Lucene .Net Searching with TermVector -

in Lucene.Net,i am creating the document for searching a word and want to display before 10 words and after 10 words.i have used TermVector.
Lucene.Net.Documents.Field fldContent =
new Lucene.Net.Documents.Field("content", content,
Can anyone help me how to find out the keyword position and extract nearest 15 words.
please send some code.

Check out the following link.

You should be looking at Lucene highlighter, it extracts a snippet of text surrounding the query term. This link gives an example.


Filter pokeApi on pokemon name

I have a question about the PokeApi that you can find here :
I just wanted to know if this possible to filter the api by the name of the pokemons starting with a certain letter.
Like for example get the 20 first pokemons that start with the letter "p".
I searched online but can't find any project that use filters like that so that's why Im asking there.
Thank you in advance.

Returning the number of results?

I'm looking to return the number of results found in an ajax fashion on Algolia instant search.
A little field saying something like "There are X number of results" and refines as the characters are typed.
I've read you utilise 'nbHits' but i'm unsure of how to go about it.. Being from a design background.
Thanks for help in advance.
The instantsearch.js stats widget shows the number of results and speed of the search. If you don't want to use the widget, I believe you can still use {{nbHits}} inside of your template wherever you want the number to print.
Very easy when you know how, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Josh.
This works:
container: '.no-of-results'

Solr search error when dealing with Arabic string

I'm struggling with Solr search Arabic for several days and made some experiment. Here is the simple reflection of the problem.
After I store some Arabic sentence (now only 1 word السوري ) into database and have Solr index it, then query it by q=*:*&wt=python,(if no wt part, it was garbled chars) the response is:
The actual word I store there for index is coding in another way:
As you can tell, there is a one-to-to corresponding from \xd8↔\u00d8. But I don't know what is the name of this coding, thus I cannot convert it. And when I do the search as: <>/select/?q=السوري&wt=python,the response is:
No docs found and it seems using a third version for coding u'\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0648\u0631\u064a'. if I take it and encode('utf8') then it convert back to '\xd8\xa7\xd9\x84\xd8\xb3\xd9\x88\xd8\xb1\xd9\x8a'.
In summary, when it (السوري) is in my code (python) or in data base (mysql),
it presents as 'form1':
When it is indexed by Solr, it converts to form2:
And when I use <>/select/?q=السوري&wt=python, to query from browser (Google chrome), it becomes form3:
(which could convert back to form1 by encode('utf8') But since they are different, the search matches nothing.
Therefore, those three different encode strategy may be the core problem. Could anyone help me figure it out and solve the search problem?
Thanks in advance.

How to use keywords include ampersand(&) in Facebook Search API

I want to use some keywords that include special characters like & in Facebook search api. I tried the query below but I cannot get useful results. Is there any chance for this usage in search api? How should I build my search query?
My example queries and keywords are "H&M", "marks & spencer","H&M""marks & spencer"
My team worked on this forever, ended up finding this as a solution that provides relevant results for a query with an ampersand, such as 'H&M'.
This is the hex equivilent to &
So your example link would be"H%26amp%3bM"
We found the solution thanks to Creative Jar
You want %26 which is the URL encode for ampersand so"H%26M""marks %26 spencer"
Depending on your language, it may have a URL encoding function or you can just use string replacement.
It seems, that all of solutions suggested here are not working any more.
Searching for q=H%26%bM returns empty data set. The same for q=H%26M.
It must have changed recently, in last 2 months.
If you try to search for postings about H&M on Facebook site (type H&M in search, then "Show me more results" on the bottom of list and then public posts on menu on the left side) the list is empty.
The only query that returns any results is q=H&M but it is not helpful, as the results are irrelevant for that query.

Facing issue when search using Zend_Lucene

I am using zend_lucene for search functionality.I 've the following code,
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('categoryName', $result->name));
Here name in "$result->name" is varchar type in Database. Also have some following values like dinesh,kumar123,3333. For testing purpose i have stored number in name field. when i search dinesh , Search comes with exact result but when i use number search, That is 3333 Search has no result. What i done wrong on the code Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text.
Is there any way for search number/char/alphanumeric (kumar123) ?
Thanks in Advance
Finally i found by declaring "Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault(new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_TextNum_CaseInsensitive());" and use Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword instead of Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text