Popcap's SexyApp Framework FAQ's etc - frameworks

What's the best way to get started using Popcap's "SexyApp Framework", and is it a good idea?
Wikipedia article

I'll take a (potential) Necromancer badge, even though you've (likely) already found your answer ... or went with SDL.
So, the developer.popcap.com is still active, although you won't find anything (like, say, docs) there.
Thankfully, you can still get it on popcapframework.sourceforge.net, which has all the installation guides, docs, etc.
It's been more than two years, but, hey, at least you got the answer. :)


Gaim - How to develop a plugin? (Pidgin)

I need some of your help.
I searched everywhere on the internet, but I could not find how to create a plugin for Gaim, the predecessor of Pidgin.
I do NOT want to create a Pidgin plugin. I want to create a Gaim plugin, but since Gaim is very old, well, it is hard to find documentation for it.
(PS : If you know how to write a plugin for Gaim, please note I want to make one for Windows - not Linux.)
(PPS : I'm french. Sorry for my bad English.)
You're going to run into a number of issues here...
First off, Gaim hasn't existed for 15 years, and of course we (the Pidgin core team many of who got involved during the Gaim days) aren't going to support it for that reason.
Secondly, building on windows has always been a pain for us as we had to carry all of the dependencies. I imagine most of the links that you might find are all long dead because of the 15 years that have passed since that. That said you might be able to get away with using our win32-dev directory from https://data.imfreedom.org/pidgin/win32-dev.7z but of course that's completely untested and that directory is used to build the Pidgin 2.x.y releases.
Finally, as you've found out, most of the documentation from Gaim has been gone for a very long time. We did set up https://gaim.pidgin.im as a joke which was the last copy of the site we had before the rename, but there's not much there when it comes to development documentation. So your best bet is to look at existing plugins. I still have the source code for guifications1 available at https://keep.imfreedom.org/grim/guifications1/file/default.

Offline Technet Library (Powershell) Reference

Is there any way to obtain, or has someone already obtained and compiled documentation from MS Technet Library for offline use?
I know of the Visual Studio Help Downloader at codeplex https://vshd.codeplex.com/ and I am looking for something similar for the Technet Library.
The Library itself has an option to select articles for export however, it is very limited in number of pages to add per click. This means you have to drill down on every subject and add it to your selection. Not very usable, besides the examples state you should be able to download as pdf or html, but I only get the html option, which is annoyingly impractical.
Ideally I would like to have the complete offline documentation for a single top-level subject (e.g. "Scripting with Windows PowerShell" at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb978526.aspx). If possible, including an index/TOC.
I know of the built-in Get-Help, the books available etc. but the Technet Library has more detailed information available which I'm after. Any known method of downloading this in bulk would be greatly appreciated.
All my google search results seem to either point to the built in export funcion, or people reminiscing about the old offline Technet subscription.
Ok, its not great. But its better than the above... I know this is old. But I was looking for this. This is the best I found. So Ill leave my breadcrumbs for the next fool to stumble down this road. If someone else finds better, hopefully theyll continue to pass it on.
On Github, you can download the entire Doc repo as a zip. Read it with microsoft code and a markdown extension.
Ideally, Id like to see this as a CHM (rather than a PDF).
I was surprised to find that this is well documented, and actually is a thing:
Taking TechNet Offline
When you start the process, it'll give you some instructions, and once you click "Start," you'll be shown the hierarchy of the entirety of that root page you linked on the left. Note the instructions in orange at the top.
I didn't go much further then this, but let us know if this worked in full, and as you expected it to. Nice feature there! I learned something myself today.
I have had mixed success with HTTrack You can give it a site a page and it will go through all links and resources recursively, saving them locally.
It requires some tuning and playing around with to get right, There might even be a newer better equivalent these days.

Where can I find all of Apple's Technical Q&A's and Technical Notes?

I discovered this:
Since this was incredible useful for me and never found anywhere else, I wonder which other top secret informations are available in such "hidden" answer-documents?!
I wasn't able to find the root directory that lists all of them. Is there a way to browse all those frequently asked questions and answers, or is it a matter of great luck to stumble upon one of these?
Links to Technical Q&As and Technical Notes can be found on the left bar in the iOS Reference Library Page...

Versioned cloud-based social code snippet management

It seems a lot to ask, but I'm looking for a cloud-based solution to managing code snippets. I am looking for:
User accounts (I want to be able to see all of my snippets on a single page)
syntax highlighting
versioning - myself or others should be able to edit my snippets to improve them and have revisions save so that I can go back and use an older version if I prefer.
straightforward UI with minimal advertising if any
Does anyone know of a solution which meets these requirements? If not, would anyone be interested in something like this? As a software engineer, after step zero (does it already exist), I'm perfectly willing to go onto step 1 (would other people use it? If so, make it).
it has everything you asked for
Sounds like Gist.
Except for the tags part. But it might be workable anyway.
I'm working on a site for this. The very rough (as in: barely works, but not even functional yet) initial version is here: https://github.com/jasongrout/snippets

File bug for iPhone SDK

How exactly filling bugs for the iPhone SDK with Apple works?
I've always seen people mentioning we should fill bugs and duplicates is their way of measuring priority, but it's not clear to me:
How to actually fill the bug;
How to flag someone else's bug as a duplicate, and;
What do I need to tell people I've filled that bug and they should help me get it fixed by posting duplicates, if they're interested.
I couldn't find this process detailed anywhere - just snippets of information, so I figure you guys could help me (and all other developers fresh in Cocoa / Cocoa-touch development) by detailing it here.
File bugs at http://bugreport.apple.com/. After you have filed a bug at bugreporter, it helps to post it to http://openradar.me/ (not operated by Apple). It's also very useful to search against for duplicates to file against bugreporter. Not everyone uses openradar so it's not comprehensive.
The only thing in your control is actually #1, that is you can file bugs. You can do this through http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/ for all of Apple's products including the SDK IIRC.
Your other two points are not so easy since you can only see your bugs. You will just have to trust that when Apple runs them through triage that thy properly flag duplicates. Some people do include the Radar url for their bug when positing n to the mailing lists and the like. That URL only works for Apple employees, but the hope is that if you make it easy to find your bug it might get fixed sooner.