How to authenticate a website user through iphone - iphone

I have created a web application and now I want to create an iPhone version of it. As a first step, I want to login a user using his username and password. I have a simple login page with fields for username and password. Now I want to send these credentials onto my site (lets say, and authenticate whether the username and password is correct or not.
I need some help in this as I am not an experienced iphone developer. I just need to know how to send the credentials to my site url.
Any help or sample tutorial in this regard will be highly helpful to me.

Go get ASIHTTPRequest as it is a great framework for any network connectivity you do. the you can simply use POST or use the method they have provided for authentication.
See the section titled "Handling Authentication" here for code samples and docs

better make a canvas and call that page of webapplication..


Redirect the page from external website to web pages using play framework

I am pretty much new to play framework and I am currently developing a website using this framework.
I have the following question:
Default page should be and the once the user entered his credentials and if the user is authorized(I mean login successsful) then it should redirect to the my website along with the retrieval of user name.
To make it as simple:
say my website is
Once the user enter then it should redirect to and once the gmail login is successful then it should come to with the username.Though I am using redirect() but am not sure how to come back to my site once the login successful.
Currently I am using latest play version.
Please help me out.
Thank You
It's not about redirect. You need to use Google API to be able to provide sign in with it. Start here:

Get user OpenID URL without user interaction

I have an packaged app in the Chrome Web Store that I'd like to transition from a paid app to a free one with in app purchases. I need to be able to detect if the current user had paid for the app previously.
To be able to use the licensing API, I need the current user's OpenID URL. I was able to get this to work using chrome.identity and a popup dialog that the user has to authorize. But it is a bad experience and kind of a scary dialog.
For hosted apps, it's possible to get the user's OpenID URL without any user interaction or authorization. (see How to skip the OpenID approval screen). It would be fantastic if somebody knows how to make this work without user interaction for packaged apps.
I've detailed some of the approaches I've tried on this chromium-apps thread. I suspect it may be possible to do this with chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow but I wasn't able to discover the exact incantation of parameters to google's oauth/openid endpoints to make this happen silently.
I think you need to refer to this Link1 Parameters
this parameters are different techniques using that you can do this task..
also To bypass the Login/approval screen refer this link2
Here in the section How to skip the OpenID approval screen the details are explained which you can use..
And In case of packaged app this should ask for permanent permission that will help in OAuth throughout the life of app..
Client Library JavaScript Based
Authentication using Library
After your comment I thought this you can bind in your app.!!
Let me know what works for you..

Custom Login using xAuth?

In our project, we want to give the user the option to only fill out one login screen, then the app should check many social networks for this email & password combination and log the user in accordingly.
However, the problem we are facing is with oAuth, which only allows for default login screen.
I heard about it would be possible for Twitter when getting a xAuth certificate from them (hard to get ?)
How's about facebook, linked in ?
Anyone knows how to get this done ?
Thanks, we are stuck with this already for a while.
Most challenging issue you have is the most of the service provider be it OpenID/OAuth enabled will not let you search there system with what you are trying to access.
Even some of the system like Twitter/LinkedIn never give you back user email id they treat it as a security issue (Though they call it as design specifications :))
So i am afraid it is possible.For getting XAuth for Twitter
To use xAuth, send a request to with plenty
of details about your application and why xAuth is the best choice for it.
here are more details
XAuth Twitter
But even twiter XAuth is almost same as OAuth.XAuth is still in its early stage.One way is to ask user for the email and than based on the domain redirect user to the particular system and let user authorize themself, but personally that is kind of heck and not a good solution at all.
Why user will fill his username and password of other service in your login screen?? don't you think that's something beat the whole idea of security

iPhone online login system

I am trying to create a login system for my iPhone application. My login system is not an ordinary one. Here is what I want the iphone to do.
First of all I will post to a website
my username and password.
If login is achieved (i.e. username and password are correct), it will redirect me to
else it will redirect me to
I know it sounds strange but thats the way it works. By the way my application is programmed using Objective-C.
So what I want from the login system is to detect the address of the redirected site and if it is the success one, it will allow me to view the rest of the application.
Can I do that login system on iOS? Do you have any idea about that?
The NSHTTPURLResponse class has a method allHeaderFields that you can use to pull out the Location header. Be aware that header names are case-insensitive.
It sounds like you are trying to use the actual website for authentication. While this may be possible, I would advise against it. You should write a separate web service (aka an API) for the app to interact with. If you aren't familiar with the concept of an API do a quick google search.

iPhone App Store Release Question!

I am developing an Application its purpose to view uploaded files on a host server, and it has a credentials that will be entered on the Login Page to authenticate the user.
My Question! when I post my application to the App Store how suppose apple is going to test or at least view my application when Apple needs enter a valid credentials that I am not suppose to know, it's private to my client.
Any guide would be greatly appreciated.
How do you test your application yourself?
There is an extra field to give the Appstore people some hints / explanation. Generally, you'd use that field to give them a demo account on the server so they can the app.