devexpress aspxgridview - setting label with page number -

I am using devexpress aspxgridview in 3.5 web application.
on pageload, I have a label control on top of the page whose text for example is "abc".
I am trying to set the value of the label with the page number selected by the user from the grid using onpageindexchanged event.
But the label values is not changing. it is still showing the old value "abc". what may be the problem?

To change other controls during the PageIndexChanged event, you might need to disable callbacks (see the ASPxGridView.EnableCallBacks property) and place both the text box and grid control onto the UpdatePanel.
Alternatively, you can do it on the client-side with javascript if you want to keep callbacks enabled. There's a sample project attached here:


Visibility parameter of WPF control not visible with UI Automation?

I started writing test for a WPF application with FlaUI (UI Automation framework). Now I want to get the Visibility value of a couple of buttons.
These buttons are located on the same position in the WPF window. The first is a start button which will start a measurement. When clicked, the measurement button is replaced with a stop button. The visibility of these buttons are set in the code behind of the xaml and needs to be checked/verified.
With FlaUI I only get IsEnabled boolean and OffScreen boolean. But when using the Offscreen parameter, this boolean is not set or is set to the correct value for a couple of seconds but is changed again while the measurement is still running.
I also tried other ways, like looking for a clickable point of the not visible button. But those are not working.
Can this be done without extending the button class with an AutomationPeer and exposing a ValuePattern? I googled a bit but cannot find an (decent) answer. Hopefully someone can help.
I think an important part of your question is the word "replaced". Commonly a program draws one set of controls (in your case the start button) and later draws another set. Possible on top to hide the first, or possible by deleting them.
Commonly controls, including buttons, are drawn within other containing controls and so it may be that the button controls are not there at all, hence the visibility checks should be done on the parent or ancestor controls.
This Q&A seems related to the problem you are having and it may provide some more insight.

Setting Button's Size in TinyMCE 4

I'm new with TinyMCE and trying to set the size of some of the buttons in the editor to small and some others' to medium, in TinyMCE 4.
I know about this property toolbar_items_size but this sets all the button's size small or medium. Instead, I'm trying to set the size property of the buttons in editor.buttons[] manually after the buttons get registered with the editor but before the theme gets initialized since the theme uses Factory.create() to create buttons & that sets class btn-<size> to the button, which sets its size.
I've looked into TinyMCE's code too but have not able to figure out a way to do so. Also, I've observed that all the editor's events get fired after the theme gets initialized, like BeforeSetContent,..etc.
I'm using modern theme.
Is there some way to achieve this?
TinyMCE simply does not support what you are trying to do - the buttons on the toolbar(s) are a uniform size. You can pick that uniform size (as you reference) but you can't mix buttons of different sizes on the toolbar.

How to Customize AEM Touch UI Timeline?

I want to Customize AEM Touch UI Timeline list, Means I need to add one more value along with existing one
Anybody knows where is the code for that inside CRXDE?
If you are searching for the header level Timeline as shown in the below image
the following are the paths that you are looking for.
Selection dropdown filter

show and hide tabs dynamically in touch ui -AEM

I have a requirement, where I need to show few tabs on selection of a value from a drop down.
I have done this in classic UI. But not sure how to proceed for Touch UI. I know that we can use JQuery, Can anyone let me know the approach I can use.
Its fairly simple, look at the OOTB List Component /libs/foundation/components/list. The selection dropdown is defined - /libs/foundation/components/list/cq:dialog/content/items/column/items/listFrom, look at property class and cq-dialog-dropdown-showhide-target these are used to manage hide and show.
Now from here look at the dropdown values under - /libs/foundation/components/list/cq:dialog/content/items/column/items/listFrom/items these values trigger the hide and show mapping to property showhidetargetvalue as in /libs/foundation/components/list/cq:dialog/content/items/column/items/setDescendants

SmartGWT : ListGrid Dragging customizing

I need to put an HTML code on dragging event. Like there is some HTML text that gets dragged with Cursor.
By default first column of ListGrid goes with Cursor. But I want to generate separate Text for it.
So, is it possible to do that?
Or Is there any other option to do that?
Please help me in this.
Whats displayed (by default) during a drag event in ListGrid is defined by ListGrid.dragTrackerMode and ListGrid.titleField.
ListGrid will default to first field to obtain the description to be shown during a drag, based on titleField.
If you already have another field in the grid from which you can obtain the text, use listGrid.setTitleField("other-field-name");
A custom title can be defined by overriding ListGrid.getDragTrackerTitle
If multiple records are selected, and dragged, drag tracker/title/etc. will be based on first selected record.
Check other ListGrid methods that allow drag tracker customizations as well.