Prerequisites to develop iphone native application [duplicate] - iphone

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Starting iPhone app development in Linux? [closed]
(17 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
My company is planning to develop iphone-native-applications.
I'm good with Linux.
The questions are:
Do we need a MAC machine to develop iphone-app?
Can a normal development-framework like NETBEANS / ECLIPSE suffice?
What are the other pre-requisites that i might need?
Any help is very much appreciated.
Plz, pardon with me being totally naive with this IPHONE :-)

Yes, you need a Mac, and you need to use Xcode. (It is remotely possible and difficult to do other things, but that's really the way to go.)
It's "Mac" and "iPhone", please get that right while you still can. :)
Being good with Linux is good, as Mac OS X is one of the *nices. You'll feel mostly at home in the command line.
You may want to try a little Objective-C/Cocoa programming on the Mac first before moving to iPhone, or at least read about the syntax before you start doing real development with it.

You need a mac which is intel based. Install Xcode from CD which comes as OS CD with the machine.
There is no windows based compiler or IDE released by Apple.
OS version in this mac should be 10.5 and above. i-phone SDK can be freely downloaded.
i-phone development licence is available as individual by paying $99 for one year.
Company can get for $299. $99 based licence when you build the app, has to be released to store of apple for anyone to use. That is possible only when apple approves it..
All tools related info is at


Do i have possibility to develop iphone application in WindowsOS(Win7)? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
I am new to iphone applications.
My doubt is, can i develop i phone applications in windows platform by installing iphone SDK, emulators etc..
Straight and simple Answer = No You can-not !
Apple, wants confine its iphone ecosystem only to Mac OS. Its just that Windows is so prominent in the market so, they have to give away itunes for windows (For Consumers only)
But, they have such a good SDK and such a strong hold on iphone market that gives them enough confidence to keep the SDK and the emulator to Mac.
One possible work around :
You can use Hackintosh ('Hacked Mac OS, to run on normal PC instead of a powerPC')
For more info, I found a related answer : Related Question

Is there a way to develop an iPhone game on a PC? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
Basically, that's my doubt.
I want to develop an iPhone game on my free time, but I dont want to buy a Mac, so, is there a way to use my pc to develop the game?.
Thx in advance.
Apple does not allow development on PCs.
You might be able to develop a game using your PC using something like Unity but you will require a Mac to be able to deploy your application to an iPhone.
Yes, you can use a PC to develop iPhone applications.
If you want to develop applications on Windows, you can setup the toolchain and use it. However, you will not be able to submit your applications to the App Store.
You can also install OS X onto your PC, and run XCode/iOS SDK in that way. Since you have what is effectively a Mac, you can buy a iPhone Developer Program membership and submit official applications to Apple's App Store.
Your you can install Mac OS X in your PC, only for development, though I don't advise it you. Then, you can install xcode and create an account in iPhone Developer Center and to begin your bad experience with this.
But you'll have big problems of stability with Mac Os X in you pc.
The way more logic, buy an Apple, I recommend it to you.
Apparently there is an SDK for Windows that allows you to code in C/C++ and turn it into an iphone game, but you are limited to 2D games and you have to use their API. Here's the link.
Rent a Mac remotely from You can use your Windows remote access program to log on to their Mac server and you can start developing app on an actual Mac.

Programming on the iPhone on windows/linux? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
iPhone development on Windows
I really, really want to program this application I have onto my iPhone/iPod Touch but I don't have a Mac. I have heard of DragonFireSDK but don't have enough money for the program(does anyone have a beta/trial version of the program?). Please Help. I have ubuntu linux & windows 7 installed.
You can always make a "Hackingtosh" - run Mac OSX on Normal PC hardware. Not sure if this is against Apple's EULA or any other license agreement. Just google for it and you will find a lot of guides.
Monotouch actually costs money, as far as i remember - so you probably do not want to use that.

Iphone apps development [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm very keen to learn Iphone apps development. Can you experts give me some tips as to which programing tool I should learn? tools I should install [of course , I prefer free tools]?, operating system I need? [I only have windows xp and unix flavours on my Personal laptop]. Do I need to have Iphone to test my apps? [poor guy, I don't own a Iphone].
Thanks to all who responded , every message seems very informative and useful (+1 to all), I will go through each and every suggestion
You need to learn Objective C, you'll need XCode, and you will use Mac OS X (on a Macintosh) and you'll need the iPhone SDK.
You can test with the iPhone simulator.
This will get you started using the tools, etc.
Stanford has put out an online course on iPhone development. It is free from iTunes, and will take you through basic Objective-C and iPhone concepts. Link:
tools I should install [of course , I prefer free tools]?,
Xcode is free (as in beer). But to actually deploy apps on the device you need to pay $99/yr to Apple to enroll in the iPhone dev program.
operating system I need? [I only have windows xp and unix flavours on my Personal laptop].
You need Mac OS X 10.6.
Do I need to have Iphone to test my apps? [poor guy, I don't own a Iphone].
Buy an iPod Touch then. The iPhone Simulator accompanying with the iPhone SDK may work, but won't reflect the true performance on the device.
There are also alternatives such as MonoTouch which works outside of Mac OS X, but is recently banned.
You can also jailbreak the device to avoid the need to enroll in the iPhone dev program just to test on the device. But to submit to AppStore you still need that $99.
Unfortunately, you'll have a tough time with this given your current toolchain. You definitely need a Mac (or a Hackintosh, which is still not cheap), and you really ought to have an iPhone to do development. (There is a simulator, and you can run your apps on it, but it isn't nearly as capable as a phone and doesn't give you the ability to test for things like slow network/no network connection for performance. The multi-touch is also not as capable as the real thing; if I remember correctly the phone can handle 5 touch-points while the sim can handle 2.)
This is one downside to development on the iPhone; the startup cost is somewhat prohibitive compared to Android. However, you have a massive market with the iPhone and it's about the greatest user experience in the smartphone market right now. You can read more about it from Apple, searching Google, and there are loads of books like this.
If u dont have an MAC u could use a Virtual PC with MAC OS X on it.
and i would pref you to give this little Virtual PC around 2-4 Gig of Ram for stable and fast working.
im using VMWare and it works well :)
Xcode, Apple's coding environment, as well as the whole suite of development tools, are free from their website with a simple sign-up. These are only for OS X though. Here they are.
It may be hard to develop without Mac or at least Mac OS X. (I'm not sure you can install that on a PC... Perhaps I'm wrong though)
I'm also a "beginner". I would like to recommend this book:
Kochan - Programming in Objective-C 2.0 2e
Its a good book with clear examples, and for me very fast to understand. After that this video tutorial:
iPhone SDK Essential Training from
And of course you need a mac, and a devellopment licence if you want to test on your device.
Technically speaking you don't need to program in Objective-C. The new NDA for section 3.3.1 for the SDK might force you though. Otherwise you can use tools like Unity3D and Corona. If you are developing games that is. With Unity3D you could actually start development on a PC, and get a Mac and iPhone later and target the app for iPhone.
Things like Unity3D and Corona gives you their own IDE's and tools package. They are considerably easier to use for creating games than Apple's SDK. And allow you to use simple scripting languages. However for regular App development I think nothing beats xCode and Objective-C.
There's a lot of books out there for iPhone development, but you don't even need to buy one to get started. The Apple Developer sites iPhone Dev Center contains both reference material, and Getting Started guides, including coverage of Objective-C and some Mac development fundamentals like Cocoa and Foundation, which will come in handy on the iPhone OS too.
If you already know Objective-C, the Head First iPhone Development book is a great read that gets you writing concrete apps quickly, although it's not suitable for someone new to programming in general. For a more thorough and comprehensive start, you might want to check out Apress' books, including 'Beginning iPhone 3 Development' and 'Lean Objective-C on the Mac'.
To learn iPhone app Development you must have strong command over Objective –C and C/C++. Cocoa Touch is the programming framework driving user interaction on iOS. Also Xcode and the iOS SDK are available together as a free download on the Mac App Store. With the help of which you can start to learn iPhone app development. If you will face any problem or get strut anywhere you can search tutorials available on the web. You problem will definitely get solved.
For sure you need to have a Mac, and I think you really ought to have an iPhone to do the development. Of course you can find a simulator, but it won’t reflect the true performance on the device.
What about tools you need to install an Xcode which is free (to download it you can from Apple’s website). But, to actually deploy the app as far as I know you will have to pay $99/yr to Apple to enroll in its developers’ program.
If you're still exciting about creating your iOS apps, offers nice courses where you can learn Swift and Objective C

Development of iPhone application in linux [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Starting iPhone app development in Linux?
I have to develop an iPhone application that is able to transfer real time data from a server to an iPhone.
Some real time data examples are:
cricket scores,
We have been told to develop our project in Linux using Objective C. As I'm completely new to this field, could anyone give me any ideas about how to start the project?
Is it recommended to use Linux?
You'll have to use Mac OSX if you want a sane pipeline. You're also going to need to pick up a book on iPhone development. You can run OSX in VMWare if you want by following the tutorial here.
Start by going back to the project manager and tell them that you need a proper Mac to develop for iPhone.
Any hacks you apply to make this work under Linux will just cost you more money than a Mac mini costs now. Unless you are a slave and work for free?
Also using Linux hacks for commercial iPhone development is a violation of the iPhone Developer Program contract you signed to publish applications on App Store. So your legal department should be signaling the red flag if project manager suggests Linux for iPhone development.
Don't even think of using Linux. You'll waste so much time hacking together a development environment and you still won't be able to get some of the required XCode tools such as code signing. It'll be easier & cheaper to just get even a Mac mini.
No, don't use Linux to develop iPhone apps. While there are Objective-C compilers available, you won't have access to all the Cocoa libraries, which are the bread and butter of iPhone development. You'll need a Mac.
Adding to the other comments here discouraging the use of Linux for developing iPhone applications, unless you are targeting jail-broken iPhones, you must have Xcode for signing and provisioning iPhone applications. Also, you'll have no method for running your code inside of a simulator. The easiest/cheapest solution is to buy a cheap Mac (a Mac Mini can be had for under $600 using your current peripherals).