Two related questions about iPhone autorotation - iphone

1) Is it possible to change the speed of autorotation on the iPhone?
2) Is it possible to time an animation to take place during the autorotation animation? I would like to resize a photo while rotation is occuring, rather than when it's done.

1) not that I know of
2) Yes, see this method:
- (void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration

As for the first question, I haven't used this but check it out:
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientationAnimationDuration = [NSTimeInterval ...];
See docs for UIApplication. The problem is that I don't know that this actually rotates the rest of your views. You may, however, be able to rotate the window's coordinate system around "manually" using UIWindow and [UIView beginAnimations ...] in order to recreate the whole effect.
Please post sample code somewhere if you get it working!


How to change orientation of iPhone on button click?

I've been searching through lots of posts trying to find a way to change the orientation of the view manually. However I can't seem to find a definitive answer that's not outdated. Please can someone suggest the best way to switch the orientation based on when a user presses a button?
I.e. I need some help filling in the gap...
- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender
// Switch the orientation to ...
The Apple guideline doesn't allow that. There's some hack to do that but it's not a good idea to use it.
Your app will run in a real device and there isn't any piece of code that can physically turn the phone. Device orientation is constraint by real world constraint, you can't force your user to turn his phone.
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
Change the orientation to Landscape or Portrait.
You might have to also apply a transformation to complete the change:
self.view.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(self.view.transform, -(M_PI / 2.0));

GLKViewController: incorrect fps

Hope there are some GLKViewController experts out there because I have some problems :)
Just a quick description of my app. I have a UINavigationController in which I push different screens.
At some point, I get to my game screen which is a subclass of UINavigationController. In this screen, in viewDidLoad I manually create a EAGLContext, GLKView and instantiate a new GLKViewController (to handle my update&draw calls).
I am setting a preferred fps of 30.
The problem is that the first 3-4 update calls come with the correct DT, but then I have 2-3 frames with 1 second between them. I measure the DT using controller.timeSinceLastUpdate.
So I get like:
After this, I get valid only DT times. I have no idea why those frames have that kind of delay. I measured the time it takes me in the update & draw method, and it's nowhere near 1 second.
Also, I'm not loading any textures/creating any geometry. Everything is done at loading since it is a rather small game.
Also, if I pop the game screen controller and then push back another instance of the game screen, this new GLKViewController will only call my update method aproximately every 1 second.
Did anybody have a problem with the framerate when using GLKViewController?
The problem is that you don't know what else the device is doing between your refreshes :)
You might only spent 0.1s working on the next frame but if there is a memory warning then other bits of your app will also take time to process. I guess that the gl controller will do it's best to keep to the preferred frame rate but if lots is going on in the background then there's not much it can do about it.
As long as you make sure that your code is rendering as fast as possible and isn't spiking in the same way as the framerate then it's not your render path. From your question it sounds like you've already tested that.
The other thing you might want to do is to watch out for other notifications that might be passed into your app (i.e. memory warnings).
Finally, is there a pattern to the slow frames - do they coincide with a new image being loaded or a file access? Have you done as much as possible beforehand? EDIT - rereading your question makes me think that you've already done this, sorry!
Sorry I can't be any more use :(
Ok, so I finally figured it out. It turns out that it's not even related to the GLKViewController (surprise surprise!).
It had something to do with the way I'm displaying the game screen view controller, like this:
GameAreaViewController* gameController = [[GameAreaViewController alloc] init];
[UIView beginAnimations:#"animation" context:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController: gameController animated:NO];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft forView:self.navigationController.view cache:NO];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.7f];
[UIView commitAnimations];
If I use an animation duration of 0.3f, then I don't get any lag. At 0.5f sometimes I get it and at 0.7 I was always getting it.

Working with Landscape Views designed with interface builder

I'm trying to understand something that , by googling around, seems like a bug in the iPhone sdk, but maybe its just something hidden im not sure of.
I designed a new view in Interface Builder, in landscape mode. It looks like this:
But when i load it in from one of my other views, even though it is landscape, all the content doesnt look as it looks inside interface builder, it looks like this:
I found some code in google that helped to sort-of fix this issue, but the solution isn't perfect , and honestly its just kind of an ugly workaround, the code is (in viewDidLoad):
// First rotate the screen:
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight;
// Then rotate the view and re-align it:
CGAffineTransform landscapeTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation( 1.570796327 ); // 90 degrees in radian
[self.view setTransform:landscapeTransform];
This code actually almost completely solves the problem, but still doesn't look exactly like my XIB:
I'd love to know if any of you creative minds have a better solution for this, and if not, if you can help me change the code above to maybe come closer to the "original" design in the xib file.
Thanks in advance! :)
The reason your view is being pushed up is because the it's starting in the left top corner behind the status bar. Try adding this after the rotation:
landscapeTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, 20);
[self.view setTransform:landscapeTransform];

How to make half curl animation in iPhone like the maps app?

I am using the following code for page curl animation
[UIView beginAnimations:#"yourAnim" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp forView:yourView cache:cacheFlag];
[UIView commitAnimations];
Is it possible to make the half curl animation like the on iphone/ipod ?
Any ideas how to make an similar effect ?
Apple does support this for the presentation of modal views as of 3.2. This makes sense: the page curl effect is intended to signal the user that a page of options or settings is being revealed, and when they are done changing things, they will be sent back to the original view. Apple doesn't want the animation to infer an ongoing change to the page hierarchy, just a modal one that must return to its starting place.
It's pretty straightforward to use; just be sure that you are starting from a full screen view, and loading with the UIModalPresentationFullScreen style, which I believe is the default.
There are animation transitions to use a similar effect in UIViews generally that were added as of 4.0, but this is a straightforward way to use the effect.
simpleVC * myModalVC = [[simpleVC alloc] init];
[myModalVC setModalTransitionStyle:UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl];
[myModalVC setDelegate:self];
[self presentModalViewController:myModalVC animated:YES];
[simpleVC release];
Link to Apple Docs on UIModalTransitionStyle constants
I too have been working on this issue and I settled in the short term on a PNG version of it placed within a button and using the curl to reveal animation. The only thing missing in my solution is the ability to interact (play) with the curling page the way you can in Maps.
The Method
First, I created a Page corner PNG in Photoshop based on a screenshot of Maps.
The Map Curl PNG
The Map - Options Hidden
The Map - Options Revealed
Then, I added it to a UIButton that does a partial page curl transition.
Complete Source Code Available on GitHub
The complete working project is available at GitHub. Updated for iPhone 5.
Use the undocumented animation types mapCurl and mapUnCurl

How do I create a page flip effect programmatically?

I'm pretty sure I can create a page flip effect using a series of PNGs to simulate the animation but is there a way to do it programmatically? Tried googling it and looking at Apple sample code but didn't see anything addressing that particular animation.
I'm assuming you mean for an iPhone, right?
From the Apple API docs for UIView:
+ (void)setAnimationTransition:(UIViewAnimationTransition)transition forView:(UIView *)view cache:(BOOL)cache
where UIViewAnimationTransition is defined as:
typedef enum {
} UIViewAnimationTransition;
UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp is what you are looking for. See those docs for information on how to start, set, and commit animations to views as well.