Finite State Machine and inter-FSM signaling - scala

Recommendations for languages with native (so no FSM generation tools) support for state machine development and execution and passing of messages/signals. This is for telecoms, e.g implementation of FSMs of this level of complexity.
I have considered Erlang, but would love some feedback, suggestions, pointer to tutorials, alternatives, particularly Java based frameworks. Maybe Scala?
Open source only. I'm not looking for UML or regular expression related solutions.
As this is for the implementation of telecoms protocols the FSMs may be non-trivial. Many states, many transitions, signal based, input constraints/guards. Dynamic instantiation would be a plus. Switch statements are out of the question, it quickly nests to unusable. It's barely better that if/else.
I would prefer to not depend on graphical design; the format FSM description should be human readable/editable/manageable.
I have decided to focus on an Actor based solution for C++
For example, the Theron framework provides a starting point and to avoid switch statements in the FSM based event handler this C++ FSM Template Framework looks useful

This particular application, telco protocol implementation, is what Erlang was built for. The initial applications of Erlang at Ericsson were telephone switches and the earliest commercial products were ATM switches supporting all manner of telco protocols.
OTP has a standard behaviour for implementing FSMs called gen_fsm. There's an example of its use in a non-trivial FSM in some of the OTP Documentation.
OSERL is an open souce SMPP implementation in Erlang and demonstrates how you can implement a telco protocol using gen_fsms. A good example to look at would be gen_esme_session.
While I can't point you to the code, I know there are quite a few Erlang companies selling telco oriented products: Corelatus, Synapse, Motivity among others.

I agree that switch statements should be out of the question... they eventually lead to maintenance nightmares. Can't you use the State Pattern to implement your FSM? Depending on your actual implementation, you could use actors (if you have multiple FSM collaborating - hm... is that possible?). The nice thing about actors is that the framework for passing messages is already there.
An example of using State would be:
trait State {
def changeState(message: Any): State
trait FSM extends Actor {
var state: State
def processMessage(message: Any) {
state = state.changeState(message)
override def act() {
loop {
react {
case m: Any => processMessage(m)
This is very basic code, but as I don't know more of the requirements, that's the most I can think of. The advantage of State is that every state is self-contained in one class.

I disagree that FSM are trivial to implement. This is very short-sighted, and shows either a lack of familiarity with the alternatives, or the lack of experience with complex state machines.
The fundamental problem is that a state machine graph is obvious, but FSM code is not. Once you get beyond a dozen states and a score of transitions, FSM code becomes ugly and difficult to follow.
There are tools whereby you draw the state machine, and generate Java code for it. I don't know of any open source tools for that, however.
Now, getting back to Erlang/Scala, Scala has Actors and message passing as well, and is based on the JVM, so it might be a better alternative than Erlang given your constraints.
There's a DFA/NFA library on Scala as well, though it is not particularly a good one. It supports conversion from arbitrary regular expressions (ie, the literals need not be characters) into DFA/NFA.
I'll post some code below using it. In this code, the idea is creating a FSM which will accept any sequential combination of arbitrary prefixes for a list of words, the idea being looking up menu options without predefined keybinds.
import scala.util.regexp._
import scala.util.automata._
// The goal of this object below is to create a class, MyChar, which will
// be the domain of the tokens used for transitions in the DFA. They could
// be integers, enumerations or even a set of case classes and objects. For
// this particular code, it's just Char.
object MyLang extends WordExp {
type _regexpT = RegExp
type _labelT = MyChar
case class MyChar(c:Char) extends Label
// We now need to import the types we defined, as well as any classes we
// created extending Label.
import MyLang._
// We also need an instance (singleton, in this case) of WordBerrySethi,
// which will convert the regular expression into an automatum. Notice the
// language being used is MyLang.
object MyBerrySethi extends WordBerrySethi {
override val lang = MyLang
// Last, a function which takes an input in the language we defined,
// and traverses the DFA, returning whether we are at a sink state or
// not. For other uses it will probably make more sense to test against
// both sink states and final states.
def matchDet(pat: DetWordAutom[MyChar], seq: Seq[Char]): Boolean =
!pat.isSink((0 /: seq) ((state, c) =>, MyChar(c))))
// This converts a regular expression to a DFA, with using an intermediary NFA
def compile(pat: MyLang._regexpT) =
new SubsetConstruction(MyBerrySethi.automatonFrom(pat, 100000)).determinize
// Defines a "?" function, since it isn't provided by the library
def Quest(rs: _regexpT*) = Alt(Eps, Sequ(rs: _*)) // Quest(pat) = Eps|pat = (pat)?
// And now, the algorithm proper. It splits the string into words
// converts each character into Letter[MyChar[Char]],
// produce the regular expression desired for each word using Quest and Sequ,
// then the final regular expression by using Sequ with each subexpression.
def words(s : String) = s.split("\\W+")
def wordToRegex(w : String) : Seq[MyLang._regexpT] = => Letter(MyChar(c)))
def wordRegex(w : String) = Quest(wordToRegex(w) reduceRight ((a,b) => Sequ(a, Quest(b))))
def phraseRegex(s : String) = Sequ(words(s).map(w => wordRegex(w)) : _*)
// This takes a list of strings, produce a DFA for each, and returns a list of
// of tuples formed by DFA and string.
def regexList(l : List[String]) = => compile(phraseRegex(s)) -> s)
// The main function takes a list of strings, and returns a function that will
// traverse each DFA, and return all strings associated with DFAs that did not
// end up in a sink state.
def regexSearcher(l : List[String]) = {
val r = regexList(l)
(s : String) => r.filter(t => matchDet(t._1, s)).map(_._2)

I can hardly think of any language where implementing an FSM is non-trivial. Maybe this one.
if (currentState == STATE0 && event == EVENT0) return STATE1;
if (currentState == STATE1 && event == EVENT0) return STATE2;

The State pattern (using Java enums) is what we use in our telecom application, however we use small FSM's:
public class Controller{
private State itsState = State.IDLE;
public void setState(State aState){
itsState = aState;
public void action1(){
public void action2(){
public void doAction1(){
// code
public void doAction2(){
// code
public enum State{
public void action1(Controller aCtx){
public void action2(Controller aCtx){
public void action1(Controller aCtx){
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void action2(Controller aCtx){
throw new IllegalStateException();

FSM should be trivial to implement in any language that has a case statement.Your choice of language should be based on what that finite state machine needs to do.
For example, you state that you need to do this for telecom development and mention messages. I would look at systems/languages that support distributed message passing. Erlang does this, and I"m sure just about every other common language supports this through an API/library for the language.


Kotlin creating a Word class for an 8-bit emulator

I'm looking for help with a resurrection of a 6502 emulator I wrote in Java many moons ago and now converting to Kotlin. Yes, there's lot out there, but this is my implementation so I could learn how to create emulators and now, how to use Kotlin.
I require a Word class for addresses, i.e.:
class Word(initValue: Int = 0x0000) {
var value = initValue
get() = field
set(newValue) {
field = newValue and 0xFFFF
I can't extend Int, thus I assume I have an internal copy inside my class (if there's a better way, I'd love to hear it).
Using this:
val address = Word()
Is trivial and I can use it with lots of address.value += 123 to move to another location. Further to this, I can add functions to perform Add, Inc, Dec etc.
However, is there a way I can modify the class so I can:
address += 123
I'm not sure how or what the approach is for this? I'd prefer NOT to have a lot of:
address.add(123) or address.value += 123
in my emulator.
Any advice would be really appreciated.
Unlike Java, Kotlin allows for operator overloading.
Find the documentation here
From the documentation you can use operator keyword to create overloaded function
data class Counter(val dayIndex: Int) {
operator fun plus(increment: Int): Counter {
return Counter(dayIndex + increment)

why not using method call instead of using properties?

I'm studying Swift language, and in, i found SwiftHelper.
In it's IntHelper.swift file, I found below code:
extension Int {
var isEven: Bool {
let remainder = self % 2
return remainder == 0
var isOdd: Bool {
return !isEven
why isEven and isOdd were written as properties, not method calls?
In this situation, Using property has any advantage over using method calls?
In purely technical terms, there are no advantages or disadvantages to using a property over a method or vice versa* : the only difference is in readability.
In this particular case, I think that using an extension property makes for better readability than using a method call, because it reads better. Compare
if myInt.isOdd {
... // Do something
if myInt.isOdd() {
... // Do something
if isOdd(myInt) {
... // Do something
The first (property) and second (method) code fragments keeps words in the same order as they are in English, contributing to somewhat better readability. However, the second one adds an unnecessary pair of parentheses. For completeness, the third way of accomplishing the same task (a function) is less readable than the other two.
* This also applies to other languages that support properties, for example, Objective-C and C#.
The properties used in the extension are what's known as 'computed properties' - which in a lot of ways are like a method :) in that they don't store any state themselves, but rather return some computed value.
The choice between implementing a 'property' vs. a 'method' for something like this can be thought of in semantic terms; here, although the value is being computed, it simply serves to represent some information about the state of the object (technically 'struct' in the case of Int) in the way that you would expect a property to, and asking for that state isn't asking it to modify either itself or any of its dependencies.
In terms of readability, methods in Swift (even those without arguments) still require parens - you can see the difference that makes in this example:
// as a property
if 4.isEven { println("all is right in the world") }
// as a method
if 5.isEven() { println("we have a problem") }

What is Successor Value Pattern

I am reading scala in action (manning edition) and there is a chapter on this pattern with a code sample:
class PureSquare(val side: Int) {
def newSide(s: Int): PureSquare = new PureSquare(s)
def area = side * side
The book has a link supposed to explain the pattern. Unfortunately, the link is broken and I can't find it.
Would someone be able to explain this pattern and how this piece of code is supposed to work?
Because I don't see how newSide is called when calling the area function.
Thank you
You're right: newSide doesn't directly change the area, but it creates a new PureSquare with a different side length.
It's meant to show how to work with purely functional objects (with no mutable internal state) while coping with the need to make changes within our program
Using this pattern any object you create remains technically immutable but you can "simulate" changing the object by calling the proper method (in this case newSide)
An example worth 100 explanations
val square1 = new PureSquare(1)
assert(square1.area == 1)
//this is similar to changing the side of square1
val square2 = square1.newSide(2)
//and the area changes consequently
assert(square2.area == 4)
//while the original call is still referentially transparent [*]
assert(square1.area == 1)

How to call the correct method in Scala/Java based the types of two objects without using a switch statement?

I am currently developing a game in Scala where I have a number of entities (e.g. GunBattery, Squadron, EnemyShip, EnemyFighter) that all inherit from a GameEntity class. Game entities broadcast things of interest to the game world and one another via an Event/Message system. There are are a number of EventMesssages (EntityDied, FireAtPosition, HullBreach).
Currently, each entity has a receive(msg:EventMessage) as well as more specific receive methods for each message type it responds to (e.g. receive(msg:EntityDiedMessage) ). The general receive(msg:EventMessage) method is just a switch statement that calls the appropriate receive method based on the type of message.
As the game is in development, the list of entities and messages (and which entities will respond to which messages) is fluid. Ideally if I want a game entity to be able to receive a new message type, I just want to be able to code the logic for the response, not do that and have to update a match statement else where.
One thought I had would be to pull the receive methods out of the Game entity hierarchy and have a series of functions like def receive(e:EnemyShip,m:ExplosionMessage) and def receive(e:SpaceStation,m:ExplosionMessage) but this compounds the problem as now I need a match statement to cover both the message and game entity types.
This seems related to the concepts of Double and Multiple dispatch and perhaps the Visitor pattern but I am having some trouble wrapping my head around it. I am not looking for an OOP solution per se, however I would like to avoid reflection if possible.
Doing some more research, I think what I am looking for is something like Clojure's defmulti.
You can do something like:
(defmulti receive :entity :msgType)
(defmethod receive :fighter :explosion [] "fighter handling explosion message")
(defmethod receive :player-ship :hullbreach [] "player ship handling hull breach")
You can easily implement multiple dispatch in Scala, although it doesn't have first-class support. With the simple implementation below, you can encode your example as follows:
object Receive extends MultiMethod[(Entity, Message), String]("")
Receive defImpl { case (_: Fighter, _: Explosion) => "fighter handling explosion message" }
Receive defImpl { case (_: PlayerShip, _: HullBreach) => "player ship handling hull breach" }
You can use your multi-method like any other function:
Receive(fighter, explosion) // returns "fighter handling explosion message"
Note that each multi-method implementation (i.e. defImpl call) must be contained in a top-level definition (a class/object/trait body), and it's up to you to ensure that the relevant defImpl calls occur before the method is used. This implementation has lots of other limitations and shortcomings, but I'll leave those as an exercise for the reader.
class MultiMethod[A, R](default: => R) {
private var handlers: List[PartialFunction[A, R]] = Nil
def apply(args: A): R = {
handlers find {
} map {
} getOrElse default
def defImpl(handler: PartialFunction[A, R]) = {
handlers +:= handler
If you're really worried about the effort it takes to create/maintain the switch statement, you could use metaprogramming to generate the switch statement by discovering all EventMessage types in your program. It's not ideal, but metaprogramming is generally one of the cleanest ways to introduce new constraints on your code; in this case that'd be the requirement that if an event type exists, there is a dispatcher for it, and a default (ignore?) handler that can be overridden.
If you don't want to go that route, you can make EventMessage a case class, which should allow the compiler to complain if you forget to handle a new message type in your switch statement. I wrote a game server that was used by ~1.5 million players, and used that kind of static typing to ensure that my dispatch was comprehensive, and it never caused an actual production bug.
Chain of Responsibility
A standard mechanism for this (not scala-specific) is a chain of handlers. For example:
trait Handler[Msg] {
handle(msg: Msg)
Then your entities just need to manage a list of handlers:
abstract class AbstractEntity {
def handlers: List[Handler]
def receive(msg: Msg) { handlers foreach handle }
Then your entities can declare the handlers inline, as follows:
class Tank {
lazy val handlers = List(
new Handler {
def handle(msg: Msg) = msg match {
case ied: IedMsg => //handle
case _ => //no-op
new Handler {
def handle(msg: Msg) = msg match {
case ef: EngineFailureMsg => //handle
case _ => //no-op
Of course the disadvantage here is that you lose readability, and you still have to remember the boilerplate which is a no-op catch-all case for each handler.
Personally I would stick with the duplication. What you have at the moment looks a lot like treating each entity as if it is an Actor. For example:
class Tank extends Entity with Actor {
def act() {
loop {
react {
case ied: IedMsg => //handle
case ied: EngineFailureMsg => //handle
case _ => //no-op
At least here you get into the habit of adding a case statement within the react loop. This can call another method in your actor class which takes the appropriate action. Of course, the benefit of this is that you take advantage of the concurrency model provided by the actor paradigm. You end up with a loop which looks like this:
react {
case ied: IedMsg => _explosion(ied)
case efm: EngineFailureMsg => _engineFailure(efm)
case _ =>
You might want to look at akka, which offers a more performant actor system with more configurable behaviour and more concurrency primitives (STM, agents, transactors etc)
No matter what, you have to do some updating; the application won't just magically know which response action to do based off of the event message.
Cases are well and good, but as the list of messages your object responds to gets longer, so does its response time. Here is a way to respond to messages that will respond at the same speed no matter how many your register with it. The example does need to use the Class object, but no other reflections are used.
public class GameEntity {
HashMap<Class, ActionObject> registeredEvents;
public void receiveMessage(EventMessage message) {
ActionObject action = registeredEvents.get(message.getClass());
if (action != null) {
else {
//Code for if the message type is not registered
protected void registerEvent(EventMessage message, ActionObject action) {
Class messageClass = message.getClass();
registeredEventes.put(messageClass, action);
public class Ship extends GameEntity {
public Ship() {
//Do these 3 lines of code for every message you want the class to register for. This example is for a ship getting hit.
EventMessage getHitMessage = new GetHitMessage();
ActionObject getHitAction = new GetHitAction();
super.registerEvent(getHitMessage, getHitAction);
There are variations of this using Class.forName(fullPathName) and passing in the pathname strings instead of the objects themselves if you want.
Because the logic for performing an action is contained in the superclass, all you have to do to make a subclass is register what events it responds to and create an ActionObject that contains the logic for its response.
I'd be tempted to elevate every message type into a method signature and Interface. How this translates into Scala I'm not totally sure, but this is the Java approach I would take.
Killable, KillListener, Breachable, Breachlistener and so on will surface the logic of your objects and commonalities between them in a way which permits runtime inspection (instanceof) as well as helping with runtime performance. Things which don't process Kill events won't be put in a java.util.List<KillListener> to be notified. You can then avoid the creation of multiple new concrete objects all the time (your EventMessages) as well as lots of switching code.
public interface KillListener{
void notifyKill(Entity entity);
After all, a method in java is otherwise understood as a message - just use raw java syntax.

scala game programming: advancing object position in a functional style

Long time java programmer slowly learning scala (loving it by the way), and I think my mind is still wrapping itself around the concept of writing things functionally. Right now I'm attempting to write a simple visualizer for some moving 2d textures. The imperative approach is simple enough, and I'm sure most of you will recognize this relatively ubiquitous block of code (stuff was changed to protect the innocent):
class MovingTexture(var position, var velocity) extends Renders with Advances {
def render : Unit = {...}
def advance(milliseconds : Float) : Unit = {
position = position + velocity * milliseconds
This code will work just fine, however it has tons of mutable state and its functions are replete with side effects. I can't let myself get away with this, there must be a better way!
Does anyone have an amazing, elegant, functional solution to this simple problem? Does anyone know of a source where I could learn more about solving these sorts of problems?
There's way more to this answer than can be fit in the space of one stackoverflow response, but the best and most complete answer to questions like this is to use something called Functional Reactive Programming. The basic idea is to represent each time-varying or interactive quantity not as a mutable variable, but rather as an immutable stream of values, one for each time quanta. The trick then is that while each value is a represented by a potentially infinite stream of values, the streams are lazily calculated (so that memory isn't taken up until needed), and stream values aren't looked at for time quanta in the past (so that the previous calculations may be garbage collected). The calculation is nicely functional and immutable, but the part of the calculation you are "looking at" changes with time.
This is all rather intricate, and combining streams like this is tricky, particularly if you wish to avoid memory leaks and have everything work in a thread-safe and efficient manner. There are a few Scala libraries that implement Functional Reactive Programming, but maturity isn't yet very high. The most interesting is probably scala.react, described here .
Games are often high-performance affairs, in which case you may find that mutable state is just the thing you need.
However, in this case, there are a couple of simple solutions:
case class MovingTexture(position: VecXY, velocity: VecXY) extends Renders with Advances {
def advance(ms: Float) = copy(position = position + ms*velocity
def accelerate(acc: Float, ms: Float) = copy(velocity = velocity + ms*acc)
That is, instead of having your classes update themselves, have them return new copies of themselves. (You can see how this could get expensive quickly. For Tetris, no big deal. For Crysis? Maybe not so smart.) This seems like it just pushes the problem back one level: now you need a var for the MovingTexture, right? Not at all:
Iterator.iterate(MovingTexture(home, defaultSpeed))(_.advance(defaultStep))
This will produce an endless stream of position updates in the same direction. You can do more complicated things to mix in user input or whatnot.
Alternatively, you can
class Origin extends Renders {
// All sorts of expensive stuff goes here
class Transposed(val ori: Origin, val position: VecXY) extends Renders with Advances {
// Wrap TextureAtOrigin with inexpensive methods to make it act like it's moved
def moving(vel: VecXY, ms: Float) = {
Iterator.iterate(this).(tt => new Transposed(tt.ori, position+ms*vel))
That is, have heavyweight things never be updated and have lighter-weight views of them that make them look as though they've changed in the way that you want them changed.
There's a brochure called "How to design worlds" (by the authors of "How to design programs") which goes into some length about a purely functional approach to programming interactive applications.
Basically, they introduce a "world" (a datatype that contains all the game state), and some functions, such as "tick" (of type world -> world) and "onkeypress" (of type key * world -> world). A "render" function then takes a world and returns a scene, which is then passed to the "real" renderer.
Here's a sample of some code I've been working on that uses the approach of returning a copy rather than mutating state directly. The nice thing about this kind of approach, on the server side at least, is that it enables me to easily implement transaction-type semantics. If something goes wrong while doing an update, it's trivial for me to still have everything that was updated in a consistent state.
The code below is from a game server I'm working on, which does something similar to what you're doing, it's for tracking objects that are moving around in time slices. This approach isn't as spectacular as what Dave Griffith suggests, but it may be of some use to you for contemplation.
case class PosController(
pos: Vector3 =,
maxSpeed: Int = 90,
velocity: Vector3 =,
target: Vector3 =
) {
def moving = !velocity.isZero
def update(elapsed: Double) = {
if (!moving)
else {
val proposedMove = velocity * elapsed
// If we're about to overshoot, then stop at the exact position.
if (proposedMove.mag2 > pos.dist2(target))
copy(velocity =, pos = target)
copy(pos = pos + proposedMove)
def setTarget(p: Vector3) = {
if (p == pos)
else {
// For now, go immediately to max velocity in the correct direction.
val direction = (p - pos).norm
val newVel = direction * maxSpeed
copy(velocity = direction * maxSpeed, target = p)
def setTargetRange(p: Vector3, range: Double) = {
val delta = p - pos
// Already in range?
if (delta.mag2 < range * range)
else {
// We're not in range. Select a spot on a line between them and us, at max range.
val d = delta.norm * range
setTarget(p - d)
def eta = if (!moving) 0.0 else pos.dist(target) / maxSpeed
One nice thing about case classes in Scala is that they create the copy() method for you-- you just pass in which parameters have changed, and the others retain the same value. You can code this by hand if you're not using case classes, but you need to remember to update the copy method whenever you change what values are present in the class.
Regarding resources, what really made a difference for me was spending some time doing things in Erlang, where there is basically no choice but to use immutable state. I have two Erlang books I worked through and studied every example carefully. That, plus forcing myself to get some things done in Erlang made me a lot more comfortable with working with immutable data.
This series of short articles helped me as a beginner, in thinking Functionally in solving programming problems. The game is Retro (Pac Man), but the programmer is not.