How to implement image masking - iphone

IN scrolllview there is one image with zooming facility.And behind the scrollview there is round i want to masking.I have tried but not working.Can anybudy give me advice.

Typically masks go in front of the image you are trying to reshape.


Make fix size round button as image in iphone sdk

I am developing an application in which I need to round button as image (as I uploaded).
It Show two corner are straight and the rest is in round shape. I tried withmybutton.layer.cornerRadius but make round whole image. I also tried to just make custom button but it leave extra space in button around image i need to fix size button as image show.
Please help me. Thanks in advance. Happy Day.
Here is a one good tutorial on this:
you can download code from here
Hope this helps
An alternate but not really a good one first add an imageView add this particular image over it than add an custom invisible button over the image by adjusting size of the button it will not cover the whole image though but still it will work fine...actually i did use this approach in one of my app :p
OBShapedButton might help. It's an open source UIButton subclass optimized for non-rectangular button shapes. If it still doesn't work, making your own buttons isn't that difficult either. Use a UIView and handle touches within the view. For eg, in touchesMoved:, set the active image and in touchesEnded:, handle the click event!

How to achieve dynamic UIView masking?

I'm trying to achieve a sort of dynamic UIView masking effect. Here is a sketch:
So as you can see, I'm trying to create a UIView that can effectively cut through an image to reveal the image behind it. I already know how to return an image with a mask statically, however I would like the "revealer" to be draggable (I'll use pan gesture) and live.
Does anyone have any ideas or starting points on how to achieve this? Thanks
(NOTE: My demo says White layer, but I'd actually like to show another image or photo).
masking an image is not that difficult.
This link shows the basics.
But personally I think i would make 2 UIImage views and crop the content of the draggable UIView. I'm not sure but I would expect that clipping and panning the second image will be less computationally expensive then applying the mask and will get you a better frame rate.
So I would do: UIImageView of the full image. A UIView on top of it with a white and some transparency setting to make it look white, then a UIImageView with the image either places or cropped so that only the correct section is showing.

Custom Map iPhone

I trying to figure out how to create a Custom Map like the following:
I just don't know where to start from, do I use UIWebView or MapKit?
Any help will be appreciated.
What we did in our app is use a UIImageView on a UIScrollView. You need to take a screenshot of the object you will map on the google-map and precisely draw your overlay over it. Also you need to take the top left coordinate and bottom right coordinate of the screenshot you took from the map. Then put the overlay image inside an imageview, image view on scrollview, and scale your coordinate system on the scrollview with the coordinates you took from the map. Now you can precisely plot POI-s on your overlay. A note: The first thing we did is we overlaid the g-map with custom image view but it was really slow when scrolled, so don't even try it. Good luck with coding.
[EDIT] you take a large screenshot of an area on google map like this

How to do circular scroll view?

I am doing an application in which i have to show a semi circle on which there should be different options in scroll view. That means on that image of semicircle i have to show scroll in circular way .
How can i do that??
Can anyone please guide me ?
You mean you'd need to rotate the contents inside the semi-circle like in a "wheel of fortune" kind of way?
I don't think you can do that with a regular UIScrollView, you'd have to handle the touches and do the rotation yourself.
I'd recommend you start by taking a look at the "Touches" code sample from the UIKit docs:

how to animate some portion of images?

I am implementing fun application.In which i want to animate some area(portion) of images.
I dont know how it possible.If u have any idea then please help me.
If you're looking to animate a portion of an image you could just create a smaller animation and put it at the right relative location inside a larger image.
If you want to know how to animate images in general, that's a different question entirely.