Cursor color in Eclipse 3.5/Zend Studio 7 on Mac OS X - eclipse

Does any of you have a clue on how to change the cursor color in Zend Studio 7.0 on Mac OS X?
I am asking because I really fancy dark colored themes. After a few hours I managed to port my favorite theme from However my cursor is still black, which is somehow troublesome.
As you can see here - - the cursor becomes pretty invisible, right?
Please help me out here.
Btw - anyone interested in the theme?
All the best

I love TextMate and its twilight theme, so this issue is dear to me. I think Eclipse for Mac just can't set the caret color due to an SWT bug.
In the meantime, you can enable line highlighting to make just the current line have a slightly lighter background. This worked for me:
Open Preferences and go to General -> Editors -> Text Editors
Check "Highlight current line"
In the scrolling list at the bottom, set "Current line highlight" to a medium-dark gray.

Actually, a much better solution for Eclipse 3.5 is to use the Carbon build instead of Cocoa. Cocoa seems to force a black cursor but I didn't have this problem with Carbon. To my surprise it's also a lot faster to scroll through code in Carbon.


DBeaver Content Assist colors

I am having difficulty getting the Content assist colors right. With auto-completion, the first suggestion is always light color on light color. Here is what it looked like originally (Dracula Theme):
Changing the values of Content Assist Background/Foreground colors did not have any affect on the top suggestion. Here is a screenshot from after swapping the Content Assist Foreground and Background colors (Darkest Dark theme):
I have tried swapping every other practical color setting in Window->Preferences->General->Appearance->Colors and Fonts with no luck. The color scheme in the first image above is the popular Dracula theme that I manually set up setting by setting. Thinking I screwed something up in there, I scrapped all that work and switched to the Eclipse DevStyle theme Darkest Dark. Here, I was met with the same issue. After this, I switched everything to default settings where the color scheme is black font on white background. Everything is readable. Switching back to the Darkest Dark, the issue remains.
I have found similar questions regarding this, but their solutions are mostly for Linux (GTK specifically). This machine I am using is on Windows 7. I also have a laptop that runs DBeaver on Arch Linux and does not suffer from this problem. It seems this issue may be system dependent. I found one answer that suggested changing the message box settings for Windows may fix this, but my message box settings are currently black text on white background. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Most of the SWT widgets relay on the OS level theme. For example, it's known that using the Windows Classic theme at the OS level can cause oddities like this one. So just switching to a different theme can fix this issue.
maybe you have found the solution, just in case anyone is still searching...
we can change the color of "content assist", you can find in "Colors and fonts".
click here to see the setting

How to edit Javadoc popup link color in Eclipse

I am using the Dark theme in Eclipse Oxygen. When I hover over a class to view the Javadoc, the links are in blue and very hard to see
I have tried editing the hyperlink color in Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts -> Basic -> Hyperlink text color but that didn't work. Under the Java section in Colors and Fonts there is an entry to edit Javadoc background and Javadoc text color, but I see nothing for Javadoc hyperlink color or something like that. I could change the background color as a workaround but that breaks the dark theme and I'd rather not.
The short answer is you can't because it's system dependent.
Among the many other ongoing dark-theme bugs that need to be fixed, the particular bug you've found has been recently reported here as bug 517393. The target fix for this bug is in Eclipse Photon (4.8) Milestone 2.
I've figured out a workaround for this issue at least for Windows.
On Windows, Eclipse's html renderer follows Internet Explorer's option for changing color of webpage. So, if you do not use Internet Explorer or just do not mind such change of all webpage, let's go!
Please note that some desciption below may not be accurate since I do not use an English version of Windows.
Open IE, click GEAR icon at top right corner - choose Internet Optioin - click Color at the bottom - uncheck Use Windows Color - change the color of Visited and Unvisited, and the rest two to suit your need if you use dark theme in Eclipse. Apply the change.
Then click Accessibility (on the right of Font) - check Omit Color - Apply the change.
It's done.
For those who are like me still stuck with an older Eclipse IDE like 4.7.3 (without the fix of the bug mentioned in the first answer) and are using Windows:
The workaround in the previous answer does not work if you have Microsoft Edge installed instead of Internet Explorer. Reason: Microsoft Edge does not let you change the link color. There are Chrome Extension that you can install but this didn't work for me either.
Another solution could be to switch Windows to "High contrast mode". Someone even managed to change the link color for Eclipse. I accidently found this "temporary" workaround:
Start Eclipse
Activate Windows "High contrast mode"
Eclipse wants to be restarted. Say yes.
Deactivate Windows "High contrast mode"
Again, Eclipse wants to be restarted. Again, say yes.
Now the Javadoc popup looks like in "Light" theme!? So links are very easy to see now.
However, that's not a really comfortable workaround: it needs some time and you have to repeat these steps after every reboot. My "favorite workaround" for now, is to select the link text in the Javadoc popup with the mouse, so that the link text is displayed with a more readable background/foreground color combination.

Eclipse dark theme arrow color

I was looking at this dark theme post and applied Moonrise theme on Eclipse Juno. I love everything it lays out except for the expandable arrow color. It's barely visible when my mouse isn't hovered. Does anyone know if this is possible to change?
As Spyros has mentioned, the author noted that the arrows color is impossible to change which is unfortunate.
Regardless, if you don't mind working under old graphic properties (yay!), the system arrow is replaced with a white box plus sign which makes everything visible. The drawback is, of course, the Windows 7 theme is gone. Found this by accident when trying to solve the performance issue: Look at Pyree's solution
I am afraid that is not possible due to the limitation of the css engine used to theme eclipse, according to the theme's author. (github)

Setting a dark color theme in Eclipse makes the function tooltips unreadable

I've found that setting a dark color theme in Eclipse makes the function tooltips unreadable.
This is probably easiest to describe with a picture:
alt text
Any ideas how to fix this?
The best solution i've found is to leave eclipse in normal bright mode, and use an OS level screen inverter.
On OSX you can do command-shift-8 (i think that's the key combo), inverts the whole screen
on linux with compiz, it's even better, you can do windows-n to darken windows selectively. (or windows-m to do the whole screen)
on windows, the only decent solution i've found is powerstrip, but it's only free for one year.. then it's like $30 or something..
then you can invert the screen, adjust the syntax-level colours to your liking, and you're off to the races, with cool shades on.
If you are running Eclipse in Ubuntu or other environment where it uses GTK+ themes, you can follow this guide to edit the tooltip and autocomplete colours from outside Eclipse. Not the ideal solution, but it does the trick.

Dark color scheme for Eclipse [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Is Eclipse at all theme-able? I would like to install a dark color scheme for it, since I much prefer white text on dark background than the other way around.
As posted to a few related questions already, I'm working on a plugin for easy, cross-editor color theme management:
It is still work in progress, but already supports many editors and a few dark color themes.
I've created my own dark color scheme (based on Oblivion from gedit), which I think is very nice to work with.
Preview & details at:
We're happy to announce the beta of, a new website to download, create and maintain Eclipse color themes / schemes. The theme editor allows you to copy an existing theme and edit the colors with a live preview of your changes on specific editors. The downloadable themes support a lot of editors (PHP, Java, SQL, Ant, text, HTML, CSS, and more to follow)
There's a growing list of themes already available on the site:
Vibrant Ink
You can read more about the launch here.
Here's a guy that posted his Eclipse preferences for changing the colors like a theme:
And here's more about how to set the colors in the Ganymede Eclipse version (v. 3.4, mid 2008):
For Linux users, assuming you run a compositing window manager (Compiz), you can just turn the window negative. I use Eclipse like this all the time, the normal (whitie) looks is blowing my eyes off.
These are the pleasing colors for my eyes during coding. Jazz music not included in theme.
Eclipse Color Themes Plugin file: LukinaJama3.xml on depositfiles
This is the best place for Eclipse color themes:
I have to say, this is one area where Eclipse is really weak. Specifically, the import/export of preferences applies to ALL preferences. There is no way to import say just the fonts/color preferences (like you can with Visual Studio) without mucking up my key binding preferences.
Also, I have tried several of these preference files referenced above, and they completely break my Eclipse install.
I've created several color themes, and a script to extract a new one from someone's color preferences. I'm currently using one I still have yet to post on the site, but I should eventually get to it.
Easiest way: change the Windows Display Properties main window background color. I went to Appearance tab, changed to Silver scheme, clicked Advanced, clicked on "Active Window" and changed Color 1 to a light gray. All Eclipse views softened.
Since Luna (4.4) there seems to be a full Dark them in
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Theme -> Dark
For the quick hack, on Linux running GNOME with a Windows keyboard, Windows-Key-M will inverse-color all windows, and Windows-Key-N will inverse color a single window. It's an awesome feature, in my book.
As I replied to "Is there a simple, consistent way to change the color scheme of Eclipse editors?":
I've been looking for this too and
after a bit of research found a
workable solution. This is based on
the FDT editor for Eclipse, but I'm
sure you could apply the same logic to
other editors.
My blog post: Howto create a
color-scheme for FDT
Hope this helps!
The best solution I've found is to leave Eclipse in normal bright mode, and use an OS level screen inverter.
On OS X you can do Command + Option + Ctrl + 8, inverts the whole screen.
On Linux with Compiz, it's even better, you can do Windows + N to darken windows selectively (or Windows + M to do the whole screen).
On Windows, the only decent solution I've found is powerstrip, but it's only free for one year... then it's like $30 or something...
Then you can invert the screen, adjust the syntax-level colours to your liking, and you're off to the races, with cool shades on.
If you use Aptana then you can download a dark color theme! I have been looking for one recently and found the Aptana one. Thought others might be interested!
Check out:
Checkout this color scheme I created for Eclipse PDT. It is based on the Vim Zenburn color scheme developed by slinky
Here's a rev 0.0.1 of an attempt at a dark background colour scheme for Eclipse (and a screenshot). Any feedback at all? (this is a big departure from what I normally use for Vim.
Some people posted options for Linux and Mac, and the Windows (free) equivalent is, if you can deal with it globally:
Set Windows desktop appearance theme window background color. You can keep current/desired theme, just modify the background color of windows. By default, it is set to white. I change it to a shade of grey. I tried dark grey and black before, but then you have to change text font colors globally, and all that's painful.
But a simple shade of grey as background does the trick globally, works with any color text font as long as the shade of grey is not too dark.
It's not the best solution for all editors/IDEs, as I prefer black, but it's the next best free & global workaround on Windows.
I have finally found exactly what I have been looking for, i.e. a dark theme for PyDev (although I still feel like Eclipse is missing out on this).
This is another dark Eclipse theme:
I have the Visual Studio equivalent of the theme.
I played with customizing the colors. I went with the yellow text/blue background I've liked from Turbo Pascal. The problem I ran into was it let you set the colors of the editors but then the other views like Package Explorer or Navigator stayed with the default black-on-white colors. I'm sure you could do it programatically but there are waaaay to many settings for my patience.
In response to this comment I made a filter for Color Filter plugin for Compiz.
Here's what I got:
Go to /usr/share/compiz/filters/
Create new file "negative-low-contrast" (as
Insert the attached code into it.
Go to
Enter Color Filter Plugin
it and add newly created filter to
the list Profeet!!
Filter code:
TEMP temp, neg;
# Dunno what's this... but every other filter starts with this :) ;
TEX temp, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], RECT;
# Applying negative filter ;
RCP neg.a, temp.a;
MAD temp.rgb, -neg.a, temp, 1.0;
MUL temp.rgb, temp.a, temp;
MUL temp, fragment.color, temp;
# Lowering contrast and shifting brightness ;
MUL temp.rgb, temp, 0.8;
ADD temp.rgb, temp, 0.25;
MOV result.color, temp;
You also can play with the filter. May be you will get something more facinating :) Feel free to share!