Moving CGPaths by x,y pixels? - iphone

Is there a way to move a path on screen by (x,y) pixels using directly a CGPathRef instead of walking through its points and lines again in drawRect method? I want to be reusing my old CGPathRef when I want to move it on screen instead of recreating it with new pixels.

Depending on your needs, you could just translate the drawing context via CGContextTranslateCTM before drawing your path (then restore the old context, either with push/popping contexts, or inverting the translation). You might also like CGPathApply, which will call a function for every path element in the path (so you can translate the points by hand).


How to draw animations of feathered/blurred stroked paths

In this thread I asked how to create animations of blurred-edged filled paths, to create a "circle wipe" animation with feathered edges.
The solution is to install the path in the shadowPath property of a layer an animate that. Core Graphics applies a variable amount of blur to the shadow path, and the shadowPath property is animatable. However, it fills whatever path you install into it. You can't use it to draw feathered/blurred stroked paths, since what gets rendered as the shadow is a closed, filled version of whatever path you install.
There is a method copy(strokingWithWidth:lineCap:lineJoin:miterLimit:transform:) that will convert a stroked path into a closed path that traces the outline of the stroked path. If you fill the output of that method, you get what looks like a stroked version of the original path. You can install that converted path into the shadowPath of a layer and get a nice, blurred stroked path.
However, under the covers, the copy(strokingWithWidth:lineCap:lineJoin:miterLimit:transform:) method does some things that make the resulting path unsuitable for path animation. If you look at Rob Mayoff's excellent answer in this thread, you see that for inside corners, Core Graphics creates odd triangles that overlap with the interior of the stroked shape. It also seems to sometimes vary the number of vertices in the output of the path depending on it's shape.
For paths stroked with a fairly thin line width, they animate well. Here is an example:
But when you increase the line width and/or blur radius, things go "all pear-shaped" (meaning they go very wrong.) Here is an animation of the same curve with different settings:
You can see the project that generates these images on Github, and try it yourself.
Does anybody know of a way to convert a stroked path to a filled path that does not have the artifacts described in Rob Mayoff's post?
If I have to I can write my own version of copy(strokingWithWidth:lineCap:lineJoin:miterLimit:transform:) that creates a filled path with a fixed number of vertexes and without the artifacts that method creates, but it would be pretty involved. I'm hoping there is an existing solution.

Efficiently draw CGPath on CATiledLayer

How would I efficiently draw a CGPath on a CATiledLayer? I'm currently checking if the bounding box of the tile intersects the bounding box of the path like this:
-(void)drawLayer:(CALayer*)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)context {
CGRect boundingBox = CGPathGetPathBoundingBox(drawPath);
CGRect rect = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(context);
if( !CGRectIntersectsRect(boundingBox, rect) )
// Draw path...
This is not very efficient as the drawLayer:inContext: is called multiple times from multiple threads and results in drawing the path many times.
Is there a better, more efficient way to do this?
The simplest option is to draw your curve into a large image and then tile the image. But if you're tiling, it probably means the image would be too large, or you would have just drawn the path in the first place, right?
So you probably need to split your path up. The simplest approach is to split it up element by element using CGPathApply. For each element, you can check its bounding box and determine if that element falls in your bounds. If not, just keep track of the last end point. If so, then move to the last end point you saw and add the element to a new path for this tile. When you're done, each tile will draw its own path.
Technically you will "draw" things that go outside your bounds here (such as a line that extends beyond the tile), but this is much cheaper than it sounds. Core Graphics is going to clip single elements very easily. The goal is to avoid calculating elements that are not in your bounding box at all.
Be sure to cache the resulting path. You don't need to calculate the path for every tile; just the ones you're drawing. But avoid recalculating it every time the tile draws. Whenever the data changes, dump your cache. If there are a very large number of tiles, you can also use NSCache to optimize this even better.
You don't show where the path gets created. If possible, you might try building the path up in the -drawLayer:inContext: method, only creating the portion of it needed for the tile being drawn.
As with all performance problems, you should use Instruments to profile your code and find out exactly where the bottlenecks are. Have you tried that already, and if so, what did you find?
As a side note, is there a reason you're using CGPath instead of UIBezierPath? From Apple's documentation:
For creating paths in iOS, it is recommended that you use UIBezierPath
instead of CGPath functions unless you need some of the capabilities
that only Core Graphics provides, such as adding ellipses to paths.
For more on creating and rendering paths in UIKit, see “Drawing Shapes
Using Bezier Paths.”

How to clip or subtract a CGMutablePathRf by another CGMutalbePathRef?

I have a rectangular CGMutablePathRef and I want to subtract a circle which lays exactly on centered on one edge of that rectangle, so the edge does not cross the circle anymore.
There seem to be no functions to intersect or subtract paths from another. How can I do it?
You need to look at the CGContext you are drawing into and use the clipping on the context rather than the path.
Apple's documentation is here.
If I understand your question, you can draw your rectangle into the context and then "clip out" the circle path. If you are filling the paths, you'll need to pay attention to the winding rules.
Alternatively, you can make your path with a series of commands such as CGPathAddLineToPoint, CGPathAddArcToPoint, etc and then stoke the path in your context. If you use this approach, you can then apply transforms to the final path for scaling and rotating as needed. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, this may be the better approach.

Overriding drawRect: and pushing new offset CGContexts onto the stack

I have overridden the drawRect: in my UIView and I want to draw several tiles. I'm looping through them all and I have a separate function that draws each individual tile.
The way I'm doing it now is I pass the tile's calculated CGRect to the function. At the moment, any drawing methods have to include the x & y offsets of the rect passed to it when drawing the tile images.
How can I push a new offset CGContext on the stack before calling the tile draw methods?
So for example, I could draw a square at [0, 0, 50, 50] inside the tile drawing method and that will actually be drawn at the correct tile's location?
You should take advantage of the CTM (current transform matrix) which makes use of affine transforms to scale drawing into the context. It's built for exactly this purpose.
First call CGContextSaveGState. This saves a bunch of information about the graphics context onto a (per context) stack, including the CTM.
Secondly, use CGContextTranslateCTM. Pass in the x & y coordinates of the rect's origin.
Then call your drawing subroutine.
Finally, call CGContextRestoreGState. This will undo the translation.
Hope that helps.

Fill a touch drawn path of CGPoints using OpenGL or CoreGraphics

I have a NSArray of points that make up a path. I can detect when it self-intersects. When this happens, I try to fill the path.
First I used CoreGraphics, now I'm using openGl to draw a triangle array. Doesn't work well as you can see in the image.
How do I fill only the circular area while leaving the "tail" alone? I was thinking of a reverse flood fill but don't think CG has any API functions for this...
Maybe instead of actually drawing the path you can just approximate the diameter of the path and draw a circle with your approximation.
Here is some code to detect a circle gesture on the iPhone:
Record all of the points in a doubly-linked list. When it comes time to fill, walk the list from the start and find the point that's closest to the end. Then, lineto that point, then lineto each point in reverse order, stopping with the second point in the list. The fill will implicitly close the path, which will jump from where you left off (the second point) back to the start (first) point.
This is just off the top of my head; you can play with a couple of variations on this to see what works best. You might record the closest previous node in each node, but this could get expensive for many nodes.