iPhone APIs to access SMS, calendar, emails, call logs? - iphone

I am new to iPhone development, I am developing an application like sync for iPhone.
This application should read all databases like the address book, SMS, calendar, emails and call logs.
I have found an API to read the address book, however I couldn't find APIs to read SMS, calendar, emails, call logs or bookmarks.
How do I do it?

It's not possible due to the sandboxing on iPhone.

Only the address book and the photo library can be accessed from 3rd party iPhone apps.
If it's desperate, you could make it for jailbroken iPhones as everything is open then - but the app would only work on jailbroken phones (meaning no appstore and cydia is a pain)


Is it possible fetch details of installed apps on another iphone from my iphone?

I am currently doing an app which requires the details of installed apps on another iPhone from my iPhone (or any other iDevices).
My requirement is :
My app will push the data, if my app is installed on both device
Otherwise it'll have to send a link to download that app.
Is it possible?
I want to detect if app is instlled on another phone or not.
Is there any API bundle available? I am making it in Xcode.
As far as I know, it is not possible. As Apple will not allow you to fetch the information of user's personal device.
It is not possible.
You can't even know the apps installed on your own iDevice

is it possible phone-calling in ipad?

Recent iPads are having provision to insert sim card in that. So with latest iOS SDK, is it possible to call from my application. I know that in-app call is possible from iPhone. But how about iPad? is any api for that? or any app already in market? any tutorials or links .
The 3G ipad doesn't support native phone calls. The 3G is just for data transfer. However there's nothing stopping you from creating an app similar to the way Skype and other voice over ip apps work, that allow you to make phone calls from the ipad. Line2 is an example of such an app.
It's not possible. The iPad was not created to make phone calls, and there is no native Phone app (like what the iPhone has).
The SIM card slot is to allow internet use via 3G.

iPhone APP - native versus external

I am contracting a company to develop an iPhone APP.
Here is the issue: part of the APP will deal with signatures that are sent via text message from user to user.
I have been told that the native iphone OS is closed and that can't be modified so the only solution to is to build a completely new SMS APP using tools such as phonegap, or appcellerator, etc.
Is there any way to develop the app that works with the exisitng iPhone SMS program or is it true I need to build a whole new application? The problem with building a whole new application is the iPhone will have to use an external SMS gateway and charge fees for that.
Also, are there any recommended iPhone developers ?
iPhone OS 4 will support In-App SMS:
In-App SMS Compose SMS messages from
within apps, similar to the Mail
compose sheet added in iPhone SDK 3.0.
If you don't want to use a third-party SMS system, you'll have to wait for iPhone OS 4.
Both PhoneGap and AppAccellerator may be banned from future store submissions- wait until the shakeout from Apple's change in development contract finish up, to see what other possibilites exist if you do not want to use Objective-C to build a custom SMS beforehand...
But I'd wait for 4.0 and implement the features using the system calls there, you can start building today as the beta SDK and iPhone images are out.

Developing for Appstore using jailbroken iPhones

I am new to development for the I phones and got the iphone from USA which is locked to at&t, i have successfully able to develop the apps on it, while it is not unlocked, now i want to unlock it so that i can use it with my local network and also wants to continue the development on it, so is it possible to continue the development on the jailblroken phones for the app store, and what problems may i encounter.
As long as the application is developed using accepted Apple practices (using the official iPhone SDK, and not open-toolchain or something like that) and does not use any private APIs, you should not have any trouble submitting an application just because you tested it on a jailbroken (or carrier unlocked) phone.
To be 100% accurate, jailbreaking and carrier unlocking are against the developer agreement, but I can't really imagine the circumstances that would lead to you being caught.
I have a first generation american iPhone that is jailbroken and works with my local network.
I had no problem deploying a self made app to my phone.
At the time writing I have iPhone OS 2.1.
I haven't yet gone through the process of submitting the application to AppStore.

Submission and pricing of iPhone application to Apple Store

I have worked on iPhone application but not aware of the formalities to submit it to Apple Store. Please somebody help me out to solve the following queries:
Are their any submission charge to be paid?
And Procedure to submit application to Apple Store.
Thanks & Regards,
Once you've paid to join the developer program, there is no additional charge for actually submitting your application.
When you've logged in with your developer account, instructions for submitting applications should be available following the link Rhys gave.
My advice is read them very carefully before submitting, because some things cannot be changed once you've submitted your iPhone application - for example: the name of your app, and whether it will also run on the iPod Touch etc.
The iPhone Developer Program has all the info you need. Currently priced at $99.
The iPhone Developer Standard Program provides you access to the App Store where you can distribute your free or commercial application to millions of iPhone and iPod touch customers.
You can try this one too ---- http://adeem.me/blog/2009/04/04/list-guideline-for-submitting-iphone-application-to-apple-store/
If you're a registered developer, Apple provides a very nice and rather thorough video on the App Store submission process. I recommend you watch it. In fact, I recommend everyone doing iPhone development watch ALL the videos on the iPhone Dev Center. They're invaluable.
Isn't the iPhone Developer Standard Program restricted to 100 iPhone devices?
Although you distribute your application on the App store, you can't distribute it to more then 100 decives?
Please correct me if I'm wrong...