How to take an NSString out of an NSMutableString? - iphone

That's somewhat confusing. NSMutableString inherits from NSString, but does that also mean that I can pass an NSMutableString anywhere safely where actually an NSString is wanted? And can I assign an NSString to an NSMutableString? How would I get an NSString out of an NSMutableString to avoid problems, if any?

Yes, you can pass an NSMutableString for an NSString. However, be aware that if the object you pass it to stores a reference to this object, it will "see" all the changes you make to the mutable string object. This is not always desirable.
No, not possible. If you had a NSMutableString pointer pointing to an NSString and called, say, appendString: on it, the object wouldn't know how to process the call.
(the first two are OO inclusion polymorphism basics)
If you want to get a non-mutable string from a mutable one, use [mutableString copy].


NSString stringWithString VS #"string"

I was just curious, is there any difference between the following two codes?
NSString *aString = [NSString stringWithString:#"a string"];
NSString *aString = #"a string";
I wonder what exactly is going on when you do the latter way.
Both point to a literal string created at compile time.
Even though stringWithString suggest it's autoreleased, a literal string will never get released.
See my related post here:
Difference between NSString literals
From the apple docs #
Such an object is created at compile time and exists throughout your
program’s execution. The compiler makes such object constants unique
on a per-module basis, and they’re never deallocated, though you can
retain and release them as you do any other object.

Difference between these two NSString methods

So I just got asked this at an interview today and after some googling am still unable to figure out the answer (in fact I couldn't even find any code at all which used the [NSString string] method).
What is the difference between
NSString *someString = [NSString string];
NSString *someString = [[NSString alloc] init];
Now my initial thoughts were that [NSString string] would return an object which would be autoreleased whereas using alloc and init would return an object which has been retained. However it seems that this answer was incorrect.
I've looked at the NSString class reference in the apple docs but all it says is
Returns an empty string.
+ (id)string
Return Value
An empty string.
Could somebody explain to me exactly what the difference between these two are?
Was that your response, and did you ask why your answer was incorrect? I ask because your assumption is mostly correct (at a higher level).
It's not exactly 'retained' when returned from alloc+init, it is an object you hold one reference to, and should balance with a release or autorelease. For the convenience constructor (+[NSString string]), you are returned an object which you hold zero references to, but one which you can expect to live until the current autorelease pool is popped unless you send it an explicit retain (assuming MRC or ARC, since it is tagged iOS).
At the lower level, you could make some guesses, but I wouldn't expect that question in many objc interviews (unless you told them you were mid or senior level). Basically, it is implementation defined, but both forms could return the same static, constant NSString (that may have been what the interviewer was looking for). To illustrate:
#implementation NSString
static NSString * const EmptyNSString = #"";
- (id)init
self = [super init];
[self release];
return EmptyNSString;
+ (id)string
return EmptyNSString;
Again, that's implementation defined, but an obvious optimization. As well, that optimization makes physically subclassing concrete immutable types (NSString) difficult for mutable variants (NSMutableString) in some cases.
Now my initial thoughts were that [NSString string] would return an object which would be autoreleased
Technically, it’s a placeholder string that is constant, i.e., it lives throughout the entire program execution, never being released. It’s not an autoreleased string. Conceptually, and this is what I’d focus as an interviewer, it’s a string (an empty string) that is not owned by the caller, hence the caller shouldn’t release it.
whereas using alloc and init would return an object which has been retained
Technically, it’s a placeholder string that is constant, i.e., it lives throughout the entire program execution. In fact, it’s the same object as the one above, and it is not retained. Conceptually, and this is what I’d focus as an interviewer, it’s a string (an empty string) that is owned by the caller, hence the caller is responsible for releasing it when it’s not needed any longer.
The correct answer is that
NSString *someString = [NSString string];
gives you an empty string that you do not own and that you must not release (according to the memory management rules)
NSString *someString = [[NSString alloc] init];
gives you an empty string you do own and that you must release (according to the memory management rules).
Without poking into the implementation, you can't say anything else about those two strings. You can't say that they are autoreleased, because they might not be and you can't say what the retain count will be.
In actual fact, you'll probably get (in both cases) the same pointer to a constant object of some NSString subclass, probably with a retain count of UINT_MAX which is used by the run time as a flag to disable normal retain release behaviour for constant strings. I haven't actually tried the above because nobody except the maintainers of the Objective-C SDK needs to care.
You don't often see
NSString *someString = [NSString string];
because it's the same as
NSString *someString = #"";
which is shorter. It's usually used to create an empty NSMutableString
NSMutableString* s = [NSMutableString string];
The only thing I can imagine is that:
Won't allocate memory since it is not made with alloc. It is a constant (an empty string) made by the system and doesn't need to be released.
You allocate the memory for the NSString yourself which means you have to keep track if the NSString still 'lives' or not when you are done with it, and thus need to release it.

NSString vs NSMutableString with stringByAppendingString

So, I'm fairly certain that if I plan on manipulating strings often, such as with stringByAppendingString, I should be using variables of type NSMutableString.
But what if I'm doing something like this?
UILabel *someLabel = [[UILabel alloc] init];
[someLabel setText: [[someDictionary objectForKey:#"some_key"] stringByAppendingString:#"some other string"];
I read that if you use stringByAppendingString on an NSString, you end up with leaks because the pointer associated with the initial NSString moves around, pointing to the new string created by the append, whereas with NSMutableString, your pointer always points to that mutable string.
So my question is, what is implicitly happening when I call stringByAppendingString on something that is a string, but not explicitly an NSString or an NSMutableString? Such as, in my above case, the value of some key in a dictionary. Is doing this wrong, and should I be doing something like below?
[[[NSMutableString stringWithString:[someDictionary objectForKey:#"some_key"]] stringByAppendingString:#"some other string"]]
I read that if you use
stringByAppendingString on an
NSString, you end up with leaks
because the pointer associated with
the initial NSString moves around,
pointing to the new string created by
the append, whereas with
NSMutableString, your pointer always
points to that mutable string.
That sounds like the advice of someone who didn't quite have a grasp of what is going on with the memory management. Sure, [NSString stringByAppendingString] returns a new string. But what you do with that new string is up to you. You could certainly cause a memory leak by reassigning the result to a retained property in a careless fashion, like so:
myStringProperty = [myStringProperty stringByAppendingString:#" more bits"];
The correct form would be to use self, like so:
self.myStringProperty = [myStringProperty stringByAppendingString:#" more bits"];
Follow the cocoa memory guidelines.
As for dictionaries and other collection types: treat what comes out of the dictionary appropriately given the type you know it to be. If you pull an object out which is actually an NSString, but try to use it as a NSMutableString, your app will fall over (with 'selector not found' or similar). So in that case, you do need to make a new NSMutableString from the NSString.
Interesting note: Apple chose to make NSMutableString a subclass of NSString. Something about that seems unwise to me -- if something looks to be immutable, because it has type NSString, I want it to be immutable! (But in fact it could be NSMutableString.) Compare that to Java, which has a String class and a completely separate BufferedString class.
I've always been a fan of [NSString stringWithFormat#"%#%#", a, b]; because then you clearly get a new autoreleased string and can dispose of "a" and "b" correctly.
With [someDictionary objectForKey:#"some_key"], you will be getting the type of object that was put into that dictionary originally. So blindly calling stringByAppendingString without knowledge of what's in that dictionary seems like a bad idea.
-stringByAppendingString is going to return you a new NSString that is distinct from both strings involved. In other words:
NSString *string3 = [string1 stringByAppendingString:string2];
string3 is an entirely new string. string1 isn't changed at all, nothing happens to its memory location or contents. The person who told you that probably just misunderstood what was going on.
[mutableString1 appendString:string2];
In this case, mutableString1 still points at the same object, but the contents of that object have been altered to include string2.
One last thing to keep in mind is that if you are using mutable strings, you should be careful with sharing references to it. If you pass your mutable string to some function which keeps a pointer to that mutable string and then your code changes that mutable string at some point in the future, the other reference is pointing at exactly the same object which means the other code will see the change as well. If that's what you want, great, but if not you must be careful.
One way to help avoid this problem is to declare your #property statements for NSStrings to be "copy" instead of "retain". That will make a copy of your mutable string before setting it in your property and the -copy method implicitly gives you a NON-mutable version, so it'll create an NSString copy of your NSMutableString.
If you follow the rules for memory management, you will be fine using stringByAppendingString. In a nutshell:
if you own an object, you need to release or autorelease it at some point.
you own an object if you use an alloc, new, or copy method to create it, or if you retain it.
Make sure you read up on Apple's Memory Management Rules.
In the first code sample in your question, you aren't using alloc, new, copy or retain on any of the NSStrings involved, so you don't need to do anything to release it. If outside of the code that you've included in the sample you are using alloc, new, copy or retain on any NSStrings, you would need to ensure that they are released later.

iPhone Dev - NSString Creation

I'm really confused with NSStrings. Like when should I do
NSString *aString = #"Hello";
of should it be:
NSString *aString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Hello"];
But then its different when you're assigning a value to an NSString property isn't it?
Can someone clear this up for me?
In general you should do the first, but they are mostly functionally the same. You can treat constant NSStrings just like normal NSString string objects, for instance:
[#"Hello" length]
will return 5. You can assign them to properties, everything just works. The one thing you might notice is that with the constant NSStrings you don't have to worry about retain/release. That is because they are actually mapped into the applications readonly data section, and don't have allocated memory. Retain and release calls against them still work, they just become noops.
NSString *aString = #"Hello";
Will create an autoreleased string. That is, if you don't explicitly retain it, it will might disappear after your method is over (and sometimes that's totally fine). But if you want to hold on to it past that time, you'll need to retain it.
If you create a property for that string like this
#property (retain) NSString *aString;
And then assign like this:
self.aString = #"Hello";
Then you've properly retained the string and it will stick around.
On the other hand, using alloc, init will create a string for you with a retain count of 1, and if you don't need it past that method, you should release it.
****Edit: #"Hello" is not an autoreleased string, as others have pointed out. My bad. ****

Is an NSMutableString in this case more efficient than NSString?

If I declare a pointer variable in this fashion:
NSString *foo;
And then somewhere later in my code do something such as:
foo = #"bar";
Is that ultimately taking my NSString, creating a new copy in memory with an additional string, then deleting my initial string? Would foo be better off as an NSMutableString?
No, foo is variable holding a pointer to an NSString. The assignment foo = #"bar" sets the value stored by the pointer foo to the address of the NSString #"bar". There is no copy made. If foo already pointed to an other NSString instance that was not a string constsant (i.e. like #"bar") and there are no other references to that instance, then you have a memory leak. You would
[foo release];
foo = #"bar";
in that case. You do not need to retain or release string constants like #"bar".
String constants cannot be mutated, so you will get a runtime error if you try to modify the value of a constant string. There's no difference between assigning #"bar" to an NSString* vs an NSMutableString*. Of course, you won't be able to use the mutating methods of the NSMutableString without a runtime error just because you assign the address of #"bar" (an NSString instance) to a variable of type NSMutableString*. If you want to mutate the string, you would do
NSMutableString *mutableFoo = [#"bar" mutableCopy];
In this case, a copy is obviously made and you are responsible for releasing mutableFoo when you're done with it.
No. The #"bar" in your example is a string constant, and should be baked into your code. You don't need to worry about memory allocation / deallocation with this constant.
NSMutableString is more efficient to use when you are doing a lot of little manipulations to a string (appending substrings, etc.) and you don't want to keep allocating autoreleased NSStrings all over the place. I tend to avoid autoreleased strings on the iPhone if I can, due to memory concerns within loops.