Connect to Project Server using the MS Project Object Model - project-server

I want to connect to project Server when I use the MS Project Object Model open a Project Professional 2007. Is there anyone do it before?

Maybe the Project Server 2007 SDK.


Crystalreport for Visual Studio 2019 and Web Server requirements

can somebody let me know what version of Crystal Report is compatible with Visual Studio 2019 and web server MS-2012 R2? can you please list all requirements?
currently the only way the report works is click on "Report Preview" in opened RPT file in VS-2019.
If I run the project on developer machine it shows blank page.
if I publish the project to web server it show "Connection failed"
if I change the database connection in RPT file to remote SQL sever and publish project to web server it works fine.
any help would be appreciated
The issues resolved when I copy ASPnet_Client folder to the root of my published project and then add the following tag to all my ASPX pages that using RTP file.

Connecting to TFS 2010 from Eclipse using Team Explorer Everywhere 2010 SP1: Access Denied

I am trying to connect to my company's TFS 2010 server from eclipse using Team Explorer Everywhere 2010 SP1.
I have successfully installed the plugin and am attempting to create the connection to our server through the "Add New Server" dialogue. Entering the server https://tfs.<ourServer>.com/tfs along with my Active Directory credentials creates the error:
Access denied connecting to TFS server... <server> (authenticating as <DOMAIN>\<>
I can connect to this same server from Visual Studio 2010 without a problem using the same credentials, and I can also connect to the web client by browsing the the server using IE.
I have also used the command line tool to define a profile which appears in the Eclipse plugin but creates the same error.
Have I missed something obvious? Is there a setting on the TFS server I need to change?
I had the same issue but changing the Eclipse proxy to native solved the issue in my case.
Can you connect successfully if you use the URL of your Team Project Collection, for example:

Run Birt Eclipse BI Report on local server or online

i have created a Report using Birt Eclipse BI tools. But i am trying to display this report on local server or online . so every one can see this by browser.
may it possible to run in browser in each machine of local.?
please report expert have a look.
If you need to provide webbased access to the reports, you can have a look at the Enterprise Reporting Server. The project is up on GitHub at and you can download a prebuilt .war from

How to deploy ASP.NET MVC4 application with SQL Server CE to Azure website

I deployed a ASP.NET MVC4 app with SQL Server CE database, but I'm getting
Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request
I am using VS2012 to publish this app to azure website. How can I solve this issue? Thanks.
To summarize and so an answer can get marked on this to help the next person that comes by.
When running into issues on azure-web-sites FTP is a handy debugging tool which enables you to:
Verify that the dll exists in your bin directory
Sometimes the .gitignore file blocks directories from being checked in
Verify that your web.config file has the proper version of the assembly configured
NuGet can help, but it's ultimately up to you to verify your dependencies
Here is a good article to follow on the subject:
Unfortunately with VS 2013 Compact edition is not supported any more, so things are somewhat tricky.

Is it possible/plausible to mimic the MS Project Server 2007 Project Server Interface?

I have a web app that manages a significant amount of project data. I don't want to use MS Project Server. We already have a server side application that is specific to our needs. It would be nice if MS Project 2007 could read and write some of the project data. From my reading of the docs, MS Project 2007 communicates with Project Server via the Project Server Interface (PSI). The PSI is relitively well documented on msdn ... so, I was wondering if it would be possible for my web app to impliment the Project Server Interface so that it can talk natively to MS Project 2007?
Is this a good idea? Why/why not? Has anybody done it, or tried? Are there libraries that I could use? Is there any easier way to achieve the same effect using a planning tool other than MS Project? It can't be a little ultra light project tool - I'm talking projects with 6000 + scheduled tasks.
On the server side I am running PHP with the Zend Framework and Doctrine 2.
Ok, so emulating PSI is technically plausible, but a massive amount of work, and so not practical. Using the Java library MXPJ is a better option for transfering MS Project data in and out of an application.