Regarding ADO.Net -

I have fetched some 1000 records using data adaptor and displayed in the UI(DataGrid).
Now whenever user is changing the value in anyone of the row in the data grid, that
particular value has to be updated into database table. Currently i am dumping the entire
table again using adaptor.update. i dont want to do that...i just want to update only that can i achieve this .?? can anybody help regarding this ?

You can get and pass to adapter only changed rows by calling DataSet.GetChanges() or DataTable.GetChanges methods


Loop through database ANYLOGIC

In my model I want to loop through the database which contains multiple columns (see example) by an event. The idea behind it is that I want to create dynamic events based on the rows in the database.
But I've no clue how to iterate through a database in anylogic and also was not able to find an example of a loop with a database.
The dummycode of my problem would look something like this:
For order in orderdatabase:
Create order based on (, order.quantity, order.arrivaltime, order.deliverylocation)
Where order in the loop is every row of the database, and the value on which the creation is based based on the different column values of that specific row.
Can somebody give me a simple example of how to create such a loop for this specific problem.
Thanks in advance.
Use the database query wizard:
put your cursor into a code field
this will allow you to open the database wizard
select what you need (in your case, you want the "iterate over returned rows and do something" option
Click ok
adjust the dummy code to make it do what you want
For details and examples, check the example models and the AnyLogic help, explaining all options in detail.

How to limit fields in a KDB tick subscription request?

I have a feed of data coming from KDB via TCP. It's working well, however I'm getting columns coming over the wire that I don't need. Is it possible to filter the columns on my subscription in the u.sub statement?
No, not out of the box. What you can do is update the upd function in r.q to select the columns that you actually want, which updates your local table in the realtime database.
You'd also need to initialise the table in r.q so that it doesn't get picked up automatically from the tickerplant on .u.sub

How to programmatically create ListView based off SQLite query?

I have some code that allows the user to perform a search by selecting a few checkboxes. A sql query is then created based on what checkboxes are checked. (Up to 5 checkboxes)
The data is then queried against a sqlite data.
The issue is now how do i populate the data into a listview (not knowing how many columns there will be ahead of time (Could be anywhere from 1 to 5)
All the examples I"ve seen is where the listView is created and you know exactly how many colummns are going to be returned.
A previous posted suggested to query all the records and then use if statements to determine if the value is null then hide column.

Google Chart - DataTable inside a form

I have a table created with DataTable of Google Chart, which has a column with a drop-down list. In this way the user can set the proper value of a row.
I am working in Python and Flask and I can retrieve the request data correctly. The problem is that the table, given the amount of data, is showed in pages, each one with 20 rows. When I retrieve the request I get only those 20 rows, so I have no way to know what the user set in the other pages.
How can I get the values of all pages?
Moreover, I noticed that when I change page and then I go back, the table forgets the user changes, so I think I should be careful also to this fact.
Finally, I solved the problem by using a dictionary containing all the changes made to the table and updating the html string inside the table to keep the content updated.

Updating table content using SQLite?

Friends, here is my problem: I populate a table in Xcode using SQLite database. Here is what I want - If my table has 20 rows and all of them are populated, how to update the table if new data is saved in my SQLite database? I want the new information to overwrite the old one. How to do that in Xcode, any ideas? Thanks in advance! I am not sure if the info that I provided is enough, so let me know if you want some code or other stuff.
The key to what you're doing is in the routine you furnish for your table: cellForRowAtIndexPath. Basically, you can write that routine to furnish whatever data you want it to furnish. Once you know that your data has been updated, you can cause the entire table to refresh with a call to reloadData.