iPhone AVAudioRecorder Guide? - iphone

Can anyone point me to a tutorial or discussion that provides a clear-cut, full explanation of how to use the AVAudioRecorder method of recording audio in iPhone apps? Although I'm new to iPhone programming in general, I do have a basic understanding and yet all my attempts to use AVAudioRecorder have failed miserable. Much appreciated!

Sample code and documentation can be found here. You can fill in the blanks with searches here on StackOverflow. If you haven't started with Audio, it's best to look at the Apple docs and example code first. Then have a look at other sources. This is where a good book on iPhone development comes in.

To use AVAudioRecorder you first need to enable the AVAudioSession and init and start AVAudioRecorder, here's my example of how to set everything up and measure the level of "loudness" for instance http://www.mikitamanko.com/blog/2017/04/15/swift-how-to-get-decibels/


iOS Raw Video Capture - Where to start?

It's easy enough to use the system-supplied user interfaces for taking pictures and movies on supported iOS devices. How do I do raw video capture and manipulation in iOS 3 and iOS 4? I'm looking for the names of the relevant classes and methods, and possibly a tutorial or reference from Apple...
You can look at these place
AVCam sample
How to Play, Record, and Edit Videos in iOS
Audio & Video Starting Point
AVCaptureSession preference
Wrapper library by Andrew
If you're looking for tuts, there are a lot here.
There good start from Apple with a lots of links that can help. See Audio & Video Starting Point.
You can't do raw video capture on iOS anymore (there used to be hack for iOS3, but now that's it's official in iOS4, they disallowed the hack).
And on iOS 4 - I believe this is the best start:
(Read a little, then browse to Processing Frames of Video)

Play MP3 audio data on iPhone

I need to play mp3 audio data in iPhone continuously. I am getting continuous mp3 data via server in iPhone. Now I need to play this data in iPhone. I cannot access url to play as it is of mms protocol. So, for playing this type of data which is the best method to use. Can anyone help me out with this thing.
Thanks in advance.
You have a few options sanctioned by or directly from Apple. You should look into:
Core Audio and the Audio Toolbox
The AVFoundation Framework
The OpenAL Framework
Also, you can try Matt Gallagher's AudioStreamer class. It should be able to do the job, or at least help you figure out how to do so, if you look at the code.
Between those four options, there should be something to help.
After writing this, I did a bit of Googling and I found this thread that discusses the possibility of streaming MMS media to iPhone. It appears that it is not possible, due to the cost of a license from Microsoft. In theory, the above-mentioned frameworks should do everything you need, but it seems that you cannot because of the licensing issue.
Good luck!
audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc]initWithData:<#(NSData )data#> error:<#(NSError *)outError#>];
try this else tell me more clear what you want to do

Tutorial to record audio on the iphone?

could anyone explain how to record audio on the iphone. I already read the sampleProject of the developer-page. Moreover the documentation didn't quite answered my question.
It would be great to have a kind of checklist how to implement a simple audiorecorder.
There is already one as a sample app.
Check "Speak Here" that app records and play sounds. Is a low level sample for CoreAudio.Framework
But if you prefer something newer (and probably better for your needs) check for AVFoundation.framework I am sure there are new APIs in iOS 4.0 that allow to capture sounds like AVCapture, AVInputDevice, etc.

Recording sounds created within an iPhone app

I'm new to programming in Objective-c and the iPhone but I am working on an app to teach myself. I have been trying to figure out how to record sounds on the iPhone. Apple provides excellent documentation for recording from the microphone with AVAudioRecorder but I want to record sounds made by my app, or even just record sounds when buttons are pressed (button is pressed, certain audio gets recorded).
I have no clue how to do this and can't seem to find anything that would help me along this path, only microphone stuff.
Can anyone share ideas or code that would make this possible?
Once you move beyond the convenience classes like AVAudioRecorder, you've got a lot of studying to do.
I would start with:
Getting Started with Audio and Video
Multimedia Programming Guide:Audio
Core Audio Overview
Audio programming is a very large and complex subject. If you want to customize, be prepared to spend some time learning it.
I've made a sample app that records sounds/audio and has a playback. Hope this helps! https://github.com/casspangell/AudioMic

How to listen to microphone input in real time?

I'm looking for a tutorial on how to listen to the microphone input while it is recording. I've been searching for a while but nothing really relevant comes up. Is this supported by the SDK or is it a bit of a hack to set up?
I've found this but I'd like to find something a little more educational.
Any tips?
It is supported, the framework is called Audio Sessions, the SDK guide is called "Audio Session Programming Guide", AudioSessionInitialize is probably a good starting point to learn the process.
I think there are a few decent example projects, aurioTouch I believe has some of the pieces you need.