Zend Framework: How to redirect to original url after login? - zend-framework

I'm trying to implement a login system that will be smart enough to redirect a user back to the page they were on before they decided (or were forced to) go to the login page.
I know this seems like a similar question to this one, and this one, but they do not address both of my scenarios.
There are two scenarios here:
User specifically decides to go to login page:
<a href="<?php echo $this->url(array(
'action'=>'login'), 'default', true); ?>">Log In</a>
User is redirected because they tried to access protected content:
if (!Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
$this->_helper->redirector('login', 'auth');
How can I implement a solution for this without displaying the "redirect to" url in the address bar?

Save the destination URL in the session. I guess you have some kind of access pre-dispatch plug-in. Do it there. And then, in the login form handler, check for the destination URL in the session, and redirect to it after a successful authentication.
Sample code from my project:
class Your_Application_Plugin_Access extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract {
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) {
foreach (self::current_roles() as $role) {
if (
new Site_Action_UriPath($request->getPathInfo())
) return; // Allowed
private function not_allowed(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) {
$destination_url = $request->getPathInfo();
// If the user is authenticted, but the page is denied for his role, show 403
// else,
// save $destination_url to session
// redirect to login page, with $destination_url saved:
Here, current_roles() always contains 'guest', which is unauthenticated user, for which Zend_Auth::hasIdentity() is false.


Vue routing redirect from path '/' to another page if a condition is met

I have a Login page that is bound to the path '/'. And if I login, I go to '/home'. The problem is that if I manually type the path '/' in the url of the browser, I go to the login page again. Is there a way to redirect me to '/home' if am already logged in? I know that I can use redirect like in the code below, but I am not sure where should I declare the a variable called isLoggedIn and how to use it. Or maybe it could be better do it in the <script> section of the Login page.
path: '/',
name: 'Login',
component: Login,
redirect: to => {
return {path: '/orders'}
What you are looking for is called navigation guard :
you will find more information in the vue router documentation https://router.vuejs.org/guide/advanced/navigation-guards.html#global-before-guards
And here is a quick example extracted from this page
router.beforeEach(async (to, from) => {
if (
// make sure the user is authenticated
!isAuthenticated &&
// ❗️ Avoid an infinite redirect
to.name !== 'Login'
) {
// redirect the user to the login page
return { name: 'Login' }

Codeigniter 3 SimpleSAMLPHP integration - Session Probelm

When integrating SimpeSAMLPHP with Codeigniter 3, they recommand to stop the sp-application session and set the default session handler for SimpleSAMLPHP. I have added the following configuration which works without infinite redirect loop. Previous to this issue it was looping between Idp and sp infitnitely.
//Session library loaded in autoload.php
session_set_save_handler(new SessionHandler(), true);
require_once $this->config->item("saml_dir").'lib/_autoload.php';
$as = new \SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple('default-sp');
$session = \SimpleSAML\Session::getSessionFromRequest();
The above print display the sessions values correctly
However, in main controller it does not display the configured session.
class Main extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct() {
public function dashboard()
//Dashboard Page
Now when redirecting to another controller, the session data are gone. Would be great if anyone could help regarding.
Printing the result before redirect, shows all session data but after redirect only the {"__ci_last_regenerate":1665334265} remains.

Laravel Passport and Ionic2 Facebook-Login

I am developing a mobile app which should do API calls to an own laravel backend.
Frontend: Ionic 2 + Angular2
Backend: Laravel 5.3 + Laraval Passport + MySQL
At the user can log in with password grant (username + password).
Now I want to offer a login via Facebook.
I've implemented a Login with Facebook-button in the app. This works fine. I get the profile information from the Facebook API: id, email, name
Now this user (has no email + password combination from our server) should be able to make API calls to our Laravel server and should be linked to user in the users-table of the MySQL-database behind the laravel backend. Users which login with Facebook shouldn't need any username or password to login. Just Facebook.
I want to generate a new user in the database for each facebook user (simply with a column facebook_id). But how to give such users an access_token?
Accepting just the Facebook ID, match this (or create new) user in the database and create an access_token would be very unsecure because Facebook ID is public...
I must say I have same problem couple of weeks ago. Only difference I got was that I have both, ionic2 app and website. Both must support username/password login as social login (google, facebook).
So how did I did that (I will write for facebook, google is slightly different - better):
Prepare your facebook app to accept logins from mobile AND webpage. You will need facebook client_id and client_secret.
Install socialite package for laravel. And set it up to work with facebook ( in app/services.php set facebook ).
Now when you got this you can start coding. You said you already have it working on Ionic2 part. So that means you get token and other data from facebook for user.
What I did is I make request to my api and send this token and user_id. Then on my API side I check if token is valid, login user and issue passport token.
Ionic2 code:
.then(response => {
// login success send response to api and get token (I have auth service class to do that)
}, error => {
this.showAlert( this.loginFailedTitle, this.loginFailedText );
Now Laravel part. I made SocialController.php and url (POST request) /api/social-login/facebook:
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Model\SocialLogin;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Socialite;
class SocialController extends Controller
public function facebook(Request $request) {
$user = Socialite::driver('facebook')->userFromToken( $request->input('accessToken'));
abort_if($user == null || $user->id != $request->input('userID'),400,'Invalid credentials');
// get existing user or create new (find by facebook_id or create new record)
$user = ....
return $this->issueToken($user);
private function issueToken(User $user) {
$userToken = $user->token() ?? $user->createToken('socialLogin');
return [
"token_type" => "Bearer",
"access_token" => $userToken->accessToken
Now this will return you passport token and you can make api request to protected routes.
About passport, email, username, ..... you will have to change database and make it nullable. And add facebook_id field.
And be sure to make requests over https, because your are sending token.
Hope it helps.
in addition to #Bostjan's answer adding my generalised implementation :
SocialAccount here is a laravel model where you'll provider and provider_user_id and local database user id. Below is the example of social_accounts table
And in SocialController :
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\User;
use App\SocialAccount;
use Socialite;
class SocialController extends Controller
public function social(Request $request) {
$provider = $request->input('provider');
case SocialAccount::SERVICE_FACEBOOK:
$social_user = Socialite::driver(SocialAccount::SERVICE_FACEBOOK)->fields([
case SocialAccount::SERVICE_GOOGLE:
$social_user = Socialite::driver(SocialAccount::SERVICE_GOOGLE)
default :
$social_user = null;
abort_if($social_user == null , 422,'Provider missing');
$social_user_details = $social_user->userFromToken($request->input('access_token'));
abort_if($social_user_details == null , 400,'Invalid credentials'); //|| $fb_user->id != $request->input('userID')
$account = SocialAccount::where("provider_user_id",$social_user_details->id)
return $this->issueToken($account->user);
else {
// create new user and social login if user with social id not found.
$user = User::where("email",$social_user_details->getEmail())->first();
// create new social login if user already exist.
$user = new User;
case SocialAccount::SERVICE_FACEBOOK:
$user->first_name = $social_user_details->user['first_name'];
$user->last_name = $social_user_details->user['last_name'];
case SocialAccount::SERVICE_GOOGLE:
$user->first_name = $social_user_details->user['name']['givenName'];
$user->last_name = $social_user_details->user['name']['familyName'];
default :
$user->email = $social_user_details->getEmail();
$user->username = $social_user_details->getEmail();
$user->password = Hash::make('social');
$social_account = new SocialAccount;
$social_account->provider = $provider;
$social_account->provider_user_id = $social_user_details->id;
return $this->issueToken($user);
private function issueToken(User $user) {
$userToken = $user->token() ?? $user->createToken('socialLogin');
return [
"token_type" => "Bearer",
"access_token" => $userToken->accessToken

Cannot login through Facebook in Laravel 5.1

I am trying to login with facebook using Laravel 5.1.
I am following each steps mention in laravel documentation.
But, When i login through facebook then it will redirect to my normal login page.
In sort Session is store in facebook login.
This is a Code that is written by me.
public function redirectToProvider()
return Socialite::driver('facebook')
->scopes(['email', 'public_profile'])
public function handleProviderCallback()
$user = Socialite::driver('github')->user();
$user = Socialite::driver('github')->user();
// OAuth Two Providers
$token = $user->token;
// OAuth One Providers
$token = $user->token;
$tokenSecret = $user->tokenSecret;
// All Providers
'facebook' => [
'client_id' => '1625567400000000',
'client_secret' => 'secret',
'redirect' => 'http://localhost:8000/',
When i type localhost/8000/auth/facebook it will redirect me to facebook and ask permission for public_profile, email etc.
And it will redirect back to localhost/auth/login.
And when i type localhost:8000/auth/facebook/callback in URL, it will through error like this;
ClientException in Middleware.php line 69:
Client error: 404
For your case, I guest you are using middleware to check if the user is already logged in. And this might the problem that you get redirect to localhost/auth/login
I hope following code could be useful to you
public function handleProviderCallback()
//retrieve user's information from facebook
$socUser = Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();
//check user already exists in db
$user = \App\User::where('email', $socUser->getEmail())->first();
if($user) {
// if exist, log user into your application
// and redirect to any path you want
return redirect()->route('user.index');
//if not exist, create new user,
// log user into your application
// and resirect to any path you want
$user = new \App\User ;
$user->email = $socUser->getEmail();
// ...
// ...
// ...
\Auth::login($user); // login user
return redirect()->route('user.index'); // redirect
note: I did not test my code but you should get some idea
for more information: http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/authentication
and as #mimo mention,
Your redirect url in the Services.php file has to be
Your redirect url in the Services.php file has to be

Laravel 5 socialize facebook login

I use auth login (out of the box). I have want to add Facebook login.
I have installed Socialize package, and In Auth/AuthController I added method fb:
public function fb()
return \Socialize::with('facebook')->redirect();
When I call http://ip/auth/fb its redirect me to http://ip/auth/login#=
Please help
First you need to create the FB project and you will have the client_id (App ID) and secret_key (App secret)
In your services configuration file: config/services.php you need to specify the facebook key like this:
'facebook' => [
'client_id' => 'client_id from fb',
'client_secret' => 'secret_key from fb',
'redirect' => 'http://your_site/your_fb_login_ok_path',
then you create the route:
Route::get('your_fb_login_ok_path', function ($facebook = "facebook")
// Get the provider instance
$provider = Socialize::with($facebook);
// Check, if the user authorised previously.
// If so, get the User instance with all data,
// else redirect to the provider auth screen.
if (Input::has('code'))
$user = $provider->user();
return var_dump($user);
} else {
return $provider->redirect();
This should do it.
Then remember to add this URL to your facebook redirect: http://your_site/your_fb_login_ok_path
That is the URL that FB will redirect you to after successful login.
There are a number of possibilities
You may have set the routes wrong
The Facebook Redirect Url you specified might be wrong