Show loading screen while parsing, then refresh UITableView? - iphone

I have a UITableView with the following code:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
parser = [[XMLParser alloc] init];
[parser parseXML];
My problem is that the launch takes too long because it's parsing everything before displaying the view controller with the UITableView. Also, if I set up another UITableView and parse another XML (in a different tab) I tap to go the other tab, but then it hangs while it parses the other XML, and once it's done, then it display the UITableView.
I have looked for information on when to start the parsing, reload the UITableView and how to show a loading screen while the parsing code runs, but have not been able to come up with anything.
Anyone have any ideas?

You can call something like
[parser performSelectorInBackground:#selector(parseXML) withObject:nil];
on your main thread to run the parseXML code in a different thread. Just be careful to not update the ui from that thread. To update the UI from the parser thread, you'll need to call something like
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(XMLUpdated:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO];

If by loading screen you mean an activity indicator then trying to add the indicator animated before parsing could potentially not work because when you parse on the main thread it blocks and does not let the indicator appear on screen. To get around this i would do the parsing on a background thread, this should allow your indicator to appear, when the parsing is done, ahve the parsing object send a message to your viewController so i t knows its ready to show the tableview. (i should mention that UIKit is not thread safe and you should not try to update any UI elements from the background thread without using performSelectorInMainThread)


iPhone: Hide/Show controls under response

I am trying to show and hide three controls like UIBUtton, UILabel etc. in some scenario. I am doing this using below two functions.
- (void) hide
- (void) show
But, when i call these functions under some server response code, that is i'm trying to show under connectionDidFinishLoading in success/failure server response..Its not doing that. i.e. Its not showing or hiding these controls in these situations..But same time, if i call these functions under a button click, its showing/hiding controls..So, Would these functions be called only under some events like button click? Can't we call from anywhere like i'm trying to do?
Please advise!
in your connectionDidFinishLoading
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(show)
the reason is UI update show be called on main thread in order to get redraw.
Changing the hidden state of a control will not immediately draw the change to the screen, they will only flag it as needing to be drawn at some point in the future.
If the main thread is busy, then they will not get a chance to draw themselves.
Is your NSURLConnection code running on the main thread? You should move it to a background thread (but beware, changing the hidden property must be done on the main thread, not on a background thread! Look up grand central dispatch.)

UIAlertView starts to show, screen dims, but it doesn't pop up until it's too late!

I have a button which when pressed makes calls that load information from a series of URLs (about 5 seconds loading time). Right before actually making those calls I want to add a "loading" alert. When I use a UIAlertView the screen dims like it's about to pop up, but it doesn't until the data is loaded - too late! I have no idea what's going on, it's like the calls I'm making to load the data are immediately taking preference over showing the new view, even though they're made right after the calls adding the new view (or showing the alert).
This is a summarized version of the code:
-(void) refresh{
UIAlertView *av = ...
[av show]; //this should pop up before dat begins to load
[myDataSource loadData]; //this contains a series of [NSData initWithURL] calls
[self.tableView reloadData];
//here I would hide the AlertView, but if I do I see it for just s split second
//when the tableView has already reloaded
Thanks in advance for any insight!
To anyone who uses performSelectorInBackground beware of the added complexities of creating what is effectively a threaded program. For example, leaks might appear as the new thread doesn't have an autorelease pool - you have to add one, etc.
when you try to retrieve data from the internet (I guess you are using something like [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL: ...]) the main thread is waiting for those data and for this reason the application cannot redraw the interface.
You can try to use:
[mySourceData performSelectorInBackground:#selector(loadData) withObject:nil];
Be careful if you are using coredata to lock the NSManagedObjectContext before doing any operation on it and unlock it when you finish.
If you have a bunch of operations to perform, in addition to performSelectorInBackground: like cescofry wrote, you can use NSOperation and NSOperationQueue.
You probably don't want an UIAlertView for this anyway. Take a look at MBProgressHUD on GitHub.

Why does addSubview load the view asynchronously

I have a UIView that I want to load when the user clicks a button. There happens to be some data processing that happens as well after I call addSubview that involves parsing an XML file retrieved from the web. The problem is the view doesn't show up until after the data processing even if addSuview is called first. I think I'm missing something here, can anyone help?
Code: I have a "Loading..." view I'm adding as a custom modal (meaning I'm not using the modalViewController). This action is linked to a button in the navigationController.
- (IBAction)parseXml:(id)sender {
LoadingModalViewController *loadingModal = [[LoadingModalViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"LoadingModalViewController" bundle:nil];
[navigationController.view addSubview:loadingModal.view];
[xmlParser parse];
Howdy! If you're looking for an easy work around:
[self showLoadingScreen]
[self performSelector:#selector(methodToDoWork) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.3];
However you're better off making methodToDoWork asynchronous if you can.
If you are doing your processing on the main thread, it will block the main thread until its done, which means your UI will become unresponsive and not update until the main thread resumes.
You need to perform your XML processing on a background thread using something like NSOperation or an existing asynchronous API and update your view when you have finished.
Its hard to be of more help and get a better idea of whats going wrong without seeing your code unfortunately.

How can I populate a UIViewController after it's loaded?

I'd like my UIViewController to appear on the screen with a "Loading..." UILabel in the center and then, once that's been displayed, start loading data to display.
How can I achieve this? I tried loading it in viewDidAppear:, but at this point the view has still not been displayed on the screen, so the app appears unresponsive to users. If I try setting a short timer (0.0001 seconds) so that the view will be displayed and then the data loading method gets called in the run loop after that, for some reason the time it takes from opening the view controller to seeing content is about three times as long as it was without the timer. In this case, the Loading... text appears, but the user has to wait way too long.
What's the best way to do this?
if I have not misunderstand your purpose, I think that you just want sow a 'loading' status to user, right ? if so , I suggest that you may use a simple ViewController to show the label 'Loading...' and then create the MainViw or next view which you want show to user in the end, when it was done, hide the first view show the MainView on screen...
Better do this in a thread from viewDidLoad and call your method in a thread, before calling the thread show your label and when the data is loaded through the thread hide the label.
you can do it like this.
[self showLabel];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(loadData:) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
- (void) loadData:(id)object{
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
//Network Operations
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(reloadView:) withObject:arg waitUntilDone:[NSThread isMainThread]];
[pool release];
Hope this helps.

How do I create a reusable Loading Screen?

How do I create a loading screen that can be reused at any given time. I'm aware of the Default.png but I need the flexibility to plug in a loading screen at any point during the application life cycle.
This is what I have thus far.
//inside a method that gets called by a UIButton
LoadingViewController* loadController = [[LoadingViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"Loading" bundle:nil vertical:NO];
[self.view addSubview: loadController.view];
//some method call that takes a few seconds to execute
[self doSomething];
//This loads some other view, my final view
[self.view addSubview: someOtherView]
but it seems that the loading view is never displayed. Instead the previous view stays there until the "someOtherView" gets added. I put trace logs and the code does seem to get executed, I even replaced [self doSomething] with a sleep(2), but the intermediate loading view is never displayed.
If I remove [self.view addSubview:someOtherView]; then after a few seconds...(after doSomething finishes executing) the load view is displayed since there is no view that is pushed on top of it, however this is obviously not the functionality I want.
Can explain this behavior? Is there something about the rendering cycle that I am misunderstanding because it doesn't seem like the view (on the screen at least) is instantly updated, even though I call a [self.view addSubview: loadController.view];
Would I need to create a separate thread?
In general, for changes in the UI to be made visible to the user, control must return to the main runLoop. You are only returning to the runLoop after taking the loading view down and replacing it with the other view. One strategy for dealing with this is to move the code that does the loading onto another thread. NSOperation and NSOperationQueue can be used for this.
An even simpler approach is to use performSelectorInBackground:withObject to do the processing. Once processing is complete the UI can be updated again to show the data. It is important to remember that the UI updates must be carried out on the main thread. Use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: to accomplish this from the loading thread.
This sounds like a lot of complication but it is really as simple as breaking your single method up into three separate methods as follows:
Display the loading view and start the background process - this is the button action method.
Do the background loading - called from the button action function with performSelectorInBackground:withObject.
Remove the loading view and update the display with the data - called from the background thread with performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone.
I created a subclass of UIView where I initialized how my loading-view should work and look like. (My view appeared and slided in from the bottom with an nice animation).
I then added code that handled whether the loading-view should be visible or not in a subclass of UIViewController.
I then let all my viewcontrollers be an subclass of my new viewcontrollerclass which made it possible for me to do:
[self showloadingMessage:#"loading..."];
in all my viewcontrollers...