Keep locale in session or send along with form? - session-state

I'm refactoring a CMS I build. The CMS has the ability to edit pages based on the chosen locale. I keep this chosen locale in a session while the user of the CMS browses through pages they like to edit.
Now, my question is:
If a user is editing a page and wants to submit changes, do you feel that I should include the locale as a hidden field in the form that is to be submitted? Just to be on the safe side? Or should I just rely on the locale that is present in the session?

Yes, you should absolutely post it along every time, because the user could have changed the locale while editing the page. The result would be that a page gets overwritten with the contents from a different locale.
If the user is not allowed to edit pages outside their locale, you will have to additionally check whether the user is allowed to edit the page/locale combination specified (because they could fake it when it comes through a session).

It depends on what you want the behaviour of the back button to be.
If a user visits a few pages, then chooses a different locale, then hits back, do wish the change of locale to be undone by the back button?
If so store it in a hidden field or query string
Otherwise store it in a cookie or a data store that is indexed by a cookie (e.g the session-state)
(If you wish a book mark page (favourite) to remember the locale then you must store it in the URL, normally as a query string.)

If you don't expect the user to switch locales, as Pekka suggests, you can determine the locale from the Request. The browser will send that information to you with every request.
I would compare the value in the request to the value in session and watch for changes. What logic you use to handle changes is up to you and flexible.
I'm not sure about your language of choice, but in ASP.NET, you can get languages from the HttpRequest.UserLanguages property.


How to show confirm box before submit form in moodle on course edit page?

I am using moodle 2.8
I wants to confirm user before edit course.
Basically I have a category name ex. 'Live' category
So when user move course into 'Live' category then want to show confirm box and if he click on yes then course will be update otherwise redirect to course edit page.
This will require changes to the Moodle core code (not usually a great idea, for ongoing maintenance) and would probably be a bit fiddly to implement - you would need to store all the submitted details somewhere in the confirmation form, then re-send them along with the confirmation.
It might be easier to make a small core code change to prevent the user from ever moving the course directly into the 'live' category (adjust the 'validation' function in the form submission), then have a separate admin page (within a local plugin, or maybe a block), that listed all the non-live courses and gave the option of moving them into the 'live' category (with the appropriate warnings / confirm action).

Using ninja forms, how can I persist field values across pages?

I have a form on the home page of that I would like to persist the field values of across pages.
For example: A user enters some values in fields, such as job title (textbox), job type (list) and job description (text field). Underneath that I ask users to register on the site, but they have the option to click a link to allow them to login if they are already members.
What I would like to be able to do, is to redirect users to another form that is a copy, but allows them to login instead of register, but keep hold of the values that they entered in the title, type and description form of the previous page so they aren't losing their work.
I have seen the ninja_forms_processing variable in the docs, but I'm not clear on how to use that.
TL;DR - You can't.
As it was slim pickings here, I sent an email over to support. Got this response:
At this time this use case is not possible in Ninja Forms. The plugin is currently unable to transfer data from field to field or between forms.
I’m sorry that we do not have a better solution for you at this time.
Thank you,

GWT dynamic localization without appending parameters in URL

As per the GWT docs, there are two ways two internationalize my GWT app. One is, declare the language in the HTML itself (hardcoding) through meta tags, another is to use a query param in the URL (like &locale=de).
My webapp is dynamic,different users from different locales will be using it, so the first option is not viable. The 2nd option is fine, but somehow, appending query params to a URL is my pet peeve. I tried to make it dynamic by doing something like $("head).append("<meta name='gwt:property' content='locale=de'>"); first thing on onModuleLoad, it doesn't work.
My app will actually be a redirection, some other web-page will contain a redirection like Based on that, it will load the required locale fine. But after that, I want to reload it again without showing the query param in the URL, taking the locale information from cookies which can be set in the first load. Is it possible to do so?
There is a third option using cookie.
Reference - GWT Internationalization for dynamically generated content
Ensure you set locale value to the cookie or have a default value for your cookie before user chooses his locale. In our case user chooses a language before login ( where i set the cookie locale value for the user) and read this into the gwt application on load.
Adding the parameter to a model (in a Controller) and picking it up on the client (in a *.jsp) will work for you?
<meta name="gwt:property" content="locale=${locale}">
Then you just need to refresh the page and reset the locale value in a controller. Add the meta-tag code in your html/jsp page, it should be there prior to page loading.
onModuleLoad works with code already loaded to the browser window, so appending meta after loading will not work.

How to redirect user in bootstrap after confirmation in Zend Framework?

I'm just new to Zend Framework. Currently what I'm trying to do is when user access my website
they will first see a select box with two language such as english and germany to choose.
Only when they make a selection, the browser will redirect them to the index controller of that specific language page.
So my question is how to make a select box in bootstrap file or any kind of possible ways to do that and how to redirect user after that? Any solution will be much appreciated!
Don't ever use bootstrap file (and I'm talking about both Bootstrap.php and index.php) for this kind of operations. First, it just won't work the way you ask; second, you'll mess your app's structure big time.
Instead you may use one of the following approaches:
1) add some predispatch hook that will check whether the choice has already been made by checking the user's cookies. If it is, proceed with request as usual (probably setting some Zend_Registry lang variable to be used later), if not, redirect for the language choosing page; the latter should store the choice made in cookies.
2) implement a simple rule in your Router/mod_rewrite: when the requested URL contains 'the language part' ( or just, it automatically uses this part so set the lang param. If not, the request is automatically redirected to the language choosing page. The latter, in turn, leads the user to a language-specific page, where all the links are made language-specific.
The latter approach is inferior, in my opinion, as user will have to use a language-tuned gateway all the time. But you don't have to store this info in cookies.
You could make a plugin that use the preDispatch event to look if the language has been chosen (e.g stored in cookie or session) and redirect to the landing page if not.
Look here zend framework plug-in - predispatch()
and the ZF's action plugin documentation.
That's what I do to force login in my app.
Now in your position what I would really do would be detecting the language of the user with a fallback to English and a switch widget somewhere in your navbar.

Trigger HTML POST/Form submit w/o JavaScript

I have a timed page that I need to use to submit a form upon the end of a specified time period.
The usage would be: User visits page, 90 seconds later all form data is submitted and user is redirected to next page.
The user is well aware that the page they are on is timed (its for a web-only experiment), so I'm not worried about "unfriendly" browser behavior on this page.
Ideally, I'd like to avoid using JavaScript (some of our targeted users are using no-script for various reasons, but if its the only way, so be it), and would also like to avoid just passing variables through the URL (to cut down on the possibility of spoofing). It is easy enough to set a META refresh tag to do the redirecting, but at the end of the time period I need some way for the response header to be set as if the submit button was clicked, whether or not it actually was.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts you might have.
Can't be done.