How to diagnose "TestFixtureSetUp Failed" - nunit

We use TeamCity as our CI server, and I've just started seeing "TestFixtureSetUp Failed" in the test failure window.
Any idea how I go about debugging this problem? The tests run fine on my workstation (R# test runner in VS2008).

It is a bit of a flaw in the implementation of TestFixtureSetUp (and TestFixtureTearDown) that any exceptions are not well reported. I wrote the first implementation of them and I never got it to work the way it was supposed to. At the time the concepts in the NUnit code were tightly coupled to the idea that actions were directly related to a single test. So the reporting of everything was related to a test result. There wasn't really a space for reporting something that happened at the suite level without a huge re-write (it isn't a refactoring when you change a sheep into an escalator).
Because of that bit of history it's hard to find out what really happened in a TestFixtureSetUp. There isn't a good place to attach the error. The TestFixtureSetUp call is a side effect of running a test instead of being directly related to it.
#TrueWill has the right idea. Check the logs and then modify the test to add more logging if necessary. You might want to put at try/catch inside the TestFixtureSetup and log a lot in the catch block. I just thought I could add some background to it (in other words it's kind of my fault).

I'd check the Build Log first.
If it's not obvious from that, you could try including Console.WriteLines in the tests - I'm not positive, but I think those are written to the Build Log. Alternately you could log to a file (even using log4net if you wanted to get fancy).
If you have Visual Studio installed on the CI server, you could try running the build/tests from there. If it's a connectivity issue, that might resolve it.
I've seen path issues, though, where relative paths to files were no longer correct or absolute paths were used. These are harder to debug, and might require logging the paths and then checking if they exist on the build server.

I ran into this today when creating some integration tests that have long running setup that I don't want to duplicate. I ended up wrapping all the test fixture setup logic in a try/catch. I then add a SetUp method whose sole purpose is to see if a failure occurred during fixture setup and provide better logging.
Exception testFixtureSetupException = null;
public void FixtureSetup()
// DoTestFixtureSetup
catch (Exception ex)
testFixtureSetupException = ex;
// NUnit doesn't support very useful logging of failures from a TestFixtureSetUp method. We'll do the logging here.
public void CheckForTestFixturefailure()
if (testFixtureSetupException != null)
string msg = string.Format("There was a failure during test fixture setup, resulting in a {1} exception. You should check the state of the storage accounts in Azure before re-running the RenewStorageAccountE2ETests. {0}Exception Message: {3}{0}Stack Trace:{4}",
Environment.NewLine, testFixtureSetupException.GetType(), accountNamePrefix, testFixtureSetupException.Message, testFixtureSetupException.StackTrace);

I was getting the same error while running any test with SpecFlow using Visual NUnit. When I tried doing the same from the Unit Test Explorer(provided by Resharper), it gave a little more helpful message: Binding methods with more than 10 parameters are not supported. I realized I can't have a SpecFlow method with more than 10 params, had to remove the test.

I was able to see that I was not creating my test database correctly by doing a quick switch to VS Unit Testing. In my Case it was able to return a better response to the reason why it failed. I usually use NUnit.
"Unable to create instance of class X. Error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A file activation error occurred. The physical file name '\DbTest.mdf' may be incorrect. Diagnose and correct additional errors, and retry the operation.
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors..

Run the unit test in debug mode. You may find a runtime error in the the setup.

If you are using SpecFlow and C# in Visual Studio, look at the auto-generated <whatever>.feature.cs file after the test fails. On the public partial class <whatever>Feature line, you should see a symbol which when hovered over will show the reason that the NUnit fixture setup failed. In my case, it was that some of my BeforeFeature methods in my TestHooks class were not static. All BeforeTestRun, AfterTestRun, BeforeFeature, and AfterFeature methods need to be static.

I had this issue and it was caused by adding a private readonly Dictionary in the class, much the same way that you add a private const string.
I tried to make the Dictionary a constant but you can't do that at compile time. I solved this by putting my Dictionary in a method that returns it.

I was troubled by this today. I did the following to get the actual error.
(1) Write another test in a separate fixture which initializes an instance of the troubling test fixture, explicitly calls setup methods such as TestFixtureSetUp and SetUp if any, and then executes the target test method.
(2) Add exception handling code for the new code above, and log / output the actual exception to somewhere.

You can catch the exception and write it in the console on the TearDown
Something like:
public class BaseTest
private Exception caughtException = null;
public void RunBeforeAnyTests()
throw new Exception("On purpose");
catch (Exception ex)
caughtException = ex;
public void RunAfterAnyTests()
if (caughtException != null)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("TestFixtureSetUp failed in {0} - {1}", this.GetType(), caughtException.Message));
And the result will be:
TestFixtureSetUp failed in IntegratedTests.Services.BaseTest - On purpose

I had this symptom caused by an error during field initialization. If you initialize your fields in the [SetUp] method, you should see a better error message.
internal class CommandParserTest
// obscure error message
private CommandParser parser = new CommandParser(...);
internal class CommandParserTest
private CommandParser parser;
public void BeforeTest()
// better error message
parser = new CommandParser(...);


Is there any alternative to [OneTimeSetup] in Nunit?

In my existing [OneTimeSetup] method, I want to check some preconditions before running any test. But I can't do so as the object which I'll be needing to check preconditions is initialized in Base class [Setup] method. I can't initialize this earlier due to some project limitations.
So, Is there any way where I can execute some code after Base [Setup] method (to check some preconditions) and before any suite execution? I want to execute this once per suite.
Class GlobalSetup
public void OneTimeSetUp(){
CheckIfDataIsPresent(); // I can't do this here as this code needs Obj O to be initialized. which will be initialized in Base class's [Setup] methed
Public class Base
public void setUp()
//some code where we initialize obj O;
public class Test : Base
// tests to be executed
You already did a nice job of explaining why what you want to do won't work, so I don't have to. :-)
The problem is that each your tests needs a fresh instance of that object, so you properly create it in a [SetUp] method. You would like to ensure that it's possible to create such an object once before you run any tests.
I can only give you a non-specific answer, since you haven't given a lot of info in your example code. If you update your question, I may be able to update my answer. Here goes...
Both your tests and the check you want to perform require an instance of object o. So one approach would be to initialize o one more time in the OneTimeSetup, perform the check and then throw it away. Since you are initializing o in every test, I assume it's not expensive to do so. Say you have 100 tests. You are setting up o 100 times. So make it 101 and be done!
Alternatively, determine what is required for o to be initialized successfully and check that. For example, if it needs a file to be present, check that the file is present. If the file has to have 100 records in some format, check that it's so. Perhaps you might give us more detail about what those prerequisites are.
Finally, you might reconsider whether you really need a new instance per test. Since you suggest you would be willing to make a check once per fixture (I assume that's what you mean by suite) then perhaps you really only need one instance per fixture rather than a new one for each test.

Migration problems when migrate from NUnit 2.X to NUnit 3.X

I'm using NUnit 2.X library but want to use NUnit 3.X now. I have some problems about migration from 2.X to 3.X. First i have a setup fixture class. Here is the 2.X version;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using HalisEnerji.QuantSignal.Logging;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace HalisEnerji.QuantSignal.Tests
public class Initialize
public void SetLogHandler()
Log.LogHandler = new ConsoleLogHandler();
First problem is fixed via change "Setup" attribute with "OneTimeSetUp" attribute. Second problem fixed via add some codes for set test directory. Because i'm using Re-Sharper test engine. Here is final shape of setup fixture;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using HalisEnerji.QuantSignal.Logging;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace HalisEnerji.QuantSignal.Tests
public class Initialize
public void SetLogHandler()
Log.LogHandler = new ConsoleLogHandler();
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var localPath = new Uri(assembly.CodeBase).LocalPath;
var direcotyName = Path.GetDirectoryName(localPath);
if (direcotyName != null)
Environment.CurrentDirectory = direcotyName;
Well after solve setup fixture problem, my real problems begins with use TestCaseSource/TestCaseData. Here is sample 2.X version;
public void CreateSymbol(string ticker, Symbol expected)
Assert.AreEqual(Symbol.Create(ticker), expected);
private TestCaseData[] CreateSymbolTestCaseData()
return new []
new TestCaseData("SPY", new Symbol(Security.GenerateEquity("SPY"), "SPY")),
new TestCaseData("EURUSD", new Symbol(Security.GenerateForex("EURUSD"), "EURUSD"))
2.X version creating exception and my tests are fail. Shortly exception telling that TestCaseData provider method must be static. Well, after mark method with static identifier test working correctly but this time my other test failing (before use static identifier it's not failing). Why my other test failing? Because it's reading a file from test directory and somehow test working before setup up fixture codes run and change test directory!
Before use static identifier first SetUpFixture codes run and then tests code run. After use static identifier order changing my test that read file from test directory (which is Re-Sharper's temporary directory and not contain necessary file) run first after that SetUpFixture codes run. Any idea how all my tests to be successful?
Explain some units;
I have Initialize.cs (part of my test assembly) which is responsible setup CurrentDirectory.
I have Config.cs (part of my project infrastructure assembly) which is my project configuration file and it has public static readonly Setttings property which is reading configuration file from CurrentDirectory.
I have ConfigTests.cs (part of my test assembly) which is contain some test methods for read/write Settings property.
When i debug tests;
Before use any static TestCaseSource, they are working below order;
A. Initialize.cs => Setup method
B. Config.cs => static Settings property getter method
C. ConfigTests.cs => first test method
So initialize working first others working later all tests successfully passing from test.
After use static TestCaseSource for inside other test file lets say OrdersTests.cs (excluded from project for first scenario after that included again), somehow working order is changing like below;
A. Config.cs => static Settings property getter method
B. OrdersTests.cs => static TestCaseSource method (not test method)
C. Initialize.cs => Setup method
D. ConfigTests.cs => first test method
E. OrdersTests.cs => first test method
So, my ConfigTests.cs tests failing because Initialize.cs working after Config.cs. I hope with this update my problem is more clear.
Is this problem related NUnit or Resharper or V.Studio? I don't know and all i know is my successfully passing tests are failing now!
Yes you are right. I explore project in detail and i saw the problem is related that my project's some classes accessing to static Config class and it's static Settings property (before run test setup fixture method and even before static test case source method!). You talk about order of process of test methods; NUnit doing tests like your said, not like i said. But when i try to use your solution (set current directory before test case source) it's not working. Because of that i solve my problem in another way. I'm not happy but at least my test methods working now. Could you please tell me what are the technical reasons that run static test case methods before initialize/setup method? Is this because of NUnit or because of infrastructure of .Net Framework? I'm not fanatic about NUnit and/or TDD. I don't have deep knowledge about these concepts but it does not make sense to me: run any method before setup method.
Thanks for your interest.
Because it's reading a file from test directory and somehow test working before setup up fixture codes run and change test directory!
How are you reading this file? You should use TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory to get the test directory in NUnit 3, rather than relying on the location of the current directory. See the Breaking Changes page for details.
Edit: I also see you've tagged this ReSharper 7.1. You should be aware that this version of resharper does not support NUnit 3 - the first version that did is ReSharper 10. Your tests will appear to run correctly - however you may experience weird side effects, and this may break in any future version of NUnit.
Response to update:
Take a look at NUnit 3's Breaking Changes page. There are two relevant breaking changes between NUnit 2 and 3.
TestCaseSource's must now be static.
The CurrentDirectory is no longer set to Environment.CurrentDirectory by default.
The first you've solved easily enough. The second, is what's now causing you issues.
NUnit 3 runs it's methods in this order:
Evalute TestCaseSource methods (OrdersTests.cs)
Run SetUpFixture (Initialize.cs)
Run Test (ConfigTests/OrdersTests)
I'm not sure what Config.cs is being called before your TestCaseSource method - are you sure of that order? Does anything in CreateSymbolTestCaseData() call anything in Config.cs You could try rewriting your TestCaseSource as such:
private TestCaseData[] CreateSymbolTestCaseData()
Environment.CurrentDirectory = "c:\RequiredDirectory";
return new []
new TestCaseData("SPY", new Symbol(Security.GenerateEquity("SPY"), "SPY")),
new TestCaseData("EURUSD", new Symbol(Security.GenerateForex("EURUSD"), "EURUSD"))

Why FancordionRunner suiteSetup is not being called?

I am following MyFancordionRunner example from Fancordion v1.0.4 official documentation to test a BedSheet application, but the suiteSetup method (see below) is not being called and the server remains null, causing the fixture tests to fail with a NullPointerException.
override Void suiteSetup() {
server = BedServer(AppModule#.pod).addModule(WebTestModule#).startup
Looking at FancordionRunner source code, the runFixture(Obj fixtureInstance) method should be invoking suiteSetup() the first time a Fixture is run as per this piece of code...
FixtureResult runFixture(Obj fixtureInstance) {
locals := Locals.instance
firstFixture := (locals.originalRunner == null)
if (firstFixture) {
locals.originalRunner = this
But for some reason in my case the condition (locals.originalRunner == null) must be returning false, causing the suiteSetup() invocation to be skipped. It seems that this piece of code uses Fantom Actors which I'm not familiar with.
I am manually invoking the suiteSetup within MyFancordionRunner like this:
override Void fixtureSetup(Obj fixtureInstance) {
if (server == null) suiteSetup
This workaround solves the NullPointerException issue and allows the fixtures to run successfully but I don't know if this workaround is defeating the purpose of the Actor logic, which I presume is meant to invoke suiteSetup only once.
Can anyone explain what could be going on here that is preventing the suiteSetup method from being called within runFixture(...), please?
I don't know what's going on here without seeing a lot more code.
The only part of Actor being used is Actor.locals() which is really just a pot to hold thread local variables - as it is assumed that all tests are run in the same thread.
As you shown, the logic in runFixture() is pretty simple, are you sure it is being called?

Prevent NUnit from executing test setup method from another class?

I've got an odd question for which Google has proven barren:
I've got a project in .net with ~20 classes that all have tests in them. One of the classes has common test setup code, although a few of the classes have their own TestFixtureSetup that looks exactly like the common class (not my architecture choice - this predates my employment). I have my own test class for which I have some different code that runs prior to running a few particular tests within the class.
Some more info that's relevant: The custom setup code that I have enables data to be available for a few combinatorial tests I have in my own test class. As the value source for the combinatorial params, the List that is returned first initializes some data.
Alright, here's the question: When I try to run a test in ANOTHER test class, it's "building" the tests from every other class. In my case, it's building the combinatorial test that I have - and thus, triggering the custom setup method that I have.
How do I prevent NUnit from building tests in other classes? As in, I run a test in one class, all I'd like NUnit to do is build tests from that class ONLY.
I tried to remove any NDA-no-no language, but here's the combinatorial I have:
[Test, Combinatorial, Category("Regressive")]
public void Test05_CombiTestExample(
[ValueSource("ListA")] User user,
[ValueSource("ListB")] KeyValuePair<string, string> searchKvp,
[ValueSource("ListC")] string scope)
And here's one of the lists that is being reference:
public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ListB
if ([Redacted] != null)
return new Dictionary<string, string>()
return null;
The line in question is "InitCustomData();" which, because my combinatorial is being built prior to running any setup or anything, is being executed anyway. I want this to stay here - I just don't want NUnit to start building test cases from any other class besides the one it's currently running a test in.

How to access the NUnit test name programmatically?

Is there some global state somewhere that I can access the currently-running test name?
I have tests which output files into a directory and read them back in. I'd like each test to create a directory to play in and then clean up after itself, and I don't want to push that name in (I'd have to make it unique, and then make sure each test keeps it unique; ew). I could use a GUID, but I'd like helper methods to be able to assume "this is the place where test files should be stored" without having to push that GUID around to them. Again, this augers for a global state somewhere.
Basically, I want a call like TestRunner.Current.CurrentTest.Name. Does such a thing exist?
(Assuming c#)
or if you are really lazy and aren't driving your tests with TestCaseSource (thanks #aolszowka):
I haven't upgraded to 2.5.7 yet myself, but it includes a TestContext class that seems to provide just what you're looking for:
Assuming one method per Test, in your NUnit code, you can use reflection to get the method name from the stacktrace.
If you write a helper method in your NUnit code called by other methods to do this file logging, you can use this syntax to check for the previous method:
string MethodName = new StackFrame(1).GetMethod().Name;
See the answers to question 44153, "Can you use reflection to find the name of the currently executing method?" for more details.
If we are using TestCaseSource tag then above solutions might not give correct answer
Try using TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName
Follow the below example
namespace NunitTests
public class Class1
static List<TestData> Data = new List<TestData>()
new TestData()
public void TestCase(TestData value)
TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name; //TestCase(NunitTests..TestData)
TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName; //TestCase