Deploy system DLL inside CAB file - deployment

I’m looking for a way to deploy a system DLL within my ActiveX CAB file. CAB cannot update system file and whole installation fails. Perfectly, I would like to copy the DLL into ActiveX installation folder.
My best suggestion (I didn’t try it yet) is using INF file hooks with some standalone installer, but I wonder is there another way?
Any other ideas will be appreciated…

Pack your dll in as a resource of the main ActiveX control. Use your own code to write it to a file.
The malware industry has lots of experience doing this, and example code should be available.

You can install the dll into the ActiveX installation folder and dynamically load the dll (using LoadLibrary) and its methods (using GetProcAddress).
This way you will be able to control from where to load the dll and use your local copy instead of the system.


Add Libraries from Backed Up Managed Libraries Folder in CoDeSys

Recently I had a computer failure that resulted in reinstalling the windows operating system. Fortunately, I was able to back up my machine before doing the reinstall. However, I am now trying to make my CoDeSys project compile but I can't seem to figure out how to make CoDeSys recognize the libraries located in C:\ProgramData\CODESYS\Managed Libraries\. Before I reinstalled the operating system I was able to back up the managed libraries directory and now I have copied the directory back to the C:\ProgramData\CODESYS\Managed Libraries\ location. I can see the CODESYS library files in the directory through the file explorer but CoDeSys does not recognize them.
I have attempted to add a repository location using the library repository but I when I add a dummy location it won't let me delete the original location (to then re-add it).
I am using CoDeSys 3.5 SP11 Patch 4. I understand this is not the newest version of CoDeSys.
It is not enough to copy libraries to this catalogue.
You need to install package with all hardware from your supplier.
What you have to do is download the .package file from supplier of your hardware.
Then you have to open codesys go to tools -> package manager -> install.
After that library will be installed properly.
Please take a look for this youtube movie if I didn't explain it well.

strong naming for microsoft enterprise library

I am using Microsoft enterprise library in one of my projects. I need to strong name one of the dlls which is Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common. But it is not working.
When I decompile using ILDASM, it generates 3 files.
IL file
Common resource script file
How do I compile it with the key file. Which ILASM command should I use?
The dll's are distributed from the original install in a few different modes. One set of files is already signed, so you need to find that set and use the files from that set.
When you install the EntLib package, you get the compiled binaries (some are signed) AND you get the source code, which compiles the source-code and creates the dlls (not signed).
My guess is that you are using the non-signed (compiled from the source code on your local machine) files, instead of the signed ones.

How to deploy classic asp website?

I would like to know how to deploy or what are the steps that are involved to deploy a classic asp website in IIS 6/7
Can we create an installer for the existing project?
You should consider using Web Deploy, it can deploy your ASP applications, setup the IIS application and other settings (like APplication Pool, etc), and even include COM objects, Registry keys and more.
Even better you can parameterize content like Connection Strings, Title, settings, so that at install time you can pass those paramters either through the command line or the User Interface.
It can deploy between IIS 6 and IIS 7 and even help you compare existing deployed versions with packaged versions (zip files), or other servers.
Make sure a virtual directory has been set up in IIS.
Copy all files into the virtual directory
If applicable, register required DLLs with regsvr32.exe
Hope this helps.
EDIT: I see you want to make an installer for the application. Have a look here for a guide on how to do it. To my knowledge there isn't anything that is "plug and play" for installing your project; you will have to make it.
Copy the files to the virtual folder. If you have any depending dll's or exe's make sure to install them too.
As you said you may have to create an installer that will do this works to you. There is a lot of installers out there, like Inno Setup and Windows Installer.
If its just ASP and you have no DLL's or COM Components then you would just have to copy all the files to a Virtual Directory under approot or wwwroot. XCopy copies all directories, subdirectories and files. As for an installer, you wouldn't really need it but it would be useful if you make one that sets up the virtual directory, copies the files and configures any host headers if needed.

Packaging application

We have a windows app and we were using Wise for deployment. Recently we switched to InstallAware and though it has some good points we are facing some issues. Can someone recommend another deployment and packaging app? We are a small company and we do not have a dedicated staff for packaging etc. Also our package includes SQL server express installation and we would love to have the simplicity of such includes as is in IA.
How about NSIS or InnoSetup? They're both widely used, and not that hard to use. (If you choose InnoSetup, also download ISTool, it's a lot easier than writing the script file manually.)
We've used NSIS several times, both for full regular desktop installers, and for small, silently installing patches. It's easy to write a basic installer, especially if you use HM NIS Edit which acts as a wizard and IDE for NSIS. Because it's scriptable, you'll be able to check if SQL Server Express is already installed - if not, it can be installed as part of your installer process.
I have never used anything but Windows Setup and the setup projects that come with Visual Studio. Do you have any unusual requirements that prevent you from doing that?
I assume your requirement as follows,
You are using wise package studio to create\customize the application to create MSI and these msi package will be deployed or installed to your environment.
My question is : How many desktops \laptops are their in your company (Infrastructure)
Solution to your question based on my assumption:
At present Admistudio is the best product to replace the Wise and you can use Installshield repackager to create or customize the applications.
Install anyware is used to customize the Dll files (Build and release method) and create custom actions in that build file and build it to MSI
Installshield Repackager is used to create MSI from Exe files and also customize existing MSI using transform file (no need to modify existing MSI instead we can create MST file to MSI and perform the customization to MST file and same file will be applied while deployment.)
Please let me know if you need further assistance.

Making installation files

I need to make installation file (.exe), but is that possible with batch script and how?
I made installation with some software (Deployment...) but I need to do that with script. I have all necessary files for my installation.
Is that possible?
Virtually every tool for building installation packages provides ability to include arbitrary sripts to the installation process. Just inspect your tool for this capability...
Here, we often include sripts in our WIX installations. Of course, user expirience is better when you building installation package nativelly, but in some cases this is acceptable practice (mostly when there is no non-tech users planned).
With a batch script, you will not be able to make a .exe (unless you call a .exe creator from within the batch script!). Why not try Inno Setup or NSIS? ISTool helps in creating Inno Setup scripts with ease and speed.
You can't make an .exe using nothing but a batch script. You can however use a batch script to create the installation specification file(s) and then run that file through an installer creator program like the ones mentioned in the other answers here. Perhaps you could be a bit clearer about what you actually need to do?