Iphone multithreading and AI - iphone

I have an ai loop that I would like to write for my iphone app. I am under the understanding that this loop will take along time to make calculations and block the main application.
I want to put it in a different thread and run everything off events.
For example I would have an event that would be called when the players turn started. The AI thread would listen to it and react.
What is the best way for my ai thread to communicate with the main thread? I use NSNotificationcenter a lot but I am reading strange stuff like it will not fire the event on the right thread?
What is the best way to communicate through event like actions with threads?

My recommendation would be to use an NSOperationQueue for your AI processing actions. As the user performs actions, create an NSOperation which handles the AI processing in response of that event and add it to the NSOperationQueue. If there are dependencies between these actions, or if you wish to split your processing up into smaller sub-actions, you can set these actions to process only when certain conditions are met.
Operations placed within an NSOperationQueue will run on a background thread, so they will not block the main thread. For UI updates or other actions that need to be taken on the main thread, I recommend using -performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: to call a method within your operation that posts a notification via NSNotificationCenter's -postNotificationName:object:. Have your view controller or other controller respond to these notifications and do what they need to in response to your AI routine's results.

Instead of firing up a seperate thread manually, I would urge you to consider using NSOperation / NSOperationQueue. It is much easier to work with, far less prone to errors and well documented with tutorials and examples all over the web.

You can use the methods - performSelectorOnMainThread: to execute a given method on the main thread, and - performSelector:onThread: or - performSelectorInBackground: to execute a method on another thread. Using these methods you can fire events across threads.
Note though, to use - performSelector:onThread: a Run Loop must be running on the target thread, else you method will not be executed.

I fire the AI in a background thread with performSelectorInBackground and each time the UI needs to be notified about something (the AI resulting action, a progress bar showing the AI working, etc) I use performSelectorOnMainThread:.
Of course, remember to create a NSAutoReleasePool in the background thread.


How does Dispatch.main.async "update the UI"?

I've been using Swift for a little while and GCD still confuses me a bit.
I've read:
As well as the Apple docs on dispatch:
I understand the overall concept that GCD allows multiple tasks to be run on different threads (I think that's right).
What I don't quite understand is how Dispatch.main.async "updates the UI".
For example if I make a call to an api somewhere and data is returned - say it takes 5 seconds to return all the data, then how does using Dispatch.main.async help with updating the UI? How does Dispatch.main.async know what UI to update?
And i still don't quite get the place of GCD and why instead can't some kind of observer or a delegate or a closure be used that is called when all the data is loaded?
And re: "updating the UI" with GCD if I'm making an api call but not using the data immediately eg. just storing the data in an array until I decide to use it is there then any need to use Dispatch.main.async?
And I've been using firebase/firestore as a db for a little while now. Firebase has it's own listeners and runs asynchronously. I still can't get a great answer re: the best way to handle the asynchronous return from firebase in iOS/Swift. For example when my app loads if I go to firebase to get data to populate a tableviewcontroller what is the best way to know when all the data has returned? I've been using a delegate for this but was wondering if and how Dispatch.main.async might be used.
Dispatch.main.async does not update the UI. The story goes into a different direction: If you want to update the UI, you must do so from the main thread. If you're current code is not running on the main thread, Dispatch.main.async is the most convenient way to have some code run on the main thread.
It's an old restrictions that affects most operating systems: UI related actions such as changing elements in the UI must only be called from a specific thread, usually the so called main thread.
In many cases that's not a problem since your UI related code usually acts when triggered by some UI event (user clicking or tapping, key pressed etc.). These event callback happen on the main thread. So there is no threading issue.
With GCD, you can run long-running tasks on separate threads so the tasks doesn't slow down or even block the UI. So when these tasks are finished and you want to update the UI (e.g. to display the result), you must do so on the main thread. With Dispatch.main.async you can ask GCD to run a piece of code on the main thread. GCD doesn't know about the UI. Your code must know what to update. GCD just runs your code on the desired thread.
If at the end of your tasks there is nothing to display or otherwise update in the UI, then you don't need to call Dispatch.main.async.
Update re Firebase
The Firebase Database client performs all network and disk operations in separate background thread off the main thread.
The Firebase Database client invokes all callbacks to your code on the main thread.
So no need to call Dispatch.main.async in the Firebase callbacks. You are already on the main thread.
FYI the reason that all of the UI code needs to go on the main thread is because drawing is a (relatively in CPU time) long and expensive process involving many data structures and millions of pixels. The graphics code essentially needs to lock a copy of all of the UI resources when its doing a frame update, so you cannot edit these in the middle of a draw, otherwise you would have wierd artifacts if you went and changed things half way through when the system is rendering those objects. Since all the drawing code is on the main thread, this lets he system block main until its done rendering, so none of your changes get processed until the current frame is done. Also since some of the drawing is cached (basically rendered to texture until you call something like setNeedsDisplay or setNeedsLayout) if you try to update something from a background thread its entirely possible that it just won't show up and will lead to inconsistent state, which is why you aren't supposed to call any UI code on the background threads.

Grand Central Dispatch. How Do I Query a Queue to see if it is in use?

What is the best/simplest way to detect if a queue I have created is currently in use? My intent here is to defer a particular action until all queued tasks have completed.
Here is a bit more context. I have an async serial queue (private dispatch queue) that is a property of my object. When this queue completes its work it calls dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {...}) to up date the UI. Currently the app runs only in landscape interface orientation. I am now adding support for both portrait & landscape interface orientation. For now, I prefer not to allow the interface to rotate to/from portrait/landscape while my GCD async task is running. So in my controller's shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method I want to return NO during those periods.
There's no direct support for that in GCD. You can probably get the effect you're looking for in other ways, though.
Do you just want to run a block after other blocks have completed? Put the blocks in a dispatch_group, and submit your "after everything's done action" using dispatch_group_notify. This works with concurrent or sequential queues.
Similarly, put your blocks in a group, and call dispatch_group_wait(group, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW). If it returns non-zero, then there are outstanding blocks in the group.
Is your queue sequential, and you want to wait until the other blocks have completed, blocking the current thread until then? Just issue your handler using dispatch_sync on the same queue.
There are other possibilities, depending on your exact situation.
Edit: Based on your update, there's an even easier way:
add a BOOL property to your view controller, called allowsOrientationChange
override -shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: to return self.allowsOrientationChange
at the start of your work block, do a dispatch_async to set the property to NO
at the end of your work block, do a dispatch_async to set the property to YES
(There's a little bit of a race condition between when the property is set to NO on the main thread, and when the rest of your work happens in the queue. You could make it a dispatch_sync if that really matters. Depends on what your reasons are for preventing rotation, I suppose.)
If you're in control of all the tasks going into the queue whose completion you care about, you can use the dispatch group APIs to group them together and get notified when they complete. If you aren't using a queue whose tasks you're completely in control of, you can roll your own notification by queueing a block whose sole purpose is to generate such a notification (though this really only applies if you're using a serial queue).

Difference between NSThreads, NSOperations and performSelector

I want to ask some simple but important questions regarding iPhone development. If we have to perform tasks in the background and when the background tasks are completed we will update the UI, for this we can use NSThreads, NSOperations or (performSelector)performSelectorInBackgroundThread. What is the difference between all these and how they will effect my apps performance.
One more thing, what is the difference between these two statements written bellow:-
[self getData];
[self performSelector:#selector(getData)];
Please explain as i dont know the difference between all these things.
There is actual not a big difference between
[self getData];
[self performSelector:#selector(getData)];
The only difference is when you call [self getData] the compiler can determine that you want to send getData message to the object of class [self class] . And if it can't find any method prototypes, that were declared earlier there would be a warning.
The first and the second lines would be translated to
objc_msgsend(self, _cmd)
performSelector: is really cool thing when you want to do something at runtime (for example you determine at runtime what exact message you want to send to the object). Or here is an example from the "real life": UIButton has method
- (void)addTarget:(id)target action:(SEL)action forControlEvents:(UIControlEvents)controlEvents
So it stores the action somewhere in it's internals and when there is appropriate control event it calls:
[target performSelector: action];
NSOperation is just a nice way to wrap your work with threads. And NSThread is just wrapper to pthreads.
So your app performance doesn't really depend on the way you're using threads, however it's much easier to do that using NSOperation rather than pthreads.
NSThread is wrapper for pthreads (POSIX threads). pthreads is implemented atop of Mach thread. You can set stack size, priority when you are using NSThread. (By the way, as far as my experience, stack size doesn't affect at all.)
NSOperation/NSOperationQueue is wrapper for Grand Central Dispatch (libdispatch) aka GCD. GCD is implemented atop of pthreads. These are more easily to use than NSThread for many tasks. It reduces boilerplate code for task queueing, thread pool managing and so forth.
performSelectorInBackground: invokes NSThread and treats terminated NSThread. It is the easiest to use in these for only one method invoking.
To make a long story short, you need not work with NSThread yourself most of time, especially if you are working with Objective-C only, and the timing issue is not THAT critical. Implement the behavior using an operation queue or a dispatch queue.
NSOperation is a wrapper or an encapsulation of a certain task. The task could be defined as a method(NSInvocationOperation), or a block(NSBlockOperation), or anything you'd like (by subclassing NSOperation). So the first thing you need to do is to wrap your job in an appropriate way (in a method or a block typically).
Then you will put the operation into an operation queue. Then the operation queue will fire the task in a detached thread as soon as possible.
In iOS 4.0 and later, you can directly feed a block to the queue without building an operation object. Also you can use a different types of job queues, named dispatch queues.
performSelectorinBackgroundThread is similar to the queues as it also creates a thread for you and (effectively) run a method in that thread. It might be handy sometimes, but you still need to be very clear about the unit of tasks that will run on a detached thread. Many Cocoa methods are not thread-safe, and most UIKit operations need to run on the main thread.
That leads to the final concern. You may let detached threads work on the tasks, but updating UI according to their results should run on the main thread. For example, you can do like
[aUIObject performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(setMessage:) withData:...

Objective C - Single Background Thread

I want to run a single background thread for an iPhone application which is available in background all the time and gets executed when specific event fires and go to wait for specific event to fire to start its execution again. During the execution of thread if specific event is fired again then thread should restart its work.
I am working on a custom map application. On TouchesMoved event, I need to load the map image tiles according to the positions moved in a background thread. The problem is that when I move the map with speed the touchesMoved event is fired the previous thread has not finished its work and new thread is started. It causes thread safety issue and my application is crashed.
So I am thinking of a solution to have a single thread all the time available and starts its work when touchesMoved is fired if touchesMoved is fired again it should restart its work instead of starting a new thread. I think it will prevent the thread safety issue.
Please help
Firstly I'd echo the use of NSOperation and NSOperationQueue. You could fall-back to using NSThread directly, but the point of NSOperation is that it hides threading from you, leaving you to concentrate on the processing you need to do. Try firing NSOperation requests as and when required, see what the performance is like in your use-case; even if these operations get data in an async manner, it should provide you with a cleaner solution with good performance, plus future proof.
I've successfully used NSInvocationOperation to fire requests as often as required, and it sounds like the sort-of requirements and behaviour you're after. I would suggest more generally that you experiment with these in a test project; here you can test performance.
The following weblog's helped me start playing with NSOperation:
As always, the Apple Threading Programming Guide is a key read, to figure out which way to go depending on needs.
This sounds like an ideal job for an NSOperationQueue. Have a read of the operation queue section of the concurrency guide.
Essentially, you create an NSOperation object for each map tile load and place them on a queue that only allows them to execute one at a time.
Put a run loop in your background compute thread. Then use an NSOperation queue to manage sending messages to it. The queue plus the run loop will serialize all the work requests for you.

NSThread and UIViewController interaction

If I spawn a new thread, and then within it I push a new controller onto my UINavigationController, using code like this...
(a) not working
// move on...
UIApplication* app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
[app changeView];
then I find that the view appears, but does not respond to user input.
If I change the code like this
(b) working
// move on...
UIApplication* app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
[app performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(moveToMain) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:FALSE];
Then everything works just fine.
Any hints as to why?
In your case, it really depends on what's happening in [app changeView], but the reason it stops responding is most likely that you have no run loop dispatching events on your new, secondary thread (more on this below). In general, however, it is a very bad idea to update the GUI from a secondary thread. As you've already discovered, all of these events should go through the main thread.
The main reason that your second example works and not your first is that UIApplication sets up and handles the run loop and event dispatcher for you on the main thread. So, when you call performSelectorInMainThread, the selector gets dispatched to the main run loop which is able to then handle your gui input and other events. The event dispatcher is also run and managed by UIApplication on the main thread.
So basically, don't perform any GUI management activities on a secondary thread. Dispatch those to the main thread. And if you need processing on a secondary thread (for things like timers or asynch calls, etc.) then you have to start and manage your own run loop on that thread (see NSRunLoop for more on managing your on run loop).
Just found this in the iPhone threading docs
If your application has a graphical
user interface, it is recommended that
you receive user-related events and
initiate interface updates from your
application’s main thread. This
approach helps avoid synchronization
issues associated with handling user
events and drawing window content.
Some frameworks, such as Cocoa,
generally require this behavior, but
it also has the advantage of
simplifying the logic for managing
your user interface.
I still don't see what would actually cause something to display but not be able to receive user input, but I'll follow that guideline in future.
As the documentation says, "If you’re not sure about a particular graphical operation, plan on doing it from your main thread."
A good rule of thumb to follow is that, if a class isn't explicitly documented as being thread-safe, then it's probably not. Additionally, code that's not documented as being thread-safe may not fail fast when used by multiple threads, but may simply exhibit undefined behavior, as you saw.
Almost none of the UI code in UIKit or AppKit is threadsafe. How it fails is irrelevent, because if you are worrying about how it fails you are doing something that is going to result in all sorts of weird bugs that will subtly change between different OS release anyway.
My best advice is to not use things from background threads unless the docs say it is safe.