How to increase/decrease an Unsigned Char? - iphone

I am trying to modify pixel values (8 bits per channel RGBA) by numerically increasing/decreasing the values by a certain amount. How can I do this in Objective-C or C? The following code generates a "Error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS" everytime.
// Try to Increase RED by 50
for(int i = 0; i < myLength; i += 4) {
//NSLog prints the values FINE as integers
NSLog(#"(%i/%i/%i)", rawData[i], rawData[i+1], rawData[i+2]);
//But for some reason I cannot do this
and even
// Try to set RED to 50
for(int i = 0; i < myLength; i += 4) {
//I cannot even do this...
unsigned char newVal = 50;
rawData[i] = 50;
Sidenote: rawData is a data buffer of type unsigned char

It's possible that you're overrunning the end of your allocated buffer, and that's why you're getting the access violation. That most likely means that your math is wrong in the allocation, or your rawData pointer is of the wrong type.
If you are accessing the raw data of a loaded UIImage, it might be mapped into memory read-only. You'd need to copy the data into a buffer that you allocated, most likely.

Hmm... What's rawdata? Maybe it's a const type which you can not modify?


How to read and convert Bluetooth characteristic from byte data to proper values(Bluetooth for flutter)

I have to read and write some values to a Bike Smart trainer with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) used with Flutter. When I try to read the values from the GATT characteristic org.bluetooth.characteristic.supported_power_range (found on site ) I get the return value of an Int List [0,0,200,0,1,0].
The GATT characteristic sais that there are 3 sint16 fields for Min., Max. and step size Watts (Power).
The Byte transmission order also sais that the least significant octet is transmitted first.
My guessings are, that the 3 parameters are returned in an Int array with 8bit value each. But I can't interpret the 200 for maybe the maximum Power setting. Because the smart trainer should provide max. 2300W Watts resistance (ELITE Drivo
The Output results from this code snippet:
device.readCharacteristic(savedCharacteristics[Characteristics.SUPPORTED_POWER_RANGE]).then((List<int> result) {
result.forEach((i) {
// result: [0,0,200,0,1,0]
Maybe some one of u knows how to interpret the binary/hex/dec values of the flutter_blue characteristic output.
Or some hints would be great
For future readers, I got the solution. I'm a bit asheamed because I read the wrong characteristic.
The return value [0,0,200,0,1,0] was for supported resistance level. (which is 20% and the 200 shows the 20% with a resolution of 0.1 like described in the GATT spec)
I also got a return value for the supported power level which was [0,0,160,15,1,0]. Now the solution how to read the 2 Bytes of max powre level: you get the 160,15 the spec sais LSO (least significant octet first, don't confuse it with LSB least significant bit first). In fact of that you have to read it like 15,160. now do the math with the first Byte 15*256 + 160 = 4000 and thats the correct maximum supported power of the trainer like in the datasheet.
I hope I help someone with that. Thanks for the two replys they are also correct and helped me to find my mistake.
I had the same problem connecting to a Polar H10 to recover HR and RR intervals. It might not be 100% the same, but I think my case can guide you to solve yours.
I am receiving the same list as you like these two examples:
Looking at the specs of the GATT Bluetooth Heart Rate Service I figured that each element of the list retrieved matches 1 byte of the data transmitted by the characteristic you are subscripted to. For this service, the first byte, i.e., the first element of the list, has some flags to point out if there is an RR value after the HR value (16) or not (0). This is just two cases among the many different ones that can ocur depending on the flags values, but I think it shows how important this first byte can be.
After that, the HR value is coded as an unsigned integer with 8 bits (UINT8), that is, the HR values match the second element of the lists shown before. However, the RR interval is coded as an unsigned integer eith 16bits (UINT16), so it complicates the translation of those two last elements of the list #2 [16,61,524,2], because we should use 16 bits to get this value and the bytes are not in the correct order.
This is when we import the library dart:typed_data
import 'dart:typed_data';
_parseHr(List<int> value) {
// First sort the values in the list to interpret correctly the bytes
List<int> valueSorted = [];
valueSorted.insert(0, value[0]);
valueSorted.insert(1, value[1]);
for (var i=0; i< (value.length-3); i++) {
valueSorted.insert(i+2, value[i+3]);
valueSorted.insert(i+3, value[i+2]);
// Get flags directly from list
var flags = valueSorted[0];
// Get the ByteBuffer view of the data to recode it later
var buffer = new Uint8List.fromList(valueSorted).buffer; // Buffer bytes from list
if (flags == 0) {
// HR
var hrBuffer = new ByteData.view(buffer, 1, 1); // Get second byte
var hr = hrBuffer.getUint8(0); // Recode as UINT8
if (flags == 16) {
// HR
var hrBuffer = new ByteData.view(buffer, 1, 1); // Get second byte
var hr = hrBuffer.getUint8(0); // Recode as UINT8
// RR (more than one can be retrieved in the list)
var nRr = (valueSorted.length-2)/2; // Remove flags and hr from byte count; then split in two since RR is coded as UINT16
List<int> rrs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < nRr; i++) {
var rrBuffer = new ByteData.view(buffer, 2+(i*2), 2); // Get pairs of bytes counting since the 3rd byte
var rr = rrBuffer.getUint16(0); // Recode as UINT16
Hope it helps, the key is to get the buffer view of the sorted list, get the bytes that you need, and recode them as the standard points out.
I used print(new String.fromCharCodes(value)); and that worked for me.
value is your return from List<int> value = await;
I thank ukBaz for his answer to this question. Write data to BLE device and read its response flutter?
You can use my package byte_data_wrapper to transform this data to a decimal value which you can understand:
Get the buffer:
import 'dart:typed_data';
final buffer = Uint16List.fromList(result).buffer;
Create the byteDataCreator:
// Don't forget to add it to your pubspec.yaml
// byte_data_wrapper:
// git: git://
import 'byte_data_wrapper/byte_data_wrapper.dart';
final byteDataCreator = ByteDataCreator.view(buffer);
Get your data :
// You can use getUint8() if valeu is Uint8
final min = byteDataCreator.getUint16();
final max = byteDataCreator.getUint16();
final stepSize = byteDataCreator.getUint16();
I know its too late to answer this but if there is anyone still having a trouble, just convert it manually to be an integer. Because I think you are receiving a type of ByteArray (correct me if I'm wrong).
num bytesToInteger(List<int> bytes) {
/// Given
/// 232 3 0 0
/// Endian.little representation:
/// To binary
/// 00000000 00000000 00000011 11101000
/// Combine
/// 00000000000000000000001111101000
/// Equivalent : 1000
num value = 0;
//Forcing to be Endian.little (I think most devices nowadays uses this type)
if ( == Endian.big) {
bytes = List.from(bytes.reversed);
for (var i = 0, length = bytes.length; i < length; i++) {
value += bytes[i] * pow(256, i);
return value;
and vice versa when you try to write over 255
Uint8List integerToBytes(int value) {
const arrayLength = 4;
return Uint8List(arrayLength)..buffer.asByteData().setInt32(0, value, Endian.little);
Hope this helps.
P.S. I also posted the similar problem here.

NSArray not iterating

I am trying to iterate through an NSArray with a for loop. The result only returns the last value in the array even though the int variable i is printing correctly (0,1,2...).
Also, if I set iteration to say 5, I will get the 6th object in the array, which is correct. I did this to try to narrow down the scope of possible causes.
Any ideas?
int i;
int j;
Buffer *vocalBuffer;
for (i=0; i < numberOfBuffers; i++){ // loop through every vocal buffer
Buffer *mixedBuffer = [[Buffer alloc] init];
int array[sizeLoopBuff];
mixedBuffer.buffer = array;
mixedBuffer.numFrames = sizeLoopBuff;
NSLog(#"Vocal buffer number --> %i", i);
NSInteger iteration = i;
vocalBuffer = [arrayOfVocalBuffers objectAtIndex:iteration]; // grab the vocal buffer
for (j=0; j < sizeLoopBuff; j++){ // run through a beat loop cycle.
mixedBuffer.buffer[j] = loopBuffer.buffer[j]; // add the beats to return buffer.
if (j > insertPoint && j < insertPoint+ vocalBuffer.numFrames){
mixedBuffer.buffer[j] = loopBuffer.buffer[j] + vocalBuffer.buffer[j-insertPoint];
[mutArray addObject:mixedBuffer];
As figured out in the comments, the use of a pointer to stack storage has some problems. One is that while it's in scope, its content is overwritten by each use within a loop; individual objects with pointers to it do not have unique copies.
The other problem is that once the method returns and its stack space isn't needed (as far as the runtime is concerned), there's no predicting what will be done with the space.
The necessary behavior of having a unique buffer per object suggests that the object should allocate its own buffer dynamically when created.

How to store data larger than 128 byte in JavaCard

I can't write data at index above 128 in byte array.
code is given below.
private void Write1(APDU apdu) throws ISOException
byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
byte j = (byte)apduBuffer[4]; // Return incoming bytes lets take 160
Buffer1 = new byte[j]; // initialize a array with size 160
for (byte i=0; i<j; i++)
Buffer1[(byte)i] = (byte)apduBuffer[5+i];
It gives me error 6F 00 (It means reach End Of file).
I am using:
smart card type = contact card
using java card 2.2.2 with jcop using apdu
Your code contains several problems:
As already pointed out by 'pst' you are using a signed byte value which works only up to 128 - use a short instead
Your are creating a new buffer Buffer1 on every call of your Write1 method. On JavaCard there is usually no automatic garbage collection - therefore memory allocation should only be done once when the app is installed. If you only want to process the data in the adpu buffer just use it from there. And if you want to copy data from one byte array into another better use javacard.framework.Util.arrayCopy(..).
You are calling apdu.setIncomingAndReceive(); but ignore the return value. The return value gives you the number of bytes of data you can read.
The following code is from the API docs and shows the common way:
short bytesLeft = (short) (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_LC] & 0x00FF);
if (bytesLeft < (short)55) ISOException.throwIt( ISO7816.SW_WRONG_LENGTH );
short readCount = apdu.setIncomingAndReceive();
while ( bytesLeft > 0){
// process bytes in buffer[5] to buffer[readCount+4];
bytesLeft -= readCount;
readCount = apdu.receiveBytes ( ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA );
short j = (short) apdu_buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_LC] & 0xFF
Elaborating on pst's answer. A byte has 2^8 bits numbers, or rather 256. But if you are working with signed numbers, they will work in a cycle instead. So, 128 will be actually -128, 129 will be -127 and so on.
Update: While the following answer is "valid" for normal Java, please refer to Roberts answer for Java Card-specific information, as well additional concerns/approaches.
In Java a byte has values in the range [-128, 127] so, when you say "160", that's not what the code is really giving you :)
Perhaps you'd like to use:
int j = apduBuffer[4] & 0xFF;
That "upcasts" the value apduBuffer[4] to an int while treating the original byte data as an unsigned value.
Likewise, i should also be an int (to avoid a nasty overflow-and-loop-forever bug), and the System.arraycopy method could be handy as well...
(I have no idea if that is the only/real problem -- or if the above is a viable solution on a Java Card -- but it sure is a problem and aligns with the "128 limit" mentioned.)
Happy coding.

int and ++new goes up by 2 every time

Just a silly question:
I have a simple counter, but it seems that it gives the double value of what I expect.
short int *new = 0;
NSLog(#"Items: %hi", new);
And this returns:
Items: 2
Relatively new to Cocoa, and still working out the little details as is clear form above...
You don't have an integer variable, you have a pointer to an integer variable (a short integer, to be specific). It increments by 2 because short integers are two bytes long. A pointer variable holds a memory address of another value. Incrementing a pointer means, "make this pointer point to the next thing in memory", where "thing" is the type of value the pointer was declared to point at. A pointer to double would increment by 8 each time.
The "*" in the declaration makes it a pointer. If you just want an int, you'd just write
short int new = 0;
Aah, when you increment a pointer, in increments it by the size of the object it holds. You're looking at an address, not a number.
do this, and see:
short int *new = 0;
NSLog(#"Items now: %hi", new);
NSLog(#"Items then: %hi", new);
Because the way you define new is as a pointer to an integer, *new. You set the memory location to contain a short int, which is a 16-bit integer, so it takes up two bytes in memory. So increasing that on the second line means increasing the memory location by 2.
I don't think you intend to deal with memory locations. It's kind of odd to define an integer and also control its location in memory, unless in specific situations. Code that would do what you want is:
short int new = 0;
NSLog(#"Items: %hi", new);

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when calling avcodec_encode_video

I have an Objective-C class (although I don't believe this is anything Obj-C specific) that I am using to write a video out to disk from a series of CGImages. (The code I am using at the top to get the pixel data comes right from Apple: I successfully create the codec and context - everything is going fine until it gets to avcodec_encode_video, when I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I think this should be a simple fix, but I just can't figure out where I am going wrong.
I took out some error checking for succinctness. 'c' is an AVCodecContext*, which is created successfully.
CFDataRef bitmapData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(img));
long dataLength = CFDataGetLength(bitmapData);
uint8_t* picture_buff = (uint8_t*)malloc(dataLength);
CFDataGetBytes(bitmapData, CFRangeMake(0, dataLength), picture_buff);
AVFrame *picture = avcodec_alloc_frame();
avpicture_fill((AVPicture*)picture, picture_buff, c->pix_fmt, c->width, c->height);
int outbuf_size = avpicture_get_size(c->pix_fmt, c->width, c->height);
uint8_t *outbuf = (uint8_t*)av_malloc(outbuf_size);
out_size = avcodec_encode_video(c, outbuf, outbuf_size, picture); // ERROR occurs here
printf("encoding frame %3d (size=%5d)\n", i, out_size);
fwrite(outbuf, 1, out_size, f);
I have stepped through it dozens of times. Here are some numbers...
dataLength = 408960
picture_buff = 0x5c85000
picture->data[0] = 0x5c85000 -- which I take to mean that avpicture_fill worked...
outbuf_size = 408960
and then I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS at avcodec_encode_video. Not sure if it's relevant, but most of this code comes from api-example.c. I am using XCode, compiling for armv6/armv7 on Snow Leopard.
Thanks so much in advance for help!
I have not enough information here to point to the exact error, but I think that the problem is that the input picture contains less data than avcodec_encode_video() expects:
avpicture_fill() only sets some pointers and numeric values in the AVFrame structure. It does not copy anything, and does not check whether the buffer is large enough (and it cannot, since the buffer size is not passed to it). It does something like this (copied from ffmpeg source):
size = picture->linesize[0] * height;
picture->data[0] = ptr;
picture->data[1] = picture->data[0] + size;
picture->data[2] = picture->data[1] + size2;
picture->data[3] = picture->data[1] + size2 + size2;
Note that the width and height is passed from the variable "c" (the AVCodecContext, I assume), so it may be larger than the actual size of the input frame.
It is also possible that the width/height is good, but the pixel format of the input frame is different from what is passed to avpicture_fill(). (note that the pixel format also comes from the AVCodecContext, which may differ from the input). For example, if c->pix_fmt is RGBA and the input buffer is in YUV420 format (or, more likely for iPhone, a biplanar YCbCr), then the size of the input buffer is width*height*1.5, but avpicture_fill() expects the size of width*height*4.
So checking the input/output geometry and pixel formats should lead you to the cause of the error. If it does not help, I suggest that you should try to compile for i386 first. It is tricky to compile FFMPEG for the iPhone properly.
Does the codec you are encoding support the RGB color space? You may need to use libswscale to convert to I420 before encoding. What codec are you using? Can you post the code where you initialize your codec context?
The function RGBtoYUV420P may help you.