iPhone SDK: Navigation among view controllers causes crash - iphone

(Sorry, I restarted this thread as I incorrectly accepted the answer for my problem.)
My app is crashing when I navigate two view controllers in my application. For example, if I do this sequence:
RootController ViewControllerA
ViewControllerB ViewControllerA
My app crashes.
It crashes when I pressed the back button in ViewControllerB. So, It seems like it is with two or more ViewControllers being pushed. Each by themselves work.
I don't know why.
I don't see any output to the console. Is there some type of debugging I should put?
I looked at the dealloc() to make sure all properties were being release before dealloc()
Any ideas?
Thank you.

Is your 2nd view controller holding a reference to the 1st without retaining it? If so, when your 2nd is dealloc'd it could release the 1st and cause it to have no references and be an invalid object.


Xcode application running on Iphone but crashing on Ipad

I made a universal application that contains NIB files for both ipad and iphone UI's. In my view controllers initWithNibName method I call UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad == UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() to detect whether the controller is running on iphone or ipad.
I then launch their respective nib files. When I run the app on iphone, it works fine, but when I run it on ipad it eventually crashes with a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. This error occurs when I use a view controller to launch another view controller, which then launches another one in the navigation stack. This error occurs as soon as I click the view that belongs to the third controller of the stack.
I cannot distinguish a difference between the NIB files that would cause a crash. I have been working tirelessly to figure out why this is happening but I cannot fix this error. Does anyone have any insight into what might be going on?
Any advice on how to approach fixing this problem would be very appreciated.
The first thing you should do is enable the "All Exceptions" break point. This will often accurately tell you the line of code where the EXC_BAD_ACCESS is happening.
Next, I would turn on zombies and see where the over-release is happening. To do so, in Xcode, while holding the option key, click Product | Run.... In the ensuing window, add NSZombieEnabled to the environment variables list.
Then run. Do the normal things you do to cause the crash and see where the debugger lands. With any luck, it will stop where the problem is actually occurring.
When you get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS it means you're trying to access/release something that's already been released. If you're in a non-ARC situation, it normally means you've inadvertently released something when you didn't mean to, so just check for alloc/init and release balance. If, however, you're in an ARC situation, I would bet it has to do with not niling a delegate when a view controller gets released.
For example, if you have a MKMapView and have set its delegate to your view controller, you should nil its delegate when your view gets unloaded or dealloc'd. Otherwise, messages will continue to get set to it. Or, another possibility is that you've added your view controller as an NSNotificationCenter observer and didn't remove it as an observer when the view controller was unloaded or dealloc'd.
Another possibility is that you're re-using view controllers between the two versions of your universal app. If you are accessing anything by an identifier that doesn't exist in the nib for the iPad, that would cause a crash--though if you're using nibs as opposed to storyboards, that may not be an issue.
That's about all I can think of for now. Try to zero in on where it's happening and post code here if you still can't figure it out.
Best regards.

iOS5 - manual Storyboard view selection in code

I am new to iOS and using storyboards for the first time. When my app starts it checks back with the a server app I have written to see if the saved credentials are authenticated and I then in my AppDelegate class I then attempt to show the appropriate scene in the app's storyboard - MainMenu if authenticated or a Login Screen if not authenticated.
I have tried using instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier on the storyboard and also the performSegueWithIdentifier on the initial NavigationController which is set to be the "Initial View Controller" to display the appropriate view..
However with both methods only the blank navigation bar shows and I am unsure where to go from here.
If there was some example code on how others manually manipulate storyboard scenes and viewcontrollers that would be great. Am I maybe putting the code in the wrong place (ie should it go into the first View Controller) or should that not matter? No exceptions are raised and I seem to have access to instantiated objects as required.
I am thinking I need to understand the operation of the app delegate's window more, or maybe should I focus on manually loading the storyboard by removing it's reference from the InfoPlist settings?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
From my (admittedly haphazard) understanding of storyboards (at the moment), you should have two named segues going from a first viewcontroller, and then you can simply trigger one or the other as need be (I presume there's some sort of "loading/authenticating" screen, however brief?)
if (success) {
[self performSegueWithIdentifier: #"MainMenuSegue" sender: self];
} else {
[self performSegueWithIdentifier: #"LoginSegue" sender: self];
To debug, I'd set up buttons on the initial viewcontroller just to be sure the segue linkings/etc are proper.
You really shouldn't need to instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier unless you're working around segue/storyboard limitations. I think.
I've put the performSegueWithIdentifier in my app's first viewcontroller's viewDidAppear (not the best idea, I think; but that's sort of the soonest it should happen? and I would hedge towards saying it should be triggered somewhere in the viewcontroller stack, not from the appdelegate, but I haven't tested that).

Parent ViewController deallocated upon memory warning

I have a MainViewController, from which a new VideoPageViewController is presented modally.
In the ViewPageViewController, it will load a web page and launch the video, which is a heavy operation and sometimes causes memory warning. When it is ready to return to the MainViewController by dismissModalViewController, it says the MainViewController is already deallocated! The app thus crashes.
This happens sometimes, but not always.
Is there any exception handling I can take on it? Can I recreate the parent view controller? HELP!
Just retain the MainViewController so it's not released when that happens.
You can probably do that in your application delegate, or in the class that owns it.
Remember to release it when/if you are done using it, so it's properly disposed of.

iPhone: “Unrecognized Selector Sent to Instance” Error

I’m trying to implement a partial overlay modal in my app with the code from “Semi-Modal (Transparent) Dialogs on the iPhone” at ramin.firoozye.com. The overlay functionality works and it slides the modal into view, but calling any IBAction from the modal's controller causes an “Unrecognized Selector Sent to Instance” crash.
I recreated the basic functionality with that code isolated, and it triggers the same error. To see what I’m talking about, you can download the test project here.
I’m sure I’m just missing something simple here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
When showing your ModalViewController in TestViewController displayModal:, you release your modalController (line 20). Don't do this - you need the ViewController to stay alive. If you release it, only the view keeps alive (as it is retained when added as a subview).
Also, in ModalViewController hideModalEnded you release modalView, which you didn't retain, so I'd remove that one as well.
So now you need to release just the instance of ModalViewController after the view got removed. You can do this by [self release]; in hideModalEnded, but this seems to be an unusual pattern and I don't feel good doing it.
Some suggestions:
Keep the show and hide methods in the
same class.
Keep an ivar around with the
Another possiblity: Remove the
ModalViewController altogether and
put everything in TestViewController - But this very much depends on how much action there will be going on in the real thing.

application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions doesn't execute, but RootViewController: viewDidLoad does, how is this possible?

I'm playing around with the iPad SplitView template and it was working fine before I started swapping out view objects in my RootViewController. When it was working fine, the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method would be called and would setup my persistant store objects, then the RootViewController:viewDidLoad method would be called to populate my rootView with data from my store. I opened up IB and started swapping out view objects in my RootView and now the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method never gets called, but the RootViewController:viewDidLoad method still does. Obviously, the app crashes because the viewDidLoad method depends on the successful execution of the didFinishLauchingWIthOptions method to setup the persistent store objects. Does anyone have any thoughts on what is causing this or how I can go about investigating what's causing this?
I'm obviously new to iPhone OS development, so I apologize if this questions is absurd in any way. Thanks so much in advance for your help!
This is propabaly caused by the fact that in MainWindow.xib, your application delegate object is not connected to File's Owner (UIApplication). You can open the MainWindow.xib and right click on your App Delegate to see if it has a connection in Referencing Outlet to File's Owner. If not, set it to. And this will fix your problem.
-viewDidLoad is not called from -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. They are independent. The call hierarchy could be summarized as:
load app; call -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
window is visible, load views of view controllers.
call -viewDidLoad.