Divide PDF Page using C# - c#-3.0

I have A4 size PDF page. PDF page contains 10 images. I want to split the PDF page as 10 image files. Plz give me an Idea.

You can use PDFBox (a library available for .NET) to convert each page of the PDF to a PNG image, then use the GDI functions in C# to copy known regions of the PNG files and save them as individual image files. This only works if the layout of the images on each page is static.
More info on PDFBox:

PDFsharp seems to be a popular open source choice for PDF manipulation from .NET and Mono. PdfMod is a related Mono-based front-end.


Create And Display A PDF File In Ionic 3

How to create PDF file and display as per our design.
customize PDF layout and add image and table create in PDF file.
i have send image this type i want to create pdf file .
Here is plugin called pdfmake. It will help you to create pdf of images. You can customise many of things for creating pdf like page size, table, fonts etc.
Following are some of the tutorial which will help you to guide :
I have used it in my project to creating pdf of images and working properly, so may it will help you.

Rendering Images inside PDF, images not being rendered in PDF Viewer 0.1.8

Please check updates as they have additional informations... Apparently located the problem in a specific pdf client but cannot close the issue with an open bounty...
I am generating a pdf using grails rendering plugin. The PDF has a couple of images inside and "some" of them are not being outputted!
I am rendering the images inline via data uris as required by the plugin. That means that all my images are something like:
<img src="...">
If I render them in a normal html view, I can see the images just fine!
If I render the template to a JPG/PNG with the same plugin, again the images render all fine.
If I render to PDF the images which are being retrieved by an octed-stream are broken!
Something like:
Looks like the image started to render and then something happened...
It is happening on the big-sized images, but also on the thumbnail version of same image.
Any one has some hints as why this might occur?
The file which does not show up is a file with mime application/octet-stream
So apparently I can retrieve the bytes from the file, but when they transmitted for PDF Rendering, the image does not appear...
Yet another update
The issue seems to be related with the PDF Viewer. Was using a Linux based PDF Viewer (PDF Viewer 0.1.8) and specific images are broken. In all other PDF Viewers I could test everything works fine.
Cannot close the issue as there is a bounty open :( Sorry that the bounty and question seems meaningless now, but you never know, someone might have an idea how to solve this even for PDF Viewer 0.1.8.
<img src="...">
works fine for me. Note the missing "e".
You can use rendering tag:
<rendering:inlineJpeg bytes="${your-image}" />
Make sure you decodeBase64() your image.

Why does one of my pngs have a query string attached?

I'm not using any WP cache plug ins. I've noticed that only one png out of the other pngs (and other images) I have on my WP site has a query string attached to it when I look at in Chrome dev tools. It's actually downloaded twice - with and without query string.
The other odd this is that Chrome Dev tools says that the intiator for the png with query string is jQuery. I just include jQuery from Google's CDN, so I'm not changing anything.
Any ideas to why just one of my pngs (why this one?) has a query string attached? Here's what it looks like:
<img src="http://www.mysite.com/wp-content/themes/myTheme/images/slide1Btn.png?1369071380764" alt="">
Please let me know if I haven't included enough information.
This png is a button on one of the slides I have in a slideshow. I use http://archive.slidesjs.com/ to generate the slideshow. The png images are part of the HTML markup and not generated by the script, however I did find this line in the slides.js code:
// gets image src, with cache buster
var img = control.find('img:eq(' + start + ')').attr('src') + '?' + (new Date()).getTime();
I would like to just have the png load once and just be retrieved from the cache on reloads - like each of the pngs will do on subsequent slides in my slideshow. I'm perplexed as to why it only happens to this png.
It might either be :
some argument for a script that dynamically generates or resizes or processes the image (it does not matter that the url has a .png extension, that doesn't necessarily mean that a png file is served statically)
a "cache breaker" - or "cache buster". This can be used to prevent the browser (sometimes also the server) to get the image from a cache, and force it to get it fresh from the server.
Because in this case this looks as a timestamp (unix epoch in milliseconds), I'd bet for the later.
wordpress generates many of the images dynamically, meaning when you access the png you are calling a server page that generates the png dynamically choosing between different images or based on the query string parameters, like size for exmaple.
200px width image.
600px width image

iphone epub reader how to change the font size/color programmatically?

I have seen many projects that reads epub files than parsing it to XML formats.
Some projects uses HTML to display the formatted ftext in a web view
Is there any way possible way to change the color/size of a font?
I think some are including Java Script files but still not sure...
Any framework that rcan help for epub content reading and customiziing....
ePub uses XHTML & CSS for content, so most (if not all) ePub readers will use a UIWebView.
Changing the font color & size, then, is simply a matter of fiddling with said UIWebView's stylesheets, whether through JavaScript or altering the XHTML/CSS files directly.

Programmatically Generate PDF from HTML on iPhone

I am looking for a way to programmatically (in obj-c) generate a PDF file from a local html file. I am dynamically generating the html from user inputs, I need to create the PDF and send it to the user (via email). I am having difficulty with the PDF generation portion.
I have the code to create a PDF using CGPDFContextCreateWithURL but I am struggling with drawing the page using quartz.
I have searched extensively on SO as well as the internet to no avail.
Any help is much appreciated!
To generate a pdf from an HTML, you need to render the html into a web view, and take snapshots of the web view, and render them into an image context.
The tutorial might be helpful:
I've written a little piece of code that takes an NSAttributedString from DTCoreText, and renders it into a paged PDF file. You can find it on my GitHub Repository. It won't render images or complex html, but it should serve for most uses. Plus, if you're familiar with CoreText, you can extend my PDF frame setter to generate these items.
So what it does now: Give it an HTML string, and it will use DTCoreText to generate an NSAttributedString, then render that into a PDF. It hands back the location that it saved the PDF file in the app's Documents folder.
Why not use a WebService, send the HTML page to this and retrieve the PDF-file ?
That way you can use iTextSharp and C#, and you're done in about 2 minutes.
Plus (if you're evil) you can store and see all the data on your server.
I haven't tried this myself so i have nothing to offer concrete but I'd have to imagine there has to be an easy way to do this on iPhone due to the imaging model. I'd look deeper into the documentation.
As to pushing back with the client that is up to you but there are probably multiple reasons for wanting to keep everything local. Frankly I would not be pleased at all to here from somebody I hired that he couldn't manage this particular task. So think long and hard about this push back. Oh even if you do push back a webserver is a poor choice. I'd go back a step further and investgate why you need something in HTML in the first place.
I've never tried this so I have no idea if it'll work, but how about loading the HTML into a UIWebView, and then make the view draw itself into a PDF context? E.g.
UIWebView *webview = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(...)];
[webview loadHTMLString:html baseURL:...];
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webview {
CGPDFContextRef pdfContext = CGPDFContextCreateWithURL(...);
[webview.layer drawInContext:pdfContext];
I made it by following this SO: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13342906/448717
In order to maintain the same content's proportions I had to multiply the size of the WKWebView 1.25 times the printableRect's size set for the UIPrinterRenderer, as the screen points differs from the PostScript's... I guess.