UILabel displaying Unicode Characters - iphone

I have an NSString that then sets a UILabel. This contains unicode such as...
E = MC Hammer\U00ac\U2264
and complete ones such as
\U2013\U00ee\U2013\U00e6\U2013\U2202\U2013\U220f\U2013\U03c0 \U2013\U00ee\U2013\U220f\U2013\U03c0\U2013\U00aa\U2013\U221e\U2014\U00c5
These are not displaying correctly, is there anything I need to do to parse these at all?

"U" needs to be a lowercase "u"

What code are you using to set the NSString? It's possible that the string is not being initialized properly, and that's having a negative impact on the UILabel.


Remove characters from string iOS

I have an XML which I am using to parse news. News have a description. I'm using NSString to show that description in UILabel.
But, the description comes like this:
Bad news for Windows’ the researches show that Windows’ for years....
And it is being showed with those unwanted characters in UILabel. The numbers are changing in every string. They are not the sames.
I want to remove the characters that begins with &# and the numbers that follow. How can I do that? Which string encoding format should I use?
Thanks a lot.
EDIT: I don't have just one string. If I remove &#8217 from this one, there might be &#7610 in another one. It won't be removed.
I can remove &# characters and numbers too. But when I do that, In a string like that "In 1980, Jobs told us to&#2540 do something" the output will be "In , Jobs told us to do something" 1980 will be gone too, but I don't want that. That's a problem either.
These are ASCAII symbols so you need to use utf-8 string.check this link
so use this line of code
NSString *resultString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:myAsciiString];

How to remove the last unicode symbol from NSString

I have implemented a custom keyboard associated with a text field, so when the user presses the delete button, I remove the last character from the string, and manually update the current text field text.
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(currentTextFieldString.length-1, 1);
[currentTextFieldString replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:#""];
So far so good.
Now, the problem is, that the user has the option to enter some special unicode symbols, these are not 1 byte, they can be 2 bytes too, now on pressing the delete button, I have to remove the entire symbol, but if I follow the above approach, the user has to press the delete button twice.
Here, if I do:
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(currentTextFieldString.length-2, 2);
[currentTextFieldString replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:#""];
it works fine, but then, the normal characters, which are just 1 byte, get deleted twice at a time.
How to handle such scenarios?
Thanks in advance.
It is strange, that if I switch to the iPhone keyboard, it handles both cases appropriately. There must be some way to do it, there is something that I am missing, but am not able to figure out what.
Here's the problem. NSStrings are encoded using UTF-16. Many common Unicode glyphs take up only one unichar (a 16 bit unsigned value). However, some glyphs take up two unichars. Even worse, some glyphs can be composed or decomposed, e.g.é might be one Unicode code point or it might be two - an acute accent followed by an e. This makes it quite difficult to do what you want viz delete one "character" because it is really hard to tell how many unichars it takes up.
Fortunately, NSString has a method that helps with this: -rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex:. What you need to do is get the index of the last unichar, run this method on it, and the returned NSRange will tell you where to delete from. It goes something like this (not tested):
NSUInteger lastCharIndex = [myString length] - 1; // I assume string is not empty
NSRange rangeOfLastChar = [myString rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex: lastCharIndex];
myNewString = [myString substringToIndex: rangeOfLastChar.location];
If you can't get this to work by default, then use an if/else block and test if the last character is part of a special character. If it is, use the substring to length-2, otherwise use the substring to length-1.
I don't know exactly what the problem is there with the special characters byte length.
What i suggest is:
Store string length to a param, before adding any new characters
If user selects backspace (remove last characters) then remove the string from last length to new length. Means for example last saved string length is 5 and new string length is 7 then remove get a new string with the index from 0 to 4, so it will crop the remaining characters.
This is the other way around to do as i don't know the exact what problem internally.
But i guess logically this solution should work.
Enjoy Coding :)

Displaying accents and other UTF-8 characters in a UILabel

I have a little app which lists the names of certain people from around the world, and some of those names use characters that are not normal ASCII characters, like DÌaz, or ThÈrËse for example.
The strings show up in Xcode just fine, but when I put them in a UILabel, they behave unexpectedly.
My question is: Is there a way to set up a UILabel to to take the exact string in Xcode, and display it properly, even if it is a UTF-8 character (or any other character encoding for that matter)?
UIKit fully supports unicode, your problem is most likely the encoding of the source file. You can set that in the inspector (Xcode 4: ⌘⌥1) under "Text Settings". Make sure it is UTF-8 as well.
Alternative: Use unicode escapes like #"\u2605" (should display ★).
Try to encode the String:
NSString *s = [NSString stringWithCString:value encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];

UITableViewCell newline characters

Is there any way to get newlines to be converted to actual linebreaks in UITableViewCell?
Right now they show up as \r\n (they come from a sqlite3 db) and just get displayed as such.
If I search and replace \r\n with actual return characters then it works fine, but I'm wondering if three is a proper way to do this?
Please don't suggest using other View types, the app is basically 100% complete save for this last bug and I don't want to re-test everything.
edit: Solution in case anyone has a similar issue:
cellText = [cellText stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\\r\\n" withString:#"\n"];
Olaf got me on the right path, thanks.
IIRC on the Mac newline is \n, but this is not the question.
If you are seeing the four characters "\r\n" on the screen then I assume the string coming from db is escaping the backslashes. Thus when you do the manually rewrite the (escaped) string \\r\\n is converted into \n.
The standard cell is using an embedded UILabel anyway, so rewriting your cell with a custom cell using another UILabel would not change much. ;)
I just finished fixing this very issue in my code using:
myString = [[myString
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\\\\n" withString:#"\n"]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\\\\r" withString:#""];
Hope that helps

How to use Norwegian language iphone?

How can i use Norwegian characters to show them in UILabel in my application.
if i use it directly it shows garbage value.
The characters should work. I'm using a UILabel which loads from a nib file into the view of a ViewController. The label works in Times New Roman and Palatino (and presumably other fonts) when I set the text with the following code: [myLabel setText:#"ÆØÅ æøå"]; . I would try copying and pasting that line directly and see what happens.
I would guess that you're getting your characters from somewhere whose representation is not quite right in NSString terms. I grabbed these from Wikipedia. (I don't speak Norwegian so I'm not sure if you need other non-English alphabet characters - as far as I could see these were the only ones.)