Version-control the test cases - version-control

Should the test plan be kept in the version control with the code ? That is, the test plan and the code are put under the same version control system and have the same revision numerating. I am not talking about unit test code, but a test plan document populating with manual test cases. There are some web-based test case management systems, but I doubt how the test cases are version-controlled and synchronized with the code ?
UPDATE: Acutally I am looking for a web-based test management system for my oragnization, because it allows easy access to the non-developers team members (i.e. no need to use VC to check out the test plan from the repository). However, I'd prefer to version-control these test plans, synchronized with major milestone/releases of the software. I've not found any test management system satisfying this need. Or I am looking in the wrong direction ?

It makes sense to me. I would expect tests (whether manual specifications or unit tests) and the corresponding code to be in lockstep. I would also expect (perhaps optimistically!) that documentation would largely be in step with the code for a particular checkin.
Perhaps if you can't keep them completely in step, you can make use of your source code tagging (or branching?) mechanisms to identify consistent version sets ? That may make more sense if your version control contains tests that you're revising/building your code base to attain (i.e. your tests lead your code - not by any means an unusual situation).

Personally, I like your idea. Although tests in many software development paradigms should be based off of a spec of how the system ought to work, not how it works currently, and thus could easily be developed independently of your synchronized code. Since they are essentially documents, they might work well in a document-version-control system of varying formality.
Some teams use a tool like TestDirector to manage test plans, test cases, and have them connected to the bug tracking system. Every test case, bug, etc has its history of changes stored in a database, such that you can go back and review it (and search it, with a bit of work and some jiggery-pokery, as The Doctor would say). However, we never put that in synch with code except at major milestones where we did code freezes, and at that time code + scripts went into MKS Integrity (personally, I feel we underused Integrity at our place of work... it's designed for use with the entire development team, not just code promoters).
Other teams just write up word docs and put them in a folder that gets backed up. Simple, but on small teams in not-too-big projects can work.


What are common practices for deployment of large scale systems?

Given a large scale software project with several components written in different languages, configuration files, configuration scripts, environment settings and database migration scripts - what are the common practices for deployment to production?
What are the difficulties to consider? Can the process be simplified with tools like Ant or Maven? How can rollback and database management be handled? Is it advisable to use version control for the production environment?
As I see it, you're mostly asking about best practices and tools for release engineering AKA releng -- it's important to know the "term of art" for a subject, because it makes it much easier to search for more information.
A configuration management system (CMS -- aka revision control system or version control system) is indispensable for today's software development; if you use one or more IDEs, it's also nice to have good integration between them and the CMS, though that's more of an issue for purposes of development than for purposes of deployment / releng.
From a releng viewpoint, the key thing about a CMS is that it must have good support for "branching" (under whatever name), because releases must be made from a "release branch" where all the code under development and all of its dependencies (code and data) are in a stable "snapshot" from which the exact, identical configuration can be reproduced at will.
The need for good branching support may be more obvious if you have to maintain multiple branches (customized for different uses, platforms, whatever), but even if your releases are always, strictly in a single linear sequence, releng best practices still dictate making a release branch. "Good branching support" includes ease of merging (and "conflict resolution" when different changes are made to a file), "cherry-picking" (taking one patch or changeset from one branch, or the head/trunk, and applying it to another branch), and the like.
In practice, you start off the release process by making a release branch; then, you run exhaustive testing on that branch (typically MUCH more than what you run everyday in your continuous build -- including extensive regression testing, integration testing, load testing, performance verification, etc, and possibly even more costly quality assurance processes, depending). If and when the exhaustive testing and QA reveal defects in the release-candidate (including regressions, performance degradation, etc), they must be fixed; in a large team, development on head/trunk may be continuing while the QA is being done, whence the need for ease of cherry-picking / merging / etc (whether your practice is to perform the fix on head or on the release branch, it still needs to be merged to the other side;-).
Last but not least, you're NOT getting full releng value from your CMS unless you're somehow tracking with it "everything" that your releases depend on -- simplest would be to have copies or hard links to all the binaries for the tools you need to build your release, etc, but that may often be impractical; so at the very least track the exact release, version, bugfix &c numbers of those tools that are used (operating system, compilers, system libraries, tools that preprocess image, sound or video files into final form, etc, etc). The key is being able, at need, to exactly reproduce the environment required to rebuild the exact version that's proposed for release (otherwise you'll go mad tracking down subtle bugs that may depend on third party tools' changes as their versions change;-).
After a CMS, the second most important tool for releng is a good issue tracking system -- ideally one that's well integrated with the CMS. That's also important for the development process (and other aspects of product management), but in terms of the release process the importance of the issue tracker is the ability to easily document exactly what bugs have been fixed, what features have been added, removed, or changed, and what modifications in performance (or other user-observable characteristics) are expected in the new forthcoming release. For the purpose, a key "best practice" in development is that every changeset that gets committed to the CMS must be connected to one (or more) issue in the issue tracking system: after all, there's gotta be some purpose for that change (fix a bug, change a feature, optimize something, or some internal refactor that's supposed to be invisible to the software's user); similarly, every tracked issue that's marked as "closed" must be connected to one (or more) changesets (unless the closing is of the "won't fix / working as intended" kind; issues related to bugs &c in third-party components, which have been fixed by the third-party supplier, are easy to treat similarly if you do manage to keep track of all third-party components in the CMS too, see above; if you don't, at least there should be text files under CMS documenting third-party components and their evolution, again see above, and they need to be changed when some tracked issue on a 3rd party component gets closed).
Automating the various releng processes (including building, automated testing, and deployment tasks) is the third top priority -- automated processes are much more productive and repeatable than asking some poor individual to manually go through a list of steps (for sufficiently complex tasks, of course, the workflow of the automation may need to "get a human being in the loop"). As you surmise, tools such as Ant (and SCons, etc, etc) can help here, but inevitably (unless you're lucky enough to get away with very simple and straightforward processes) you'll find yourself enriching them with ad-hoc scripts &c (some powerful and flexible scripting language such as perl, python, ruby, &c, will help). A "workflow engine" can also be precious when your release workflow is sufficiently complex (e.g. involving specific human beings or groups thereof "signing off" on QA compliance, legal compliance, UI guidelines compliance, and so forth).
Some other specific issues you're asking about vary enormously depending on specifics of your environment. If you can afford programmed downtime, your life is relatively easy, even with a large database in play, as you can operate sequentially and deterministically: you shut the existing system down gracefully, ensure the current database is saved and backed up (easing rollback, in the hopefully VERY rare case it's needed), run the one-off scripts for schema migration or other "irreversible" environment changes, fire the system back up again in a mode that's still unaccessible to general users, run another extensive suite of automated tests -- and finally if everything's gone smoothly (including the saving and backup of the DB in its new state, if relevant) the system's opened up to general use again.
If you need to update a "live" system, without downtime, this may range anywhere from a slight inconvenience to a systematic nightmare. In the best case, transactions are reasonably short, and synchronization between the state set by transactions may be delayed a bit without damage... and you have a reasonable abundance of resources (CPUs, storage, &c). In this case, you run two systems in parallel -- the old one and the new one -- and just make sure all new transactions target the new system, while letting old ones complete on the old system. A separate task periodically syncs "new data in the old system" to the new system, as transactions on the old system terminate. Eventually you can determine that no transactions are running on the old system and all changes that happened there are synced up to the new one -- and at that time you can finally shut down the old system. (You need to be prepared to "reverse sync" too of course, in case a rollback of the change is needed).
This is the "simple, sweet" extreme for live system updating; at the other extreme, you can find yourself in such an overconstrained situation that you can prove the task is impossible (you just cannot logically meet all the stated requirements with the given resources). Long sessions opened on the old system which just cannot be terminated -- scarce resources that make it impossible to run two systems in parallel -- core requirements for hard-real-time sync of every transaction -- etc, etc, can all make your life miserable (and as I noticed, at the extreme, can make the stated task absolutely impossible). The two best things you can do about this: (1) ensure you have abundant resources (this will also save your skin when some server unexpected goes belly-up... you'll have another one to fire up to meet the emergency!-); (2) consider this predicament from the start, when initially defining the architecture of the overall system (e.g.: prefer short-lived transactions to long-lived sessions that just can't be "snapshot, closed down, and restarted seamlessly from the snapshot", is one good arcitectural pointer;-).
disclaimer: where I work we use something I wrote that I'm going to mention
I'll tell you how I do it.
For configuration settings, and general deployment of code and content, I use a combination of NAnt, a CI server, and dashy (an automatic deployment tool). You can replace dashy with any other 'thing', that automates the uploads to your server (perhaps capistrano).
For DB scripts, we use RedGate SQL Compare to get the scripts, and then for most changes, I actually make them manually, where appropriate. This is because some of the changes are slightly complex, and I feel more comfortable doing it by hand. You can actually use this tool to do it for you, (or at least generate the scripts).
Depending on your language, there are some tools that can script the DB updates for you (I think someone on this forum wrote one; hopefully he'll reply), but I have no experience with those. It's something I'd like to add though.
I forgot to answer one of your questions.
The biggest problem in updating any significantly complicated/distributed site is DB synchronisation. You need to consider if you will have any downtime, and if you do, what will happen to the DBs. Will you shutdown everything, so that no transactions can be processed? Or will you shift everything to one server, update DB B, and then sync DB A & B, then update DB B? Or something else?
Whatever you choose, you need to choose it, and either say "Okay for each update, there will be X downtime", or whatever. Just have it documented.
The worst thing you can do is have someones transaction fail, mid processing, because you were updating that server; or to somehow leave only part of your system operational.
I don't think you have any option about using versioning or not.
You cannot go without versioning (as mentioned in a comment).
I am talking from experience since I am currently working on a website where we have several items that have to work together:
The software itself, its functionalities at a given point in time
The external systems (6 of them) we are linked with (messages are versioned)
A database, which holds the configuration (and translations)
The static resources (images, css, javascripts) hosted on an Apache server (several in fact)
A java applet, which has to be synchronized with the javascript and software
This works because we use versioning, although I must admit that our database is pretty simple, and because the deployment is automated.
Versioning means that we have actually at any point in time several concurrent versions of the messages, the database, the static resources and the java applet.
It is especially important in the event of a 'fallback'. If you discover a flaw when loading you new software and suddenly you cannot afford to load, you'll have a crisis if you have not versioned, and you'll just have to load the old soft if you have.
Now as I said, the deployment is scripted:
- the static resources are deployed first (+ the java applet)
- the database goes next, several configurations cohabit since they are versioned
- the soft is queued for load in a 'cool' time-window (when our traffic is at its lowest point, so at night)
And of course we take care of backward / forward compatibility issues with the external servers, which should not be underestimated.

Ideas on setting up a version control system

I've been tasked with setting up a version control for our web developers. The software, which was chosen for me because we already have other non-web developers using it, is Serena PVCS.
I'm having a hard time trying to decide how to set it up so I'm going to describe how development happens in our system, and hopefully it will generate some discussion on how best to do it.
We have 3 servers, Development, UAT/Staging, and Production. The web developers only have access to write and test their code on the Development server. Once they write the code, they must go through a certification process to get the code moved to UAT/Staging, then after the code is tested thoroughly there, it gets moved to Production.
It seems like making the Developers use version control for their code on Development which they are constantly changing and testing would be an annoyance. Normally only one developer works on a module at a time so there isn't much, if any, risk of over-writing other people's work.
My thought was to have them only use version control when they are ready to go to UAT/Staging. This allows them to develop and test without constantly checking in their code.
The certification group could then use the version control to help see what changes had been made to the module and to make sure they were always getting the latest revision from the developer to put up on UAT/Staging (now we rely on the developer zip'ing up their changed files and uploading them via a web request system).
This would take care of the file side of development, but leaves the whole database side out of version control. That's something else that I need to consider...
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I would not treat source control as annoyance. See Nicks answer for the reasons.
If I were You, I would not decide this on my own, because it is not a
matter of setting up a version control software on some server but
a matter of changing and improving development procedures.
In Your case, it might be worth explaining and discussing release branches
with Your developers and with quality assurance.
This means that Your developers decide which feature to include into a release
and while the staging crew is busy on testing the "staging" branch of the source,
Your developers can already work on the next release without interfering with the staging team.
You can also think about feature branches, which means that there is a new branch for every specific new feature of the web site. Those branches are merged back, if the feature is implemented.
But again: Make sure, that Your teams agreed to the new development process. Otherwise, You waste Your time by setting up a version control system.
The process should at least include:
When to commit.
When to branch/merge.
What/When to tag.
The overall work flow.
I have used Serena, and it is indeed an annoyance. In addition to the unpleasantness of the workflow overhead Serena puts on top of the check in-check out process, it is a real pain with regard to doing anything besides the simplest of tasks.
In Serena ChangeMan, all code on local machines is managed through a central server. This is a really bad design. This means a lot of day-to-day branch maintenance work that would ordinarily be done by developers has to go through whomever has administrator privileges, making that person 1) a bottleneck and 2) embittered because they have a soul-sucking job.
The centralized management also strictly limits what developers are able to do with the code on their own machine. For example, if you want to create a second copy of the code locally on your box, just to do a quick test or whatever, you have to get the administrator to set up a second repository on your box. When you limit developers like this, you limit the productivity and creativity of your team.
Also, the tools are bad and the user interface is horrendous. And you will never be able to find developers who are already trained to use it, because its too obscure.
So, if another team says you have to use Serena, push back. That product is terrible.
Using source control isn't any annoyance, it's a tool. Having the benefits of branching and tagging is invaluable when working with new APIs and libraries.
And just a side note, a couple of months back one of the dev's machine's failed and lost all his newest source, we asked when the last time he committed code to the source control and it was 2 months. Sometimes just having it to back up stuff when you reach milestones is nice.
I usually commit to source control a couple of times a week, depending if I've hit a good stopping point and I'm about to move on to something different or bigger.
Following on from the last two good points I would also ask your other non-web developers what developmet process they are using so you won't have to create a new one. They would also have encountered many of he problems that occur in your environment, both technical using the same OS and setup and managerial.

Strategies for Developing Multiple Products from One Codebase

I'm working on a project that will (soon) be branched into multiple different versions (Trial, Professional, Enterprise, etc).
I've been using Subversion since it was first released (and CVS before that), so I'm comfortable with the abstract notion of branches and tags. But in all my development experience, I've only ever really worked on trunk code. In a few rare cases, some other developer (who owned the repository) asked me to commit changes to a certain branch and I just did whatever he asked me to do. I consider "merging" a bizarre black art, and I've only ever attempted it under careful supervision.
But in this case, I'm responsible for the repository, and this kind of thing is totally new to me.
The vast majority of the code will be shared between all products, so I assume that code will always reside in trunk. I also assume I'll have a branch for each version, with tags for release builds of each product.
But beyond that, I don't know much, and I'm sure there are a thousand and one different ways to screw it up. If possible, I'd like to avoid screwing it up.
For example, let's say I want to develop a new feature, for the pro and enterprise versions, but I want to exclude that feature from the demo version. How would I accomplish that?
In my day-to-day development, I also assume I need to switch my development snapshot from branch to branch (or back to trunk) as I work. What's the best way to do that, in a way that minimizes confusion?
What other strategies, guidelines, and tips do you guys suggest?
Well, all right then.
Looks like branching is not the right strategy at all. So I've changed the title of the question to remove the "branching" focus, and I'm broadening the question.
I suppose some of my other options are:
1) I could always distribute the full version of the software, with all features, and use the license to selectively enable and disable features based on authorization in the license. If I took this route, I can imagine a rat's nest of if/else blocks calling into a singleton "license manager" object of some sort. What's the best way of avoiding code-spaghettiism in a case like this?
2) I could use dependency injection. But generally, I hate it (since it moves logic from the source code into configuration files, which make the project more difficult to grok). And even then, I'm still distributing the full app and selecting features at runtime. If possible, I'd rather not distribute the enterprise version binaries to demo users.
3) If my platform supported conditional compilation, I could use #IFDEF blocks and build flags to selectively include features. That'd work well for big, chunky features like whole GUI panels. But what about for smaller, cross-cutting logging or statistical tracking, for example?
4) I'm using ANT to build. Is there something like build-time dependency injection for ANT?
A most interesting question. I like the idea of distributing everything and then using a license key to enable and disable certain features. You have a valid concern about it being a lot of work to go through the code and continue to check if the user is licensed for a certain feature. It sounds a lot like you're working in java so what I would suggest is that you look into using an aspect weaver to insert the code for license checking at build time. There is still a going to be one object into which all calls for license checking goes but it isn't as bad of a practice if you're using an aspect, I would say that it is good practice.
For the most part you only need to read if something is licensed and you'll have a smallish number of components so the table could be kept in memory at all times and because it is just reads you shouldn't have too much trouble with threading.
As an alternative you could distribute a number of jars, one for each component which is licensed and only allow loading the classes which are licensed. You would have to tie into the class loader to achieve this.
Do you want to do this via Subversion ? I would use Subversion to maintain different releases (a branch per release e.g. v1.0, v2.0 etc.) but I would look at building different editions (trial/pro etc.) from the same codebase.
That way you're simply enabling or disabling various features via a build and you're not having to worry about synchronising different branches. If you use Subversion to manage different releases and different versions, I can see an explosion of branches/tags in the near future.
For switching, you can simply maintain a checked-out codebase, and use svn switch to checkout differing versions. It's a lot less time-consuming than performing new checkouts for each switch.
You are right not to jump on the branching and merging cart so fast. It's a PITA.
The only reason I would want to branch a subversion repository is if I want to share my code with another developer. For example, if you work on a feature together and it is not done yet, you should use a branch to communicate. Otherwise, I would stay on trunk as much as possible.
I second the recommendation of Brian to differentiate the releases on build and not on the code base.

What should I propose for a reusable code library organization?

My organization has begun slowly repurposing itself to a less product-oriented business model and more contract-oriented business model over the last year or two. During the past year, I was shifted into the new contracting business to help put out fires and fill orders. While the year as a whole was profitable (and therefore, by at least one measure, successful, we had a couple projects that really dinged our numbers for the year back around June.
I was talking with my manager before the Christmas holiday, and he mentioned that, while he doesn't like the term "post-mortem" (I have no idea what's wrong with the term, any business folks or managers out there know?), he did want to hold a meeting sometime mid-January where the entire contract group would review the year and try to figure out what went right, what went wrong, and what initiatives we can perform to try to improve profitability.
For various reasons (I'll go into more detail if it's requested), I believe that one thing our team, and indeed the organization as a whole, would benefit from is some form of organized code-sharing. The same things get done again and again by different people and they end up getting done (and broken) in different ways. I'd like to at least establish a repository where people can grab code that performs a certain task and include (or, realistically, copy/paste) that code in their own projects.
What should I propose as a workable common source repository for a team of at least 10-12 full-time devs, plus anywhere from 5-50 (very) part time developers who are temporarily loaned to the contract group for specialized work?
The answer required some cultural information for any chance at a reasonable answer, so I'll provide it here, along with some of my thoughts on the topic:
Developers will not be forced to use this repository. The barrier to
entry must be as low as possible to
encourage participation, or it will
be ignored. Sadly, this means
that anything which requires an
additional software client to be
installed and run will likely fail.
ClickOnce deployment's about as
close as we can get, and that's awfully iffy.
We are a risk-averse, Microsoft shop. I may be able to sell open-source solutions, but they'll be looked upon with suspicion. All devs have VSS, the corporate director has declared that VSTS is not viable going forward. If it isn't too difficult a setup and the license is liberal, I could still try to ninja a VSTS server into the lab.
Some of my fellow devs care about writing quality, reliable software, some don't. I'd like to protect any shared code written by those who care from those who don't. Common configuration management practices (like checking out code while it's being worked on) are completely ignored by at least a fifth of my colleagues on the contract team.
We're better at writing processes than following them. I will pretty much have to have some form of written process to be able to sell this to my manager. I believe it will have to be lightweight, flexible, and enforced by the tools to be remotely relevant because my manager is the only person who will ever read it.
Don't assume best practices. I would very much like to include things like mandatory code reviews to enforce use of static analysis tools (FxCop, StyleCop) on common code. This raises the bar, however, because no such practices are currently performed in a consistent manner.
I will be happy to provide any additional requested information. :)
EDIT: (Responsing to questions)
Perhaps contracting isn't the correct term. We absolutely own our own code assets. A significant part of the business model on paper (though not, yet, in practice) is that we own the code/projects we write and we can re-sell them to other customers. Our projects typically take the form of adding some special functionality to one of the company's many existing software products.
From the sounds of it you have a opportunity during the "post-mortem"to present some solutions. I would create a presentation outlining your ideas and present them at this meeting. Before that I would recommend that you set up some solutions and demonstrate it during your presentation. Some things to do -
Evangelize component based programming (A good read is Programming .NET Components - Jubal Lowy). Advocate the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle of coding.
Set up a central common location in you repository for all your re-usable code libraries. This should have the reference implementation of your re-usable code library.
Make it easy for people to use your code libraries by providing project templates for common scenarios with the code libraries already baked in. This way your colleagues will have a consistent template to work from. You can leverage the VS.NET project template capabilities to this - check out the following links VSX Project System (VS.Net 2008), Code Project article on creating Project Templates
Use a build automation tool like MSBuild (which is bundled in VS2005 and up) to copy over just the components needed for a particular project. Make this part of your build setup in the IDE (VS.NET 2005 and up have nifty ways to set up pre-compile and post-compile tasks using MSBuild)
I know there is resistance for open source solutions but I would still recommend setting up and using a continuous automation system like CruiseControl.NET so that you can leverage it to compile and test your projects on a regular basis from a central repository where the re-usable code library is maintained. This way any changes to the code library can be quickly checked to make sure it does not break anything, It also helps bring out version issues with the various projects.
If you can set this up on a machine and show it during your post-mortem as part of the steps that can be taken to improve, you should get better buy since you are showing something already working that can be scaled up easily.
Hope this helps and best of luck with your evangelism :-)
I came across this set of frameworks recently called the Chuck Norris Frameworks - They are available on NuGet at . You should definitely check them out, as they have some nice templates for your ASP.NET projects. Also definitely checkout Nuget.
organize by topic, require unit tests (feature-level) for check-in/acceptance into library; add a wiki to explain what/why and for searching
One question: You say this is a consulting group. What code assets do you have? I would think most of your teams' coding efforts would be owned by your clients as part of your work-for-hire contract. If you are going to do this you need to make absolutely certain that your contracts grant you rights to your employees' work.
Maven has solved code reuse in the Java community - you should go check it out.
I have a .NET developer that's devised something similar for our internal use for .NET assemblies. Because there's no comparable .NET Internet community, this tool will just access an internal repository in our corporate network. Otherwise will work rather much the way Maven does.
Maven could really be used to manage .NET assemblies directly (we use it with our Flex .swf and .swc code modules) is just .NET folk would have to get over using a Java tool and would probably have to write a Maven plugin to drive msbuild.
First of all for code organization check out Microsoft Framework Design Guidelines at and then create a central Location source control for the new framework that your going to create. Set up some default namespaces, assemblies for cleaner seperation and make sure everyone gets a daily build.
Just an additional point, since we have "shared code" in my shop as well.
We found out this is very much a packaging issue:
Whatever code your are producing or tool you are using, what you should have is a common build tool able to package your sources into a "delivery component", with everything used to actually execute the code, but also the documentation (compressed), and the source (compressed).
The main interest into having a such a "delivery package unit" is to have as less files to deploy as possible, in order to ease the download of those units.
The build process can very well be managed by Maven or any other (ant/nant) tool you want.
When some audit team want to examine all our projects, we just deploy on their post the same packages we deploy on a production machine, except they will un-compressed the source files and do their work.
Since our source files also includes whatever files are needed to compile them (like for instance eclipse files), they even can re-compile those projects in their development environment).
That way:
Developers will not be forced to use this repository. The barrier to entry must be as low as possible to encourage participation, or it will be ignored: it is just a script to execute to get the "delivery module" with everything in it they need (a maven repository can be used for that too)
We are a risk-averse, Microsoft shop: you can use any repository you want
Some of my fellow devs care about writing quality, reliable software, some don't: this has nothing to do with the quality of code written in these packages modules
We're better at writing processes than following them: the only process involved in this is the packaging process, and it can be fairly automated
Don't assume best practices: you are not forced to apply any kind of static code analysis before packaging executable and source files.

version control practice

In my current job the supervisor's practice is to only check in production ready code. Most recently the project I was on involved work by 3 different developers with some file overlap. This meant manually integrating changes despite the fact that some changes took a day and then it was done. I wanted to see if this was a common practice and get suggestions on how to change this practice with the knowledge that many times my opinion means little in the grand scheme of things.
You can use various ways to handle this situation, depending on your source control system.
Private branches: Allow you to check in and work on code while you go, merging back and forth at appropriate times.
Shelvesets/pacakaged changesets: Allow you to store changesets and send them around for review - ensuring they're production ready before check in.
As to whether this is an appropriate way to work, we don't allow check-in to main branches without prior review. To pass review your code must pass various automated tools, and then must be acceptable to your peer reviewer. For some definitions of "production ready" - this is it. Therefore, we do something like what you do. However, we use private branches to ensure that check-ins can still be made while this is in progress, and that other check-ins don't have to interfere.
If production ready means tested in an integration environment, then it sounds like you may need staging branches or something similar.
Code that is checked in should be unit tested, but, to me, "production ready" implies that it's gone through integration and system testing. You can't do that until a code freeze, so I don't see how you can do that before every check in.
Start by switching away from VSS to something more reliable & feature-rich. See How to convince a company to switch their Source Control
Then apply known-good practices:
Check in often
Pick up others' changes often, to simplify merging
Use fast unit tests to make sure each change meets a minimum bar
Require that that the checked-in code always builds, and always passes tests.
Now you won't be "production ready" at this point: you will still need a couple weeks to test & fix before you can deploy. Getting that time down is awesome for you, and awesome for your customer, so invest in:
High quality automated acceptance tests.
wouldn't it be a good idea to have a testing branch of the repo that can have the non "production ready code" checked in after the changes are done and tested?
the main trunk should never have code checked in that breaks the build and doesn't pass unit tests, but branches don't have to have all those restrictions in place.
I would personally not approve of this because sometimes that's the best way to catch problem code with less experienced developers (by seeing it as they are working on it) and when you "check in early and often" you can rollback to earlier changes you made (as you were developing) if you decide that some changes you made earlier was actually a better idea.
I think it may be the version control we user, VSS in combination with a lack of time to learn the branching. I really like the idea of nightly check ins to help with development and avoid 'Going Dark'. I can see him being resistant to the trunks but perhaps building a development SS and when the code is production ready move it to production SS.
From the practices I have seen the term production quality is used as a 'frightener' to ensure that people are scared of breaking top of tree, not a bad thing to be honest because top of tree should always work if possible.
I would say that best practice is that you should only be merging distinct (i.e. seperate) functional components on the top of tree. If you have a significant overlap on deltas to the same source files I think this 'might' indicate that somewhere along the line the project management has broken down, and that those developers should have merged their changes to seperate integration branch before going in to the main line sources. An individual developer saying that they unit tested their stuff is irrelevant, because the thing they tested has changed!
Trying to solve integration problems on your main line codeline will inevitably stall other unrelated submissions.
Assuming that you are working in a centralized version control system (such as Subversion), and assuming that you have a concept of "the trunk" (where the latest well-working code lives):
If you work on new features in "features branches"/"experimental branches", then it's OK to commit code which is far from finished. (When the feature is done, you commit the well-behaving result into the "trunk".)
But you will not win a popularity contest if committing non-compiling/obviously non-working code into the "trunk" or a "release branch".
The Pragmatic Programmers have a book called Pragmatic Version Control using Subversion which includes a section with advice about branches.
Check in early and check in often for two main reasons -
1 - it might make it easier to integrate code
2 - in case your computer explodes your weeks of work isn't gone
An approach I particularly like is to have different life cycle versions in the depot. That is,for example, have a dev version of the code that is where the developers check in code that is in being worked on; then you could have a beta version, where you could add beta fixes to your code; and then a production version.
There is obvious overhead in this approach, such as the fact that you will have a larger workspace on you local machine, the fact that you will need need to have a migration process into place to move code from one stage to the next (which means a code freeze when doing the integration testing that goes with the migration), and that depending on the complexity of the project(s) you might need to have tools that change settings, environment variables, registry entries, etc.
All of this is a pain to set up, but you only do it once, and once you have it all in place, makes working on different stages of the code a breeze.
Nightly backups of work folders to servers will prevent losing more than a days work.
Let's see the requirement documents were completed the day after we finished coding. Does that tell you about our project management?
We are a small shop so while you would think change is easy there are some here that are unbending to the old ways.