How & where to set up DB Server and communicate with iPhone - iphone

I'm working on iPhone app that will let users upload/download photos to/from a DB server along with some data associated with each photo.
While I do have experience with iPhone programing, I do not have much experience with DB and server side programing.
Does anyone have any tips on what would be the easiest way to set up DB server and handle requests and responses coming from the iPhone. This server may be potentially required to handle large amount of traffic and preserve data integrity. Several iPhone users might be attempting to upload and modify data associated with each photo at the same time.
I'm thinking of opening a hosted server account so I don't have to purchase hardware and run it from home. Any tips on a company that provides quality and affordable server and DB hosting would be much appreciated.

If you know some Python or Java, you could take a look at Google AppEngine.
It is designed to scale and the entry costs are very low (i.e. free).
You do not have to worry about any infrastructure hosting as it is all provided for you.
The only catch is that it is:
Harder to get data out of the platform if you decided to move off it to another system
Does not support push notifications (However there are a lot of push notification providers out there you can hire)


Is CocuchDB/TouchDB designed to serve offline/online setup for ios apps?

I am in little bit confusion because of my less understanding about CouchDB. Let me explain in simple words. I am developing an iphone app for which my client may ask for android version. I am using CouchDB as data storage for this application.
We designed a backend from where admin can setup/update information. ALL updated information should be replicated to all iphone device. When I say replicate from server to device I does not mean replication from one iphone device to another. Means source of updated always will be server.
My client also wants that most of the functionality if possible should work offline. To make some of the functionality offline client asked me to use CouchDB and TouchDB(on iphone) which will be synch up automatically.
According to me CouchDB is not designed to serve this purpose but designed for replication which is required for distributed computing where source of data is not one server but multiple.
Using CouchDB/TouchDB I am facing lot of issues. One of the big issue is my logic and UI implementation are together built on my xcode. If tomorrow I want to develop Android application then again I have to implement same logic in android syntax. Change in logic needs update both versions. More frustrating if client wants to develop windows and BB version tomorrow.
To avoid this I can suggest my client we should use 3-tier architecture where we will built one middle ware and we will keep our logic there. Only work we need to develop at app level is fetch data from middle ware via WebService and present UI.
But before suggesting to my client I want to confirm my idea from expertise. I might be wrong as I do not well knowledge about CouchDB and maybe CouchDb is only designed for offline/online setup.
Please waiting to here from expertise.
I'm working on something similar right now, so I can share what I've found.
We're using BigCouch (a fork of CouchDB managed by Cloudant that provides a cluster of Couch machines) to store our data and then using TouchDB for iOS to replicate data down to mobile devices.
We've been able to get TouchDB working with BigCouch, but it hasn't been without a few bumps in the road. TouchDB takes advantage of the existing replication functionality built into CouchDB and handles it well.
From my experience TouchDB also works very well in offline mode. The replication will pick up where it left off when the device went offline. You can also configure Touch to do pushes, pulls - or both, so that's nice.
The real issue is when you want to move to Android. The TouchDB Java port is in a sorry state right now. It exists, but it's not ready for production. In fact I saw on Twitter just this week that they're trying to hire someone to take over the project.
Even if the Java port of TouchDB was ready for production, you're right, you'd have to re-write the code for Android. Then again this would be the case no matter what technology you use.

Server framework to use for realtime iPhone app

I am currently writing an iPhone application that sends and receives JSON data from a remote server to essentially display realtime information. Me and my partner started the project using Google App Engine (Python) for the server-side implementation mostly because it was easy to pick up and seemed suitable for our needs at the time. However, we're only just now starting to see the downsides of the framework for realtime iPhone apps - APNS is not at all supported, and neither is the GAE Channels API. So our only option for displaying the realtime server data on our app is to continuously poll the server, which certainly seems like horrible design.
We'll have to port our server-side code to a new framework. My question is, which one do we use? From numerous searches, I still have yet to find a satisfactory answer.
I should mention that I don't necessarily want the server to send push notifications. I just want to be able to push data to clients in real-time, and then manipulate that data on the iPhone client-side code. We're fine with setting up the framework on a local server if we have to.
Since you don't want to be pull data in background (lett alone if it is even possible)will have to use APNS.
But why switch away from google app angine, you could use an APNS provider like Urban Airship wich provide there on API to connect with.
You'r not even the fist to run into this problem: Apple Push Notifications on Google Appengine
Probably the easiest realtime framework you can use for sending data to iOS clients in real-time is PubNub ( It's reasonably priced, and it scales to anything you can throw at it. In my experience, it has no problem delivering a message to an end client in under .25 milliseconds (regardless of the number of clients it's being sent to).
Their latest version also supports APNS functionality for when you app isn't in the foreground.
If you want to create your own APNS server (since you are running on App Engine anyway), there are examples of how to do that using App Engine's new Socket API. I've written a demo python AppEngine application that people might find helpful in this regard.

Sending data directly between phones that are not co-located

I have an idea for an iPhone app that will make billions of dollars for me, and help me take over the world. I am currently designing the architecture of the application. I had originally assumed that I would need to create and host a database that would allow users to upload their data and share it with other, targeted, users. But I thought it would be better if the users could send their data directly to each other without having it stored in a database. However, I haven't been able to find anything that would suggest this is possible.
Is it possible to send data between iPhones that are not in close proximity (bluetooth) and not on a LAN? For instance...User #1, who is in Tennessee, creates some information and hits "Send to others" and it sends that information directly to User #2, who is in Arizona, and User #3, who is in Maine. Could the text messaging functionality be hacked to do that?
(I realize that the phones belonging to Users #2 and #3 would have to be on, and running the app that would receive the data)
I am new to mobile development, and I am still getting used to the functionality of mobile devices so, I am certain this is a dumb question. But, it is worth asking because, if it can be done, this would dramatically change the architecture (and maintenance costs) of this application.
Thanks, in advance, for whatever advice/pointers you can give.
This is something handled by using the publish - subscribe pattern. You may want to look into a plug 'n play service such as pubnub. That will let you do just that. Phones that should be receiving each other's messages will have listeners set up on the same pubnub channel, and will receive a notification when any of the other phones publish to that channel. Something like pubnub has a pretty simple API/SDK that you can use to get a prototype up and running pretty quickly (and for free, at least at first).
User #1's app sends the message to your server. You server does an APNS push to the phones of users #2, and #3. They don't even need to be running the app.
No need to mark this correct or up-vote it, but I will take a high-paying job in the new world order.
Amazon has an application service called Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) which Allows you to create queue's with messages in them tat app's can subscribe to.
To quote their page:
Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) offers a reliable, highly
scalable, hosted queue for storing messages as they travel between
computers. By using Amazon SQS, developers can simply move data
between distributed components of their applications that perform
different tasks, without losing messages or requiring each component
to be always available. Amazon SQS makes it easy to build an automated
workflow, working in close conjunction with the Amazon Elastic Compute
Cloud (Amazon EC2) and the other AWS infrastructure web services.
Amazon SQS works by exposing Amazon’s web-scale messaging
infrastructure as a web service. Any computer on the Internet can add
or read messages without any installed software or special firewall
configurations. Components of applications using Amazon SQS can run
independently, and do not need to be on the same network, developed
with the same technologies, or running at the same time.
They have an iOS API to integrate it into your app, and it is free for up to 100,000 messages per month and then $0.01 per 10,000 messages after that.
More info here:
Is it possible to send data between iPhones that are not in close
proximity (bluetooth) and not on a LAN?
The two devices obviously need some kind of connectivity.
For instance...User #1, who is in Tennessee, creates some information
and hits "Send to others" and it sends that information directly to
User #2, who is in Arizona, and User #3, who is in Maine. Could the
text messaging functionality be hacked to do that?
The problems here are:
helping each device discover the correct address for the others, and...
ensuring that the devices can reach each other.
Mobile devices are constantly moving around on the network and changing their IP addresses as they go. As you're driving to work, your device may have Internet access through it's 3G connection, except for those times when you're driving through a tunnel and don't have any connectivity at all. Once you enter your building, a wifi connection becomes available, so the device switches to that. But your company's network has a firewall that blocks incoming connections, and it's impossible to know in advance which IP address you'll get from the DHCP server at any given time anyway. The same is true for the folks in Arizona and Maine and wherever else.
A server, on the other hand, is usually located at an address that's both easy to discover (thanks to the Domain Name System), easy to reach, and almost always available. For those reasons, it's common to have mobile devices communicate with each other by going through an intermediate server.

Can an iPhone app act as a server to send messages or push notifications?

I want to write an iOS app that can act as a client and a server to other iPhones over the cellular data network (i.e., without a typical centralized server). The goal is to share series of about 200 short event messages, one at a time, from the iPhone server to multiple iPhone clients by some means of notification. Apple Push Notification service would be fine for such notifications, but there is no need to use it specifically.
I think sending push notifications from one iPhone to another is possible by connecting to from the serving iPhone as described in the Local and Push Notification Programming Guide, but I can't find anyone else discussing this approach (maybe it's too obvious?).
The reason for all this is an attempt to avoid the overhead of infrastructure. If this isn't feasible, alternatives which minimize or avoid additional hardware are welcome.
Communication must be [strictly] over cellular data network
Wi-Fi isn't available
Bluetooth doesn't have enough range
Unidirectional communication with an iPhone server multicasting to many iPhone clients
No jailbreaking
Ideally the serving phone's battery will be able to handle this without a recharge
Update 5/4/11 2:12 AM EST: Just to be clear, I don't have any particular requirement to use APNs; I thought it may have been feasible in this setup, but from the discussion below, it sounds like that's not the case. However, I'm still interested in any other system that could help me achieve the same end result with some type of message passing or similar form of communication.
Theoretically you should be able to write a iOS app that can connect to the APNS and send notifications to other devices running your applications. However, your main problem will be to actually acquire the 'tokens' of other devices. When you have a centralized server doing the job, its always online and thus, the clients can 'talk' to it via http and register them self (giving their tokens to the server in the process). Thus the server knows the client token and it can use them to send notifications to the clients via APNS.
However this is not possible in the scenario you are talking about. But this is not to say its impossible. May be you could use an email account X, to store all client tokens. Every client will send a email to this account with their token in it. So when a another 'client' want to send a notification to another client, it can find out the token by reffering to the inbox of the email account (you can cache this stuff and optimize it in a zillion ways of course).
But the point is some how a (third party(ex: email service provider)/your own) server that is online 24/7 will be involved in the process.
Let us know how you progress with this. It would be interesting to know.

How do I write a desktop application that syncs with the iPhone?

For example, how would I write a program like senuti? Are there any libraries I can use for this? It would be ideal if I could do this in Python or .Net, but I'm open to other things as well.
There are three things you can do:
Add some code to your iPhone application which acts as some kind of server (http, SMB, etc). Then your mac/windows full client application can connect to this server over wifi. This is safe and reliable, but unfortunately the app will have to be running on the iPhone at the time of sync.
Sync to the "cloud". EG: Have your iPhone app save some data to a web server on the internet (you could use amazon EC2, windows Azure, or even just a PHP script running on a cheap hosting account), and then have your windows/mac client also connect to this web server to retrieve the data. This is the most user-friendly, but it requires you to pay for the hosting of the web server, and will be unsuitable for large amounts of data
Violate the EULA and try to reverse engineer the way iTunes communicates with the iPhone.
This is how senuti works, but I wouldn't recommend it, as they're constantly having to play catchup with apple changing the format underneath them, and they are probably exposed to some kind of legal action, if apple ever bothered to sue them.
i believe Version 3.0 will resolve this as it allows you to program apps to the USB interface. check out some of the documentation for that in the External Accessory framework.
it would still require the app to be open, so essentially would mean two syncs (or more if you have multiple apps)
There is no legal / official way of doing this. Creating a program that would sync with an iPhone would violate the EULA you agree to when using the iPhone and iTunes.
Not only is it illegal, but it's also impossible to do this reliably. Apple could break the method at any time without any notice, and it would pretty much be a cat-and-mouse game.
I only know of one application that something of the kind, and it is the iToner application which synchronizes ringtones.