jspf files?
I'd like to have syntax highlighting for .jspf files. I'm sure there's a preference/config option or an xml file to edit, but I'm not finding it.
I assume it's similar to the eclipse process, so I'm tagging eclipse, too. If it's not, I'll remove the tag.

I hope this is what you mean but you can set your file assosiations in Eclipse usually like this (and yes, Apatana is Eclipse based so it should work the same way):
Window -> Preferences
General -> Editors -> File Associations
Select *.jspf and move or add the Aptana Editor you want to use by default.


Eclipse add custom syntax highlighting based on extension

I've recently started developing with Kivy using Eclipse. I'd like to add some basic syntax coloring for .kv file-types. I've tried googling how to do this but nothing came up. This could also be handy for other filetypes not normally recognized by eclipse.
In my case I wanted that eclipse recognize .fo (Apache FOP, a XML FileType) extensions. It means use XML editor to open .fo
I use the next steps in eclipse-kleper:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Content Types
Then in fisrt box
Text -> XML -> XML Schema File -> Add... -> *.fo (in dialog box)
If Kivy files has a known structure by editor it should work.
I hope it helps you.

Eclipse color theme does not recognize files as php

I made a custom theme for coloring php code in Eclipse 3.8. The problem is that all files on the remote server are with .x extension, not with .php extension and the theme doesn't recognize them as php files and the coloring doesn't work. Does anybody know a work around for this problem. How can i tell eclipse to read files with .x extenstions as .php files ? Thank you
Open preferences and go to General=>Editors=>File Associations. In the above list add a new entry *.x and for that entry add your php editor in the second list.
Go in your menu Window -> preferences.
Select then General -> Editors -> File associations
Add your .x extention (above) if it doesn't exist and then associate the PHP editor (underneath).

Eclipse : Run an external software in editor view

I am using Eclipse to edit almost any file that I code. But for some, I prefer to use gEdit (for instance CoffeeScript files).
I wondered if there was a way to somehow embed the UI of gEdit (or any other software) in the Editor view of Eclipse. I could use my favorite editor in an unified environment and this could also bring the richness of the Eclipse environment to those files (even if I'm well aware that most of it won't work).
But is it ever possible ? Better, is there already a plugin for that ?
Thanks for your help !
I wondered if there was a way to somehow embed the UI of gEdit (or any other software) in the Editor view of Eclipse.
No, there isn't.
However, you can execute an external editor from Eclipse.
From the main Eclipse menu, left click on Window -> Preferences.
On the Preferences dialog, left click General -> Editors -> File Associations.
For any file type, you can associate one or more editors. These editors can be external to Eclipse.
Once you've done this, you can bring up your external editor by double clicking on the module name in the Package Explorer.
After you're finished editing with an external editor, refresh the module so Eclipse knows you've made changes.
SWT allows to integrate apps using OLE. Unluckily this is obviously available only when running on Windows.
For more info, see this article by Lars Vogel.

Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up

A few days ago it was just fine. I haven't made any change to the IDE or anything else in the preferences.
Looks like random instability, but I hope I'm wrong, I don't want to go through the IDE setup again.......
Here are two screenshots to tell the story:
Before Ctrl+Shift+F (format):
After (format results):
What can I do about it?
I've tried comparing settings in another Eclipse setup that I have which has XML formatting working properly. (Window -> Preferences -> XML -> XML Files -> Editor). Also (Structured Text Editors).
It looks like "Android Common XML Editor" took over, and the above crappy formatting belongs to it.
All I had to do is right click on the XML file and choose Open With -> XML Editor.
You can revert the default editor for XML files to be the original XML Editor at Preferences / General / Editors / File Associations:

How do I make an editor the default editor for all unknown files in Eclipse?

I regularly open files of different types in Eclipse. For many types, Eclipse uses the system editor by default. I don't want this to happen. I want Eclipse to use the built-in Text Editor for unknown file types. However all I can find are options to set the default editor for a certain file type, but not for all unknown ones. Is there an option to do this?
I don't think you can do this in one swoop, however:
Windows > Preferences > General > Editors > File Association.
If you don't have a LOT of unknown file types, just type *.junk, *.punk, *.clunck and add Text Editor as the default editor.
Sadly you can't use *.* here.
This issue with file associations is something that has always annoyed me with Eclipse. It is specially frustrating if you are trying to use Eclipse to edit files that don't have a file extension because then you can't even set a editor.
I searched over the Eclipse bug database and found my exact issue there. It was first reported in 2003 and up until now there is no solution for it. If you follow the long comment track over the years you will see that there is no way of setting a default editor for unknown file types. From what I gathered the problem boils down to eclipse not looking at the content of file to try to determine the type. Instead it fully depends on the file extension.
Some people have made suggestions for fixes but again nothing has come out of that. If you search the bug tracker DB you will find a lot more bugs created around this.
A clean solution to this is finally implemented in Eclipse.
On the Preferences > General > Editors > File Association page, you can now define an editor selection strategy for unassociated file types.
There is an Eclipse plugin that overrides the default behavior of the platform and opens text file of unknown type in the plain text editor of Eclipse instead in an external editor.