Are there any special server requirements for rendering a .mobi site? - mobile-website

I need to develop a mobi site for a client, do I need a specific server setup for this, or are there any additional server configurations that I need in order to render a mobi site or does it work the same as a normal website?

A .mobi domain is not different (in terms of setup/configuration) than a .com
Even from a technological point of view, you can develop a mobile oriented application using the web technology (Java, PHP, Python, PHP...) and hardware infrastructure you prefer.
From the developer perspective, there's good instructions for .mobi compliance here, and is a great and free testing tool to evaluate mobile-readiness using industry best practices & standards. is a great tool for testing compliance for this. Also, there's good instructions for .mobi compliance here.

I believe that you should check the availability of Javascript in the target platforms.

Your server should be able to serve pages with the application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml MIME type, otherwise some WAP browsers wil not render the page correctly (Nokia series 60).


How to learn about website deployment, hosting and servers?

I am a beginner web developer. I have found that there are extensive resources for learning languages and frameworks, but I find my knowledge very lacking when it comes to website deployment, hosting, servers - basically all the things required to do after the website is complete on the local development environment.
It's not like there aren't resources for these things - there are, but they're usually very specific and advanced.
What are some good resources to learn this area (btw, what is it called?) of web development? Where to start?
Your best bet is to simply dive in into the web hosting environment. At least, that's how I learned. Follow these general guidelines:-
If you're not conceptually aware of the technology behind web hosting, watch youtube/beginner videos to familiarize yourself with what's actually happening.
Sign up with a web hosting service. Godaddy and HostGator both have a very user-friendly interface.
If you'd like to go ahead and actually deploy your local website for free, try this site: This website is awesome and is absolutely free. You get a domain name, and plus hosting is free.
For example, look at my sample website:
I will also list my college course page for web development resources:-
Additionally, if you're more comfortable with local development methodologies, try free software like Microsoft Expression Web(Recommended) or Adobe Dreamweaver
Hope this helps you pal.
Also, as far as tutorials are concerned:-
This guy, Bucky Roberts, is great. He has a lot of youtube videos for everything IT related.
Also, W3 schools always helps

CDN for SAPUI5 access - or alternate way to get fastest local access

was wondering if anyone had a solution (hopefully simple) for how to change the repository that a SAPUI5 app pulls from.
i.e. when I'm accessing my app (might be hosted anywhere, but for argument's sake lets say on HCP in EU) and I'm in the EU, it makes sense to use the EU repository:
when in the US however, I'm going to get much better performance if I use the US repository:
But short of having a US app and a EU app, how can I achieve this? I don't want to pop-up a request for the user to allow their browser to know where they are via using HTML Geo capabilities and it seems most solutions to map IP addresses to location charge a fee (which I don't want to have to pay)
The standard way for this sort of thing on the web (afaik) would be just to use one address and have a CDN sort it out for you.
This doesn't seem to have happened for SAPUI5.
Anyone know why not? Or perhaps it has, and I just don't know about it, that would also be a very happily received answer.
Now, as of January 2015 there is such a CDN (with geo routing) implemented for OpenUI5 (or more specifically, for everything below the URL
It does not only serve the data from the closest SAP data center (Germany, USA, Australia), but uses the popular Akamai CDN technology on top, which provides thousands of servers around the world.
See for more details.
there is currently no such CDN with automatic routing to the closest server, sorry.
Reasons? Lack of time, money, demand...
There may be even free offerings for Open Source libs, but the total of UI5 is larger than your typical JS lib, so I'm not sure they would want it. And in older IE versions the cross-domain loading wasn't working anyway due to missing CORS support, hence a local deployment was preferred. And custom-tailored minimized runtimes for apps are the best for good performance, this is also not something a CDN can deliver. So currently there is no such thing even though it would be obviously good to have.
UI5 will load awesome fast if is part of a real app. Real app means a installable app from an App Store were the UI5 library is part of the app itself and not loaded from a server. That is the real destiny of UI5 and not putting it on a Gateway/Server (the Fiori Way, although there is the Fiori Client which tries to solve this).
I understand that SAP wants SAPUI5 on the backend because of integration in the SAP software lifecycle management. But it is bought with bad performance and caching issues. A very high price in my opinion! Luckily OpenUI5 is free to be part of real apps.

Liferay CMS capabilities

I have requirements to establish a CMS system for enterprise and it has to be java based open source, I found out that liferay has CMS capabilities but I'm not able to find any detailed description of the features introduced on its CMS , also I found some people are talking about integrating Liferay with Alfresco ! does this mean that Liferay is not a complete CMS ? appreciate if anyone can guide me through this and provide me with any resources detailing liferay CMS features
Yes, Liferay has CMS features - coming from a portal background the CMS is only one of the many features delivered out of the box. A portal typically is an integration platform for any kind of application. If you ever only need CMS, it might be that "pure" CMS products offer a bit more of functionality, however, many people are very happy with the CMS functionality Liferay provides. And if you're not, it's typically easy to extend (this is the point of a portal).
Systems that start being a CMS and want to extend that with applications (who doesn't want that) typically have a different mindset - "everything is content" - and naturally your application feels a bit more like "content". The portlet standard, together with the additional APIs that you have available, is a nice way to start.
For CMSs the way to go is typically a proprietary API to extend it. In a portal, a CMS is one of the possible applications available.
Regarding Alfresco: Yes, you can combine it with Liferay. While Alfresco tends to come more from the Content-side, Liferay comes from the portal/integration side. I'd ask you to evaluate both first and see if you are missing vital features in any. Then evaluate which pain you'd like better: 1) Add the missing features you want in the system you decide for, or 2) integrate both systems and run them both. Of course, the optimum result is if only one of the two is sufficient for your requirements. Then project into the future and try to find out what you'll miss first.
There is no correct answer to this question, it all depends on your requirements, experience and ability to learn and administrate one or both of the systems.
Disclaimer: See my profile to detect my implicit bias - I hope to not stress it too much in this answer.

Does an Alcatel Genesys simulator/emulator exist?

Me and my team were tasked to integrate our application with Alcatel Genesys call center, but we don't have access to a proper instalation nor equipment (like, for instance, phones).
Is there some kind of software I can use to simulate such environment to test our application? And where should I begin researching how to do this integration?
(PS: I posted this same question on - I didn't exactly know which of the sites this really belongs to).
Doesn't look like there is a public one. You would probably have to go through one of their product managers.
The Genesys Platform SDK documentation appears to be public though:
The good news - you do not need phones to test integration with Genesys. The bad news is that integrating requires quite a lot of components and is quite complicated so there is no simulator or mock interface you could use. One of the best ways would be to get in contact with Genesys tech support who are usually quite helpful or pre-sales and ask them about access to a virtual demo image you could use for integration.
Also a great resource of information is their newly designed doc site:
Also Alcatel has sold Genesys a while ago and they're independent now, just in case ;-)
Actually there is. Genesys Simulator Toolkit. It will enable to emulate an Avaya PBX or a Simple TDM scenario. Last version also includes as Genesys SIP Server emultaor.
You won't care too much about the PBX on the other side for basic integrations, your goal is to learn the SDK and the TEvents (TLib). You can achieve this with the Emulator. You need to ask it to a Genesys representative.

Multi language CMS?

Is there any CMS such as expression engine or wordpress that allows a user to click a button and convert all the text to another language (it would have to be human generated otherwise it has too many mistakes probably).
I'd like to know if there are any good solutions out there that work for real world use, in like business company websites.
Tridion CMS is designed to assist in website translation. They even have translation services to help you through the process of translating your content. It is not a cheap solution but is a viable solution.
As noted above - this is a huge topic and not easily answered briefly. But here are some things to consider...
NO CMS on the market today elegantly interoperates, out of the box, with translation technology for use in real-world translation projects. Reports from clients we've worked with have even raised concerns about the SDL integration.
At best - a handful of CMS's either offer very light-weight features that "appear" to help (side-by-side editing that prevents use of TM) but don't scale or have modest oem connectors to captive translation providers (CQ5<>TDC).
If your needs are modest - these might work fine.
But if you're serious about localization and have a moderate to high volume of content and want to work with any translation provider - you need a proper, rich, scalable integration between your CMS and the TMS (translation management system) used by your Translation firm (LSP).
Regrettably - these are scarce. We do nothing BUT build these connectors and use a neutral platform to provide direct integration all sorts of translation providers and technologies, the full SDL suite included - and still we've only been able to build a few rich CMS plug-in connectors because they are very complicated and require substantial development effort - IF they are going to be useful.
But the CMS choice you make should be driven as much by your broader needs. Localization should only be one facet of the decision process.
I guess the harsh reality is that there is NO CMS that will do what you descibe without smoe modification or a connector.
I would recoomend you to use Kentico CMS.
See the video on Multilingual support in Kentico CMS:
Kentico CMS offers multilingual functionality including Right-to-Left languages and Eastern languages. Please see some "live" examples:
Site in 10 languages (incl. Chinese) :
Site in 7 languages (incl. Japan, Korean):
Hindi site:
More details on multiple languages support:
Kentico also offers Translation Management:
Especially the translation status overview makes it really easy to manage multilingual web sites. If only a part of web site is translated then you can set to combine the rest with the original language without adding the missing pages in it manually.
By default Hippo CMS utilizes Google Translate, but you can plugin your own translation engine / review process. See for more information:
If your organization already uses SDL for translation services then using SDL Tridion is a natural choice because of the built-in connector to send Tridion content for translation using a right-click on the GUI item. After translation, it is updated in the CMS and the author is notified.
SDL Bought Tridion a few years ago and has been maturing this solution since then. Today it is available in the current release, Tridion 2011 SP1, and is compatible with both World Server and Translation Management Server.
This is all human translation and any solution that honestly recommends machine translation for final content is not serious about it.
Drupal 8 is the best option available for Multilingual capability... Although you have to wait a little bit for its release, You will get a good result. Also earlier versions of drupal including Drupal 7 supports multilingual functionality.
But Drupal 8 will have more features...With Drupal 8 multilingual functionality, it is possible to translate anything in the system.
The multilingual functionality provides language configuration, assignment and detection functionality. It also provides a user interface to the existing back-end support for automatic software translation. Now it’s more easier to translate contents with the build-in user interfaces.
Plz refer the link for more detailed info Drupal 8- What’s new and Expected Inside
Day Communique (CQ5 - now ADEP), in combination with a third-party translation vendor, can do this job.
In Communique/ADEP, you manage your pages in whatever native language you choose. Once they are done, you kick off a translations workflow. This will go to your translation vendor (of which there are several). The vendor will have a human translate it, and possibly also use software to speed up the translation process. It will come back to you for approval in the workflow, if you wish. Otherwise, it will just be published to your web site.
So yes, from the user's perspective, one click can indeed translate a page in multiple languages, and publish it to multiple web sites. Our company is doing this, only we are doing our own in-house translation.
I have not used this, but I looked into it awhile ago and this looks to be the best solutions I have seen.
That is not how major businesses do translation. It's good for quick and dirty, general idea translation, but it's not for anyone serious about messaging to multiple languages and cultures. Typically, businesses work with translation vendors and grow translation memories that help to guide content authors to creating a consistent message and to reuse content (keeping translation costs down).
This is a big subject, not a small one. Honestly, I'm kind of flabbergasted at how to answer this question, so I'll stop here.