Objective-C/iPhone: Windows' view not responding to button clicks! - iphone

So in my app delegate I add a call add the myViewController.view to the main window:
1. [window addSubview:myViewController.view];
In myViewController I do the following code in the viewDidAppear method:
2. [self presentModalViewController: yourViewController animated: YES];
In my yourViewController class I do the following to try and go back to the main window
3. [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
My main windows view appears with buttons in all, but the buttons won't react to any click or anything. It's like there is something over them that I can't see.
Also, the main windows button works before this process but doesn't after the process.
Any help would be appreciated.

If the dismiss method call is in the modal view controller (not the parent that presents it), then you actually want to call [self.parentController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
There are a number of reasons why things might not be responding to your touches. Here are two that have happened to me:
The frame of the view you want to touch is too small. UIViews can draw outside of their frames, so it might look ok, but not respond if the touch is technically outside of the frame -- you also have to check that all the superview's up the hierarchy also have a large enough frame.
If anything in your view is a UIImageView or child thereof, it won't respond to user touches because UIImageView has userInteractionEnabled set to NO by default. You can fix this just by setting myImageView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
Edit: Oli pointed out in the comments that dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: should work if called on either self.parentController or simply self, since that method is smart enough to call the parent if needed, according to the docs. The docs also make it sound like this might behave differently if you have multiple model views open at once, though, so I would still consider it cleaner code to call the method on self.parentController directly.


simple uiview change not working

I am trying to just do a simple view change for proof of concept.
here is the code
- (void)swipedScreen
if (self.secondView.superview == nil) {
[myView removeFromSuperview];
[self.view insertSubview:secondView atIndex:0];
when I swipe the screen what happens is the view area just goes black... and becomes unresponsive.
I started with a navigatoin app, replaced the tableview with just a standard uiviewcontroller class.. that worked fine..Then i added a secondView (xib only) and changed its class to match the viewcontroller of the first view.
The reason I am finding this difficult is because i am trying to animate the views inside the navigation controller and not push a whole view onto the stack which I am used to doing.
I'll bet that blank unresponsive view is, in reality, your secondView object. I always test by setting [secondView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor greenColor]] and checking if the massive green rectangle actually shows up.
EDIT: having looked at your code, there are multiple problems that arose:
You never actually +alloc or -init anything.
You never actually touch those nibs or make a reference to them in code
You declare two UIView's as IBOutlets and Strong (two exact opposites, as IBOutlets are __weak, __unsafe_unretained, or assign), yet do not link them to anything.
I've taken the liberty of revising it (sans nibs). Take a look.
Did you init the secondView? if init,you can try to set frame for the secondView
Your inserting the view at the bottom of the stack,
[self.view insertSubview:secondView atIndex:0];
Try using addSubview instead. Also you need to set the views frame somewhere.

Releasing a view controller after a CATransition: Am I doing this right?

My application is loading a first view (used to login into a Web service). When the login is successful, it performs a CATransition (basic kCATransitionFromRight) to show a second view and hides the first view. I've set the delegate of the transition to self so I can use -(void)animationDidStop:(CATransition *)theAnimation finished:(BOOL)flag.
When that method is called (right after the transition is over) I want to release the first view since I won't need it anymore. However, when I call [firstView release] (in animationDidStop:) the retain count doesn't seem to change. I used [loginView retainCount] to check this and since I know it's not always reliable I was wondering: am I doing this right?
Thank you.
taken from the book "Cocoa Touch for iPhone OS 3" is a similar approach.
They set up an animation remove the old subview, add the new one and then commit the animation.
Jilouc in his comment is right, forget to check "retaincount"...
if you want to be sure that your object view firstView just add a
NSLog(#"i'm removing myFirstView");
in its
if you get that NSLog in debugger console window then be sure you had it removed/released in the right way...
btw... the right way could be something like this:
in animationDidStop:
if (firstView!=nil){
[firstView.view removeFromSuperview];
[firstView release];

Coding custom SplitViewController - when should I call viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear, etc...?

I'm writing my own SplitViewController from scratch (i.e. by subclassing UIViewController and not UISplitViewController).
It has two sub-viewControllers (one for the left panel and one for the detail right panel), to which I need to send the appropriate messages (viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear, viewWillDisapppear and viewDidDisappear).
I am already forwarding those messages when my custom SplitViewController receives them and it works fine. However I am struggling to figure out when to send them when any of the two sub-viewcontrollers is replaced by a new one, which also needs to receive those messages. I am adding the view of the new UIViewController properly but the messages are not called adequately.
My initial approach was to call them in the setter of the sub-viewControllers, calling viewWillDisappear to UIViewController about to be released and viewWillAppear to the new UIViewController set, but this one is executed before viewDidLoad and therefore I presume is wrong.
I have also seen that UIView has a method didAddSubview: that might be useful to know when to call viewDidAppear on the correspondent UIViewController.
Any help would be much appreciated!
If you want to mirror UISplitViewController, it seems best to just have dummy UIViewControllers that print out whenever each method is called.
As for your current problem of the ordering of viewWillDisappear, viewWillAppear and viewDidLoad, just do:
-(void)setSomeViewController(UIViewController newVC)
[oldVC viewWillDisappear];
[newVC view]; // Causes newVC to load the view,
// and will automatically call -viewDidLoad
[newVC viewWillAppear];
[oldVC.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.view addSubview:newVC.view];
//retain and release as appropriate
// other stuff you'll need to mirror, etc. etc.

viewDidAppear called twice on the same instance, but only the first time this class loads form NIB

I have a navigation controller. One of the views adds custom subviews in its viewDidAppear:. I notice that the first time I navigate to an instance of this view controller after launching the app, viewDidAppear: invokes twice. If I pop this view off the stack and navigate to it again, viewDidAppear: invokes only once per appearance. All subsequent appearances invoke viewDidAppear: once.
The problem for me is that the first time I get to this view I end up with twice the number of subviews. I work around this problem by introducing a flag variable or some such, but I'd like to understand what is happening and how come I get two invocations in these circumstances.
You should never rely on -viewWillAppear:/-viewDidAppear: being called appropriately balanced with the disappear variants. While the system view controllers will do the best they can to always bracket the calls properly, I don't know if they ever guarantee it, and certainly when using custom view controllers you can find situations where these can be called multiple times.
In short, your -viewWillAppear:/-viewDidAppear: methods should be idempotent, meaning if -viewDidAppear: is called twice in a row on your controller, it should behave properly. If you want to load custom views, you may want to do that in -viewDidLoad instead and then simply put the on-screen (if they aren't already) in -viewDidAppear:.
You could also put a breakpoint in your -viewDidAppear: method to see why it's being called twice the first time it shows up.
maybe you invoke viewDidAppear in viewDidLoad (or some other stuff is going on there), since it's invoked only once during loading the view from the memory. It would match, that it's invoked two times only the first time.
This was not an iOS 5 bug, but a hidden behavior of addChildViewController:. I should file a radar for lack of documentation, I think
If you have a line like this in your AppDelegate
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
make sure you DON'T have a "Main nib file base name" property in your plist set to "Window.xib" or whatever your custom window nib is named. If you do, remove that row from your plist and make sure you something like
yourRootVC = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
[window setRootViewController:yourRootVC];
in your AppDelegate after instantiating your window. In most cases, you could then safely delete the Window.xib as well.
You definitely should provide more info.
Is this the root view controller?
Maybe you initiate the navigation controller with this root view controller and then push it to the navigation controller once again?
Another solution that may have been your underlying cause: Be sure you are not presenting any new view controllers from within your viewWillAppear: method.
I was calling:
[appDel.window.rootViewController presentViewController:login animated:YES completion:nil];
from within viewWillAppear and seeing my originating VC's viewDidAppear: method called twice successively with the same stack trace as you mention. And no intermediary call to viewDidDisappear:
Moving presentViewController: to the originating VC's viewDidAppear: method cleared up the double-call issue, and so now the flow is:
Original viewDidAppear: called
Call presentViewController here
Original viewDidDisappear: called
New view is presented and no longer gives me a warning about "unbalanced VC display"
Fixed with help from this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13315360/1143123 while trying to resolve "Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for ..."
it's such an annoying problem, you'd think it runs once but then I now found out about this which is causing mayhem... This applies to all 3 (ViewDidAppear, ViewDidLoad, and ViewWillAppear), I am getting this when integrating with a payment terminal; once it finish calling the API, the window is being re-loaded when it's already on-screen and all it's memory is still there (not retained).
I resolved it by doing the following to all the routines mentioned above, below is a sample to one of them:
BOOL viewDidLoadProcessed = false;
if (!viewDidLoadProcessed)
viewDidLoadProcessed = YES;
... do stuff here...
Repeat the above for all the other two, this prevents it from running twice. This never occurred before Steve Jobs died !!!
Kind Regards
Heider Sati
Adding [super viewDidAppear:animated]; worked for me:
//Called twice
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated{
//Called once
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated{
[super viewDidAppear:animated];

Getting "Using two-stage rotation animation" warning with UIImagePickerController

I wrote simple code to test UIImagePickerController:
#implementation ProfileEditViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
photoTaker_ = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
photoTaker_.delegate = self;
photoTaker_.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
photoTaker_.showsCameraControls = NO;
- (void)viewDidAppear: (BOOL)animated {
[self presentModalViewController: photoTaker_ animated: NO];
And I'm getting strange warnings like the following:
2010-05-20 17:53:13.838 TestProj[2814:307] Using two-stage rotation animation. To use the smoother single-stage animation, this application must remove two-stage method implementations.
2010-05-20 17:53:13.849 TestProj[2814:307] Using two-stage rotation animation is not supported when rotating more than one view controller or view controllers not the window delegate
Got any idea what this is about? Thanks a lot in advance!
This message will appear if you are presenting the UIImagePickerController within another UIViewController. Because it isn't pushed like a UINavigationController stack, there is confusion at the UIWindow level. I don't know if the warning is a problem, but to eliminate the warning you can do the following:
// self = a UIViewController
- (void) showCamera
cameraView = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] setRootViewController:cameraView];
[self presentModalViewController:cameraView animated:NO];
- (void) removeCamera
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] setRootViewController:self];
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:NO];
[cameraView release];
Perhaps you are adding the root UIViewController's view as a subview of the window instead of assigning the view controller to the window's rootController property?
This warning can be implemented for several different objects: Pickers, keyboard, etc.
I have found that it is related to the UI taking two steps to complete a transition or other animation. Or for any instance where the UI is trying to finish one thing and is being asked to execute another before it has finished. (therefore it covers a wide range of possible triggers)
I have seen the warning appear on 4.0 & 4.2. In my case I was working with rotating the device and catching whether the keyboard was still up-(i.e. text field was still first responder). If so, the keyboard needed to stay up for between the views, but this presented other complications with other views.
Therefore, I implemented a BOOL tracker to keep track if keybaordIsPresent, and if so I was {textfield resignFirstResponder]; when detecting the orientation change and the reset the textfield to becomeFristResponder after the transition that was wrapped in an Animation Block. My BOOL tracker worked better, I still use the NSNotifications for the Keyboard, but there were overlaps of notifications during rotations because the keyboard was being dismissed without requesting such. The BOOL is set to NO on Load, and when the [textfield resignFirstResponder]; is implemented. *not when "-(void)keyboardWillhide is trigger by the NSNotifications, which gives me both working triggers that never conflict. The BOOL is set to YES, only when the user touches textfield which automatically triggers becomeFirstResponder.
I removed the warning by taking the [textfild resignFirstResponder]; out of the
-(void)willAnimateFirstHalfOfRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration {
//if (keyboardIsPresent == YES) {[self.entryTextField resignFirstResponder];}
and placing it back at the top of the code for the:
- (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation {
if (keyboardIsPresent == YES) {
[self.entryTextField resignFirstResponder];
//Determine Which Orientation is Present:
if((fromInterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait) || (fromInterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown)){
[self configureLandscapeView];
}else {
[self configurePortraitView];
**Even though I had no code inside the -(void)willAnimatFirstHalfOfRotationToInterface:, the warning was still popping up. I think the warning was still popping up because the compiler still has to attempt the method while it is trying to execute the first animation and therefore gets the double animation call or overlap of resources. It doesn't know that there is no executable code with the method until after it runs through it. And by that time it already set aside resource in preparation for handling possible actions within the method.
**To ellimiate the warning I had to remove or nil out the code for the willAnimateFirstHalfOfRotation, so that the compiler does not have to even check to see if there is a possible 2nd animation or action that may need to be executed at the same time.
/*-(void)willAnimateFirstHalfOfRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration {
//if (keyboardIsPresent == YES) {[self.entryTextField resignFirstResponder];}}*/
After the transition is completed, within the original animation block I check to see if the "keyboardIsPresent" was YES prior to the rotation, and if so, I resign the First Responder once again. I use setAnimationDuration:0.3which comes out pretty clean and not jumpy.
Well, you are presenting UIImagePickerController modally inside viewDidAppear of ProfileEditViewController.
Think about this. That means when ProfileEditViewController view appears, the UIImagePickerController appears, say later you dismiss UIImagePickerController and it goes back to ProfileEditViewController, then viewDidAppear is called again and UIImagePickerController appears, say later you dismiss UIImagePickerController and it goes back to ProfileEditViewController, then viewDidAppear is called again and.... you get the idea.
That warning is rather cryptic though, not sure if that is what it's trying to tell you. I would suggest making a button somewhere on the ProfileEditViewController that calls presentModalViewController and also make sure you have a way to dismiss the UIImagePickerController (I've never used it not sure if it has one automatically).
You may be trying to present two modal view controllers at the same time, and they are fighting for animation resources.
1) There is rarely any UI reason to do this. You could instead just go directly to the second view controller (the image picker); and, after dismissing it, then present the first view or view controller.
2) If you do want two stacked view controllers or a view controller on top of a view, then set a timer in viewDidAppear to present the second view controller after the first one has finished it's animation. (You could display a dummy png image of a blank picker in the first one to prevent too much display flashing until the second view controller goes live.)
EDIT - Added a random code example:
I might try substituting this as an experiment:
- (void)foo {
[self presentModalViewController: photoTaker_ animated: NO];
- (void)viewDidAppear: (BOOL)animated {
NSTimer *bar = [ NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: (2.0f)
target: self
selector: #selector(foo)
userInfo: nil
repeats:NO ];
A shorter time delay may work as well.
I just had the same problem. In my case was a silly mistake that I'm putting here just in case anyone else falls into that same issue.
In my tabbed app I remove one of the original ViewControllers and added a new one with Storyboard to create a "Settings" section.
This new VC had to be a table view VC and even I designed, compiled and run it without a problem, when I changed the orientation of the app I kept getting this “Using two-stage rotation animation” error.
My problem was that I forgot to change in the original .h file interface "UIViewController" for "UITableViewController".
Once this was done I changed on the Storyboard identity badge the class from the general value to my SettingsViewController and that was the end of it.
I hope it can help someone else. It took me a while to get to bottom of this.
I think the warning here is about Core Animation performance. As a test, I loaded the image picker without any action sheet or other animations going on and the warnings are still there. I think these are warnings coming from the image picker class itself and not from any misuse of the API.