Determining adaptor identifier with Managed DirectX - multiple-monitors

Creating a new Managed DirectX device on a single monitor setup is easy, I call the device constructor with adapter identifier 0 ( or Manager.Adapters.Default.Adapter).
On a multiple monitor setup I want to create the device with the correct adapter identifier 0 or 1, depending on the primary or secondary monitor being currently used. How can I determine which adapter id I should use?

Couldn't figure out how to do this with Managed DirectX, wrote a wrapper for MonitorFromWindow and MonitorFromPoint to do it.


Fiware-Orion: Geolocation

Hi I'm a student and I'm working for the first time on the broker. I understood how the creation of entities works and their updating through "update" queries. My question is: you can create an entity that contains variables (eg geolocation) defined with value "null" or "zero" and then initialize them with values that interest me. So as to have dynamic and non-static variables (ie that require user update)?
Or do we need interaction with the CEP to do this?
From what I have read in the fiware-orion guide when I create an entity (ex car having attributes and velocity coordinates: geopoint). The values of these 2 attributes must be set in a static way (ex: speed 100 and position coordinates 40.257, 2.187). If I understand the values of these attributes I can only update them by making an update query. So my question is:
Is it possible to update the value of the attributes that contain the position or the speed of the car in a dynamic way, ie without having to write the values from the keyboard? Or does this require the use of the CEP of orion?
If I could not explain myself more generally I would like to know if it is possible to follow the progress of a moving car without me having to add the values from the keyboard.
Orion Context Brokker exposes a REST-based API that (among other things) allows you to create, update and query entities. From the point of view of Orion, it doesn't matter who is the one invoking the API: it can be done manually (for instance, using Postman or curl) or can be an automated system developed by you or a third party (for instance, a software running in a sensor in the car that measures the speed and periodically sends an update using a wireless communication network).
From a client-server point of view (in the case you are familiar with these concepts), Orion takes the server of the API role and the one updating the speed (either manually or automatically) takes the role of client of the API.

how to access a BTLE attribute table from yocto linux

I'm working on interfacing a BTLE peripheral with intel edison. I'm using puTTY for accessing linux environment. So far I have achieved the connection but when I list the attributes, it gives me services and characters with handle values. but I don't have any table to match the handle with respective services. I do have the complete BT protocol of the device so I know the UUID for each service but I don't know which handle is representing which service due to which I cannot configure the registers and read required data. How can I get an attribute table?
What I'm getting on the console is below:
and what I want is something like this sensorTag attribute table:

Embedding custom metadata with Service Fabric application/service

The objective that I have is to run multiple applications with some metadata embedded into applications/services so that I could query applications/services using the metadata. Is this possible?
I was looking at the following post and the answer hints at this possibility, but no specific details on how to achieve the result.
The primary piece of "metadata" you get is the service/application instance name. That's what I talked about in my other post. The way that works is by creating each service/application instance with a name that contains some information clients can use when resolving them. Clients can then query Service Fabric for named application/service instances and connect to a specific one. A service/application instance name is URI, so you can use a path hierarchy to categorize information.
Continuing with the audio/video example: Let's extend that example so we have an application that can perform specific tasks for specific media formats for audio or video. Each combination of task + media format is a unique named service instance, resulting in a deployment that looks something like this:
Now clients can query Service Fabric to discover what services are available:
FabricClient fabricClient = new FabricClient();
System.Fabric.Query.ServiceList services = await fabricClient.QueryManager.GetServiceListAsync(new Uri("fabric:/avapp"));
Then you can simply query the list of services with LINQ. For example, if I want to see all services that do video encoding:
services.Where(x => x.ServiceName.AbsolutePath.Contains("video/encoding"));
And then you can resolve an address for a specific service to connect to it:
ServicePartitionResolver resolver = ServicePartitionResolver.GetDefault();
ResolvedServicePartition servicePartition = await resolver.ResolveAsync(new Uri("fabric:/avapp/video/encoding/h264"), new ServicePartitionKey(1), cancellationToken);
ResolvedServiceEndpoint endpoint = servicePartition.GetEndpoint();
There's a bit more to the address resolution part (see here), but that's the general idea.
Application instances also allow you to set custom application parameters (key-value pairs) that can be set per instance at creation time. They don't show up in the application name, but you get that information back when you ask Service Fabric for a list of running application instances. That can potentially also be used as metadata by clients when they need to decide what application to connect to.
Update: More info on application instance parameters:
When you create a new application instance you can supply a set of key-value pairs in the application description. Then when you query Service Fabric for application instances you get back a list of Application result objects that have said parameters. This also shows up in Visual Studio, in your application project, where you have environment-specific application parameter files. Visual Studio extracts those key-value pairs from the XML files and uses them in the application description when it creates an instance of your application.

Infinispan communication using rest when values are placed using Hotrod

scenario : in Infinispan 5.3 server , application putting value in cache using Hotrod(address1:port) , but not able to get same value using infinispan rest interface(using same address1:port and same key).
e.g. put "x"="y" in infinispan cache using hotrod . trying to fetch same cached value using address1:port/rest/cachename/x but not able to get value.
Please provide input as I am new to it, also please provide example if any.
In order to store data via one interface (e.g. HotRod) and retrieve it via a different interface (e.g. REST), you need to enable compatibility/interoperability mode.

Creating regions in Memcache using java

I just installed memcache in my machine.Actually,i have to create regions in there.
For eg there should be 3 regions created ,each storing a set of data.Am not sure how can i do that in memcache.Can anyone please help/give eg as it is "urgent".
Thanks in advance
Memcached itself is just a service that runs on your server. It can be connected to and commands sent to it over a text based protocol. Once the service is running, you can use a tool such as telnet or netcat to interact with it.
As for accessing from Java, you'll probably want a library to do most of the work for you. There were a few listed on this question: Java Memcached Client
Now as for your regions: memchached is basically a key/value table. To set a region you'd do something like memcached.set("key", yourData) and to get it back you'd do something like yourData = memcached.get("key")
Note that these functions will vary depending which library you are using.