iPhone - cannot test in-app purchases - iphone

I have created a test account for sandbox testing of in-app purchases. I am following these steps to test
Logged out of any existing accounts
Open app and start getting list of products available
Start process to download a product
SKPayment *payment = [SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier:productId];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment: payment];
Now ideally I should be asked for the user name/pwd at this point. But I am not prompted for anything and the transaction fails (obviously because I am not logged in)
If I try to login from Settings->Store, it asks for my credit info which I'm sure is not necessary.
Can someone please help me with this issue.

Ok. This was stupid! But hope someone can learn from my mistakes :)
I was testing the in-app purchase with a adhoc distribution profile. And acc to Apple engineers, as soon as you do that, the test account "stops" being a test account.
In-app purchases CAN ONLY BE TESTED by launching your app via XCode in debug mode!
This is not true any more. It supposedly works fine with adhoc builds as well now.
Source: recent testing of in-app purchases using an adhoc build.

Make sure that you have in-app purchases turned on in your provisioning file

Check canMakePayments
In Simulator the StoreKit just does not respond : you should test on the device
You must have at least one observer added to the SKPaymentQueue
Try to ask for the product list first (besides the fact that you know the productId already); it sounds silly, but SK framework is far from perfect.
Also, when sending {"receipt-data":...} to verification server do encode the receipt with Base64 before inserting it into json object. This is not mentioned in official docs anywhere: only on a couple of blogs.

I ran into the same problem. As suggested by Oleg, the issue was that the productID was invalid. Set a break point at
- (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response and check response.products.
You may find that the productID is not in response.products. When this happen, the transaction will proceed as purchase cancel by user, therefore, never prompt for login.


iPhone: in-App Purchase ,Buying once in sandbox

I Have a strange problem with iphone in app purchase! i created a product in the ituneconnect and then (using MKstorekit) i bought the product in sandbox environment .. and everything went will the first time... i removed the app from the device and created another test account.
and i found in the debugger mode that it sees the product as already purchased !!
tried everything from cleaning the project and all the tricks for the cache problems.. but still the problem occure .. is that normal?? or i'm doing something wrong?
please advice
since you are deleting the app in that case there is no chance that NSUserDefault will be storing this purchase so only thing that comes to my mind is the type of purchase... what type of purchase did you state in itunesconnect consumable , non-consumable or subscription? it could be because you stated subscription as purchase type(subscription purchases can only be bought once)... hope this helps..
this is what I have come across at http://www.raywenderlich.com/2797/introduction-to-in-app-purchases
StoreKit will prompt the user “are you sure?”, ask them to enter their
username/password (if appropriate), make the charge, and send you a
success or failure. They’ll also handle the case where the user
already paid for the app and is just re-downloading it, and give you a
message for that as well.
I fount the solution..
in app delegate i have to call
- (BOOL) removeAllKeychainData
in MKStoreManager, call it once at beginning, and then remove it from code, you don't want to accidently leave that on release :S

Clearing purchases from iOS in-app purchase sandbox for a test user

Does anyone have any ideas on how to reset and/or clear the iOS in-app purchase sandbox?
I have an app that I'm testing with the sandbox, and I'd like to test new purchases without having to create a new test user every time I purchase something.
If I don't do this, then I (of course) always get a message that the in-app purchase item has already been purchased when I click on my app's buy button.
IMO there are 3 things you can do to make testing non-consumables bearable:
You can have many test accounts associated to one email. Gmail for example lets you add a "plus" string to the email to create aliases for an address: so tester+01#gmail.com and tester+02#gmail.com both really just go to tester#gmail.com. Probably other email hosts do the same. When you create a test account you need to introduce: first name, last name, email address, password, secret question, secret answer, date of birth, and iTunes store country. You can put exactly the same data (including password) for tester+01#gmail.com and tester+02#gmail.com and you will have two test accounts. Finally, in your tester#gmail.com inbox you will receive two verification emails from Apple to confirm both test accounts.
Say that you have a non-consumable with product ID #"Extra_Levels". Instead of writing #"Extra_Levels" in all methods (requestProduct, purchaseProduct, ...), just write PRODUCT_ID1 and at some header file put #define PRODUCT_ID1 #"Extra_Levels" (with no semicolon!), then the preprocessor will search PRODUCT_ID1 and substitute it for #"Extra_Levels". Then creating a new non-consumable called #"Extra_Levels_01" and changing the #define will be as good as resetting the purchases for all your test users.
As appsmatics pointed out, you can test the correct behavior of your code when you buy a non-consumable IAP by first using a consumable IAP (so that test user can make as many purchases as needed) to get rid of some bugs. Of course, you should also test the code with the real non-consumable IAP after that.
You can't do this, as far as I know. The sandbox backend works like a real account-- once it's purchased, it's purchased (and thus you can test restore). You should do most of your development with the store stuff shimmed out, and then when you get to testing it for real, just expect to create several test accounts.
You can clear the purchase history for a tester so that you can continue to use the same sandbox Apple ID for ongoing testing. Clearing purchase history will delete all past auto-renewable subscriptions and non-consumables purchased by the selected testers in the sandbox environment. In-app purchases made by customers on the App Store are not affected.
To clear tester purchase history:
From Users and Access, under Sandbox, click Testers.
Click Edit.
Select the checkbox for each tester you want to modify and click Clear Purchase History.
Click Clear Purchase History in the dialog that appears.
Sandbox Apple IDs with a high number of purchases may take longer to clear. This action cannot be reversed.
I have 2 in app purchase items.
1 for production.
and the other for testing. when I need to "clear" I delete the in app item and create new one (15 seconds in itunes connect and 1 second to change the product id in code)
if i dont need to test "new user", i use the production in app item.
Deleting your app and reinstalling works also for sandbox testing. Depends on the app obviously, but I'm testing a subscription based app that only purchases during sign up at the moment so it's been the easiest solution.
Well, technically you don't need that.
If you get SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored, it is 100% equivalent to the app store verifying the user and granting him the purchase. I have a switch like:
- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions
for( SKPaymentTransaction *purch in transactions )
switch( purch.transactionState )
case SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored:
// fall thru
case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased:
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:purch];
// Do regular changes to app state for this purchase,
// register in keychain, etc.
break ;
//.. other cases
The question of having your app logic / take back the purchase is simple: if you're caching purchases in keychain, delete your keychain. If you're doing it some other how, just change your local app state to pretend like the user never purchased it before. The request to purchase dialog is still exactly the same, the only difference is when you punch YES, it gives you SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored instead of SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased.
You can clear the purchase history for a sandbox Apple ID in App Store Connect.
To clear tester purchase history:
From Users and Access, under Sandbox, click Testers.
Click Edit.
Select the checkbox for each tester you want to modify and click Clear Purchase History.
Click Clear Purchase History in the dialog that appears.
see Documentation https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev7e89e149d
Check out SimStoreKit. It's a "simulated version of the iPhone's StoreKit, for testing store UIs on the iPhone Simulator, or even on device without having to set up IAP in Connect."
SimStoreKit stores purchases in the user defaults under the key ILSimSKTransactions. So to clear all purchases you can do:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:#"ILSimSKTransactions"]
On the simulator, you can simply remove your app and install it again.
I've successfully used SimStoreKit to debug my app's store front before testing with the sandbox. The beauty of this library is that it can be set-up to use the same class names as the real StoreKit framework (by doing #define ILSimReplaceRealStoreKit 1 before doing #include <ILSimStoreKit.h>).
In source files where I need to access StoreKit, I include this header file:
#import <TargetConditionals.h>
#define kILSimAllowSimulatedStoreKit 1
#define ILSimReplaceRealStoreKit 1
#import <ILSimStoreKit.h>
#import <StoreKit/StoreKit.h>
This has the effect of using SimStoreKit when I run on the simulator and the real StoreKit when I run on the device.
This is now possible for subscriptions purchases through Reset Eligibility
On the test iOS device, open Settings > Apple ID > Media & Purchases (or iTunes &/or App Store for iOS 13 and earlier). Under the Sandbox Account section, tap your highlighted Sandbox Apple ID then tap Manage to open the sandbox Subscription Management page.
If the subscription has expired, tap one of the options to resubscribe.
Once you resubscribe or when you have a subscription going on, you can use the Reset Eligibility button to reset and redeem another introductory offer (trial or discounted price).
Just keep using the same test account, restoring purchases as opposed to completing new ones. After all, whether you start a new purchase or restore an old one, YOUR APP will do the same thing (at least initially, maybe the user interface will update differently upon completion). Apple are the folks handling things differently in those different situations - don't worry about it.
Place your delivery logic in the SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored case within this method's implementation for testing:
- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue
updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions;
Then be sure to put that delivery logic into the SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased case.
At the end, because most of us are obsessive-compulsive to varying degrees, do a final test with a fresh account (not a big deal to make a second one for absolute certainty).
The final thing to note: consider apple's position. If there was a problem with developers having to waste time creating tens or hundreds of accounts to test IAP thoroughly, they would have solved the problem. There is no problem.
alternatively to create multiple test user solution you can create multiple test in app purchases in iTunes connect then you don't need to change a user account.

In App Purchase "sign in to itunes store" after [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self]; [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
SKPaymentQueue addTransactionObserver asking for App Store password on startup after in-app purchase
I have a problem, when I loadStore in app purchase I add a transaction observer, the problem is that when I add the observer I get a message to sign in to the itunes store, to buy something, does it may be that last transactions didn't finished?
I had this problem, which was fixed by calling finishTransaction: on the payment queue. Without this the transaction persists like a lost phantom.
Actually, I'm having the same problem... But I can tell you that it only happens on ONE of my iPads, and not the other. (They were both 4.3.3).
Sign in to the iTunes Store
If you have an Apple ID, sign in with it here.
AOL members can sign in using there AOL username and password.
[Environment Sandbox]
[Cancel] [Buy]
Silly apple, how can I test my app if I'm logged into iTunes?
But even if I login (Buy), this dialog appears EVERYTIME launch my app and fetch my product description. THEN, I see my sandbox login.
Tried a restore, and it disappeared for the first run. Perplexing...
It seems that restoring the device (3 times) has fixed the problem. I wish I had a more concrete answer for you. But it worked for me.
MUCH LATER: Yup. Signing-in every time when prompted by Apple did the trick. I eventually caught up with my backlog of incomplete transactions. (And deleting my old test accounts in iTunes seemed to be a faster way to accomplish the same thing.)

SKPaymentQueue addTransactionObserver asking for App Store password on startup after in-app purchase

My app is using in-app purchases, and most of my users can purchase just fine without any problems. For these folks, my app downloads the content after the purchase succeeds and they are happy.
However, for a growing number of my users, once they complete a successful in-app purchase they are being asked for their App Store password every time the app starts up after that. I believe this is happening on the call to:
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:observer];
which I am calling on startup in accordance with step 6 in Apple's in-app purchase guide:
archived guide: https://web.archive.org/web/20130515222703/https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuide/AddingaStoretoYourApplication/AddingaStoretoYourApplication.html
actual guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuide/Chapters/DeliverProduct.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008267-CH5-SW4
My guess is that, for some reason, Apple's in-app purchase servers aren't registering that the transaction finished successfully - even though I call
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction];
when the transaction is completed and my content has been successfully downloaded.
2 questions:
Is anyone else seeing this?
Does anyone have a suggested fix?
Its a transaction which was made with a different Apple-ID. Thats why it cannot be finished unless you type in the right credentials into the dialog. The Question should be either:
How can I prevent such dead transactions (transaction has not been finished, user has no network, meanwhile changes App-ID)?
How can you prune the SkPaymentQueue?
I had the same problem.make sure that you call
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction];
for all three states of the transactions: SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased, SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored, SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed.
I had the same problem of having the login prompt coming up at the call:
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:observer];
It would also come up every now and then even when I wasn't using my app (on the home screen or in other apps), which was really annoying. Looking around, there seem to be so many suggested answers to this issue but I finally found a solution from a combination of what I've gathered.
Note: Before step 1, I had removed the test sandbox account in iTunes Connect. I'm not sure if that would affect the solution.
To solve the problem this is what I did:
Run your app from Xcode.
Wait for the prompt to come up. Type in the password for the account it wants and tap OK.
Press the Home button on the device.
Kill the app from Xcode.
Delete the app from the device.
Log out of iTunes & App Store in the Settings app.
Turn off the device and then turn it back on.
Purchase something from the App Store. When it prompts you, log in with a production Apple ID account. (I'm assuming you should be able to just log in with a production account in iTunes & App Store under the Settings app but this is how I did it).
Go back to Xcode and run your app again. (This should be a new install, as you deleted the app before.)
Wait for the login prompt to come up.
Tap Cancel. A dialog saying "Sign In Required. Tap Continue and sign in to check for downloads. [Environment: Sandbox]" should come up. This was a key difference from before. I never had this dialog come up when I pressed Cancel when it was asking me for the password.
Tap Continue.
Enter the password for the account.
That's it. From then on the login prompt stopped coming up whenever I ran my app and also stopped coming up at random times.
Hope this helps!
DO NOT DELETE THE ANSWER HERE. It was this particular Stackoverflow question that misled me and messed me up for days.
I'm putting this here because there are a lot of really bad answers that provide WRONG information on how to resolve the problem.
Delete the sandbox test user. This makes it impossible to resolve the problem and you will have to contact Apple developer support to resolve manually.
If you delete the sandbox test user, when you are subsequently repeatedly prompted to log in as that user and complete the transaction, you can't, hence the name Endless Loop problem. Nor will you be able to add the deleted test user again; the developer portal says the user id has already been used.
Delete the App or re-install iOS or any other such nonsense. It has no effect, doesn't solve the problem and wastes a lot of time.
Call Finish for ALL transactions.
If one is interrupted for some reason, simply complete on a subsequent run of the App. The app will be repeatedly sent the payment queue notice until you call finish on it:
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction];
That's it, Finish all transactions! Else you will be sent to the hell of the Endless Loop of sign in requests every single time your App launches on that device.
There is a problem called the "endless loop". It was big issue back in the early days of auto renewables when, for about a week, the servers did not limit renewals to 5. A device that gets a transaction and doesn't call finishTransaction will get that transaction delivered to the device about once a week until that particular test user logs in and calls finishTransaction. If you switch to airplane mode you can 'clear' those transactions for another week - but they come back.
I suspect that this is a correct behaviour. When you set a delegate SKPaymentQueue try to check if there are some transactions to finalize. There may be no not finished transactions but the fact of checking requires to login in iTunes. And I think you can do nothing with it.
It generally has some sense, but it is pretty annoying for users who have set up asking for a password on each transaction (some child protection for instance). So the only way to struggle with it is to set delegate explicitly when you are about to request iTunes. For example you can add some button like "Restore my purchases". Not very beautiful but definitely less annoying.
If anyone is seeing this and is using GoogleMobileAds.framework then you may also need to call
[GADMobileAds disableAutomatedInAppPurchaseReporting];
in -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
Here's how I can consistently reproduce and resolve this issue:
iOS 8.4, development build of the app.
Use a test(sandbox) Apple Account.
Restore purchased transactions.
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions]
Immediately close the app.
Log out of test account (through settings)
Launch app
Now every time I launch the app it will pop up the "login" form. It doesn't matter if I enter the password or not. It doesn't matter if I make purchases or restore the purchases. It doesn't matter if I delete and re-install the app. Every time I launch the app, the iTune login is presented.
Fix: Hard reboot the device.
Here's what I don't know. Will this happen in a production environment (published app and actual apple login)? I hope not.
I had the same problem when testing IAP.
I tested with 3 test account. The app kept asking for password for both accounts. Even if I didn't touch any purchase/restore button or addTransactionObserver.
I think this is because some previous transaction has not finished correctly, but [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction]; can't help at all.
So here's what I did to solve this problem:
input the password for each account no matter how many times app
store ask for--I input 6 times for 3 account--until it never ask
go to the setting and sign out the apple ID.
quit the app normally--don't terminate it in Xcode. then kill the process in task list.
remove the app from device (simply remove the app won't work it'll still ask for password )
reboot the device
Run the app again from Xcode/in your case reinstall the app from app store.
inspired by Expected sequence when using iTunes test user
Deleting and re-installing the app will remove any old transactions associated with another itunes account. If you are still seeing transactions posted to the notification queue, then you likely had some branch in your logic that did not call finishTransaction.
You need to to call finishTransaction on all transactions that are posted to paymentQueue:updatedTransactions:, even ones with SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed.
bugs related to in app purchases fixed in the iOS update 5.1.1
Check for the following as I had it in my viewDidLoad method. I had an app rejected when apple wanted me to go from non-consumable to consumable, however I left the following line in my viewDidLoad method: (I thought the password prompt was a issue with swapping from the test user to normal user back to the test user)
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];
Once removed the request for password stopped.
And I have left: [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];
in and the app has now been approved just fine.
You know, I resolved this problem by making a modify in my updatedTransactions. I didn't add the [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction]; for all situations.
I resolved it by deleting the iTunes Connect test user account related with this issue. App actually asked once again to sign in, but then it disappeared (I've also deleted app, restarted iPhone and logged in as a normal non-sandbox user, made a real restore in other non-sandbox app and then launched the app)
You said:
However, for a growing number of my users, once they complete a successful in-app purchase they are being asked for their App Store password every time the app starts up after that. I believe this is happening on the call to:
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:observer];
Note that the docs for add(_ observer: / addTransationObserver: state that the call may cause the user to authenticate with the App Store, so this appears to be expected behavior.
// Observers are not retained. The transactions array will only be synchronized with the server while the queue has observers. This may require that the user authenticate.
open func add(_ observer: SKPaymentTransactionObserver)
open func remove(_ observer: SKPaymentTransactionObserver)
So in addition to other answers here, it may be that you should stop calling add observer until you are ready to potentially display an App Store login prompt.

iPhone storekit sandbox stopped working

Bug reported as fixed by Apple, see accepted answer below ...
Although the bug report with apple hasn't been closed yet, it now seems to be working (at least for a couple of us) OK. It could be they have nailed it, or the fix is in testing, and I'll report back when (if) I hear anything more from Apple.
Just to say I've had an email back from Apple Engineering (21:20 GMT) and they have said:
"Thank you for reporting this. We're aware of this issue and are currently working on a fix."
So hopefully there will soon be a resolution!
[ update to question below. There definitely seems to be a storekit sandbox issue at present. I've seen 4 or 5 other people report the same fault, but would appreciate a larger sample size! If you have a storekit implementation that you can test in the sandbox if you could report whether or not it works for you that would be much appreciated. I've logged a bug with apple as bug id#8329461 but am not sure how else to expedite this or if it is really a widespread issue. ]
I have a working iPhone storekit implementation in development. All the items for purchase are consumable, we have multiple test accounts established.
All of a sudden today, my sequence goes;
1) Request product list from Apple ... works fine (so can connect to store OK)
2) Purchase item - get "Confirm your In App Purchase" alert as normal
3) (click buy)
4a) My code gets a failed transaction with error code 2 and description "cannot connect to itunes store" via the - (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions method.
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction: transaction] is being called in this situation.
4b) The user gets an alert "You've already purchased this but it hasn't been downloaded" (it has never been purchased on this device with this user account).
This is happening on different devices and with test accounts that have never been used before. I'm not aware of any changes to our code. Can anyone else confirm that the storekit test framework is working correctly for them? Is anyone else having issues today?
Any ideas as to what causes this strangeness? The message "cannot connect to itunes store" seems odd given it clearly can for retrieving product ids and watching the transaction.
NB. I also note that setting up test user accounts in the store has changed - there are now stricter password requirements etc and so I'm wondering if Apple have changed something that might be causing the issue.
PS. On a first attempt on a new device, I get the alert "unable to connect to itunes store try again later" but then what happens is that the device thinks it has already been purchased so gives the message about downloading again.
Just had a final update from Apple closing the bug.
This is a courtesy email regarding Bug ID# 8329461.
Engineering has provided the following feedback regarding this issue:
We believe this issue is now resolved. Please let us know if you have any problems.
I've also been plagued by this problem. I had a fully functional In App Purchase working fine. I later uploaded a new binary and approved it. I made some other changes to the app, and also used a foreign "IN APP" purchase User, attempted to sign-in in Settings. Later when I tested it again, itt was no longer working. The error I got was "Unable to connect to iTunes", "Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009". Pulled lots of hair out. I was able to fix it by signing out of iTunes account on the iPhone, "cleaning all targets", AND also signing out of iTunes on my MAC, (I closed iTunes), creating a new "local" In-App" user (necessary?). Attempted to sign into that account on my iPhone. Then it started working! Some of the above may be voodoo, but it worked. Hope this helps a few people.
I am also having the same issue. As of a couple days ago it seems. I am on iPad. Exactly the same description as Roger wrote.
Tried the Erase All Content and Settings on the iPad. Didn't work. Tried on several networks. Seemed like at first I was having a real slow connection. Took a long time to get a response from the store with the product info. As of today, I am connecting very quickly to the store but still having the same error after being notified that I have already purchased the product. Created new users, everything. No go. I've gone through all the code and it looks fine. Definitly seems to be a problem with the Sandbox side. Hope to see an update on this thread soon.
For now I am just skipping the purchase request and calling my provideContent: method when when choosing to make a purchase. Since the store is still providing me with the products, I can keep testing and working on the content providing aspect but it sure would be nice to get this working.
After announced "fix" by apple still have this trouble. It's feels like purchase transaction just falls off while test user input his credentials. But when test user is already logged in, everything is OK.
Either [SKPayment paymentWithProduct:product] nor [SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier:product.productIdentifier] works with logged out user in spite of products request was successful.
Does anyone have any workaround?
I've been going nuts over the same issue all morning in Lion and MacOS (not iPhone). The sandbox is not working.
I just got "An unknown error has occurred" when trying to make the purchase and a console error like this one
8/23/11 1:12:26.090 PM storeagent: promptResponse: <CKSignInPromptResponse:0x7fe1c14fb2a0 returnCode:-1>
If there is another poor soul like me out there that has been burning their brains out for hours to make this work I just found the answer: the in-app purchase sandbox is ONLY working for US test users. Other stores are not working (my test user was set to Argentina...). Create a new Test user, set it to the US store, and it will work...
I hope this helps.
For anyone having an issue similar to: "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" make sure to log out of your Apple ID in the iTunes & App Stores in settings and to try using a test account attached to your iTunes Connect account with access to your app and in app purchase