FLV MetaData Injection - flv

I was wondering if there was a sever side system for injecting metaData into FLVs recorded using a streaming server like Red5. I don't want to hack in a command line injector, I would like to use a .Net, CF or Java solution.
Caveat: I know that Red5 has its own Metadata.xml, I want to inject metaData directly into the FLV.

I can recommend you to use flvedit by Marc-André Lafortune! Its written in Ruby and works awesome!
Indeed its a command-line-tool but the only thing you have to do is something like:
"flvedit myawesomefile.flv --update --save thenameoftheflvfilewithmetadata.flv"
Here is the link:

I need make my server side app to inject metadata to flv as well. I found this jflvtool. I wonder if anyone here had used this extensively and has anyfeedback on how mature the project is.


Accessing AEM 6.2 error logs over HTTP

In previous versions of AEM, certainly in CQ 5.6 and AEM 6.0, it was possible to tail the error logs over HTTP, without connecting to the server over SSH.
For example, I could get the last 1000 lines from the error log of my AEM author instance by calling:
This seems to no longer be possible in AEM 6.2, this path does not resolve to anything.
Is there another way I could still tail the log over HTTP?
A colleague answered this question for me on a chat so I'm putting it here to make it easier to find in the future.
There's now a neat utility in the OSGi console that allows one to view the logs as well as configure the various loggers. You can find it at http://localhost:4502/system/console/slinglog
The Appender tab provides links to the various log files that can be used to load logs over HTTP.
Here's an example request it makes:
As you can see, both the log file name and the tail parameter can be specified. You can also use grep with both simple phrases and regular expressions.
This is a built-in feature of Apache Sling.
In addition FYI, you can also find the status-slinglogs where you can perform log file downloads in a zip and logger actions in a txt to your local at /system/console/status-slinglogs
and the direct urls for the downloading these zip files are as below
http://localhost:4502/system/console/status-slinglogs/configuration-status-20170126-183246.zip (where as 20170126-183246 is and time stamp)
You should not be looking at log files via CRXDE lite.
log files in 6.2 are project specific - better to open them from a text editor.
see attached screenshot.
Hope this helps!
You can curl the log with e.g.:
curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:4502/system/console/slinglog/tailer.txt?tail=4000&name=%2Flogs%2Ferror.log'
where 4000 is the number of lines you want to get.
I recently wrote a tool named "Log Tailer Plus" to solve exactly this problem. It's entirely free/open source - Take a look at a post describing usage here : https://blogs.perficientdigital.com/2019/05/14/introducing-aem-logtailerplus/
TLDR; You can grab an AEM package from here ( https://github.com/prftryan/LogTailerPlus ) install it to your machine, and access via http://localhost:4502/log-tailer-plus (if local) or http://server:port/log-tailer-plus
This tool will allow you to follow any number of logs at once by leveraging the out of the box logging endpoint(/system/console/tailer ) as well as dynamically checking active OSGI Logging Logger configurations. Currently, highlighting is supported, but only for relatively standard logging patterns (it's done via regex).
This is a new release, works on AEM 6.2+. Enjoy

How to integrate Facebook AccountKit with Parse Server

The new Facebook AccountKit, looks like a great way to add passwordless authentication to a mobile app.
Parse Server is fast becoming a de-facto choice for mobile back-ends.
Is adding AccountKit support underway somewhere with Parse Server? If so where? Where should I look or ask? (Yes, I've tried!)
Any suggestions for how to get started? E.g. is it possible to add to the existing oauth support in Parse Server?
Just trying to make sure that this doesn't exist somewhere obvious already and/or that efforts aren't underway before I jump in... (or, possibly, that this is just a dumb idea and that's why I can't find it!)
Sorry for being late
Yes its possible you can use a new parse server module called "parse-server-accountkit-auth"
In the parse-server-example folder run
npm install -S parse-server-accountkit-auth
This will make install this module in node_modules folder. Don't change anything in the module.
Edit the index.js file in parse-server-example and configure ParseServer with oauth, you can find this in parse server docs
Then use this code where you are defining your data (e.g in your index.js of parse-server-example)
oauth: {
accountkit: {
module: 'parse-server-accountkit-auth',
appSecret: 'YOUR_APP_SECRET'
Hope this helps.

MassTransit first run

I'm trying out MassTransit. I wrote a small console application as showed in documentation (http://docs.masstransit-project.com/en/latest/configuration/quickstart.html).
What I first ran the app, it opened another console windows, and did something that looked like an installation proccess, or some kind of file copy. I remember seeing something done in the windows directory, but it was too fast to read and understand what exactly it did.
I couldn't find any information about it. I tried starting a new .NET project and running the same code - it did not repeat.
Does MassTransit install something on the system at first run? does someone knows what exactly happens on first tun?
I've written a post explaining how to get a quick hello world Mass Transit application up and running.
It uses RabbitMQ, but the same principles apply to MSMQ.
If you included the call to the method VerifyMsmqConfiguration() as in the quick start, then MassTransit initates any required MSMQ component installation.
The required MSMQ components are Core, LocalStorage, and Multicast.

How to create a plugin in JMeter

i would like to create a JMeter plugin. I would like to understand how to write and pack my code to extend JMeter with my Sample. More in detail i'm looking for an "adhoc" TCPSampler that implement my protocol.
I tried following an old pdf document from JMeter site but it doesn't work. Where is the mistake?
Can you help me with some examples?
Thank you
There are several options to extend JMeter.
Use JSR223 Sampler (groovy language is recommended to use as it can be compiled into Java code, however you'll need to download groovy-all.jar and drop it to /lib folder of your JMeter installation)
Use Beanshell Sampler - basically the same, but it's built-in. Have lower performance than JSR223 + Groovy
Create your own Java Request. 2 Java Request samplers are shipped with JMeter - JavaTest and SleepTest. You can inspect their source to see how they're implemented.
Create your own Sampler. See ExampleSampler source code for details and how to implement it or even use it as a base for your plugin.
All JMeter Extensions should be packaged as .jar and live under /lib/ext folder of your JMeter installation.
Here is book - How to Write a plugin for JMeter http://jmeter.apache.org/extending/jmeter_tutorial.pdf

What language does SmartFoxServer 2x use on the server side?

I have downloaded and started the community version of SFSx2. I read everything on their documentation page:
Which unfortunately only talks about flash client side code. Nothing about the corresponding server side code, nor about html5 client side which I need.
I downloaded the HTML5 examples, which took me a long time to find (they are here: http://www.smartfoxserver.com/download/get/140 )
None of the examples work, as they can't connect to the server. Presumably, this is because the examples only supply client side code. There are no instructions supplied on how to install or run the examples.
I can find no mention on the smartfox documenation on the following:
1) what language is used on the server side. One assumes its java.
2) how does one deploy java code to the smartfox server? I cant find any mention of this in the docs.
3) how does one find and install the server part of the client side examples (which are Tris, GameLobby, BuddyMessenger, AdvancedChat).
I applied to be allowed to post on the smartfoxserver forums, but no reply yet.
I also found it hard so I share what I've found out.
The server extensions are written in Java. I used Eclipse JUNO to write my code.
You can download Eclipse here. http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
You export the extension in jar format from eclipse into you extension path. The name of your file has to end in 'extension' eg MyFirstExtension.jar otherwise sfs2x wont recognize it. Your extension path will be something like this: C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\extensions\MyFirstExtension\MyFirstExtension.jar if your working in windows.
You will find docs on JAVA API here. http://docs2x.smartfoxserver.com/api-docs/javadoc/server/
This is a link to the basic example code: http://www.smartfoxserver.com/download/get/120
Unzip the content into the [SFS2X_install_folder]/SFS2X/www/root/examples folder, overwriting the existing file. Run the index.html file, then navigate to another index.html to open the example. Run the sfs2x-standalone.exe first of course(see below). If you followed the 'server configuration tutorial' on smartfox website and changed the server ports, the examples wont work. Leave the ports alone until you start to understand the server.
This is a link to the flash example code: http://www.smartfoxserver.com/download/get/108
You will find the example code for apps mentioned above. They are written in Adobe Flash Builder and Java extensions. I don't know if there is any code for HTML5 but the Java server code and AS3 is there.
I also found that using the standalone server was the way to go rather than using SFS2x as a service. c:\program files\smartfoxserver2x\sfs2x\sfs2x-standalone.exe. Using the exe gives you the command prompt window. You can use the window for debugging and see the state of the server when it starts.
Most of the examples should work without creating extensions but to create an extension out of source examples:
Create and setup a new project in your Java IDE. You will have already set up a workspace.
Copy the content of the /source/server/src folder to your project's source folder.
Add SFS2X Libraries. Go to properties of the project -> Select Java Build Path -> Click Library Tab -> Add external jar. Add 'sfs2x.jar' and 'sfs2x-core.jar' from C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\lib folder. To create the extension, export jar file to extension path. Restart server.
Another problem I had was the Java Version I was using. I had to use Java1.6 with my version of sfs2x when writing extensions. This was trial and error as there was no documentation. There may be a newer version out now.
I had to copy all the server source into eclipse to try and understand how things were done. It was a way of having all the code in one place. There was a lot of trial and error as getting help is hard. I eventually accomplished what I set out to achieve. Good Luck.
SmartFox Server is easy to use even with extension. documentation Give try to Nuggeta solution for game development too. No extension needed at first. This is optionnal.
We have full HTML5 open source game walkthrough on github