Question about iPhone 3GS Image Picker Controller - iphone

I am writing a simple video uploader application on iPhone 3GS where I first direct the user to photos album, and then select the video to share or upload. I am using the UIImagePickerController in the following way:
videoPickerCtrl = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; videoPickerCtrl.delegate = self; videoPickerCtrl.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary; videoPickerCtrl.mediaTypes = [UIImagePickerController availableMediaTypesForSourceType:videoPickerCtrl.sourceType];
videoPickerCtrl.allowsImageEditing = NO; videoPickerCtrl.mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:(NSString *)kUTTypeMovie]; [window addSubview:videoPickerCtrl.view];
But I can see that once the controller is invoked, there is a disturbing video trimming interface that is presented. Once I press "choose", the video is always trimmed no matter whether I touch the trimming controls or not. Is there any way to get around this trimming interface and directly get the path of the video file ?

You don't specify what version of the iPhone SDK that you're using.
If you're using SDK 3.0, there's no way that I'm aware of to eliminate the trimming interface.
If you're using SDK 3.1, try setting UIImagePickerController.allowsEditing to false. In 3.1 the allowsImageEditing has been deprecated for a more general allowsEditing property.

The trimming you see is the iphone copying the video file into your apps tmp directory allowing you to access it. Look up iphone app sandboxing if you still don't get it.


UIImagePickerController CameraDevice picks wrong device every other time (using ARC)

My app takes a video (using a custom overlay, in case that's relevant) where I have the cameraDevice set to front facing camera. 3 videos need to be taken, though the cameraDevice alternates between front and rear each time the UIImpagePickerController is called to take the video. On each occasion the
picker.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceFront;
is used within the code, though as mentioned the app ignores this command every other time.
I see this problem has been asked before, though I am using ARC so the previously suggested solutions of releasing the UIImagePickerController is not an option for me.
Thanks in advance, Jim.
You cannot release the picker in ARC but you can still create a brand new one like this:
picker = nil;
picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
// configure picker
Notice that in Apple's sample code "Using UIImagePickerController to Select Pictures and Take Photos" they call a method each time which does exactly this.

Using popover control in iPhone

pop = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:popoverView];
pop.delegate = self; //optional
CGSize size = CGSizeMake(300, 100); // size of view in popover…V2
pop.popoverContentSize = size;
[pop presentPopoverFromRect:control.frame inView:self.view permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
Youtube link:
It works fine in simulator, but crashes when running on iPhone.
I can easily get so many articles to implement on iPad, but on iPhone couldn't find a fruitful one. Plz help
UIPopOverController isn't available for iPhone. ONLY iPad.
UIPopOverController will not work for iPhone it will work on Ipad only
If you want to simulate a popover look-alike (e.g. Facebook app), on the iPhone, you will have to code it from scratch using UIViews and custom graphics.
As others said, the popover API is iPad-only.
A popover-like open source project that works on iPhone:
here it is
Try using WEPopover framework. Here is the link
If you really want to use popover in iphone then try this library. This is pretty cool. I integrated with my ios app.
Custom popover controller for iphone

How to record video in iPhone using Objective-C?

I have a map application in which there is a button named video. If a user clicks on the video button he can record video at any location he like and simultaneously play the video.
How can I do this? My code is as follows:
-(IBAction)video:(id)sender { UIImagePickerController *picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; picker.delegate = self; NSArray *sourceTypes = [UIImagePickerController availableMediaTypesForSourceType:picker.sourceType]; if (![sourceTypes containsObject:(NSString *)kUTTypeMovie ]){ NSLog(#"device not supported"); return; } picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; picker.mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:(NSString *)kUTTypeVideo]; picker.videoQuality = UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeHigh; [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; }
From Apple Programming guides
Starting in iPhone OS 3.0, you can
record video, with included audio, on
supported devices. To display the
video recording interface, create and
push a UIImagePickerController object,
just as for displaying the
still-camera interface.
To record video, you must first check that the camera source type
is available and that the movie media
type (kUTTypeMovie) is available for
the camera. Depending on the media
types you assign to the mediaTypes
property, the picker can directly
display the still camera or the video
camera, or a selection interface that
lets the user choose.
Using the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate
protocol, register as a delegate of
the image picker. Your delegate object
receives a completed video recording
by way of the
On supported devices, you can also pick previously-recorded videos from a
user’s photo library.
For more information on using the image picker class, see
UIImagePickerController Class
Reference. For information on trimming
recorded videos, see
UIVideoEditorController Class
Reference and
Protocol Reference.
Once you have the video in your UIImagePickerController delegate you can then save it to your app's documents directory using standard file operations.

UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera crashes in IPHONE Simulator?

Is it a known issue that if you try to test your UIImagePickerController using the Camera as a source type then the simulator will crash?
I have the following code:
self.imgPicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
self.imgPicker.allowsEditing = NO;
self.imgPicker.delegate = self;
[self.imgPicker setSourceType:UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera];
[self presentModalViewController:self.imgPicker animated:YES];
[imgPicker release];
Running this in simulator, I get an objc-exception-throw error on the stack # -[UIImagePickerController setSourceType:].
Now if I set the source type to the Photo Library though, everything runs smoothly and fine? What's the deal?
Simulator doesn't have the camera and can't simulate to take a picture (it would have been nice to use the isight but Apple has not been so kindly). However Your code is not safe because, for example, old ipod touch doesn't have a camera and in this case your app will crash on this device.
As Apple suggest in UIImagePickerController documentation:
To use an image picker controller
containing its default controls,
perform these steps:
1.Verify that the device is capable of picking content from the
desired source. Do this calling the
isSourceTypeAvailable: class method,
providing a constant from the
2.Check which media types are available, for the source type you’re
using, by calling the
class method. This lets you
distinguish between a camera that can
be used for video recording and one
that can be used only for still
3.Tell the image picker controller to adjust the UI according to the
media types you want to make
available—still images, movies, or
both—by setting the mediaTypes
4.Present the user interface by calling the
method of the currently active view
controller, passing your configured
image picker controller as the new
view controller.
5.When the user taps a button to pick a newly-captured or saved image
or movie, or cancels the operation,
dismiss the image picker using your
delegate object. For newly-captured
media, your delegate can then save it
to the Camera Roll on the device. For
previously-saved media, your delegate
can then use the image data according
to the purpose of your app.
So you have to call isSourceTypeAvailable and set your sourceType consistently.

How to convert an iPhone app to an iPad app

I am a beginner, and I have an iPhone app.
I want to convert iPhone app to iPad app.
I want to increase the size of all control, images and views according to iPad dimensions programmatically as I have no controls in XIB but in fact they are programmatically made.
I don't want to change the dimensions manually at every place because it is too much of a cumbersome work.
Is there any way I can do this in a better way?
The simple answer is NO.
You have to do it manually. There is no automatic system.
That is the correct answer.
if you have an absolutely trivial app - ie, with no images or controls or layouts! - you can of course just change it to an iPad app.
The questioner is asking specifically how to change all the images, layouts, and so on in a normal app. The answer is it must all be done completely manually. There is no automatic system for re-doing design or re-doing images in Photoshop, etc.
Note that similarly if you want to do both portrait and landscape layouts of an app, you or your designers have to of course simply design both layouts. There's no, say, "artificial intelligence" system that automatically does art direction for the app! You simply have to manually design both layouts and manually build in Photoshop all necessary images for each situation. The same applies to iPad v. iPhone.
(Note that sometimes you will have to do four totally different layouts, and sets of graphics .. for the phone/pad and portrait/landscape.)
This is exactly why iPad apps are sometimes labelled "HD" in the app store - they are of course totally different.
In Xcode, click on your project on the "Groups & Files" sidebar. Press command-I. Search for Targeted Device Family and change it from iPhone to iPad. Then it will compile and run on an iPad but the UI might look a bit funky.
What I did after that was open the xib I used for my iPhone app's FlipSide view (the one that looks funky on the iPad) go to File->Create iPad version and save it as FlipSideiPad.
Then when I load the view controller, I used the following if statement to tell my program to load the iPhone interface if the device is an iPhone or to load the iPad interface if the device is an not an iPhone.
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
FlipsideViewController *controller = [[FlipsideViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"FlipsideView" bundle:nil];
controller.delegate = self;
controller.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
[self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
[controller release];
FlipsideViewController *controller = [[FlipsideViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"iPadFlipsideView" bundle:nil];
controller.delegate = self;
controller.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
[self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
[controller release];
I hope that helps.
You need to resize the view manually...there is no such single methods for converting iphone app to ipad