Multilevel Approval Workflow Using Sharepoint Designer - workflow

I need to create a multilevel Approval Workflow for following scenario:
Workflow starts once item is created employee (Say in a ProductList) for certain Amount.
Manager Approves the workflow.
If Amount is < $5000, email goes to Employee as approved.
If Amount is > $5000, further approval is required. Item goes for further approval to VP and then CEO.
I am getting many examples on workflow, most of the examples are sending just an email based on condition. I need sending for further approval based on condition.

Create a list with the following columns
a. Product Name (Text box)
b. Price(Text box)
c. Mgr approval (choice)
d. Final approval(Choice)
Hide column c & d using JavaScript when user enter the value
a Create a workflow in item created for sending mail to manager
Show the column c using JavaScript or the manager
Create another workflow for send mail to final approval on item edited event after checking following conditions
a. Amount >5000
b. Mgrapproval (c) status is approved
Show the column d using JavaScript for the final approval
You can use simple JavaScript if the mgrapprover and final approver does not change. If these values are dynamic it is better to create a webpart for generating JavaScript by checking the login user group.

I would do the following:
Create a list with your approval items in it
Create an approval request as you have done
Check whether the amount >= 5000
If it is ask for approval from the VP and CEO (follow the same steps as you do for step 1 but this time using VP and CEO prefixes for your variables and collection tasks).
If possible, I'd also reference external lists for the amount to check at, and for the VP and CEO names - so that you dont have to redeploy the workflows when the amount changes or the VP/CEO change.
Theres a good write up of a similar multiple approval SP workflow scenario here
As an Aside, you might not want to send the emails with the task url, I'd suggest coding the actual edit page urls into the email so that users (i.e. Managers, VP and CEO) dont have to view the task, then click edit item, then approve, by viewing the Edit screen you can get the url and input your Workflow TaskItemID into the url directly which will give the end user a better overall experience. Only one button click to approve/reject instead of multiple clicks to just get to the screen.

I did this kind of thing by having a workflow like yours on the first list and when a certain condition is fullfilled(like >5000$), I move the item in another list where another workflow process it for approval like you need to. It may seem like your multiplicating workflow, but I usually prefer to have more pretty simple workflow than one workflow that does a lot of things.


Netsuite Workflow to send email based on saved search

First of all, I am a beginner in NetSuite, at level 0.1 :D, though I'm not new to programming.
I have to create a scheduled workflow in NetSuite to send emails to abandoned cart owners. I have created the search, I am able to load it in the stage in my workflow, but now... do I need to create another stage to send the email, or I should create an action in the same stage. Of course, I want these emails to be sent individually to every cart owner to remind them about their products not bought yet, so I have to iterate over the loaded search list items.
Can someone to instruct myself about the right way to do this?
Thanks in advance,

Create Purchase Order Workflow Ignoring Items with Certain Item->Locations

When creating a Purchase Order (PO) from a Sales Order (SO) in NetSuite, desire to only populate the PO->ItemList with Items from SO which are set to a specific Item->Location even when they share Preferred Vendor.
How can we achieve this? Thinking perhaps a Workflow can check the ItemList when the Create PO link is clicked on an Item.
Our solution ended up being to identify the items which were not to be added to the PO. Then we set the quantity to 0 and added a User Error message upon saving if they were still on the PO. This could be achieved via some scripting, though this was sufficient for our needs with this workflow process.

Using SmartSheet API for "Smarter" email notifications

Currently in SmartSheet, users are able to assign email notifications to users, which are triggered when "Anything Changes" or a pre-specified column changes in a sheet.
While this is useful, there is a common business case where a sheet administrator needs to notify users based on the contents of a cell. For example, if the drop down option in Column A is set to Option A, User A gets notified, or if set to Option B, User B gets notified, etc.
Is this sort of conditional notification logic possible in the SmartSheet API v2.0?
The Smartsheet API doesn't currently support creating or managing alerts (i.e., notifications and reminders). So, to achieve the type of scenario you've described, you'd need to create an integration that:
is able to know when the specified changes occur in the Sheet (ex: Column A is set to Option A for any row)
contains the logic to determine which user(s) to email (ex: if Column A is set to Option A for any row, then email User A)
sends the email(s)
At a high level, you have a couple of different options for accomplishing what I've outlined above:
Poll Smartsheet periodically (ex: hourly) to determine if the Sheet has changed (Get Sheet Version) and if it has changed, evaluate sheet data (Get Sheet); if data meets your criteria for sending email(s), then send email(s).
Alternatively, you could use "Smartsheet Webhooks" such that your integration will be notified when changes occur in the Sheet, then react to such notifications by subsequently using the API to evaluate sheet data (Get Sheet or Get Row); if data meets your criteria for sending email(s), then send email(s). Smartsheet Webhooks are currently in Private Beta -- if you'd like to be considered for the private beta, you can apply by completing this web form.

How to make sure workflow in salesforce does not fire of there are no records in the email template/

I have a requirement to send an email to a group of people. However I do not want to send any mail if there are no records matching my criteria. Currently I am using Time based workflow to send the emails. But the problem is it sends an email with zero records as well. I want to make the workflow intelligent enough. I am looking for some option which uses configuration and not programmatically.
Have a roll up summary that counts total of top priority cases.
Use that roll-up summary field in your workflow entry criteria.
I have used 2 workflow rules to achieve this requirement.
1. Time-Dependent WF Rule to update certain fields in contact which will be used to save the run time for the next email.
2. WF Rule with immediate actions which read a particular field value updated by the Time-Dependent WF Rule for a certain contact and triggers an Email Alert picking the Case Template.
I also use the Update event on the Contact Trigger to update the check box on Contact.

How can I trigger custom emails to be sent in wordpress?

My goal is to use a user's answers to a few questions to trigger custom emails being sent to them with filtered content on my wordpress website. It seems like this is a common need, but can't find anything that allows it, or even is the right base to build a custom solution.
There are 3 main features I'm needing to do: First, the signup form lets users choose a few criteria via selection boxes.
Next, the captured information triggers an email being sent that matches the content they chose. For example, if the user says they're interested in waterskiing, the email that is auto sent would show the most recent posts in the water-skiing category.
Finally, the user responses would need to be saved to trigger actions at a later time if the content is not available yet. So for example, if they are interested in bowling, but there are no entries on bowling, nothing happens. However, once a post gets entered in this category, they are automatically emailed with that recent entry.
Any clarity you can provide here on plugins, software, etc that would lend to this functionality is much appreciated!!