Emacs: Keyboard Macros and Dired - emacs

Is there an emacs command which would apply a kbd macro to every file in dired?
e.g. query-replace-regexp has dired-do-query-replace-regexp
I'm looking for a dired-do-call-last-kbd-macro

Another option is to do this:
go to the top of your dired buffer
Record Macro
Press enter to visit the file
M-x kmacro-call-ring-2nd
C-x o (other buffer)
Down a line
Stop Recording
C-u 0 C-x e (call-last-keyboard-macro till the end of the file)

C-h f dired-do-query-replace-regexp reveals the code for this:
(dolist (file (dired-get-marked-files nil nil 'dired-nondirectory-p))
(let ((buffer (get-file-buffer file)))
(if (and buffer (with-current-buffer buffer
(error "File `%s' is visited read-only" file))))
I'd just make some elisp that does what you want using this as a template


Can I stop Emacs from resetting default-directory every time I open a file?

I've already asked the same question on Emacs. If it's not permitted, I'm sorry and I will delete the question.
If I:
Start Emacs in my home directory (~)
Find a file in the ~/Projects/ruby-play directory with C-x C-f
Try to find another file with C-x C-f
The default directory in the file finder will be ~/Projects/ruby-play.
What I'd like to see is the default directory being ~ still.
Is there a package/hook/Elisp function I should use to make this happen?
Thank you very much!
One way would be to set initial-default-directory to nil, but then you won't have a default directory at all, not even your home-directory:
(setq insert-default-directory nil)
If you want your home directory to show up as the default, this cannot be done so easily. When interactively calling find-file, this results in a call to read-file-name which has a rather complicated default behavior.
Using setq-default on default-directory doesn't help, as it's value is set when the file of the buffer you're currently seeing is visited.
The only option I see is using your own version of find-file like this:
(defun my-find-file-read-args (prompt mustmatch)
(list (read-file-name prompt "~/" nil mustmatch)
(defun my-find-file (filename &optional wildcards)
"Edit file FILENAME.
Like `find-file` but always uses ~ as the default directory"
(my-find-file-read-args "Find file: "
(let ((value (find-file-noselect filename nil nil wildcards)))
(if (listp value)
(mapcar 'switch-to-buffer (nreverse value))
(switch-to-buffer value))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'my-find-file)

Open dired and select the file associated with the previous buffer?

Let's say I am editing blah.txt with Emacs and I decide to open dired to rename the file blah.txt. When I press C-x d RET (or C-x C-f RET), a dired buffer will show up to display the content of the directory containing blah.txt, but the cursor will not be on blah.txt. So I need to search my file first (C-s blah.txt) to place my cursor on it and then I can rename it (R).
How do I automate or remove the step C-s blah.txt?
dired-jump is exactly what you want.
(autoload 'dired-jump "dired-x" "Jump to dired corresponding current buffer.")
(autoload 'dired-jump-other-window "dired-x" "jump to dired in other window.")
Then call:
M-x dired-jump
M-x dired-jump-other-window
You want C-x C-j.
Sunrise Commander is a much improved dired. and it does what you need by default.
You can do something like that:
M-: (dired (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
Then the only file visible in dired will be your current file and cursor will be right on it.
This piece of advice will do what you want:
(defadvice dired (around dired-jump-to-buffer activate)
"When running dired, move cursor to the line for the buffer we came from"
(interactive (list nil nil)) ;; bogus values, will be overwritten below
(let ((coming-from (buffer-file-name)))
(ad-set-args 0 (dired-read-dir-and-switches ""))
(when (and coming-from
(equal (file-truename default-directory) (file-truename (file-name-directory coming-from))))
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward (file-name-nondirectory coming-from) nil t))))
Note: Works for C-x d, but not the C-x C-f entry point to dired.
$ emacs --version
GNU Emacs 24.3.1
In .emacs:
(require 'dired-x)
Now C-x C-j should be bound to dired-jump.

The function to show current file's full path in mini buffer

I need to get the full path of the file that I'm editing with emacs.
Is there a function for that?
If not, what would be the elisp function for getting that?
How can I copy the result (path name) to a clipboard so that I can reuse it?
I'm using Mac OS X and Aqumacs.
(setq filepath (get-fullpath-current-file)) ???
(copy-to-clipboard 'filepath) ???
(defun show-file-name ()
"Show the full path file name in the minibuffer."
(message (buffer-file-name))
(kill-new (file-truename buffer-file-name))
(global-set-key "\C-cz" 'show-file-name)
Combining the two answers that I got, I could get what I want. Thanks for the answers. And some more questions.
What's for (file-truename)?
Can I copy the path name to System(OS)'s clipboard, not the kill ring so that I can use the info with the other apps?
It's the built-in function buffer-file-name that gives you the full path of your file.
The best thing to do is to have your emacs window to always show your system-name and the full path of the buffer you're currently editing :
(setq frame-title-format
(list (format "%s %%S: %%j " (system-name))
'(buffer-file-name "%f" (dired-directory dired-directory "%b"))))
You can also do something like this :
(defun show-file-name ()
"Show the full path file name in the minibuffer."
(message (buffer-file-name)))
(global-set-key [C-f1] 'show-file-name) ; Or any other key you want
To borrow from Jérôme Radix's answer, if you just want to quickly see the file path of the current buffer, you can do M-: buffer-file-name.
Alternately, type (buffer-file-name) in the buffer somewhere and run C-x C-e on the closing parenthesis (this will work in any mode, not just lisp-mode).
My trick is to do a C-x C-f like to open a file, it wil prefill the minibuff with the current file path, C-g to quit. Faster than M-: buffer-file-name but far far uglier than any other methods.
The direct implementation of what you want is:
(defun copy-full-path-to-kill-ring ()
"copy buffer's full path to kill ring"
(when buffer-file-name
(kill-new (file-truename buffer-file-name))))
That said, I find it incredibly useful to be able to get the full path of what is in the minibuffer, and this is what I use:
(define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map "\C-r" 'resolve-sym-link)
(defun resolve-sym-link ()
"Try to resolve symbolic links into true paths."
(let* ((file (buffer-substring (point)
(save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
(file-dir (file-name-directory file))
(file-true-dir (file-truename file-dir))
(file-name (file-name-nondirectory file)))
(delete-region (point) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))
(insert (concat file-true-dir file-name))))
And then if I want it in the clipboard, I just kill the line (C-a C-k). But we could easily copy the truename to the clipboard in the above command, just change the last line to be:
(insert (kill-new (concat file-true-dir file-name)))))
The new part is the call to 'kill-new which puts the string in the kill ring.
No need for extra function, just
M-! pwd
C-x C-b shows a list of buffers and the file path for each buffer where applicable.
C-x C-d, also callable via M-x list-directory, will show you the directory for your current file, and you only need to hit the "Enter" key to clear the minibuffer. Additional details are available here.
I have the following code already in use for a long time.
It copies the full file path to the kill ring when I press the middle mouse button on the buffer name in the mode-line. It copies just the buffer name to the kill-ring when I press shift-mouse-2 on the buffer-name in the mode-line.
(defun copy-buffer-file-name (event &optional bufName)
"Copy buffer file name to kill ring.
If no file is associated with buffer just get buffer name.
(interactive "eP")
(message "bufName: %S" bufName)
(select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
(let ((name (or (unless bufName (buffer-file-name)) (buffer-name))))
(message "Saved file name \"%s\" in killring." name)
(kill-new name)
(define-key mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap [mode-line mouse-2] 'copy-buffer-file-name)
(define-key mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap [mode-line S-mouse-2] '(lambda (e) (interactive "e") (copy-buffer-file-name e 't)))
C-u C-x C-b lists buffers currently visiting files.
Can I copy the path name to System(OS)'s clipboard, not the kill ring so that I can use the info with the other apps?
You can if you shell out to something like xclip (Linux), pbcopy (Mac), putclip (Cygwin).
I personally use wrapper scripts c and p for copy and paste respectively, the first reading from standard input, the latter writing to standard output. That way, this works on all my development platforms:
(shell-command (format "echo '%s' | c" buffer-file-name))
I find this more reliable and configurable than using the Emacs clipboard support. For example, my c command copies the input to all 3 clipboards on Linux (primary, secondary, clipboard), so I can paste with either Ctrl-V or middle click.
The simplest way and would be
(buffer-name)<(C-x)(C-e)> for the file name to appear in the echo area
(buffer-name)<(C-u)(C-x)(C-e)> would print the location <here>
Borrowing from Trey Jackson
I came up with this:
(defun buffer-kill-path ()
"copy buffer's full path to kill ring"
(kill-new (buffer-file-name)))
You can find more information on site
copy-buffer-file-name-as-kill from [0] does exactly what you need I think. It also has the option to copy just directory name, or just file name.
[0] http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/buffer-extension.el
To do what the title says (show the current file path in the minibuffer) you can do this:
M-x buffer-file-name
To permanently show it in the mode-line, you can use this:
(setq-default mode-line-buffer-identification
(list 'buffer-file-name
(propertized-buffer-identification "%12f")
(propertized-buffer-identification "%12b")))
Or this (color + abbrev) :
(setq-default mode-line-buffer-identification
(list (propertize (abbreviate-file-name
(expand-file-name buffer-file-name))
'face 'font-lock-string-face)))))

How to format all files under a dir in emacs?

In emacs, I format a file as:
1) C-x h (or M-x mark-whole-buffer)
2) C-M-\ (or M-x indent-region)
I need help show me how to format all files under a dir?
Here's another way to go about it:
First, evaluate this function definition in your *scratch* buffer:
(defun indent-marked-files ()
(dolist (file (dired-get-marked-files))
(find-file file)
(indent-region (point-min) (point-max))
(kill-buffer nil)))
Next, open a Dired buffer at the top level of the directory under which you want to change all of the files. Give the dired command a numeric prefix so that it will ask for the switches to give to the ls command, and add the R (recurse) switch: C-u C-x d R RET your-directory RET.
Next, mark all of the regular files in the recursive directory listing: first * / to mark all the directories, then * t to toggle the selection.
Finally, run the above command: M-x indent-marked-files.
Be aware that if you already have any buffers visiting any of the target files, they'll be killed by indent-marked-files. Also be aware that none of the file changes will be undoable; use with caution! I tested it in a simple case and it seems to work as described, but I make no guarantees.
Create a macro to do it. Open the directory in dired (C-x d), and then:
Put point on the first file.
Press F3 to start recording the macro.
Hit RET to open the file.
Format it with C-x h, C-M-\.
Bury the buffer with M-x bury-buffer. You'll be back in the dired buffer.
Go down one line.
Hit F4 to stop recording the macro.
So now you have a macro that opens the file on the current line, formats it, drops back to dired, and puts point to the next line. Run it with F4 as many times as needed.
I am late in answering this question, but this is still the first result on Google.
I made an improvement to #Sean's answer to remove the need for the complicated Dired interaction.
(defun my/indent-files (directory extension)
(interactive (list (read-directory-name "Directory: ")
(read-string "File extension: ")))
(dolist (file (directory-files-recursively directory extension))
(find-file file)
(indent-region (point-min) (point-max))
(kill-buffer nil)))
Sample use: M-x my/indent-files then ~/Dropbox then .org.
This will run indent-region on the all .org files, save the buffer then kill it.
You can try this:
(defun format-all-files (regexp)
"Format multiple files in one command."
(interactive "sFind files matching regexp (default all): ")
(when (string= "" regexp) (setq regexp ""))
(let ((dir (file-name-directory regexp))
(nodir (file-name-nondirectory regexp)))
(when dir (cd dir))
(when (string= "" nodir) (setq nodir "."))
(let ((files (directory-files "." t nodir nil t))
(errors 0))
(while (not (null files))
(let ((filename (car files)))
(if (file-readable-p filename)
(set-buffer (find-file-noselect filename))
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
(incf errors))
(setq files (cdr files))))
(when (> errors 0)
(message (format "%d files were unreadable." errors))))))
But note that this must load the file-specific mode over and over again, which may involve syntax highlighting or whatever initialization happens on a load of that type. For really big formatting jobs, a batch program such as indent which only indents will be much faster.

How do I change read/write mode for a file using Emacs?

If a file is set to read only mode, how do I change it to write mode and vice versa from within Emacs?
M-x read-only-mode
in very old versions of Emacs, the command was:
M-x toggle-read-only
On my Windows box, that amounts to Alt-x to bring up the meta prompt and typing "read-only-mode" to call the correct elisp function.
If you are using the default keyboard bindings,
C-x C-q
(which you read aloud as "Control-X Control-Q") will have the same effect. Remember, however, given that emacs is essentially infinitely re-configurable, your mileage may vary.
Following up from the commentary: you should note that the writeable status of the buffer does not change the writeable permission of the file. If you try to write out to a read only file, you'll see a confirmation message. However, if you own the file, you can write out your changes without changing the permissions on the file.
This is very convenient if you'd like to make a quick change to a file without having to go through the multiple steps of add write permission, write out changes, remove write permission. I tend to forget that last step, leaving potentially critical files open for accidental changes later on.
Be sure you're not confusing 'file' with 'buffer'. You can set buffers to read-only and back again with C-x C-q (toggle-read-only). If you have permission to read, but not write, a file, the buffer you get when you visit the file (C-x C-f or find-file) will be put in read-only mode automatically. If you want to change the permissions on a file in the file system, perhaps start with dired on the directory that contains the file. Documentation for dired can be found in info; C-h i (emacs)dired RET.
What I found is M-x set-file-modes filename mode
It worked at my Windows Vista box.
For example: M-x set-file-modes <RET> ReadOnlyFile.txt <RET> 0666
As mentioned up there by somebody else: M-x toggle-read-only would work.
However, this is now deprecated and M-x read-only-mode is the current way to do it, that it is set to C-x C-q keybinding.
If only the buffer (and not the file) is read-only, you can use toggle-read-only, which is usually bound to C-x C-q.
If the file itself is read-only, however, you may find the following function useful:
(defun set-buffer-file-writable ()
"Make the file shown in the current buffer writable.
Make the buffer writable as well."
(unix-output "chmod" "+w" (buffer-file-name))
(toggle-read-only nil)
(message (trim-right '(?\n) (unix-output "ls" "-l" (buffer-file-name)))))
The function depends on unix-output and trim-right:
(defun unix-output (command &rest args)
"Run a unix command and, if it returns 0, return the output as a string.
Otherwise, signal an error. The error message is the first line of the output."
(let ((output-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*stdout*")))
(let ((return-value (apply 'call-process command nil
output-buffer nil args)))
(set-buffer output-buffer)
(unless (= return-value 0)
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (= (point-min) (point))
(error "Command failed: %s%s" command
(dolist (arg args)
(princ " ")
(princ arg))))
(error "%s" (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
(kill-buffer output-buffer))))
(defun trim-right (bag string &optional start end)
(setq bag (if (eq bag t) '(?\ ?\n ?\t ?\v ?\r ?\f) bag)
start (or start 0)
end (or end (length string)))
(while (and (> end 0)
(member (aref string (1- end)) bag))
(decf end))
(substring string start end))
Place the functions in your ~/.emacs.el, evaluate them (or restart emacs). You can then make the file in the current buffer writable with M-x set-buffer-file-writable.
If you are looking at a directory of files (dired), then you can use Shift + M on a filename and enter the modespec, the same attributes used in the chmod command.
M modespec <RET>
See the other useful commands on files in a directory listing at
I tried out Vebjorn Ljosa's solution, and it turned out that at least in my Emacs (22.3.1) there isn't such function as 'trim-right', which is used for removing an useless newline at the end of chmod output.
Removing the call to 'trim-right' helped, but made the status row "bounce" because of the extra newline.
C-x C-q is useless. Because your also need the permission to save a file.
I use Spacemacs. It gives me a convenient function to solve this question. The code is following.
(defun spacemacs/sudo-edit (&optional arg)
(interactive "p")
(if (or arg (not buffer-file-name))
(find-file (concat "/sudo:root#localhost:" (ido-read-file-name "File: ")))
(find-alternate-file (concat "/sudo:root#localhost:" buffer-file-name))))
I call spacemacs/sudo-edit to open a file in emacs and input my password, I can change the file without read-only mode.
You can write a new function like spacemacs/sudo-edit.