Neural Network Input Bias in MATLAB - matlab

In Matlab (Neural Network Toolbox + Image Processing Toolbox), I have written a script to extract features from images and construct a "feature vector". My problem is that some features have more data than others. I don't want these features to have more significance than others with less data.
For example, I might have a feature vector made up of 9 elements:
hProjection = [12,45,19,10];
vProjection = [3,16,90,19];
area = 346;
featureVector = [hProjection, vProjection, area];
If I construct a Neural Network with featureVector as my input, the area only makes up 10% of the input data and is less significant.
I'm using a feed-forward back-propogation network with a tansig transfer function (pattern-recognition network).
How do I deal with this?

When you present your input data to the network, each column of your feature vector is fed to the input layer as an attribute by itself.
The only bias you have to worry about is the scale of each (ie: we usually normalize the features to the [0,1] range).
Also if you believe that the features are dependent/correlated, you might want to perform some kind of attribute selection technique. And in your case it depends one the meaning of the hProj/vProj features...
It just occurred to me that as an alternative to feature selection, you can use a dimensionality reduction technique (PCA/SVD, Factor Analysis, ICA, ...). For example, factor analysis can be used to extract a set of latent hidden variables upon which those hProj/vProj depends on. So instead of these 8 features, you can get 2 features such that the original 8 are a linear combination of the new two features (plus some error term). Refer to this page for a complete example


Deep Learning on Encrypted Images

Suppose we have a set of images and labels meant for a machine-learning classification task. The problem is that these images come with a relatively short retention policy. While one could train a model online (i.e. update it with new image data every day), I'm ideally interested in a solution that can somehow retain images for training and testing.
To this end, I'm interested if there are any known techniques, for example some kind of one-way hashing on images, which obfuscates the image, but still allows for deep learning techniques on it.
I'm not an expert on this but the way I'm thinking about it is as follows: we have a NxN image I (say 1024x1024) with pixel values in P:={0,1,...,255}^3, and a one-way hash map f(I):P^(NxN) -> S. Then, when we train a convolutional neural network on I, we first map the convolutional filters via f, to then train on a high-dimensional space S. I think there's no need for f to locally-sensitive, in that pixels near each other don't need to map to values in S near each other, as long as we know how to map the convolutional filters to S. Please note that it's imperative that f is not invertible, and that the resulting stored image in S is unrecognizable.
One option for f,S is to use a convolutional neural network on I to then extract the representation of I from it's fully connected layer. This is not ideal because there's a high chance that this network won't retain the finer features needed for the classification task. So I think this rules out a CNN or auto encoder for f.

Neural Networks and correlation between input and output

I am trying to fit some input to predict an output in Matlab using fitnet neural networks, but I am concerned in finding which input candidate vector would correlate the most with the output as a preprocessing step prior to my neural network training.
In the figure below the output in yellow has five input candidates where I need to chose only from. What command should I use in Matlab and how should I prepare that data (repeated around 1000 time) so I can get a clear correlation between the input candidate and the output.
To find out correlation between given feature and target variable you can use R = corrcoef(A,B), but... do not do it!.
This process makes no sense and will be probably harmfull for the whole process. You are going to remove part of information from your data so only features which have idependent, linear realtion to target variable persist. Then, you will apply highly-non linear model which exploits co-occurences and features correlations. These two steps are completely incompatible. The only valid relation is - if your data is very simple and it can be pretty much modeled with linear model, then neural net will work as well. But then there is no point in using a neural net in the first place, just apply linear regression. Consequently: do not perform feature selection unless you have to. Try to build a good model without doing that, and if you have to remove some features (maybe getting them is expensive process?) use post-hoc model analysis to remove features which are not used by this model. Do not split your problem to multiple, independent processes if you do not have to (unless you can show that this decomposition does not harm the process, but in case of feature selection + regressor this is not true, as you cannot construct a valid feature selection supervision without trained regressor).

Matlab Neural Network to classify fingerprint

I have already extracted the features of a fingerprint database then a Neural Network should be applied to classify the images by gender. I haven't worked with NN yet and I know a bit.
What type of NN should be used? Is it Artificial Neural Network or Multi-layer perceptron?
If the image size is not the same among all, does it matter?
Maybe some code sample in this area could help.
A neural network is a function approximator. You can think of it as a high-tech cousin to piecewise linear fitting. If you want to fit the most complex phenomena ever with a single parameter - you are going to get the mean and should not be surprised if it isn't infinitely useful. To get a useful fit, you must couple the nature of the phenomena being modeled with the NN. If you are modeling a planar surface, then you are going to need more than one coefficient (typically 3 or 4 depending on your formulation).
One of the questions behind this question is "what is the basis of fingerprints". By basis I mean the heavily baggaged word from Linear Algebra and calculus that talks about vector spaces, span, and eigens. Once you know what the "basis" is then you can build a neural network to approximate the basis, and this neural network will give reasonable results.
So while I was looking for a paper on the basis, I found this:
And here you go, a good document of the basis of fingerprints:
Taking a very crude stab, you might try growing some variation on an narxnet (nonlinear autogregressive network with external inputs) link. I would grow it until it characterizes your set using some sort of doubling the capacity. I would look at convergence rates as a function of "size" so that the smaller networks inform how long convergence takes for the larger ones. That means it might take a very large network to make this work, but large networks are like the 787 - they cost a lot, take forever to build, and sometimes do not fly well.
If I were being clever, I would pay attention to the article by Kucken and formulate the inputs as some sort of a inverse modeling of a stress field.
Best of luck.
You can try a SOM/LVQ network for classification in MATLAB, and image sizes does matter you should try to normalize the images down to a standard size before doing the feature extraction. This will ensure that each feature vector gets assigned to an input neuron.
function scan(img)
files = dir('*.jpg');
hist = [];
for n = 1 : length(files)
filename = files(n).name;
file = imread(filename);
hist = [hist, imhist(rgb2gray(imresize(file,[ 50 50])))]; %#ok
som = selforgmap([10 10]);
som = train(som, hist);
t = som(hist); %extract class data
net = lvqnet(10);
net = train(net, hist, t);
like(img, hist, files, net)
Doesn't have code examples but this paper may be helpful: An Effective Fingerprint Verification Technique, Gogoi & Bhattacharyya
This paper presents an effective method for fingerprint verification based on a data mining technique called minutiae clustering and a graph-theoretic approach to analyze the process of fingerprint comparison to give a feature space representation of minutiae and to produce a lower bound on the number of detectably distinct fingerprints. The method also proving the invariance of each individual fingerprint by using both the topological behavior of the minutiae graph and also using a distance measure called Hausdorff distance.The method provides a graph based index generation mechanism of fingerprint biometric data. The self-organizing map neural network is also used for classifying the fingerprints.

How to use created "net" neural network object for prediction?

I used ntstool to create NAR (nonlinear Autoregressive) net object, by training on a 1x1247 input vector. (daily stock price for 6 years)
I have finished all the steps and saved the resulting net object to workspace.
Now I am clueless on how to use this object to predict the y(t) for example t = 2000, (I trained the model for t = 1:1247)
In some other threads, people recommended to use sim(net, t) function - however this will give me the same result for any value of t. (same with net(t) function)
I am not familiar with the specific neural net commands, but I think you are approaching this problem in the wrong way. Typically you want to model the evolution in time. You do this by specifying a certain window, say 3 months.
What you are training now is a single input vector, which has no information about evolution in time. The reason you always get the same prediction is because you only used a single point for training (even though it is 1247 dimensional, it is still 1 point).
You probably want to make input vectors of this nature (for simplicity, assume you are working with months):
[month1 month2; month2 month 3; month3 month4]
This example contains 2 training points with the evolution of 3 months. Note that they overlap.
Use the Network
After the network is trained and validated, the network object can be used to calculate the network response to any input. For example, if you want to find the network response to the fifth input vector in the building data set, you can use the following
a = net(houseInputs(:,5))
a =
If you try this command, your output might be different, depending on the state of your random number generator when the network was initialized. Below, the network object is called to calculate the outputs for a concurrent set of all the input vectors in the housing data set. This is the batch mode form of simulation, in which all the input vectors are placed in one matrix. This is much more efficient than presenting the vectors one at a time.
a = net(houseInputs);
Each time a neural network is trained, can result in a different solution due to different initial weight and bias values and different divisions of data into training, validation, and test sets. As a result, different neural networks trained on the same problem can give different outputs for the same input. To ensure that a neural network of good accuracy has been found, retrain several times.
There are several other techniques for improving upon initial solutions if higher accuracy is desired. For more information, see Improve Neural Network Generalization and Avoid Overfitting.
strong text

Time series classification MATLAB

My task is to classify time-series data with use of MATLAB and any neural-network framework.
Describing task more specifically:
Is is a problem from computer-vision field. Is is a scene boundary detection task.
Source data are 4 arrays of neighbouring frame histogram correlations from the videoflow.
Based on this data, we have to classify this timeseries with 2 classes:
"scene break"
"no scene break"
So network input is 4 double values for each source data entry, and output is one binary value. I am going to show example of src data below:
Problem is that pattern-recogition tools from Matlab Neural Toolbox (like patternnet) threat source data like independant entrues. But I have strong belief that results will be precise only if net take decision based on the history of previous correlations.
But I also did not manage to get valid response from reccurent nets which serve time series analysis (like delaynet and narxnet).
narxnet and delaynet return lousy result and it looks like these types of networks not supposed to solve classification tasks. I am not insert any code here while it is allmost totally autogenerated with use of Matlab Neural Toolbox GUI.
I would apprecite any help. Especially, some advice which tool fits better for accomplishing my task.
I am not sure how difficult to classify this problem.
Given your sample, 4 input and 1 output feed-forward neural network is sufficient.
If you insist on using historical inputs, you simply pre-process your input d, such that
Your new input D(t) (a vector at time t) is composed of d(t) is a 1x4 vector at time t; d(t-1) is 1x4 vector at time t-1;... and d(t-k) is a 1x4 vector at time t-k.
If t-k <0, just treat it as '0'.
So you have a 1x(4(k+1)) vector as input, and 1 output.
Similar as Dan mentioned, you need to find a good k.
Speaking of the weights, I think additional pre-processing like windowing method on the input is not necessary, since neural network would be trained to assign weights to each input dimension.
It sounds a bit messy, since the neural network would consider each input dimension independently. That means you lose the information as four neighboring correlations.
One possible solution is the pre-processing extracts the neighborhood features, e.g. using mean and std as two features representative for the originals.