Is there a standard dialog for constructing an ADO.Net connection string (that is redistributable)? -

I want to use a standard dialog to solicit user input of an connection string. It is trivial to do for the oledb connection string as described here:
MSDN Article on MSDASC.DataLinks().Prompt
I've also found examples that use Microsoft.Data.ConnectionUI.dll and MicrosoftData.ConnectionUI.Dialog.dll from VS (HOWTO: Using the Choose Data Source dialog of Visual Studio 2005 from your own code).
Unfortunately these DLLs are not licensed for redistribution.
Is there a standard dialog for choosing a data source that can be distributed with my application?

#rathkopf, it looks like these DLLs have been authorized for redistribution since Feb 2010:

The source code for these DLLs is now available:
Also you can do this programmatically using the DataLink Properties:
Add the reference to ADODB.DLL (from .NET reference) and Microsoft OLE DB Service Component 1.0 Type Library from the COM tab in your visual studio reference tab.
using ADODB;
using Microsoft.Win32;
public partial class ConnectionStringStep : Form
private const string MSSQL_PROVIDER = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1";
private const string ORACLE_PROVIDER = "Provider=MSDAORA.1";
private const string MSSQL = "MSSQL";
public ConnectionStringStep()
private static string DataBaseType()
//get the data from some previous screen or some kind of storage
return MyStorage.GetProperty("DATABASE_TYPE") ?? "MSSQL";
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var dataBaseType = DataBaseType();
var adodbConnection = new Connection
ConnectionString = dataBaseType == MSSQL ? MSSQL_PROVIDER : ORACLE_PROVIDER
object connection = (object) adodbConnection;
var dialog = new MSDASC.DataLinks();
dialog.PromptEdit(ref connection);
connectionTextBox.Text = adodbConnection.ConnectionString;
DataLink Properties Reference

There is now a NuGet package by Microsoft providing this dialog:
Sample usage:
var dialog = new DataConnectionDialog();
dialog.ConnectionString = connectionString;
if (DataConnectionDialog.Show(dialog) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
connectionString = dialog.ConnectionString;

It's related, but I'm now sure how you can embed this behavior inside your application.
Every time I need one, I create an empty text file, changed its file extension to ".udl" and double-click it; when I'm done, I close that application, rename that file back to ".txt" and open with Notepad.

It appears that such a beast does not exist. I've written my own dialog and can include it in projects as needed.
The source code for these DLLs are now available as per #code4life's answer.


How to use AddDigitalSignatureOriginPart (DocumentFormat.OpenXml library) to secure an Excel file?

Need to create a digital signed excel file and then validate the signature when uploaded in C#.
On its own, the SpreadsheetDocument.AddDigitalSignatureOriginPart() method does not secure an Excel file. The same is true for the corresponding methods of the WordprocessingDocument and PresentationDocument classes. Those methods only add an empty DigitalSignatureOriginPart that serves as the origin of one or more XmlSignaturePart instances, each of which contains a ds:Signature element based on the W3C Recommendation XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 1.1 (XMLDSIG).
To secure an Excel file, or any file based on the Open Packaging Conventions (OPC), the most straightforward approach is to use the PackageDigitalSignatureManager class, which is contained in the System.IO.Packaging namespace as provided by the WindowsBase.dll assembly. Thus, if you are targeting the full .NET Framework (e.g., net471), you can use it. However, if you are targeting .Net Core, you need to implement that functionality yourself.
The following code example shows how you can use the PackageDigitalSignatureManager class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO.Packaging;
using System.Linq;
namespace CodeSnippets.Windows.IO.Packaging
public static class DigitalSignatureManager
public static void Sign(Package package)
var dsm = new PackageDigitalSignatureManager(package)
CertificateOption = CertificateEmbeddingOption.InSignaturePart
List<Uri> parts = package.GetParts()
.Select(part => part.Uri)
// Include the DigitalSignatureOriginPart and corresponding
// relationship part, since those will only be added when
// signing.
public static VerifyResult VerifySignature(Package package)
var dsm = new PackageDigitalSignatureManager(package);
return dsm.VerifySignatures(true);
In case you need to implement that functionality yourself, it helps to make yourself familiar with a number of sources:
The Digital Signing Framework of the Open Packaging Conventions
How to: Sign XML Documents with Digital Signatures
System.Security.Cryptography.Xml Namespace
Based on those sources, I created a partial sample implementation that works with .Net Core. The following snippet shows the void Sign(OpenXmlPackage, X509Certificate2) method that takes an OpenXmlPackage and an X509Certificate2 and creates a valid signature:
public static void Sign(OpenXmlPackage openXmlPackage, X509Certificate2 certificate)
if (openXmlPackage == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(openXmlPackage));
if (certificate == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(certificate));
RSA privateKey = certificate.GetRSAPrivateKey();
using SHA256 hashAlgorithm = SHA256.Create();
// Create KeyInfo.
var keyInfo = new KeyInfo();
keyInfo.AddClause(new KeyInfoX509Data(certificate));
// Create a Signature XmlElement.
var signedXml = new SignedXml { SigningKey = privateKey, KeyInfo = keyInfo };
signedXml.Signature.Id = Constants.PackageSignatureId;
signedXml.SignedInfo.SignatureMethod = Constants.SignatureMethod;
signedXml.AddObject(CreatePackageObject(openXmlPackage.Package, hashAlgorithm));
XmlElement signature = signedXml.GetXml();
// Get or create the DigitalSignatureOriginPart.
DigitalSignatureOriginPart dsOriginPart =
openXmlPackage.GetPartsOfType<DigitalSignatureOriginPart>().FirstOrDefault() ??
var xmlSignaturePart = dsOriginPart.AddNewPart<XmlSignaturePart>();
// Write the Signature XmlElement to the XmlSignaturePart.
using Stream stream = xmlSignaturePart.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
using XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(stream);
The full source code of the above void Sign(OpenXmlPackage, X509Certificate2) method can be found in my CodeSnippets GitHub repository. Look for the DigitalSignatureManager class in the CodeSnippets project.

Tweetinvi - User.GetAuthenticatedUser is not being recognized by Visual Studio

I am using Tweetinvi api in Visual Studio and trying to fetch my profile name and profile photo.I followed the documentation on git and was trying to replicate the same in my code ,however it is not recognizing the method GetAuthenticatedUser
var authenticateduser = User.GetAuthenticatedUser();
I have seen some questions like this that said ,you need to give your keys to the method below, however i am doing that and am able to post and fetch tweets
This is my Pageload code
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var authenticateduser = User.GetAuthenticatedUser();
i had imported Tweetinvi but somehow this particular function is not being picked up
so have to use code with
var authenticateduser = Tweetinvi.User.GetAuthenticatedUser();
LblProfileName.Text = authenticateduser.Name;
ImgProfile.ImageUrl = authenticateduser.ProfileImageUrl;

Debugging Code Called by EF Core Add-Migrations

I have an Entity Framework Core database defined in a separate assembly, using the IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<> pattern (i.e., I define a class, derived from IDesignTimeDbContextFactory, which has a method called CreateDbContext that returns an instance of the database context).
Because the application of which the EF Core database is a part utilizes AutoFac dependency injection, the IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<> factory class creates an AutoFac container in its constructor, and then resolves the DbContextOptionsBuilder<>-derived class which is fed into the constructor for the database context (I do this so I can control whether a local or an Azure-based SqlServer database is targeted, based on a config file setting, with passwords stored in an Azure KeyVault):
public class TemporaryDbContextFactory : IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<FitchTrustContext>
private readonly FitchTrustDBOptions _dbOptions;
public TemporaryDbContextFactory()
// OMG, I would >>never<< have thought to do this to eliminate the default logging by this
// deeply-buried package. Thanx to Bruce Chen via
LoggerCallbackHandler.UseDefaultLogging = false;
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
_dbOptions = container.Resolve<FitchTrustDBOptions>() ??
throw new NullReferenceException(
$"Could not resolve {typeof(FitchTrustDBOptions).Name}");
public FitchTrustContext CreateDbContext( string[] args )
return new FitchTrustContext( _dbOptions );
public class FitchTrustDBOptions : DbContextOptionsBuilder<FitchTrustContext>
public FitchTrustDBOptions(IFitchTrustNGConfigurationFactory configFactory, IKeyVaultManager kvMgr)
if (configFactory == null)
throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(configFactory));
if (kvMgr == null)
throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(kvMgr));
var scannerConfig = configFactory.GetFromDisk()
?? throw new NullReferenceException(
"Could not retrieve ScannerConfiguration from disk");
var dbConnection = scannerConfig.Database.Connections
.SingleOrDefault(c =>
?? throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
$"Cannot find database connection information for location '{scannerConfig.Database.Location}'");
var temp = kvMgr.GetSecret($"DatabaseCredentials--{dbConnection.Location}--Password");
var connString = String.IsNullOrEmpty(dbConnection.UserID) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(temp)
? dbConnection.ConnectionString
: $"{dbConnection.ConnectionString}; User ID={dbConnection.UserID}; Password={temp}";
optionsBuilder =>
Needless to say, while this provides me with a lot of flexibility (I can switch from local to cloud database just by changing a single config parameter, and any required passwords are reasonably securely stored in the cloud), it can trip up the add-migration commandlet if there's a bug in the code (e.g., the wrong name of a configuration file).
To debug those kinds of problems, I've often had to resort to outputting messages to the Visual Studio output window via diagnostic WriteLine calls. That strikes me as pretty primitive (not to mention time-consuming).
Is there a way to attach a debugger to my code that's called by add-migration so I can step thru it, check values, etc? I tried inserting a Launch() debugger line in my code, but it doesn't work. It seems to throw me into add-manager codebase, for which I have no symbols loaded, and breakpoints that I try to set in my code show up as the empty red circle: they'll never be hit.
Thoughts and suggestions would be most welcome!
Add Debugger.Launch() to the beginning of the constructor to launch the just-in-time debugger. This lets you attach VS to the process and debug it like normal.

Entity Framework MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion giving error

I am attempting to use Entity Framework code based migrations with my web site. I currently have a solution with multiple projects in it. There is a Web API project which I want to initialize the database and another project called the DataLayer project. I have enabled migrations in the DataLayer project and created an initial migration that I am hoping will be used to create the database if it does not exist.
Here is the configuration I got when I enabled migrations
public sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<Harris.ResidentPortal.DataLayer.ResidentPortalContext>
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
protected override void Seed(Harris.ResidentPortal.DataLayer.ResidentPortalContext context)
// This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.
// You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
// to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g.
// context.People.AddOrUpdate(
// p => p.FullName,
// new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" },
// new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" },
// new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" }
// );
The only change I made to this after it was created was to change it from internal to public so the WebAPI could see it and use it in it's databaseinitializer. Below is the code in the code in the Application_Start that I am using to try to initialize the database
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ResidentPortalContext, Configuration>());
new ResidentPortalUnitOfWork().Context.Users.ToList();
If I run this whether or not a database exists I get the following error
Directory lookup for the file "C:\Users\Dave\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\ResidentPortal\Harris.ResidentPortal.WebApi\App_Data\Harris.ResidentPortal.DataLayer.ResidentPortalContext.mdf" failed with the operating system error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.).
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.
It seems like it is looking in the totally wrong place for the database. It seems to have something to do with this particular way I am initializing the database because if I change the code to the following.
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<ResidentPortalContext>());
new ResidentPortalUnitOfWork().Context.Users.ToList();
The database will get correctly created where it needs to go.
I am at a loss for what is causing it. Could it be that I need to add something else to the configuration class or does it have to do with the fact that all my migration information is in the DataLayer project but I am calling this from the WebAPI project?
I have figured out how to create a dynamic connection string for this process. You need to first add this line into your EntityFramework entry on Web or App.Config instead of the line that gets put there by default.
<defaultConnectionFactory type="<Namespace>.<ConnectionStringFacotry>, <Assembly>"/>
This tells the program you have your own factory that will return a DbConnection. Below is the code I used to make my own factory. Part of this is a hack to get by the fact that a bunch of programmers work on the same set of code but some of us use SQL Express while others use full blown SQL Server. But this will give you an example to go by for what you need.
public sealed class ResidentPortalConnectionStringFactory: IDbConnectionFactory
public DbConnection CreateConnection(string nameOrConnectionString)
SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PortalDatabase"].ConnectionString);
//save off the original catalog
string originalCatalog = builder.InitialCatalog;
//we're going to connect to the master db in case the database doesn't exist yet
builder.InitialCatalog = "master";
string masterConnectionString = builder.ToString();
//attempt to connect to the master db on the source specified in the config file
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(masterConnectionString))
//if we can't connect, then append on \SQLEXPRESS to the data source
builder.DataSource = builder.DataSource + "\\SQLEXPRESS";
//set the connection string back to the original database instead of the master db
builder.InitialCatalog = originalCatalog;
DbConnection temp = SqlClientFactory.Instance.CreateConnection();
temp.ConnectionString = builder.ToString();
return temp;
Once I did that I coudl run this code in my Global.asax with no issues
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ResidentPortalContext, Configuration>());
using (ResidentPortalUnitOfWork temp = new ResidentPortalUnitOfWork())

Opening an SQL CE file at runtime with Entity Framework 4

I am getting started with Entity Framework 4, and I an creating a demo app as a learning exercise. The app is a simple documentation builder, and it uses a SQL CE store. Each documentation project has its own SQL CE data file, and the user opens one of these files to work on a project.
The EDM is very simple. A documentation project is comprised of a list of subjects, each of which has a title, a description, and zero or more notes. So, my entities are Subject, which contains Title and Text properties, and Note, which has Title and Text properties. There is a one-to-many association from Subject to Note.
I am trying to figure out how to open an SQL CE data file. A data file must match the schema of the SQL CE database created by EF4's Create Database Wizard, and I will implement a New File use case elsewhere in the app to implement that requirement. Right now, I am just trying to get an existing data file open in the app.
I have reproduced my existing 'Open File' code below. I have set it up as a static service class called File Services. The code isn't working quite yet, but there is enough to show what I am trying to do. I am trying to hold the ObjectContext open for entity object updates, disposing it when the file is closed.
So, here is my question: Am I on the right track? What do I need to change to make this code work with EF4? Is there an example of how to do this properly?
Thanks for your help.
My existing code:
public static class FileServices
#region Private Fields
// Member variables
private static EntityConnection m_EntityConnection;
private static ObjectContext m_ObjectContext;
#region Service Methods
/// <summary>
/// Opens an SQL CE database file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath">The path to the SQL CE file to open.</param>
/// <param name="viewModel">The main window view model.</param>
public static void OpenSqlCeFile(string filePath, MainWindowViewModel viewModel)
// Configure an SQL CE connection string
var sqlCeConnectionString = string.Format("Data Source={0}", filePath);
// Configure an EDM connection string
var builder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.Metadata = "res://*/EF4Model.csdl|res://*/EF4Model.ssdl|res://*/EF4Model.msl";
builder.Provider = "System.Data.SqlServerCe";
builder.ProviderConnectionString = sqlCeConnectionString;
var entityConnectionString = builder.ToString();
// Connect to the model
m_EntityConnection = new EntityConnection(entityConnectionString);
// Create an object context
m_ObjectContext = new Model1Container();
// Get all Subject data
IQueryable<Subject> subjects = from s in Subjects orderby s.Title select s;
// Set view model data property
viewModel.Subjects = new ObservableCollection<Subject>(subjects);
/// <summary>
/// Closes an SQL CE database file.
/// </summary>
public static void CloseSqlCeFile()
Here is the answer. I simplified my code and ran it on simpler EDM model, Disney Characters. Model has two entities, Character and Child, with a 1:* association between Character and Child. Children are character's kids--pretty simple stuff. I wrote the demo as a console app to keep it as simple as possible.
Complete code in Program.cs is as follows:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
/* See */
// Configure an SQL CE connection string
var filePath = #"D:\Users\dcveeneman\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Demos\SqlCeEf4Demo\SqlCeEf4Demo\DisneyChars.sdf";
var sqlCeConnectionString = string.Format("Data Source={0}", filePath);
// Create an EDM connection
var builder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.Metadata = "res://*/DisneyChars.csdl|res://*/DisneyChars.ssdl|res://*/DisneyChars.msl";
builder.Provider = "System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5";
builder.ProviderConnectionString = sqlCeConnectionString;
var edmConnectionString = builder.ToString();
var edmConnection = new EntityConnection(edmConnectionString);
// Build and query an ObjectContext
using (var context = new DisneyCharsContainer(edmConnection))
var chars = context.Characters;
foreach(var character in chars)
Console.WriteLine("Character name: {0}", character.Name);
foreach(var child in character.Children)
Console.WriteLine("Child name: {0}", child.Name);
Link at the top of the code is to a forum thread that I used to write the code.
Here is the walkthrough: First, create a database connection. Since I am using SQL CE, I don't have a connection string builder--the connection string is simply a path, so I don't need one. Then I use an EntityConnectionStringBuilder to build an entity connection string, and then I use that to build an EntityConnection. Finally, I pass the connection to the constructor for my ObjectContext. I can then use the ObjectContext to query the EDM.
Finding / opening a SQL Server CE database is, for some weird reason, hard to do. Make sure you can make any kind of connection to the DB at all before trying to get it to work with the EF.