How could I save Image from url into app? - iphone

I am developing iPhone application, and I want to store image which is loaded from url into application document folder, but i don't know how to do this.
any suggestion?

Have a look at Apple's URLCache sample.


How can I retrieve and copy all photos/videos from Photos app to my app programmatically?

How can I retrieve and copy all photos/videos from Photos app to my application programmatically?
You need to make use of ALAssetsLibrary for iOS 4.0–9.0, or the Photos framework for iOS 8.0 and newer.
I don't think it's possible - Apple doesn't allow access to the photo library. (although i'm sure there is a way through jailbreak/private methods, but it won't be sanctioned by Apple).
You can, however, save photos with UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum and pick photos manually from the photo library with UIImagePickerController.
EDIT: Actually, it looks like you can get photos using the Assets Library. Check out this tutorial.

Saving images from web

I am new to IOS development. I am developing an app in which i am viewing some images in my app that are stored on a server. The thing is that, i want an image from the server to store in my photo gallery. anyone know the procedure?
Thanks for every help;
You will have implement web services to access images from server, so that it can be downloaded to your iPhone App.
Look up the documentation for the UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum function. It will save a UIImage to the camera roll.

Best option for online photo gallery used by iPhone app

I am going to make an iPhone and Android application.
The application requires a couple of photos uploaded.
Could you please suggest me that are there any services in which I can upload photographs and can get their URL and photographs from webservice or xml in iPhone?
I don't know what you're trying to do, but I think flickr, facebook, etc. have this kind of functionality.

iphone how to use Three20 save photo?

I use Three20 library to create application like photo album browser.
My Questions is how to use Three20 to save images? or by using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum to save images?
I hope you provide me with some code.
And sorry for my poor English.
Hey, please see the following link:
How do you use TTURLCache to save images to disk?
Good luck.

how to upload using facebook iphone api to post image and text from iphone

Hope you all doing well, i have a one problem i want upload a small image with some text in front of that image from iphone, but not succeeded yet. I gone through some blogs and post but not find any thing like that . Please suggest me some piece of sample code how to do that..
Thanks in Advance
Have a look at FacebookConnect for iPhone. There's a library and demo code.