iPhone Apps running on iPod Touch - iphone

If I create an App for the iPhone (OS 3) will it run without modification on an iPod Touch or will I need to create a separate binary? If it is the same runtime, does it just have stubs for the iPhone only features or do you have to check feature by feature using UIDevice to ensure the particular class/method is supported on the device to avoid a crash?
Sorry for the elementary questions, can't find a simple explanation of this anywhere.
EDITED: Based on discussions below:
How can you check if a device supports making calls? At the moment I am assuming if it is an iPod Touch it can't. Is there a way of finding out what shared applications/URL schemes are supported by a device?

You shouldn't really try to guess what the device is. You're far more future-proof if you test for the specific functionality you're trying to use. After all, in the future there might be iPods with cameras. Or compasses (which are on some iPhones but not others).
Since it sounds like all you want to do is see if you can open a URL, why not use -[UIApplication canOpenURL:] ? (This would presumably work on iPod touches that had applications that could handle VOIP -- I don't know if any such exist, but I think it's an example of why you need to test for functionality and not make assumptions based on hardware or OS version.)

The app will run on an iPod touch, no need to compile a separate version. Features that require an iPhone (e.g. camera) will not work, obviously.
What such features do you intend to use? You may provide alternatives for iPod users or alert them that e.g. no camera is available.
This question adresses how to check if a microphone is present: Detecting iPhone iPod touch accessories


Creating an Iphone App without having an iphone? (with iphone simulators?)

I am wondering how good of an idea it is to start creating iphone applications without actually having an iphone?
I found that there are simulators for iphone...
Are they good enough or is it likely that I might encounter some problems down the road when creating an app?
-I don't have an idea of an app yet.
-I don't have a real iphone. There ARE some handsets in my job's office, though, but I don't want to use them too much.
Thanks! And if you think that it is an okay idea to create apps and test them on simulators, which ones would you recommend?
Bad idea.
You can get a lot of work done but you really, really need an actual device to do your final testing.
Remember that it's a simulator and not an emulator. There are significant differences in performance. Lots of things work fine on your Mac but poorly on an real device. There are, perhaps surprisingly, a number of situations where the reverse is true (i.e., faster on the iPhone). You get better at figuring out these differences after a while, but without working on a real device you'll never know.
If cost is the main factor, you don't actually need an iPhone; you could work with an iPod touch instead.
xCode has an Emulator in itself, so why not? All you need is a Mac-PC
check http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Xcode/Conceptual/ios_development_workflow/25-Using_iOS_Simulator/ios_simulator_application.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007959-CH9-SW1
Do you have a mac?
iOS SDK has a really good emulator where you can try your apps, and i think if works on it, it should work on a real iPhone.
Consider that the simulator is good enough, to create your app, but it all depends on what you use. For example if you use the accelerometer or the Bluetooth simulator is not suitable to your case. Overall, in many respects is very limited, but to begin with can go just fine.
To use the devices of which you speak, you must have a valid license from the developer and associate devices to your license, otherwise you will not use them (though not with the jailbreak)
the iPhone simulator does not support everything, which is supported by a real device. Some things are impossible to test on a simulator, including but not limited to features/API associated with: calendars, camera, gyroscope, accelerometer, music, ...
The iPhone simulator that comes with xCode is fine for the development of most applications. In my experience the area where it falls down is when you are dealing with stuff that runs in real time such as audio and graphics. The processor on the computer is obviously faster and if you are only testing on the simulator you might not realise that what you are trying to achieve is outside the capabilities of the device.
This could have impact on your frame rate (as you will get a higher frame rate on the computer) and in depth audio with lots of DSP faces the same issues.
If you are developing Line Of Business apps the simulator is probably all you need. Of course you need to test on a device before release, but most of the bug testing and debugging is possible in the simulated environment.

How do I ensure only Region Monitoring capable devices can see my app in the store?

Apple's Location Awareness Programming Guide suggest to include the location-services and possibly the gps for UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.
My app requires the Region Monitoring APIs. How do I ensure only capable devices can see my app in the store?
You're right, location-services and gps will allow devices other than the iPhone 4 to install your app. You could pick some other feature though that you know is iPhone 4 exclusive, like camera-flash or gyroscope and require that one.
I'm not entirely sure whether apple will frown upon a restriction without an apparent need, however gyroscope appears to me like a likely restriction in a navigation enabled app. If you try this approach, I'd explain things in the text field for the comments to the reviewers. Another caveat would be that you'd risk that a future device wouldn't "fit in" - an hypothetical iPhone mini which would feature region monitoring but lacking a gyroscope or camera flash wouldn't be able to install your app, for example.
To be entirely honest, If I were you, I'd ask apple to make sure.
Check out UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities - Apple Developer Documentation. Basically exactly what you said. Are you looking for instructions on how to do that?

Check if iPhone 4 or not

I would like to check if the user is using an iPhone 4 or not. How can I do that ?
Thanks !
Apple specifically recommends against this, instead preferring that you check for individual features and act according to these. This makes your life a lot easier when Apple releases new hardware; if for instance Apple releases an iPod Touch with a camera, and you need a camera for your app, your users wont be upset that it tells them "No camera found" when it does have one, all because it reports as not an iPhone. Here is one way to require all the differentiating hardware features. Do not use these for enabling/disabling features that are supported but not required: this can be determined at runtime through the APIs used to interact with that feature.
UIDevice (see here, also the docs) can help you determine if it is an iPhone, but again, don't do this.
To detect the difference between the iPod Touch and the iPhone, we use
if(![UIImagePickerController isSourceTypeAvailable:UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera])
There might be something similar to check for a the forward camera.

How can I check what hardware my iPhone app is running on?

I'm writing an app that needs to function differently if it is running on different models of the iPhone/iPod Touch. How can I check if the app is running on 3GS, 3G or other?
See here:
how do I detect whether I have iPhone 2G,3G,3GS
The UIDevice class provides some information like this.
But you're probably much better off testing for capabilities ("does this device support compass headings?") than for specific models ("is this device a 3GS?"). What is it that you're trying to do?
Edit: for the specific example I presented above, see the headingAvailable property of CLLocationManager. It will be YES if and only if heading information can be obtained from the device.

Is it possible to develop for the iPhone without an iPhone?

I know there are emulators, but is this good enough? If someone is serious about iPhone development, do they absolutely need an iPhone?
Just my personal opinion: if you're serious it means that you're committed to quality of your product. If you're committed to quality there is no way to deliver a product without actually launching it on the target platform :)
As noted in other posts you'll have tough time testing the multi-touch screen and other aspects of the hardware on your emulator.
Don't forget that most types of iPhone apps also work on the iPod Touch, which is a one time cost and no monthly fees. Even network apps work if the iPod Touch is connected to WiFi.
During development of my first iPhone app, I wrote code that worked fine on the iPhone Simulator, but which did not work on the device. So I would say "Yes, you definitely need to test on an actual device."
The simulator is not an emulator. It is not running the actual iPhone OS; it is running a set of Mac OS X libraries that are very similar, but not identical, to iPhone OS. The simulator is great for debugging and saving time during the code-and-test cycle, so you will use it a lot more than the device, but a device is indispensible.
You really do need to touch-and-feel your app on a real device. A UI that works great while pointing and clicking with a mouse might be terrible when used with thumbs and fingers. If there is any text entry, you need to feel how painful it is to type using the onscreen keyboard, to determine whether it makes sense to provide alternative data-entry methods.
There are also significant performance differences between the simulator and actual devices. You need to test with the oldest (slowest) device you want to support to verify it is not too slow, doesn't run out of memory, etc.
As others have suggested, an iPod Touch is also sufficient, so the cost of a device isn't huge. Also, try to find beta testers with a variety of different models.
Necessary: How the app handles in your hands is critical to something like the iPhone. you cannot tell how it will feel to use when plastered straight in front of you in the emulator on a big screen.
If you cannot hold it you won't be getting the true user experience.
If you need to learn Obj-C, go with the emulator for a while until you learn the ropes and save the expense for later. But yes, eventually you will need an iPhone for final testing. How long you can wait will depend on the features that your app uses, If all you are doing is button presses, you can wait a long time. If you are dragging, using location services, etc., you'll need a device earlier in the development cycle.
Are you trying to convince yourself or your boss? ;-)
I'd say you need one. Emulation of such a new device can only go wrong. Plus don't forget the tactile aspects.
The iPod touch is a reasonable substitute provided you are not using:
GPS, BlueTouch or Camera - the iPod touch doesn't have these
Cellular network - although the iPod touch has WiFi, the latency of a cellular network is way way higher than that of a wifi network. If you are doing anything like designing a custom protocol for your application, you will want to check real-world performance - and if you do this too late in the development cycle, you will be in for an unpleasant surprise.
Whether you develop on the iPod touch or on the iPhone, you absolutely must have a device. This is not optional! The simulator is good, but it is not perfect, and there is no substitute for having a device which correctly indicates performance, screen resolution, brightness, form factor and all the other factors that you will need to consider in your application.
If you buy an iPod touch, you will probably end up getting an iPhone too. I'd just go straight for the iPhone. That way you can use it as your main phone, and get a real feel for how the platform behaves and what an application needs to do to make it great.
Kind-of "yes".
Just download iPhone SDK (it's easy and free) and check out the emulator that is in there. You'll see whether that suits your needs or not. The emulator is not indicative of real hardware performance, there's no touch input, some quirks might be different, some things can not work, etc.
The iPhone Simulator makes it easy to test your applications using the power and convenience of your desktop or laptop computer. Although, your development computer may not simulate complicated touch events, such as multifinger touches, the Simulator lets you perform pinches. To perform a pinch, hold Option while tapping on the Simulator screen.
I'd say it depends on the kind of application you are developing. For a successful iPhone app, one which is properly integrated on the system, you are going to need to be able to test your tactile interface. That's hardly accomplished with the Emulator.
So, my answer is Yes, you do need an iPhone to develop iPhone apps. Fortunately, if you cannot afford one, an iPod Touch (200 bucks) is a very competent replacement. The underlying hardware is pretty much the same.
Necessary. If you plan to develop a successful product it needs to be one the end users (not just the developers) find easy to use.
The best way to do that would be to load your app on an iPhone then take it to various people and ask them to use it while you watch them to see if they experience any issues.
Users can get mighty creative in trying to do things a developer never intended - just ask any support tech.
Unless you're app is going to sell for less then $500 total it's a relatively small investment to build a quality app.
If you are serious about development, an iPhone (or iPod touch) is a must. However, the official SDK comes with a very complete "iPhone simulator". This will allow you getting a feel for Objective C and the entire development workflow. The SDK requires Leopard.
You don't need a Mac for this. You can use OSX86 on your PC, either installed on and booted from disk or through VmWare.
It works. In fact, you can even synch the iPhone through Leopard running in vmWare.
Now, testing on a real iPhone is a necessity because of performance, memory usage etc. Also you need it for the entire authentification procedure, getting the keys etc. (if you want to sell your stuff on the Appstore), testing this really requires an iPhone.
If you buy an iPod touch, you will
probably end up getting an iPhone too.
I'd just go straight for the iPhone.
That way you can use it as your main
phone, and get a real feel for how the
platform behaves and what an
application needs to do to make it
I absolutely agree with this.
If you are seriously developing an iPhone application - for fun or for profit - you will have to run it on a real iPhone to test out compatibility and usability at some point. Since you going to have to get one at some point, you may as well get one now. Don't go for half measures. An iPod Touch may be [significantly] cheaper to start with, but will be money wasted when you go and get your iPhone. (Of course, if you are planning an app that runs on the iPhone as well as the iPod Touch, then you MUST test it on both. You cannot assume that if it is good on one it must be good on the other).
Also, by having an iPhone from day one, you can familiarize yourself with its user interface, its norms and the common metaphors the apps use. That will heavily feed into your own application design process, and make sure that your app looks, feels, and works like a first class iPhone citizen.
From experience developing on other mobile platforms, once you get to a certain point, it really is best to have a physical device to test on. If this is something that you would also be using yourself, if it much easier to get some real world type of testing by using the application out and about.
I also think it helps one to understand the platform better by having the device or devices you are targeting with your app,
if you are going to develop native apps for the iphone, I would say get an iphone or ipod touch to target. emulators are good, but eventually you will need to target the real thing. if you are developing web specific content there are lots of things you can do without it (there are some great dev videos free from apples dev site which will only cost you a sign up) but eventually I would think you would still want to test with the real deal
Get a cheap used iPod touch, develop, get money, buy an iPhone 5.
I'm a nokia dev now, I'm thinking of going to iPhone, Actually I have the Mac to work, just the device itself ;)
I've tried iPhoney and compared to my iPhone (Mark 1) it's not the same, it's close - but not close enough to rely on if the interface is of importance to you.
You absolutely need the real device. The performance difference between the simulator and the actual iPhone/iPod Touch hardware is huge. Code that will run nice and fast in the simulator can easily turn out to be too slow to be usable on the real thing. Also the API provided by the simulator is not 100% identical to the real thing, so code that works fine in the sim, may not work on the device. The only way to know for sure is to test often on the actual device.
As others have mentioned, the iPod touch works well as a development device. So if you don't need any of the features of the iPhone, it's a good, cheaper, alternative.