iphone flash lite 2.0 support? - iphone

1.i dont have iphone, so may i know does iphone come with pre-installed flash lite 2.0 or above? if answer is Not, if a web page that embed flash lite app. can it prompt user of iphone to install flash lite easily ?
2. where can i get list of phones that support flash lite 2.0 and above?

As Ben states, the iPhone doesn't support Flash of any variety.
Regarding (2), there is a list on the Adobe website which may be of use.

No, the iPhone does not support Flash (lite or otherwise). Apple has been very clear that they have no interest in adding this support. Can't help you with (2).

Unfortunately mobile Flash support is not high on Apple's priority for one reason or another. For a complete list of Flash enabled phones go here: http://www.adobe.com/mobile/supported_devices/operators.html

No and never forever.
Read this: http://www.apple.com/hotnews/thoughts-on-flash/

Apple's legitimate concern I believe is with the Flash plugin sucking down resources. Anyone who has used Flash on anything other than Windows (Read: MacOS and Linux) can affirm that the plugin is pretty horrific. It leaks memory and grinds on the CPU on both platforms, and it has for years now.
My understanding (it was reported about 2 months ago) is that in its frustration Adobe tried delivering an in-house built version of the Flash plugin. Unfortunately, its battery life was pretty awful. This was linked off Hacker News and is clearly anecdotal, but FWIW: tumblr.
However, I also believe the new builds of Flash allow you to compile apps for iPhone, which is probably a more reasonable route to go. As I recall you could embed an iTunes Store URL in your page and direct iPhone users to grab the app.


Flash iOS applications

I am currently building an iOS application with flash CS5 and I would need some help with a couple of the features:
Is it possible to add in-app purchases? If yes, how does that work?
Is it possible to add iAd advertising to the app? If so, how? If not, is there any good alternative that works with flash?
How can I save data from within the app so it will be there eaten if the user restarts the app and even the device (like for a headboard and such)?
Any help is highly appreciated!!! :D
If it were a few months ago. Then answer would be an unequivocal no. However, presently, the answer is "perhaps" (or if you are an optimist, "probably"). With the release of Air 3.0, it now supports Native Extensions. These extensions are native code that have a wrapper API around them so that they can be compiled in with and called from an Air application.
In fact, I decided to look around real quick while researching for this answer and found a repo where it looks like somebody has implemented in-app purchases via a ANE. But I haven't tested this extension personally, but it may be a good starting point to see how it is implemented.
The reason you wont find too much information about ANE's yet is because they were only recently supported in the Air 3.0 update that happened last month. They are currently unsupported in Flash CS5 (or 5.5) or Flash Builder 4.5. They are supported in Flash Builder 4.6, which is currently in a closed beta. But you might be able to sneak in still, and it should be released soon.
The biggest "drawback" is that these extensions need to be developed in the native format for the device you are targeting. So that means, if you want to make an iOS extension, then you are writing it in Objective-C and xcode on a mac.
Pretty much the same answer as before. It should be possible with a ANE. But I haven't found any examples of anybody doing it yet.
It is very simple to save data/state to the device. You'll want to look into the SharedObject.getLocal() method if you want to the LSO. Or you can just use low-level File writing. Check out File.applicationStorageDirectory. For sensitive information that should be encrypted into into the EncryptedLocalStore class, which I believe is supported on iOS but not on Android.
All of these should provide a good way for you to persist data between application sessions.
With AIR 3 you can now use native extensions to call into the native platform code to achieve the functionality not provided by AIR Actionscript APIs. To answer your questions.
in app purchase. I have a sample at http://code.google.com/p/in-app-purchase-air-ios
iAd. I have a sample at http://code.google.com/p/iad-air-ios/
As others have already answered use local shared objects.

Developing apps for jailbroken iOS devices?

I know that you need a Mac and Xcode and the SDK. But is it possible to develop apps for jaibroken devices and/or regular devices using Windows/Linux platforms ?
Also, what's the lowdown on the Airplay SDK ? Heard that it's pretty good but doesnt offer the same performance as an app developed through Xcode.
Found this PDF Document, for what it's
Actually you can, and that's what programming is all about. If you're a tough programmer you can do lots of cross platform and cross hardware stuff. Don't forget that no matter how cool Steeve Jobs is (or pretends to be) for Apple and maybe even non-Apple consumers they care about their profit and would never declare officially that building apps for iPhone and other iOS devices is possible on PC too. This way they make you get a Mac. They've been very successful in making people believe that building apps for iPhone is not possible otherwise.
There's a toolchain for Linux platforms, but it doesn't have Interface Builder or other niceties. Here's an example application that uses it.
You may be looking for theos. Have a look at this thread.
Of course, you will have to have your toolchain installed, which shouldn't be that hard. There are a lot of projects which involve having a Linux iOS toolchain. Windows is another story, though :P (not saying it's impossible!).
Short answer is no - fundamentally iPhone OS uses Cocoa, which is a closed framework only distributed with XCode. Some people have thought about reverse engineering (like Wine) but I don't think anybody has really been successful thus far, let alone use Cocoa as a development environment.
You might be able to create some debian packages (dpkg) that can be run in the background or via the mobile terminal. This is kind of limiting though, because you don't have access to GUI and your app won't be very intuitive.
There seems to be a development platform for porting Blender game logic into a full-fledged iphone game. Maybe you could avoid Xcode this way, but I doubt it.
You could run OSX within Virtualbox/VMWare Player but that's not allowed by Apple.
Don't listen to other people who insist that you HAVE to get a Mac. You just need to download a copy of cracked VMWare with pre-installed Mac from http://thepiratebay.org/. You also need to download a copy of cracked VMWare player from the same site. Then download Xcode inside the Mac. No need to pay for anything. I've been using it and working great.
Short answer -- YES.
Although i'm not entirely sure what you mean by "ONLY" for jailbroken devices, but if you have any experience at all with flash scripts or action scripts then check out Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5. It's a program that lets you design and write your own apps for ipod/iphone/ipad.
I've used it for years and find it perfect.

Sharing Code between Flash Apps and iPhone Apps

I am interested in writing games for the iPhone and the Web. Ideally, there would be one language that I could write my games in and it would work on both platforms. I know this is not the case, so what is the best way to leverage code between iPhone apps (Objective-C/C++) and Flash SWFs (ActionScript)?
This maybe of some help
It uses the NME library which will allows code to mostly be written to the Flash 9 API and create the C++ for XCode to compile and run on the iPhone and Touch. This creates a path to port Flash games to iPhone/Touch.
Unfortunately, Flash and Objective-C are very, very different - and it's unlikely that a Flash player will be available for the iPhone in the near future. The native input methods used in Flash games - the keyboard and mouse - don't lend themselves well to the iPhone. While Apple could make Flash run on the iPhone, most Flash games would be totally unplayable (or feel very unnatural. They'd have to overlay a keyboard probably?). With the success of the App Store and native iPhone games, I think it's very unlikely you'll see Flash support anytime soon.
You might want to consider using a game development tool like Unity instead of Flash in the future. Unity allows you to create both 2D and 3D games, and you can program them in various .NET scripting languages. Once you've created the game, you can cross-compile it for web (their own plugin, not Flash), iPhone, or the desktop.
I know that doesn't help much since you have an existing codebase, but it might be something to consider for the future!
My company is developing a toolchain that allows compiling ActionScript3 to native code for mobile devices.
It now supports Windows Mobile and Symbian, and iPhone supported will be released in a couple of weeks.
Check it out at: http://developer.openplug.com/
Adobe Alchemy looks promising. It is not released yet, but from their website:
Alchemy is a research project that allows users to compile C and C++ code that is targeted to run on the open source ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM2).
This would allow iPhone apps and Web apps to share non OS-dependent C/C++ code, which is a very exciting prospect.
One option would be building everything in unity. The engine facilitates building the same game project to any of the following platforms:
Actually, the iPhone supports Flash technically (see Developer creates Flash for iPhone and Flash Installer Update #2). It is just Apple's crippleware restrictions that prevent installation.
Other than that, there's really not much you can do. Flash/ActionScript and Objective-C are radically different. You can have a central server store data, but that doesn't solve the duplicated logic.
If you're already willing to use ActionScript you could go all the way over to the dark side and switch to Javascript. That's the only common language supported by your clients (web and iPhone).
How comfortable you are with either development environment certainly plays a role here. If you are a die-hard Objective C and a super star Actionscript programmer then doing both shouldn't be much of a problem. It will be lots of work of course, but not a problem.
However, if you are neither or only skilled at Actionscript then I suggest you focus on Flash/Actionscript for the time being. Eventually Flash will be available on the iPhone anyway. When that happens you can already have a number of apps ready to be quickly ported to iPhone. Also keep in mind. There are more portable devices out there than just iPhone. Getting your apps running on other devices might be worth it in the mean time.
Just keep in mind when you're developing your apps now that at one point you also want to run these apps on the iPhone. So make 'm in such a way that they can be controlled with an iPhone as well.
Updating this old QA with new information. The recently released monkey development framework deploys to both iOS and Flash: http://www.monkeycoder.co.nz/
It's so new that I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but it has a great pedigree: the creator made Blitz3D and BlitzMax before, and those were great game development tools.
That said, I would strongly recommend a combo like Corona for iOS and Flash for web, so that you're using optimal tools for each platform.

iPhone App Development on Ubuntu [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Starting iPhone app development in Linux?
Is there a way to use Ubuntu Linux for developing iPhone applications destined to be listed on Apples app store ?
Many of the other solutions will work, but they all make use of the open-toolchain for the iPhone SDK. So, yes, you can write software for the iPhone on other platforms... BUT...
Since you specify that you want your app to end up on the App Store, then, no, there's not really any way to do this. There's certainly no time effective way to do this. Even if you only value your own time at $20/hr, it will be far more efficient to buy a used intel Mac, and download the free SDK.
Not officially, no. It's just Objective-C though and the compiler's open source - you could probably get the headers and compile it and somehow get the binary on the device. Another option is compiling on the device. All these options will require jailbreaking though.
A Mac Mini is just $599...
There are two things I think you could try to develop iPhone applications.
You can try the Aptana mobile wep app plugin for eclipse which is nice, although still in early stage. It comes with a emulator for running the applications so this could be helpful
You can try cocoa
(Extra) Here is a nice guide I found of guy who managed to get the iPhone SDK running in ubuntu, hope this help -_-. iPhone on Ubuntu
I found one interesting site which seems pretty detailed on how you could setup a ubuntu for iPhone development. But it's a little old from November 2008 for the SDK 2.0.
Ubuntu 8.10 for iPhone open toolchain SDK2.0
The instructions also include something about the Android SDK/Emulator which you can leave out.
With some tweaking and lots of sweat, it's probably possible to get gcc to compile your Obj-C source on Ubuntu to a binary form that will be compatible with an iPhone ARM processor. But that can't really be considered "iPhone Application development" because you won't have access to all the proprietary APIs of the iPhone (all the Cocoa stuff).
Another real problem is you need to sign your apps so that they can be made available to the app store. I know of no other tool than XCode to achieve that.
Also, you won't be able to test your code, as they is no open source iPhone simulator... maybe you might pull something off with qemu, but again, lots of effort ahead for a small result.
So you might as well buy a used mac or a Mac mini as it has been mentioned previously, you'll save yourself a lot of effort.
Probably not. While I can't log into the Apple Development site, according to this post you need an intel mac platform.
It can be done!!!!!!
There is someone who did it.
Enjoy :)
There are several way to do it, may decide to go the native way by downloading a VM application for linux and the install Mac OS in your VM and then download the Xcode application for mac But the true is i tried this path but it was really long so i decide to get sencha touch and phonegap for mobile phone,here the sencha-touch is a javascript framework that will help you in developing the interfaces and the phonegap is also javascript library which will help to access the feature of your Iphone or any oher mobile platform
I'm using sencha-touch and phonegap ,its really work for me
Perhaps the best way would be to implement your app as a web app. I think you can also make web apps that run direct on the phone, without internet access or a remote server.
Web app, sounds lame? But a lot can be done with DHTML / HTML5 / JavaScript. It's a rare app that requires more power and couldn't be done as a web app. And you get pretty good cross platform with Web / JavaScript - the browsers vary a bit but a good web dev can write one web app that works pretty much everywhere.
Of course if you're writing a high-performance 3D game, the browser might not deliver what you need! maybe in a few years... Apparently some Google hackers ported Quake 2 to HTML5 already!

What cell phone has the widest potential market for software?

I developed a flashcard program a while back for learning Japanese. I've been considering porting it to a cell-phone. What is a good target platfrom? I'm thinking about iPhone, HTC Touch HD (system software: Windows Mobile) or a Nokia (system software: Symbian). Since I know a bit of JavaME, something that runs that would also be cool.
Here's the most recent market share data. Have you considered building a web-based product consumable by all smartphones with decent web browsers? Sites like x.facebook.com are not OS-specific but are app-like enough to provide a good user experience. Building such a site and charging a subscription would be one approach to serve all markets.
Well the Apple store just celibrated its 1,000,000,000 download the other day, so I would say that the iPhone is the largest and easiest phone market to target. Also the Apple store makes it extremely easy to sell your application (they keep part of the revenue of course).
Perhaps you might like to ask which phone has the largest market share in Japan?
Also I understand Microsoft has plans to start an app store for Windows Mobile.
Since you know JavaME, take a look at developing for Android. It doesn't have a large market share, but at least you'll be able to leverage your existing skills.
You won't be able to find a common language and development environment that works on the majority of phone platforms. Once you select a platform, you're kind of committed to it unless you want to port your app to an entirely different language.
Nokia has started heavily pushing a mobile development platform based on Qt. Nokia sells a LOT more phones than Apple does.
Why write iPhone app #1,000,001 when you'd be lucky to get $500 for your investment?
There's a huge craze around iPhone apps... at this point it's totally unjustified from a developer point of view. (It's great for the users)
Qt is a really amazingly well done C++ platform (Nokia bought it, obviously :). I'm having a good time writing PC apps with it... I plan on buying a Nokia phone I can write Qt apps for soon. At that point, I'll be ditching my old iPhone (original unit, not 3G).
When the SDK came out, I thought the world of the iPhone. I even bought Apple stock. However, no Java & no Flash because Jobs is a control freak is just plain stupid. GPL incompatibility really hurts, too. I'm also not buying a Mac just to develop software for the thing.
A few weeks ago I was reading an article about a product called "rohmobile" that was a custom Ruby framework that run's on a micro ruby web server. It allows you to compile your application against all the popular mobile phones (Apple, Microsoft, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian). It seemed like a very cool idea and it's open source actively under development. The framework comes with a sync soltuion, so you can persist data to the local device using REST/SOAP. As I explored the product a bit more, the only thing that seemed like it would be a pain is the setup of the enviroment(s) needed to compile the code for the various device.... if you could make it past this, then you'd have a solution where you could support a bunch of difference devices with a single code base!
** I've never programmed in Ruby but the syntax and the demo made it look really simple, since it's really just a local web page running on the micro web server installed on the device! The UI is HTML/CSS based. I think the product is still in Beta...
Just my 2cents~
Well I would start to find a system / programing language which is available for the top phones on the market.
I think a good go is python for that. Which makes it easy to use large portions of the same code on all of the phones which are going to be supported.
Then I would probably start with the iPhone, because I believe its userbase is still demanding for new toys :)
Creating a webapplication would be another way... but that would mean you need to be online. if you are not using flash or some other possibilities of persistent storage.
P.S.: I would not use javame :) .. I still don't like anything java at all