Use of HTML 5 doctype creates a gap at top of page on iphone safari browser - iphone

Update: Please disregard, my problem was caused by an advertisement bar being inserted by the vendor who provides my workplace wireless service.
I was building a mobile friendly website and wanted to use HTML 5. However when I specify the doctype as <!DOCTYPE HTML> , I get a gap at the top of the page on safari on the iphone.
I notice that other sites have the same problem such as and
I guess safari does not fully support HTML 5 yet. Anybody know of a workaround?

HTML 5 is still in a very unstable state. Don't use it in a production environment.
Edit Just so you guys know what it's about, HTML 5 is currently an Editor's Draft, and the document clearly states (in the Status of This Document section) that this specification is not stable, and that a consensus may not have been reached on any of the proposed sections. I think it should be clear enough that it means it's a bit early to start using it.

All browsers correctly interpret the HTML doctype. Putting it in sets your browser into Standards Compliant mode, that is the only difference with or without the doctype.
You can use a CSS reset tool like to get rid of default margins and padding on all elements.


Is it safe to remove the <DOCTYPE ...> in post-IE area? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
HTML: What is the functionality of !DOCTYPE
I recently asked a question here and the solution was a simple:
You need to add a doctype to the page. This should fix the issue for you.
Now, my pages work fine in every browser without the doctype (except IE). Does IE need a doctype (is this an IE only thing) and do other browsers just assume it OR or is it doing something I'm not seeing.
What are its functions and how does it work?
All browsers need the doctype. Without the DOCTYPE you are forcing the browsers to render in Quirks Mode.
However, DOCTYPE was only partially used by the browsers in determining dialect and parsing, even though that was the purpose. This is why HTML5 has reduced the DOCTYPE to simply:
<!DOCTYPE html>
2.2. The DOCTYPE
The HTML syntax of HTML5 requires a DOCTYPE to be specified to ensure that the browser renders the page in standards mode. The DOCTYPE has no other purpose and is therefore optional for XML. Documents with an XML media type are always handled in standards mode. [DOCTYPE]
The DOCTYPE declaration is <!DOCTYPE html> and is case-insensitive in the HTML syntax. DOCTYPEs from earlier versions of HTML were longer because the HTML language was SGML-based and therefore required a reference to a DTD. With HTML5 this is no longer the case and the DOCTYPE is only needed to enable standards mode for documents written using the HTML syntax. Browsers already do this for <!DOCTYPE html>.
Source: HTML5 differences from HTML4: DOCTYPE
The Doctype does two things.
It identifies which dialect of HTML you're using.
It controls whether the browsers uses "standards" or "quirks" mode to render the document.
If there is no doctype, or there's an unrecognized one, then it uses "quirks" mode and interprets the document as best it can. If there IS a doctype, and it recognizes it, then it follows the standards. The results of the rendering can vary depending on how it interprets the document.
Why specify a doctype? Because it
defines which version of (X)HTML your
document is actually using, and this
is a critical piece of information
needed by some tools processing the
For example, specifying the doctype of
your document allows you to use tools
such as the Markup Validator to check
the syntax of your (X)HTML. Such tools
won't be able to work if they do not
know what kind of document you are
But the most important thing is that
with most families of browsers, a
doctype declaration will make a lot of
guessing unnecessary, and will thus
trigger a "standard" rendering mode.
You should have a DOCTYPE for ANY browser. It tells the browser how to interpret the html and css. This is why html4 and html5 have different definitions (as does xhtml). All very important for validation.
What IE will do is put the document into what it calls 'quirks mode' which basically ignores a whole heap of rules for how CSS should (by modern definitions) behave. Here is a good summary of the issue. It harks back to the bad old days of non-standardised CSS support
Browsers need at the least to render in what is known as standards mode. See John Resig's article on the html 5 doctype: Now if you want your browser to not use standards and render like its 1990 go ahead and not add anything and you will see floats and other now standard items not work correctly. If you want to have your page render/validate in accordance to a particular standard then you would want to add more to the doc type but it is not necessary.
From W3Schools, a doctype is "an instruction to the web browser about what version of the markup language the page is written in." (
If you do not include the doctype, the browser may assume you are using a different language than you really are, causing it to be rendered incorrectly.
The doctype declaration is not an HTML
tag; it is an instruction to the web
browser about what version of the
markup language the page is written
There are a handful of different doctypes, and changing them can drastically change how your page renders.
The doctype declaration should be the
very first thing in an HTML document,
before the tag.
The doctype declaration is not an HTML
tag; it is an instruction to the web
browser about what version of the
markup language the page is written
The doctype declaration refers to a
Document Type Definition (DTD). The
DTD specifies the rules for the markup
language, so that the browsers render
the content correctly.

Web page rendering incorrectly on mobile Safari and mobile Chrome

I wanted to see if anyone else had ever had an issue with Mobile Safari or Chrome causing web pages to suddenly spit out a ton of garbage.
The issue occurs when I visit the site & refresh multiple times. Suddenly, none of the content renders correctly, but instead looks more like the type of glyphs you'd see in Microsoft Word.
Has anyone ever seen this before and, if so, how did you resolve the problem?
I have seen it on iPhone and Android. On iPhone I suspect its due to the interruption during the page load (getting kCFURLErrorCancelled on the didFailLoadWithError method). Though I am still looking to confirm this issue and still looking for a solution ...
You should check the character set of the HTML page. Bases on your language or the special characters used in the page, you should use the apt charset. You can learn more about charsets here
It is really difficult to tell anything from what you have posted. You should check the meta tags of your page. I would suggest you validate the html source and css of the page here .

Accurate browser detection/redirect possible using JavaScript?

Please forgive me if this answer is somewhere else on this site or online. If it is, I sure haven't found it in the past several days of searching.
What I am hoping to find is an "accurate" method of detecting a browser and redirecting to a simple, static page if not a recent browser.
The samples I have found until now often have not provided an accurate representation of the actual browser being used. For instance:
When testing with Navigator 9, I'll get a message that I'm using Firefox 2
When testing with Maxthon 3, it reports I'm using IE 9.
My site displays correctly in all the current browsers I've been testing it with. But I wish I could have a basic static page for those .01% who still are using an old browser for whatever reason. They could still get some basic information from my site, as well as encouraged to update to a more current browser.
If anyone has any useful suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate them.
Thanks so much.
Browser detection is never perfect, for a variery of reasons. If you are using jQuery, you should look into jQuery.browser.
I'd try to detect the browser on the server side and do an HTTP redirect if the browser is something non-standard. Most decent frameworks have functionality to detect the browser from the user agent string. Again, this is not perfect, mainly because of the data browsers report. Also, if Maxthon reports it's IE, that's because it is based on IE and therefore the layout engine should be the same.
So you either
support a small number of browsers and cater for their quirks, sending all other browsers to a basic page (this sucks for future versions of browsers because they might be standards-compliant but they will still display your very basic page), or
you have a standards-compliant page for all browsers and then you define alternatives for the ones that give you problems.
I'd go for the second option. It usually all boils down to one version for all browsers, and a number of hacks for various versions of IE. Also, remember to avoid padding in your CSS and use margins instead.
In the end, you probably shouldn't be testing for browsers and version numbers, but supported features. Try using Modernizr.
The $.browser property is deprecated in jQuery 1.3. On jQuery support site, they strongly recommend to use the detection feature ( instead of the jQuery.browser property.
Actually, this has been answered already in another question, please check here How can you detect the version of a browser?

Jquery mobile page not loading correctly on Netherlands 3G connections

I have a jquery-mobile application that is running inside a UIWebView in an iphone application. The webview shows the jquery-mobile page correctly, BUT only when the page is not loaded with a 3G connection. I know this sounds very weird and it is a very weird problem indeed, because if the page is loaded with a WIFI connection, it is display perfectly... here is a screenshot...
If instead my client uses a 3G connection to load the jquery mobile page, it seems that for some reason the javascripts and CSS that are needed to display the jquery mobile page are not loaded. Here is a second screenshot showing what the page looks like when it is loaded with 3G...
(Note: I know that this screenshot is not exactly the same page as the first one, but when it loads correctly it has the same styling as the first screenshot)
As you can see from the title of the page, the 3G connection that is giving this problem is in the Netherlands and my client has tried two different 3G providers in the Netherlands and encounters the same problem with both providers. If I test the application where I live, namely in South Africa, the page loads correctly with my 3G connection.
So, my question is, does anyone have any idea what could be causing the jquery mobile javascripts and CSS to fail to load on 3G connections in the Netherlands?
I have determined what was going wrong on the 3G connection in Holland. This problem arises because several mobile operators do content modification before delivering it to the phone and this modification breaks jQuery. From my experience and from what I have read on the internet, it seems that the following providers do content modification: O2 in UK, Vodafone in the Netherlands and T-Mobile in the Netherlands.
To see reports of other people who have been encountering issues with these 3G connections breaking javascripts look at the following links:
The last link listed above also gives the work around to this problem; the javascript file that is being being modified and broken by the 3G connection must be moved to an external server. So, for example, if jQuery is being broken by the 3G connection (as was the case for me), then don't serve the jquery file yourself, instead make use of a CDN like google:
Hope this information saves someone else the hours of frustration that this issue has cost me!
For anyone experiencing this problem on O2 (certainly here in the UK anyway) the reason is because O2 have an "optimisation platform" which takes external CSS and Javascript files and sets them inline on the document which can cause conflicts. (source)
This URL was certainly one of the better links I stumbled upon to regarding this particular problem:
One of the more reliable work arounds is to modify your website's headers to return the Cache-Control: no-transform header as O2 have indicated that if this response is provided then they will not modify the headers.
You can add the following to your .htaccess file:
<files ~ "\.(html|php|js)$">
Header add Cache-Control "no-transform"
I solve this by changing url in ajax, from ../folder/subfolder/test.php to http://mydomain/folder/subfolder/test.php

How to put the Amazon Kindle Web Browser into Article Mode

How do you put the Amazon Kindle web browser into Article Mode via HTML or Javascript?
Editor's note: Some pages are not automatically detected as "articles" by the Kindle 3 browser, and give an error message when trying to go into Article mode. What does the Article mode use to determine what portion of the page to display?
Is this related at all to Readability?
Actual JavaScript code for Readability, which is heuristic based:
// Study all the paragraphs and find the chunk that has the most <p>'s and keep it:
This also appears to be related to Safari 5's Reader mode. Here is what is required for Safari Reader:
This definitely needs more investigating, but so far, these appear to be the most important factors for Safari’s Reader functionality to kick in:
Use the right markup, i.e. make sure the most important content is wrapped inside a container element. Whether you use <article>, <div> or even <span> doesn’t seem to matter — as long as it’s not <p>.
The content needs to be long enough. Use enough words, use enough paragraphs, use enough punctuation. Every paragraph should have at least 100 characters.
Reader doesn’t work for local documents. - The "f" key feature outlined above or some other feature? Not quite sure what article mode means.
It means that the browser will try to identify if the page you are looking at has a main body of text (is an article), parse it out and then display only that text without clutter and for easy scrolling.
I don't think you can force it via the web page's code
As far as I know, once the website has loaded (and if you are on an specific topic) you can turn on the "Article Mode" from the menu.
I've seen similar JS tools for Chrome too, so I assume it's part of webkit.