best approach to render site-wide elements using Zend Framework - zend-framework

I'm using the 'modules' front controller resource for the project setup.
What's the best approach to render site-wide elements, like navigation?
Add the action which renders the element to the end of the action stack each request?
is it OK to render these elements through controller actions?
Create a plugin which renders the element?
Could I use module specific plugins?
are there other possible ways to do this?

I think the action stack should be avoided. See this article for why.
The plugin method could work or you can create ViewHelpers which you call from you layout script. I like the ViewHelpers method because it keeps everything very clear. You know that when you echo out $this->mainNaviation() that there is a ViewHelper called MainNavigation.


Joomla 'PageNavigation' Plugin

If this isn't possible please let me know!
I'm hoping there's a solution to what I'm asking.
I need to move the Next/Prev buttons, located in the pagenavigation plugin to after the <jdoc:include type="component" />; Basically render it anywhere in my templates' index.php?
Is there any way to do this?
This is the code that renders the pagination:
if (!empty($this->item->pagination) && $this->item->pagination && $this->item->paginationposition && !$this->item->paginationrelative):
echo $this->item->pagination;
<?php endif; ?>
As you can see the pagination is part of the item. As you can see if you look at the pagenavigation content plugin the pagination values are created in response to the onContentBeforeDisplay event. The plugin is hard coded to only work for articles in the single article view.
So to use it in a different component you would really need to create a second plugin for that component (or you could do any component or anything besides the single article view, that all would be easy to code using context).
To locate it in a different place in the single article view you would have to move the block of code to the desired location in the layout. Potentially you could also use css to locate the rendering of the block somewhere else on the page. (But more on this at the bottom.)
Unfortunately (but nor surprisingly given its name) onContentBeforeDisplay comes really late, in the view (unlike with pagination in the backend).
I always find it confusing because this frontend "pagination" property controlled by this plugin has nothing to do with backend pagination which is controlled by a JPagination object. I believe if is because of backward compatibility all the way to 1.0. ALso because the template chrome for pagination chrome are called pagination.php.
That leads me to the next thing I'll mention. You can make a file pagination.php and put it in the html folder of your template. You can see an example of this in the core template protostar. THat's where you would do the CSS or whatever other tricks you want to do to make the pagination do what you want. I think if you work hard enough at it (possibly using javascript or possibly calling that file from a module) you can pretty much achieve whatever you want.

symfony custom form type with assets

I've created a custom form type in symfony2. This formtype has it's own template and this is working fine.
The form type also needs some javascript on the clientside to work nicely.
I would like to add this javascript to the page using the same template I use to render the widget. It's a bit more of a hassle to do this manually.
I could add the javascript manually on each page, but it would be nice if that just happened automatically.
I can't add the javascript just before or after the element itself, as it has a dependency to jquery which is only loaded at the bottom of the body.
I tried using a block which is defined in the "main template" (it is named block_javascript) to add the custom javascripts to the footer of the page, but it seems the rendering of forms works a little different and the block is not available.
I'm using assetic to prepare and return assets.
Is there a way I can use blocks from the main template being rendered when rendering a form widget?
I don't think yet about all the consequences or if it's doable, but here an idea that can solve your problem: use the event dispatcher.
an event for assets addition
a service that hold a list of assets to use and subscribe to above event
a Twig extension that use above service to make assets accessible in the template
trigger the event in the buildView() function of your form type with right parameters
use the Twig extension in your layout template
It theorically should work.

Why Zend Controller test doesn't render layout, but corresponding viewscript only

Could you please suggest if it is expected behavior that when testing Zend Controller with PHPUnit $this->getResponse()->getBody() returns only content of corresponding action's viewscript, but no layout?
If so, is it possible to turn on rendering of complete html - layout + viewscript?
If I'm not mistaken, it is normal that you do not have the layout in your Controller;
Indeed, the layout is call in postDisatch() of Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout's plugin and postDisatch() of plugins are calling after postDisatch() of Controllers.
To another question, I wrote a solution that can recover the layout filled after calling an other the controller and before calling plugins.
Maybe it can help you. :)

Create / Edit / View the same form with Angular

I am creating a slightly elaborated form with Angular. This form can be submitted, then modified or simply displayed (with everything in read-only for example).
For now I have 3 templates with 3 controllers for each action (submit / edit / view) and the form is added as a partial (ng-include). The form has also its own controller. Is it the right way?
Also, should I make the form's controller the children of the templates' controllers or the opposite? I am using the same model for each action behind the form and I guess it should be injected through the template's controller.
It's my very first attempt to do this and I would like to have a few advice's and hints since I am afraid of going the wrong way. Thank you!
yo can use different template for each of them with single controller, different controller for each of them is not a good idea because there may be some common function in them then you need to write that function in each of them.
you can use common model for them,i am doing the same.
I see this is promising solutions to what you are looking for
can you try this

Zend Framework: Controller Plugins vs Action Helpers

Could someone give few tips and/or examples how Controller Plugins and Action Helpers are different? Are there situations where particular task could be accomplished with one but not another? For me they both look more or less the same and I'm often having trouble having to decide when to use what... Are there any big differences?
Controller plugins can hook into any controller at any point in the routing process (preDispatch postDispatch, routeStartup, routeShutdown) which makes them apt at providing behind the scenes functionality like ACL enforcement.
Action Helpers are for for reusable but optional segments that your controller might need to access (redirector, flashMessenger).
So if you are creating a reusable snippet of code that always needs to execute itself then use a controller plugin, otherwise you probably want an action helper.
You can think of it this way:
Action helpers are used to add methods to controllers.
Controller plugins are used to add routing / dispatch logic to controllers.
So ask yourself, do I have a method that I would like to be able to call from all actions in my controller? Or do I need to add logic to the routing / dispatch process.
You might also have a look at the the Built in Action Helpers.
A picture to illustrate the difference between plugins and action helpers:
ZF Sequence Flow
Action helpers also have access to the actual controlller object that's being executed. Controller Plugins only have access to the FrontController, and therefore only the controller and action name.
Which you use depends on what context you need. If you need to access a view object attached to a controller, for example, you will want an Action Helper.
Also notice that, in the front controller life-cycle process, the plugins get the control(or invoked) first than the action helpers.