I'm asking for help to my problem. I am new to JSF and I have a simple JSF online store demo page. I don't even use navigation rules since I only include the page with search results beneath the searching tags fields. The problem is a have sth like 15 fields (input texts and menus) to perform a detailed search. After selecting the fields and clicking on the search button I have to generate a long GET request for the database (which is located on a different server than my page and uses REST), receive the response (xml format), extract the search results and publish them on the page. The search patter is sth like this:
http://serveradress/search/ [x1][x2][x3]....[xn]
Where x1-xn are the values for the search engine and have to be read from the page's fields, so it has to be generated dynamically. The get request can be very long since there are 15 fields and one can have some additional options. The data base is on a different server and responds with an xml script with search results.
I found some solutions on the internet on how to perform a GET request using params but don't really know how can it fit to my problem since I have to receive the results from an external data base and manage them rather inside the java bean for publishing (i do not want to change the url adres of my page).
I am using JSF 1.2, with Eclipse IDE and JBoss on Ubuntu. The search request has to be GET since the data base uses that REST interface.
I am asking for your help in this matter if someone is able to find a solution to this problem or provide me with some link. I would strongly appreciate an example code with the solution.
Use JBOSS resteasy RESTful API's
I have a website hosted on AEM. I want to change a text that is present in almost all pages (say I want to change my product name which is present in all pages) . How can i do it. It can either be a Groovy/Java code or an ondeploy script or anything else. Because doing it manually on all pages at multiple locations is not feasible. Will AEM Bulk Editor solve the purpose?
Its like Find and replace functionality in office
Yes, you will need to have a set of queries to find most of the references and then make a POST to these pages with the new value.
Example with: curl -u $USER:$PASSWORD -F"PROPERTY=new value" "http://$HOST/content/mysite/en/page/jcr:content"
Of course, you can do it with Java, Groovy (look for Groovy Console for AEM, which is very convenient), or even bash for simpler cases.
You can write a query using the query builder api to get all the nodes where your particular property is present.
Then once you get the path to that property you can update that using the node api.
Currently I work an an app where the user can create products for a catalog. The status is, he can do this in one language, data gets send to the backend and saved. The next step would be to make this creation process ready for multiple languages e.g. english or french. The behaviour should be the following, he choses the language inside a drop down field and gets a form in the selected language.
The problems I encountered and my solution process till now:
1) How should the view handling be? Should I create a new fragment for every language and exchange the content? If Im correct that would mean I would need to destroy and create fragements for the languages, right? And then create them with a binded model again.
2) How should I handle the model/models? Should I create one model with the data they share e.g. creation date and create a model with language related attributes? That would be my solution right now.
Maybe you already did something similiar or have some thoughts about this, thanks for any help!
You should do neither of those things. There are mechanisms in place, generally referred to as i18n that help you with this process. UI5 help available here:
In summary, translations should be done using the i18n mechanisms and the oData logon language.
Logging into the application, assuming it's hosted on an SAP gateway or SCP / Launchpad, the user's current logon language will drive at least all standard SAP translatable texts like the labels returned from data elements in your oData services. The appropriate url parameter is sap-language=EN, but it's set automatically from the current browser settings. Generally, you don't have to worry about this.
The same browser settings drive which particular i18n file is loaded. This could be specific like en_US for American English, or fr for French.
If you code your app without any hard coded translations but always follow the rules in the links above, adding a language should be trivial.
These translations could probably be triggered programmatically via a dropdown as well but I have never tried that since it's extra steps for my users.
I want to stress test a system based on Apache Wicket, using grinder.
So what I did was that I used grinder's TCP Proxy tool to record a test session in my Application and then fed the generated test script to grinder to stress test the system; but we found out the tests aren't carried out successfully.
After a lot of tweaking and debugging, we found out that the problem was within the wicket's URL generation system, where it mixes the page version number into its URLs.
So I searched and found solutions for removing that page version number from the URLs (Like this), and used them and they worked and removed those version numbers from the URLs used in the browser. But then again, the tests didn't work.
So I inspected more and found out that even though the URLs are clean now, the action attribute of forms still use URLs mixed with page version number like this one : ./?4-1.[wicket-path of the form]
So is there anyway to remove these version numbers from form URLs as well? If not, is there any other way to overcome this problem and be able to stress test a wicket web application?
Thanks in advance
I have not used grinder, but I have successfully load-tested my wicket application using JMeter Proxy; without changing Wicket's default version mechanism.
Here is the JMeter step-by-step link for your reference:
Basically, all I did was running proxy server to accept web requests from the browser to capture the test scenarios. Once done collecting the samples, then change the target host url to whichever server you want to point to (other than your localhost).
Alternatively, there is another load testing tool BlazeMeter (compatible with JMeter). You could add the chrome browser plugin for quick understanding.
Also, you might want to consider mounting your packages to individual urls for 'cleaner' urls. That way, you have set of known urls generated for pages within same package (for example, /reports for all the reports pages within reports package).
Hope this helps!
You should not ignore/remove the pageId from the urls. If you remove them then you will request a completely new instance of the page, i.e. you will lose any state from the original page.
Instead of using the href when recording you need to use the attribute set (by you!) with org.apache.wicket.settings.DebugSettings#setComponentPathAttributeName(String).
So Grinder/JMeter/Gatling/... should keep track of this special attribute instead of 'href' and later find the link to click by using CSS/XSLT selector.
P.S. If you are not afraid of writing some Scala code then you can take a look at https://github.com/vanillasource/wicket-gatling.
I have this gwt app which say, runs on http://mygwtapp.com/ (which is actually: http://mygwtapp.com/index.html)
The app host a database of users, queried by searching usernames using the search view and results are shown in the user results view. Pretty useful enough. However I need to bb add a way that user view can be viewed by just typing http://myapp.com/user123
I am thinking that the question I have here, the answer is a server side solution. However if there's a client side solution, please let me know.
One fellow here in StackOVerflow suggested that the format would be like this:
However the format is important to be like: http://myapp.com/user123
The 'something' in 'http://host/path#something' is a Fragment identifier. FIs have a specific feature: the page isn't reloaded if only FI part in URL changes, but they still take part in browser history.
FI's are a browser mechanism that GWT uses to create "pages", i.e. parts of GWT application that are bookmarkable and have history support.
You can try to use an URL without # (the FI separator), but then you will have a normal URL, that reloads the page with every change and it could not be (easily) a part of a normal GWT app.
That would be using the History mechanism (http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideCodingBasicsHistory.html) which I would add is the recommended way of doing it.
However, if you insist on using something like http://myapp.com/user123, one of the possible ways is to have a servlet which accepts this request (you might have to switch to something like http://myapp.com/details?id=user123). The servlet will look up the DB and return your host html back. Before returning it will inject the required details as a Dictionary entry in the page (http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/javadoc/1.5/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/Dictionary.html) On the client you can read this data and display on the UI
First let me warn readers not to pass me off to any links in isomorphic because it is highly probable I have read it and I have scoured the smartgwt showcase running locally here as I ask this question. What I ask is not documented and if it is, I am unable to decipher and need actual explanation here. No, do not tell me about SmartGWT EE. This case is purely Smartclient interacting with my JSP (or perl, php) on the server side, which I use to interact with a SAS backend.
This question has nothing to do with how to operate SAS. I am mentioning SAS to illustrate the point that smartclient has to interact with SAS web service directly and not through SmartGWT server. I asked a similar but different question at smartclient forum which is still unanswered, so this must be a very difficult subject that probably even people at isomorphic does not have an answer.
I have
JSON xjsondatasource url produced from a SAS web service, sasxjsondsrc. I am mocking it with a JSP on Jetty.
sasxjsondsrc = id(primaryKey), name, description.
ListGrid whose datasrc is set to sasxjsondsrc.
SearchForm/DynamicForm editForm whose datasrc is set to sasxjsondsrc.
I need to
user would visually select a row on listGrid and then click del button, which my code would trigger listGrid.removeSelectedData(), which would then remove only that row locally and as well as send to sasxjsondsrc url the parameters id=id to be deleted, operation=DEL.
user would visually select a row on listGrid and then click modify button, which my code would editForm.editSelectedData(). When user presses save edit button, my code would trigger editForm.saveData(), which would then modify that row locally and as well as send to sasxjsondsrc url the parameters id=id, name=modified-value, description=modified-description, operation=MOD.
user would click add button and my code would trigger editForm.saveData(), which would then append that row locally and as well as send to sasxjsondsrc url the parameters name=new-name, description=new-description, operation=ADD.
This local-server management is what smartclient advertises itself as an advantage. The problems are
my JSP is not registering smartclient sending any parameter to indicate what operation should be performed. It is only receiving the datasource fields=values as parameters for the affected records.
the records are not appended or modified locally for add or edit operations.
to overcome problem (1), I tried providing an extra non-displayed datasource field called operation. But when a dynamic form is bound to that datasource, the dynamicform field would not allow me to programmatically modify the operation field successfully.
I tried appending operation as a DSRequest but my JSP is not receiving it either.
HOW does my JSP know what operation (ADD/REMOVE/EDIT) is being performed?
OK, to cut a long story short - datasource in SmartGWT is a horribly tricky business. I have been advised to use SmartGWT only for its UI but I should avoid using SmartGWT datasource because it is too tricky to deal with. Could some post or link me to examples of how you did your SmartGWT client programming in a configuration similar to mine.
Should I revert to using GWT 2.1M3 cell/page architecture and write my own rpc-table cells-form linking?
I think that you do actually need to be looking at the SmartGWT data sources, specifically the RestDataSource and quite possibly, the DataSource.setOperation() method.