Send mail without MFMailComposeViewController - iphone

I want to send mail from an iPhone app without showing an MFMailComposeViewController. I also want this mail to be sent from the user's default Mail account. Is it possible to do this?

This is not supported by the iPhone SDK, probably because Apple doesn't want you to do it.
Why not? My guess: Because it's easy to abuse. If we knew user's email address, we could spam them, we could fake emails from them, etc. Imagine finding out an iPhone app sent an email as you without your knowledge -- not cool, even if the app had good intentions.
So, anything you do to get around that, is likely to get you rejected from the app store.
Having said all that, you could basically write your own smtp interaction code to chat with the user's outgoing mail server. For example, if the user has a gmail account, you could ask them for their email and password, you'd have to know how to talk to the gmail servers, and send email through them.
Going that route means asking the user for their username, password, and either asking for or figuring out their mail server information. Another choice is to send directly from the phone (your own smpt server, not just a client), which is a bit more coding. And if you write your own server, the mail you send is more likely to be blocked since your originating IP might not match the domain on the sender's email.
There also exist some libraries that might help out. Previous related question:
Open Source Cocoa/Cocoa-Touch POP3/SMTP library?

There are legitimate reasons for wanting to send an email. (Such as communicating with a server using SMTP instead of HTTP)
This blog post should get you going:

It is possible to use MFMailComposeViewController without user interaction. See my answer on the iPhone send email not using MessageUI question.


iOS access recent emails

I know this is likely to be answered "sorry buddy", but is there a way i can access my recently sent emails from another iOS app? I really don't need the contents of the emails just the addresses. Basically if you haven't stored the contact information in your address book, I still want to be able to pull those addresses.
For example in the email app, when you compose a new email, as you start typing in an email address it will try to autofill with recently sent/received email addresses. I'm trying to mimic this behavior.
Point me in the right direction if there is already a stack overflow question about this.
No, there is not API that will allow this.
Apps can't acces other apps data since they are sandboxed.
Given the quick answers I received confirming my suspicion that this can't be done, I'm thinking I will just provide a way people can set up email accounts the way the built-in mail app does it. By that I mean I will allow people to select from the major web-based mail providers like gmail, yahoo mail, .. then also allow them to create a mail account with their mail server (address, username, password, port, etc.)
It's kind of overkill since I just want their recently used email addresses, and will scare off people who don't want to give access to their personal mail, but if its all i can do then so be it.

Securely sending email via external smtp server in cocoa touch

I'd like my app to be able to send an email, from my servers to their address, when they press a button. Seems simple enough but I can't seem to find any straightforward examples. The ones I have found use third party libraries which some people said were insecure in that someone could find a way to send their own emails through that account.
Also, would this type of thing get my app rejected? Do I have to use the built in email message window?
check this out:

email send from ipad without setup account

i want(i mean client :)) to send an email from a particular account.
in my app there is an option of sending a mail.
now i want to do as any one from any ipad sends email from using this app will sent by one particular account.
How can i do so?
From this link
By looking at the class reference for MFMailComposeViewController in the documentation, I'd say you can't do anything about it. It's not very flexible unfortunately, same as sending SMS, and there you can't MMS with it, just SMS.
You can't specify a default email address. If you could, I suspect one could view this as a security risk for spam/unsolicited mail.
You can't using Apple's API, it will use the Mail app and whatever account is setup in there. You'll have to grab full sendmail client code and incorporate it into your app.

Can I send email programmatically in iPhone app?

I need to be able to send a pre-formatted email or SMS text message programmatically from within an iphone app. Can this be done? I have looked at apple's MFMailComposeViewController class, but this "provides a standard interface that manages the editing and sending an email message" and the MFMessageComposeViewController class also has it's own "standard system interface for composing SMS text messages". These allow you to present an interface to the user where they have to fill in all the data and then explicitly press a send button.
I cannot use this boilerplate functionality.
I need to be able to send a message without presenting any interface to the user. I know this sounds evil, but actually it is for a commercial application which needs to communicate to a user group in a central office when users in the field have performed specific actions out in the field.
Has anyone found a solution to this?
After much investigation, I have found that sending emails programmatically, without user intervention, from an iphone application, cannot be implemented using any of the apple frameworks.
Set up a web service you can post to using an HTTP request. If you are posting to only one address this can work very well, although you may want to get the user to input their return mail address.
Otherwise only the standard dialog is available (this relies on using whatever account they've setup on the device).
Here are a few SMTP API's that work on OS X. They might work on iOS as well.
Only Possible via Web Interface, you can not hide the Interface , this is as per apple Guidlines to Developer and as per documentation
Looking for a solution to such a problem, I found something interesting here: How to send mail from iphone app without showing MFMailComposeViewController?
I hope this will be useful!
This is standard not possible. If you can't use the standard dialog you need to use SMTP.
SMS is the same, use the dialog of use a webbased sms service (most of these cost some money).
I have no experience with iOS, but I have enough experience with email protocols to say I'd be very surprised if a client application could send email without accessing a server. More than likely, the email will be sent using the SMTP protocol and therefore must be sent using an SMTP server. Choosing how you connect to that server is about the only option you have. You could connect to a server-side script (such as php) to generate and send the email, or you may be able to create a socket and connect directly to port 25 on the SMTP server and still generate the email from you client application.
Check out:
RFC 5321 at
SMTP on Wikipedia at
You could always do a low level telnet using SMTP protocol to a known mail server to send a message. I don't know if Apple will reject the app, but SMTP is damned simple.

Email client detection

I have a project to send some email to end clients. My client need to know what exactly "Email Client" they use to read the mail. I know a hidden can get the open event and even the user agent they use, so by parsing user agent i can get most email clients info.
But it's hard to detect some popular web mail clients like "Gmail", "Hotmail" and "Yahoo mail". Because user agent return is only the browser user agent string.
Edit: i think i need a result more like this:
You will not be able to perfectly detect the e-mail client your users are using.
In E-Mail headers some programs choose to include the X-Mailer tag, which tells you exactly with what program and version your user is sending the e-mail - of course that can be faked. Not all programs use the X-Mailer tag, I e.g. couldn't find it in a mail sent with Microsoft Outlook 2010.
Besides that you could do some guesswork by the Received from tag in the e-mail headers, but in the end you can use SMTP and POP3 with most webmailers like GMail or Yahoo. That means even though your e-mail is sent via servers from, the originating client could still be Outlook or Thunderbird and not GMail itself.
Maybe we can help you if you better if you could tell us why exactly your client wants to know the programs the users use to read their mail? Probably to tune the appearance of newsletters?
I know this is a really old topic, but the most reliable way to detect webmail client for gmail, hotmail, and office365 is to use a tracking pixel. What you will want to do is geo-locate the IP address and you'll find gmail all comes from mountain-view and microsoft based products from redmond.
I haven't validated this with non-US users, but I'd imagine the caching services they use will all be in the same place.