Best way to Swipe through Photos on iPhone? - iphone

im trying to make a image gallery and the user swipes through views like on the Photo app on the iphone. i heard page control was very good but it has a limit of 20 bullets and i need more swipes. what would you guys recommend?

Check out the Three20 framework. You're job is almost done for you.

Either the three20 as said or a scroll view (without paging) and an uiimageview inside that with uiimages.


iPhone - Create an images grid list

I'm developing an application that get images from a website and display to user with a grid view like Photo app by Apple.
When you tap on an image I would to push a view controller that displays images info and other stuff.
What's the better way to implement this? I thought a custom UITableViewCell. (I've seen there are Three20 and AQGridView libs but I'm a newbie developer and the docs are very very poor. Hints?)
I think the UITableView is the best way of doing it. Its memory efficient and your only going to display 3 images anyway so the overhead isn't that bad. A tip, when your asynchronously getting images from the website, create a custom view is a delegate of NSURLRequest, get the data from a webpage, parse the data into a UIImage using imageWithData and when the finished delegate method is called, put a imageview on top of the custom view. This is the best method of downloading asynchronous methods. Good luck!
I made a thumbnail grid list like tableView but multicolumn, it's open source, on

deriving google images in iphone

I donot want to directly open a google page. I want to get only images from any site (like google images) in iphone.What should i use for it
a UITableView or
a UIWebView or
a UIImageView
Use a scroll view and keep imageViews on that.
You have to use UIScrollView for same. If you want then you can use three20 API for same.

Advice on iPhone Horizental UIScrollView

I'm trying to create a UIScrollView (horizental) where the user can swipe through images left and right as seen in this photo (, where tapping on a photo would trigger an event.
I just need general advice on how to structure this programmatically, would really appreciate it.
[Scroller setContentSize:CGSizeMake(Scroller.frame.size.width*4,Scroller.frame.size.height)];

how to implement paging same as safari in iphone?

I want implement paging same as safari in iphone.When user touch below button of bottom then thaey shows total pages open so user can scroll wvery page.I want to implement this type of it possible.Please advice me for this query.
Thanks in advance.
To implement the page scrolling page have a look at using UIScrollView and UIPageControl. Here's sample code from Apple which shows a simple implementation of this.
Basically each page is a view controller which UIScrollView manages by letting you swipe to scroll from one to the other. Not sure if this is exactly how safari does it but it's a good start.

Thumbnail slider in toolbar like iPad Photos app

I would like to put thumbnails in the toolbar like the Photos app. Like the screenshot on the left:
Is there is a built-in control to do this, or do I have to implement it from scratch?
If the answer is from scratch, any tips?
This would be a control you'd have to write yourself. I'm not what the best approach would be, but I think I'd go with subclassing a UISlider, drawing the array of images next to each other to create the track, and then using the current image as the handle.
From scratch, is the answer, unfortunately.
You create a custom view and add your array of images as subviews using UIImageView objects incrementing your x position by the the thumbnail width you've determined to use.
Then override the touch events for you custom view. Determine which image view the touch is currently over in -touchesMoved and use Core Animation to animate the current view's scale making it larger than the rest. Add the custom view to your toolbar wrapping your custom view in a UIBarButtonItem using -initWithCustomView.
Remember to enable user interaction on your custom view or you won't receive any touch events. If you need help with the code, update your question with some code specific questions.
Should anyone still need it, I made an effort of coming up with ThumbnailPickerView - a simple UI control resembling thumbnail slider.