Two iPhone memory management questions - iphone

I have two questions.
1) Which of these will release ob?
- (void){
ClassOne *ob = [[ClassOne alloc] init]; // should I use autorelease here?
self.O = ob;
[ob release]; // is this correct ??
[O release]; // is this correct?
2) There are two classes, ClassOne and ClassTwo. A method in ClassTwo is:
- (void) takeParam:(ClassOne *pt) {
// something going here
and there is method in a third class
- (void) runIt {
ClassOne *ob = [[ClassOne alloc] init];
[classTwoOb takeParam:ob];
Where should I call release for the ClassOne object?

The -release method only reduces the retain count of the object in question. When the retain count reaches zero, the runtime will call -dealloc.
If at any time you send an alloc, copy, or retain message you must later call release or autorelease.
For more details see this excellent answer.

Number 1 is probably correct.
ClassOne *ob = [[ClassOne alloc] init]; // do i should use autorelease here ?
When you call [ClassOne alloc] you get an object with a retain count of 1 and you are responsible for the release.
self.O = ob;
Assuming self.O is a retain property and not an assign property, self.O/ob will have a retain count of 2.
[ob release];
Now self.O/ob will have a retain count of 1. This release matches up with the alloc. The remaining retain count is owned by self so you'll have to remember to release O when self is finished with it.
[O release]; // is this correct ??
Good. You remembered to release O. Now O will be fully released when self is dealloced. (Note: you should call [super dealloc] at the end of dealloc.)
- (void) runIt {
ClassOne *ob = [[ClassOne alloc] init];
[classTwoOb takeParam:ob];
You should release ob after calling takeParam:. Methods are responsible for retaining objects they want to keep. If takeParam: stores ob on classTwoOb, it should be retained before the method returns. If not, it shouldn't.
Use autorelease in methods that return objects that they have created. This gives the caller a chance to retain the object if it wants it, or not if doesn't need it for long. The exception to this is methods used to create objects, which should always be called alloc, new, or *copy*, and should return the object with a reference count of 1, making the caller responsible for the release.
To really learn Objective-C memory management, I recommend reading the Memory Management Programming Guide, especially the section on Memory Management Rules.


IPhone Objective C Memory Allocation

I understand that when using Alloc, new or copy you own the object and need to release the object. I understand that if I retain an object that I need to release it.
But if I have the following statment at the end of a method:
return [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
I own the UIImage object becaused I allocated the memory space, but I dont have a reference to it anymore because it was returned to the caller. In my dealloc() method I can't release it, since I dont have a reference.
So my question is, is this correct:
return [[[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path] autorelease];
I beleive in this case the caller then can retain the returned object if they like to take ownership and will eventually need to release themselves.
Thanks for your help.
Your assumptions are right. When you're returning an object, you should pass it as an autorelease object.
You use autorelease when you need to send a deferred release message—typically when returning an object from a method...
The whole point of autorelease was built around returning objects.
- (id)bad {
MyObj *obj = [[MyObj alloc] init];
return obj;
This code returns everything correctly, but you (as developer) must be sure to release the object later on.
- (id)moreBad {
MyObj *obj = [[MyObj alloc] init];
return [obj release];
This code uses the memory as expected, balancing retain and release in one scope, but returned object is garbage now (expect this to crash).
- (id)good {
MyObj *obj = [[MyObj alloc] init];
return [obj autorelease];
This code is "delayed release". I.e. you can retain the object at the caller side and the object would be safe. It could surely be broken if you don't have NSAutoreleasePool in scope, but that's a pretty rare condition, and you mostly know when that happens (the most common scenario is to start a new thread where there is no "default" autorelease pool).
So, the common practice is to balance the retain (and retain-like) and release methods in one scope. Next suggestion is to always have objects alloc-init-autoreleased, and switch to distinct releases if you have memory issues (like autoreleasing lots of objects in a loop). Next suggestion is to switch to ARC.
Both answers are correct, you may however not always have a convenience method at your disposal, so what I like to do is what you've done with autorelease:
- (MySomethingClass*)giveMeAFancyObject{
MySomethingClass *obj = [[[MySomethingClass alloc] init] autorelease]; = #"Something";
// do some setting up maybe
return obj;
If you use release, however, the string will be deallocated before it is returned (and the method would return an invalid object). Using autorelease, you signify that you want to relinquish ownership, but you allow the caller of the method to use the returned string before it is deallocated.
Why trying to alloc it? Just say:
return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];
Nothing to alloc - nothing to release.
Also, this is the best option while using ARC, where a releasing attempt leads to error.

Allocating a property

Working on someone else's code. Came across a piece of code while analyzing the project
self.groupPicker = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,260,320,216)];
self.groupPicker.delegate = self;
self.groupPicker.showsSelectionIndicator = YES;
[self.view addSubview:self.groupPicker];
Where groupPicker is a UIPicker property. When analyzing the project I encountered a potential leak warning in this case. I have also noticed that the groupPicker property is not being released in the dealloc method. Nor is _groupPicker released anywhere in the project. What should be done in this case?
Should I remove the UIPicker property and just declare a UIPicker variable instead.
Should I just release groupPicker like [_groupPicker release];
What would be the retain count of groupPicker as it is retained once in the .h file and again being allocated as shown in the above piece of code.
1) No, it is perfectly fine to have the property, the problem is that it is being over retained. When you alloc/init the retain count is 1, then you use the retained property which increases the retain count again. The retain count is now 2 and assuming you release the object in dealloc, you end up with a retain count of 1, i.e. a leaked object.
There are many ways you can handle the problem. I think the best way is to autorelease the object on initialization. Like so
self.groupPicker = [[[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,260,320,216)] autorelease];
2) Anything you retain should be released in dealloc, so in dealloc you should
- (void)dealloc {
[_groupPicker release];
[super dealloc];
Watch out! When you set a property like
self.property1 = x;
and the property1 is declared as retain, the previous object in the property1 is released and the new object (x) is retained. This is why doing this:
self.property1 = [[x alloc] init];
when property1 is declared as retain, will retain x twice. (one for init, one for setting the property)
The correct way is declaring the object, setting to the property and then releasing
object x = [[class alloc] init];
self.property1 = x;
[x release];
This way, you give the "responsability" of releasing the object x to the property holder.
While using ARC for iOS5+ applications should be preferred, if you don't want to do that just use autorelease after init method.
You should use ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)
to do so got to edit>refactor>convert to objective c ARC
Either assign the UIPickerView to _groupPicker (or whatever the instance variable is named), or use an autorelease on the value as you assign it.
(The problem is that assigning to a retained property causes a retain, and there's already a retain on the object from the alloc.)

iPhone alloc and release

i am new in ObjC and iPhone.
I downloaded an example of data sharing between multiple views. The basic approach is to create an data model object in the base UIApplication and get/set data from/to it. So in the init method i saw the following code:
- (id) init;
self.theAppDataObject = [[ExampleAppDataObject alloc] init];
[theAppDataObject release];
return [super init];
And after that, using delegate we can access this object.
id theDelegate = (id) [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
ExampleAppDataObject* theDataObject;
theDataObject = (ExampleAppDataObject*) theDelegate.theAppDataObject;
So, my question is in the first code example. Why do we need to alloc memory for the theAppDataObject object, and immediately after that - release the object? Why don't we get nil when accessing this object later?
I assume theAppDataObject is declared as #property (retain). Therefore, when setting the object by doing self.theAppDataObject (or [self setTheAppDataObject:]), this property will retain the ExampleAppDataObject. Therefore, you can release it afterwards.
When you alloc and init the ExampleAppDataObject, it's retain count goes up to 1. When you set the AppDataObject to this ExampleAppDataObject, it sends retain to it, so the retain count goes up to 2. You can then release your own ownership of the object; it won't get deallocated because theAppDataObject still has ownership.
If that makes sense.
That depends on how theAppDataObject property is defined.
If it provides a retaining setter-accessor the retain count of the appDataObject will flip to 2, one more than needed here.
So release one of it.
Better and more understandable way would be to write
if ( (self = [super init]) ) {
ExampleAppDataObject *myAppDataObject = [[ExampleAppDataObject alloc] init];
self.theAppDataObject = myAppDataObject;
[myAppDataObject release];
return self;
Iphone uses reference count based memory management model..See this tutorial first and then apple's technical documentation... theAppDataObject is a property (see the use of self. theAppDataObject) which should be retained for the above code to work..Any object which is retained should have a bonus plus 1 retain count...An object only gets released when its retain count gets to zero..
first things first: that code sample is terrible.
- (id) init
// assign self. super may return another address
self = [super init];
// then check for nil
if (self != nil) {
// then assign the ivar directly because you should
// not invoke methods of partially constructed objects
theAppDataObject = [[ExampleAppDataObject alloc] init];
// then return the address super returned
return self;
now for your questions:
Why do we need to alloc memory for the theAppDataObject object, and immediately after that - release the object?
self.theAppDataObject calls through the setter, which retains, copies, or assigns theAppDataObject. in this case, we could assume it is highly likely to be retained.
Why don't we get nil when accessing this object later?
release does not set a pointer to nil. it sends a message to the object which then decrements the retain count (in the typical case). what you might have expected in this case is an object which has been deallocated. that does not happen when the argument is retained because the reference count does not reach zero in the program you have shown. the object is still alive because it's been retained and the address of the object stored when the setter (self.theAppDataObject = arg) is called.

iPhone Memory Management

Hello Stackoverflow fellow family members!
I've got question regarding memory management in iPhone.
What I did understand was below method
-(void) dealloc
// something else to release whatever
// such as Object Created using keyword 'alloc'
// but also Object destroy here its retain value reaches iff 0
// if I do put here NSLog(#"%d", [obj retainCount]); and when it reaches
// not equal to 0 means failure with memory leak.
[super dealloc];
So am I understand right? or It is still alight even if retain count reachs > 0 here?
The reason I ask about this question because,
I checked with
NSLog(#"%d", obj.retainCount);
to check the retain count of the object and received value 3. So I tried to release here 3 times to make retainCount here equal to 0, but compiler gives me critical error.
Please, I'm new to the memory de-allocation and retain, release.
Object that I used was 'UIImageView' object and created another instance as,
UIImageView *imageView = //da da~ with UIImage
UIImageView *instance;
// at this point retain count was '1'
instance = imageView;
//[imageView retain];
// at this point retain count was '2'
[self.view addSubView: imageView];
// at this point retain count was '3'
[imageView release];// crashes
// at this point retain count was '2'
but if I do
// but if I add retain on the 'instance = imageView'
// such as
instance = imageView; // then
[imageView retain];
// works but still count is 2...
Thank You.
retainCount is not a reliable debugging-tool:
other objects might still hold references to obj
there are objects that you can't destroy (e.g. string constants)
objects are deallocated if released with a retain count of 1
What you should take care of instead:
balancing references you have with the right amount of release/autorelease
using the Analyzer
using Leaks
The normal process for overriding dealloc is to release any objects that have been previously retained (or alloc'ed) by this instance.
So if somewhere else in the object you have called an alloc or retain method your dealloc would look like:
UIImageView *imageView = //da da~ with UIImage
UIImageView *instance;
instance = imageView;
[instance retain];
-(void) dealloc
//release any retained objects here
[instance release]
[super dealloc];
Note that it doesn't matter if the release count hasn't dropped to zero after your particular release, that just means that some other bit of code has also retained the object memory (and that other bit of code will be responsible for releasing it).
Hope this helps.
That's not correct and you should rarely use retainCount. It does not have to be 0 at this point as other objects could have references to the objects you are releasing. What is important to do in dealloc is to release objects that you have ownership on. Which would be objects created with alloc or new etc.

Objective-C Setter Memory Management

Still a little confused about Objective-C memory management. I think my confusion stems from what exactly the autorelease means.
NSString *theBackendResponse = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:receivedData encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSDictionary *accountDictionary = [theBackendResponse propertyList];
[viewController setAccountDictionary:accountDictionary];
Now, what should I do with the accountDictionary in the setAccountDictionary method of my view controller? Right now I just set the instance variable "accountDictionary" to whatever is returned. Should I set it to a retained one, and then release the one that's returned? What should my setter code block look like, given that NSString's propertyList method is autoreleased?
By the way, if I release theBackendResponse, will I lose the accountDictionary? I assume not...
Calling [objectInstance autorelease] adds an object to the current NSAutoreleasePool. When that pool receives a drain message, it sends a release to all the objects in the pool. If any of those objects' retainCount reaches 0, they are deallocated at that point. The purpose of autorelease is to allow you to mark an object to be released "some time in the future". This is especially useful for things like methods that return a newly allocated object but want to release it so that the caller doesn't have to take ownership of the returned object. A method might look like this:
- (id)myMethod {
id myObj = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
return [myObj autorelease];
The caller of myMethod would then retain the return value if they wanted to take ownership of the returned value or ignore it if not. When the current NSAutoreleasePool is drained, myObj will get a release message. If no other objects own it (i.e. have sent it a retain message), it will get deallocated.
All of this is explained in the Cocoa Memory Management Programming Guide. Even if you've already read it, it's always worth an other read.
So, to answer your questions:
First, you should release theBackendResponse. You will leak memory if you do not. You don't need to know what accountDictionary does with the string: if it needs to keep a reference it will have retained theBackendResponse. You have an ownership of theBackendResponse because you alloc'd it, so you must relinquish that ownership (via release or indirectly via autorelease).
Second, you must retain or copy the argument to setAccountDictionary: if you want to keep a reference to that object or value respectively. The standard setter method looks something like this (assuming you do not need atomic semantics):
-(void)setAccountDictionary:(NSDictionary*)newDict {
if(newDict != accountDictionary) {
id tmp = accountDictionary;
accountDictionary = [newDict copy]; //Since newDict may be mutable, we make a copy so that accountDictionary isn't mutated behind our back.
[tmp release];
You must also remember to release accountDictionary in the dealloc method:
- (void)dealloc {
[accountDictionary release];
[super dealloc];
Since you appear to be using NSViewController, I assume you're on Leopard (OS X 10.5) in which case, you should probably be using #property and the #synthesized getter/setter if possible. To do this, add a
#property (copy,readwrite) NSDictionary * accountDictionary;
declaration to the class #interface. And add a #synthesize accountDictionary; directive in the #implementation block for your controller class.
In general, one object or method should not have to care about how another is managing memory. The fact that somebody else has autoreleased something is irrelevant to you. It's simpler to think of the concept of ownership. So retain and some other methods claim ownership, and release and autorelease relinquish it. If an object needs to keep a reference to another, it should claim ownership for as long as it needs. Thus, setter methods usually either retain or copy the new value and release or autorelease the old value.
I strongly recommend reading the Cocoa memory management guidelines. They're not all that long or complicated, and it's very important to understand them.
The set accessor method should always copy / retain the incoming value before releasing the old, in the case where the old value is the only object that owns the new value:
-(void)setAccountDictionary:(NSDictionary*)newDict {
id old = accountDictionary;
accountDictionary = [newDict copy];
[old release];
If accountDictionary referred to newDict and the retain count for newDict was 1, the call to [accountDictionary release] before the call to [newDict copy] would cause the retain count to got to 0 and therefore release newDict.
As an example of incorrect code, where we release the old dictionary and then copy the new dictionary:
-(void)setAccountDictionary:(NSDictionary*)newDict {
[accountDictionary release];
accountDictionary = [newDict copy];
and have the following code:
NSDictionary *dict = [obj accountDictionary];
[obj setAccountDictionary:dict];
It's contrived, but it demonstrates that in the setter, accountDictionary and newDict refer to the same instance. If the retain count is 1, the [accountDictionary release] line will decrease the retain count to 0, and thus release the instance from memory. [newDict copy] will now refer to an invalid instance.
Apple describes several concepts when implementing accessors: Memory Management Accessor Methods
If you can use Objective-C 2.0, I would go with properties and dot syntax.
Properties are new in Objective-C 2.0 and provide auto accessor generation.
In the .h File:
#property (retain) NSDictionary* accountDictionary;
In the implementation:
#synthesize accountDictionary;
Synthesize generates accessor methods for your NSDictionary. (If you want to provide your own implementation, you could also do that)