Testing Paypal subscription IPN - paypal

I'd like to test paypal subscription IPNs, both the ones received when a subscription is created, and the ones sent later with the next payment (such as monthly if the subscription is $x per month).
However I'd prefer not to wait a month or a day to receive the second IPN. Is there a way to have an IPN sent quicker, such as hourly, using paypal or their sandbox?
On the documentation it says you can only specify years, months, days, and weeks as the subscription period.

PayPal's developer support and documentation is an embarrassment to them. But this particular limitation isn't as debilitating as it seems at first blush.
For testing, define your recurring payment to not have a free trial. When you create a new subscription, your server will receive two IPN messages in quick succession, one to create the subscription and the second to apply a payment. That's basically all you need to test.
If you have a free trial, you'll get basically the same pair of messages, just with a trial period between them. :)
The first message ("create subscription") will look something like this. Note the 'txn_type' -- that's the key bit of information for disambiguating the two messages:
"subscr_date"=>"14:32:23 Feb 15, 2010 PST",
"item_name"=>"Your Subscription Description",
"period1"=>"1 M",
# This example is from a "free trial" IPN notification-- if you don't have a
# free trial defined, there will only be 'period1' fields, and they'll
# have the data that appears here in the 'period3' fields.
"period3"=>"1 M",
The second message is the more interesting one in this case. It will essentially be the exact same message you'll get later when the recurring payment is applied. It looks something like this:
"payment_date"=>"12:45:33 Feb 16, 2010 PST",
"subscr_date"=>"14:32:23 Feb 15, 2010 PST",
So you can do almost all of your testing without waiting a day. By the time you think you've got it nailed down, you'll be receiving lots of subscription IPN messages the next day.
In addition, here is a link to PayPal's documentation for further reference.

It's possible to resend test IPNs, so you should only need to 'buy' one subscription for testing.
Once you've bought one subscription, here's what to do:
Log into your PayPal sandbox seller account.
Select 'Profile' => 'My Selling Preferences'.
Select 'Instant Payment Notification Preferences' from the third column.
Confirm that IPN is enabled and that the URL is correct.
Click the link to the IPN History page.
Scroll down, tick one or more IPNs and click 'Resend'.
After you confirm, the selected IPN(s) will now be resent to the URL you have specified. You can repeat an unlimited number of times with the same IPN(s).
The excellent answer by #dondo covers the rest.

It used to be that the period specified in days would be treated by the test server as minutes so you'd be called every 3 minutes when specified 'd3'. I think they removed this and I'm not aware of any replacement feature to test subscriptions.

Hey I just wanted to throw a shout out to Neil because that is exactly what I was looking for and I don't have enough reputation to reply or upvote..
Believe it or not paypal still doesn't make it easy to do subscription testing with ipn files :/
So, just because I didn't see it on here and the OP kind of sounded like they were under the impression to only expect two possible responses from papal --
if anyone else is having issues, here are some other txn_type that hit my ipn while doing testing:
//when paypal subscription profile is created for the subscriber
//payment made for a given billing cycle
//when subscription fails
//user cancels subscription - not
//end of term - paypal is "done" with that subscriber
//why I was looking for this thread to begin with lol
that last one hit my ipn this morning against every last one of my test subscribers. when I was looking up what that meant, I found that the following are also possible to get:
I don't know what I did to get that because subscriptions and recurring payments are technically different in PayPal's eyes (subscriptions can possibly never terminate but recurring payments have a cap on the total payments someone can make for any "subscription") but their documentation isn't always straight forward, either, so I dunno. That I'm still working on figuring out as this was a subscription button generated by a sandbox merchant account but whatever.
Happy headaches :)
I figured out my problem just now - so just so it sounds like I know what I'm doing I'll explain...
I think paypal's subscription sandbox environment is slowly dying. I noticed the other day when I'm messing around in sandbox.paypal.com that I get "Fatal Failure" a lot of times. Refreshing the page seems to correct this most times, although sometimes i have to refresh a few times for the screen to come back.
I am getting the same response from them hitting my IPN file, which explains why every subscription I had got suspended today. Thanks to Neil I was able to resend the IPN response and I captured it into a text file (lol) and then I hit the ipn file reading in the response and throw it back at paypal (its really more complicated than that I'm just making it sound easy).
In any case by refreshing the page I can initiate the paypal handshake more or less on demand and when I do, it's 50/50 - sometimes I get VERIFIED, and sometimes I get Fatal Failure - just like when I try to do much of anything in their sandbox site (Fatal Failure).
Below is an example of part of a failed response I get from them... I get a 200 so I believe hitting their server isn't the issue with connectivity, but I am starting to see a pattern with "Fatal Failure" here and this points to more their end than mine
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 02:41:00 GMT
Server: Apache
Fatal Failure

you can also manually create IPN from their sandbox:


PayPal IPN messages issues

I'm currently using PayPal's adaptive payment system to process purchases on my e-commerce platform.
This has been working successfully for the past 5 years. Last week, there was a situation where my platform's system did not record IPN responses from PayPal. This was an intermittent issue. Lets say, 5 transactions were made in a day - 3 were recorded and 2 weren't. Note that there was no code change done in recent times. I also tried resending IPN messages from PayPal's IPN history page, but to no success.
On contacting PayPal, I was asked to check my IPN listener, which again had no issues. I'm quite puzzled as to what might be causing these issues.
In the last 24 hours, all the transactions stopped receiving IPN messages. On checking PayPal's IPN history page to retry sending IPN messages, I could not find any of the messages for the transactions that happened today. I am unable to process confirmation numbers for my customers without the IPN message from PayPal.
Any insights to this issue would be greatly appreciated.
This may not be the silver bullet answer you're looking for but I'm in a similar position as you. We've only been intermittently receiving IPN messages from Adaptive Payments for the past few days. Other IPN messages seem unaffected. Last night we received a number of IPN messages from transactions as far back as 5 days ago and as of today everything appears to be normal. I have no idea what was wrong and so I'm not ready to call it "fixed", but I'm hopeful.
The only action I've taken (besides spending the past two days manually confirming payments), was opening a ticket at paypal-support.com. I can't say for certain if that had any effect as they have yet to tell me if they've taken any action, only asked for more details.
As a side note, I can't find any service status pages for Adaptive Payments. Presumably this is because it's a limited release product, however it's slightly frustrating as we do depend on it until PayPal offers a better alternative for chained payments to multiple endpoints.

Paypal IPN getting delayed by hours

I'm using paypal adaptive payments to make transaction via paypal. Although few of transactions are taking more than 6 hours too receive IPN.
I've gone through forum posts and their documentation, I came through - https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/products/instant-payment-notification/
"Because IPN is not a real-time service, your checkout flow should not wait for the IPN message before it is allowed to complete. If the checkout flow is dependent on receiving an IPN message, processing can be delayed by system load or other reasons. You should configure your checkout flow to handle a possible delay."
The callback is taking more than 6 hours is way too much. any suggestions ?
I've built several custom carts. On average, I see the PayPal IPN come back within 2 minutes at the longest, and usually recurring payments take longer than single payments because they send two IPN messages, not just one, on the initial setup. I usually take the 'custom' property and put a unique identifier that I have permanently cookied. So, even though I may see an initial IPN come in on a recurring payment, I wait for the one that says that txn_type is subscr_payment and also that payment_status is Completed. You can't really trust a subscription payment as being paid unless you see that second message. And if it's a single payment, then I look for txn_type to be web_accept and payment_status to Completed.
The way I handle things is to redirect the customer to PayPal to purchase using the form button technique. The customer pays and then gets redirected (thanks to the form hidden vars I created initially) back to my own custom cart URL that I specify. I call that URL the payment-confirmation script. I display a message with a progress bar to please wait while their payment is being confirmed with PayPal. I hold them there 10 seconds and then redirect to the receipt. It is on the receipt where I check the database to see if my IPN script has already processed this order. If not, then I redirect them back to the payment-confirmation script again for another 10 second progress bar delay. My receipt uses a session cookie to ensure I never send them into a loop more than one time to the payment-confirmation script. So, the customer waits another 10 seconds and then comes back to the receipt page, where I test again, reading my permanent cookie on the 'custom' property that I saved, versus the 'custom' property that comes in from the IPN that I use as the order key in the database. Usually within the first or second 10 second delay, the IPN has come in and I can proceed. However, if the IPN has still not come in, then I redirect to a friendly error message saying that their payment cannot be confirmed and to call our call center to remedy the issue. Our call center techs then see the delay problem in PayPal, back the other transaction out, and sell to the customer over the phone manually, instead.

Missing IPN how to diagnose?

We have been running IPN payments for around 15 months now, and for all that time we have around 10% missed IPN notification (there is no record of PayPal attempting to contact our website to notify it of the IPN, Paypal IPN history gets always http200.
Now we are hitting around 5 missed notification per 30 orders/day. We have tried to set up manually url listener in account settings and after that we are getting hundreds notifications from ebay sales) and also passing url method was used - nothing helped. Any idea how to diagnose the problem?
Thanks in advance
Although it is possible some situations don't trigger IPN, IPN actually covers a lot of things. I'd recommend getting in contact with paypal merchant technical services (or with paypal customer support, and they will transfer you to technical) as soon as possible, and ask them to see if there's anything wrong on either side. You would need to prepare the related transaction is within 28 days whose IPN is missing, because IPN only remains in the history for 28 days.

PayPal refunds not generating IPN anymore

I have a web site thats been operating for months, if not years. It takes payments via PayPal. IPNs are used to track the payment status against an order.
If the paypal account owner issues a refund, the IPN from that is tracked, and the order updated with the amount refunded.
Now: The problem: This was all working in February 2015. But since then I have made 4 refunds (buy logging into the PayPal website and refunding). Each one was days apart. In each case they were partial refunds.
In all cases the monies have reached the recipient, and logged transactions IDs etc in PayPal.
The first one, I never received the IPN.
The second one I did received the IPN (and decided the first one must have been a glitch, unusal though it would seem)
However the third and fourth also have not generated an IPN that I received.
From looking at the Apache logs, there appears to not have been even an attempt from notify.paypal.com that Apache received.
So I am much puzzled, have googled around but not found anything. Can anyone suggest what I have missed that have caused these IPNs to stop?
Perhaps I should add that I continue to receive all the payment notification IPNs just fine. It seems to be just the refunds that I miss.
I thought at one time there was a flag about IPNs in settings, but I can't see it anywhere in the new web interface.

Subscriptions with Paypal IPN

I am adding subscriptions to a site using Paypal IPN which works very well, I can successfully create a new subscription and verify it. The subscription has a two week free trial. The guide was unfortunately a little vague on subscription statuses.
At the moment, the users account gets subscribed status once subscr_signup or subscr_payment is received and gets removed when either subscr_cancel or subscr_failed is received. I believe this is correct but it's best to make sure.
Also what is subscr_eot? the IPN guide describes it as "subscription’s end-of-term." Does this get triggered after the trial period is over?
subscr_eot is sent when a user's last paid interval has expired. subscr_cancel is sent as soon as the use cancels the subscription - for example:
User signs up on day 1 for a subscription which is billed once a month.
subscr_signup is sent immediately, subscr_payment is sent as soon as payment goes through (usually immediately as well).
On day 13, the user cancels. subscr_cancel is immediately sent, although the user has technically paid through to day 30. Cancelling at this point is up to you.
On day 30, subscr_eot is sent - the user has cancelled, and this is the day which his last payment paid until.
Not much changes with trial subscriptions - if a user cancels before a trial subscription is up, subscr_cancel is sent immediately, and subscr_eot is sent at the end of the trial.
Also, one interesting detail is how subscr_eot works with subscr_failed.
It looks like subscr_eot comes after the FINAL subscr_failed. So if in your account you set it to automatically retry failed payments 3 times, then it should go like this:
first failed payment => subscr_failed
second failed payment => subscr_failed
third failed payment => subscr_failed and subscr_eot
so basically in your code you can set subscr_failed to trigger an email like
hi user,
please take moment to check
your payment info, you may need to
update the credit card expiration
date, etc. You still have access,
we'll try again in a few days.
And setup subscr_eot to actually turn their subscription off and trigger an email like
Sorry, we still havent' gotten payment
and have taken your profile down. You
can still reactivate it by logging in and updating your payment info
Basically this is the "nice" way of doing it so customers have a grace period, and their account isn't shut off unexpectedly just because of an expired credit card or something like that.
The thread posted by Chris has been updated recently.
Sometime in 2010, PayPal stopped using subscr_eot when a user cancelled their account. After a number of complaints, they reinstated this, but took 6 months to do so. All this means is that you can once again handle your subscription notifications as described by Peter in the accepted answer.
From a PayPal representative:
subscr_cancel means the profile is
canceled and there will not be future
payments. However, if the buyer has
already paid for the current billing
cycle as they are charged up-front,
then you can use the subscr_eot to
terminate the profile.
Still unsure what happens in the event of multiple failed payment attempts, however. PayPal documentation at the moment is terrible.
It depends on the account if it is new or not whether subscr_eot gets sent, which is kinda beyond me?
I haven't found the proper way to manage subscriptions yet. Calculating the dates on the server could go wrong very fast if there is a delay in payment.